" ..• - -~ ..,.., _,. .- .-· .,- •h -- . r . ,,, .. «.r' ,,!,-~ • ,.,- - r ,-.. I ~··.·,.··~·~-----•· I I, TH:& ISllABLlTE PRESS Friday, September S. 19M 1\ Page 20-Netr Year Editio11 . '. ' ' . i111caa1 9tlW Y&A• c:QITilfOS ,1n:in ro.,ll m.·_·.. Ul~ 'I · · · ·· ·· :,- -. ··· · -- ··· 1·· . BESl" WJSBES ro ALL OUR FlUENDS AND ca&IO.IIERS Sill'lfflt ...,. Year WISMS to Our Frhnl:h and Cvstornart I TO oua l<IUIHDI AND - · ISIIAILIIONDS:-•TO-BUIID. · . FOR A JOYoUS NEW YEAS . CUffOMJ!U I r.JC cr~::ox:rr.,r-..•JC ~ ':%· ·• ':~ llfJll!L~J',L~- AIIIPO-':. _: . ,ic-\z," ~, Winnipeg Leather Goods 0,mn K 11n:: 0,,..,.c 0. ..avtJlll .t.. 1'\lltlL.. Bortoa's Saw Service ,";1$' ~5, rJC ·. , .c, I Quilting Co. All Kinds of LNther, Cape, Suede & Sales· limited X) Mid-West Ltd. " and Sport Jackets S. SIi,\' ERBER•~ S. ENIGBT I - Pt,itiCMIIII 8fds-. wtnl'Jpes, P"- WH l-012:1 I No. 1 SHOP- Manufacturers of Quality Mitfertals 175 STADACONA ST. Hy.fashion Apparels Ltd. .· Quilting by .1M Yard• Specialty I Phone LE 3-1107 374 Donald Strut 101 ·ERIN ST. sunw MOOt A JOYOUS NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR JEWISH FR!m<'D& Ph-WH3-&826 AND ctJSI'OlfERS - I -We APPACl•te Our Jewish Patron.- Ho. 2 SHOP.;.. Best W'uhell for a Happy 1961 ,unm, ,:in:ln i\:l\\\ iUlll'2 5722 LEONARD I McLAUGHLIN MOTORS LTD. 36 ISABEL STREET New Year to All Out Friend9 WlnniPle's Largest RAMBLER Daaltr - FIAT. Distributonl Phone SPruc:e 4-9332 and Customers (x for Manitoba Hand Saws • Sm•II Circulars 1111d · Bukh1w Svpplles Air Conditioning . Portage and Maryland Phone SUnset 3-7121 Plumbing • Heating Manitoba ·Bridge & WINNIPEG MANITOBA WINNIPEG MAN. Gas· • Oil We Specialize in.: Engineering Works Limited • INSTALLATIONS Designers and Manufacturers of Industrial, Mfnlng 1961 5722 Heartiest Wishes for a Very • REPAIRS • SALES Happy New Year to all our • SERVICE and Grain Elevator Equipment Friends and Customers Wareho~ Steel • Haad Office and Plant: ·945 Logan Ava., WlnnlP111, Manitoba Ke KOFFMAN & SONS 300 DERRICK BLDG., REGINA, SASK; Dealers in STILLWELL HIDES • FURS • HORSl:HAIR SENECA ROOT Phone SPruce 4-2371 UPHOLSTERING 1035 Logan Ave. Winnipeg, Man. Designers and Bullder11 of TIBERIAS A-HAPPY AND .. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Fine Upholstery (Contlnwd from page 19) tem of vocalization took shape TO ALL OUR FRIENDS' JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS Romodelllng, R..Coverlng end t1y th · 1 which was adopted .in the Jewish Repair Work All Work GvarantNd :::u!;;:~tosti'!se:u;:wish :e:: wOTld. ·Sc holh. came thith1 i! -· •1 AND CUSTOMERS. Let 115 install an automati~ in Palestine Despite adverse gov• study under . er ' sages an MANUFACTURERS OF PLASTIC SIGNS eeonomleal, compact beat• emment ~ctmenfll, it remained. learn. the rules of the Hebrew FINE. BEDDING . LCVIT Phone SUnset 3-4737 a centre of study in the 5th and language. $1.GN (0.1,.TD', Ing unit for you. 6lh centuries, when Christian in· The . literature of lit'11'g1cal PRODUCTS , . , Rl9, VErnon 2-4441 .GI!~ HEATING CO. flucnce became predominant there. verse also took root. there and AND SWEET DREA,M .·. SIN L E,.-en after the abolition of the several of the Palestinian poets · · s·· 618 ERIN STREET Patriarchate at Tiberias, scholars belonged to Tiberias. '.!:heir sacred CRIB MATIRESSE WINNIPEG 1725 Main Street o! Torah dl\l not ce11Se to -be active poems beCIJX!-e . f~vountes, of the Phone eo· 9-4322 there, and as time went on the Jew~ commuruties and ~ere re- MANI-TOB'A ·BEDDIN·G· ':'.: tow!\ also served as a place of nowned .throughout the· D1~ra; Phone sPr- 4-3401 Winnipeg '-::=====~====~==========!!- pilgrimage from the DIIIBP(lra, at ~e .Jew found in th~ ·~ expres- . ,.,o· I 'JD .' the three great fe8tivals. s1on of his emotions, lils JOYS; and. --~ • L • ur Heartiest• Wishes '"" •- to All Our Friends·· and Patrons for· a . his. sufferings.,..for each festival Ph WH; eh II,;_. LL ·1 Very Happy and ProsperoUB New Year . From that fime on, the bonds and occasion. there was an ap. · Onft it a ~ 5 • r · · · were. drawn closer with the ·Dias• propriate prayer; the poets lent 27'6-292 LOGAN AVE:, OtJR''BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS NEW YEAR 'S 01· SPENSARJ pora · Cllnlres and Tiberias' .in• pleuure and variation to, the per- . w.'' . M • ·., "• .. H,....,. I fluence extended to Babylon and manent prayers of the liturgy by . 1nn1peg, an, .,, BIUIJ!IA WALDMAN eve11 to the remotest ' .eountriel! their word-play derived from . the ·· • · LOBAN REALTY I EXCLUSIVE PRESCRIPTION CENTRE such as lilmyar in South Yemen. Bible, the Talmud and the Midrlish, . · · INSURANCE ..- MORTGAGES - INVESTMENTI When Bat Zutr:a, son of the Head In the 10th century CE, a ~ :H HOUR SERVICE LOUIS WALDMAN-Druggist of ~e Golah at BaJ>yloµ, was period of depression,fellupon Ti• OUR BEST WISHF.S FOR A HAPPY AND PEACEFUL 406 Selkirk Ave. Phone JUstice 9,5591 appomt1;d ~ead of the Tiberias berias. ',rb.e centre' passed to · NEW YEAR TO THE ·JEWISH COMMUNITY WHERE YOU BUY, SEI,J,,oR TRADE _Sanhedrin ID 520_ C.E., Tiberias Jerusalem and .thenceforward ,the · · REAL ESTATE OF EVERY D&scRIPTION rose to. be a pohtical factor in J!)wish population of the pla~ ---- . BEN LOBAN, Manager +----------~-----------+ the Jcw1Sh world. Bar Zutra (>ei:ms began to dwindle. · . • · · · T•leph~ CH 7-3931 1 to _have h".ped to set up a ~pie ti der the Crusaders there were A Very Happy New Year to All Our Friends ~d Customers alliance with Persia . and , Himyar n • imilll • • K·· .o· s· 'T· · ·E K. · 761 St. Mary's Rd. Wfnni1M9 8, Min. which wns, under Jewish rule, hoi;;. ~nl;y a. fe~ ~oxen .JeWISh f . es, ., · · . , . · . We Cord!allr Invite th• Merchants of Winnipeg and tht "Vint tile to. Byzantium. But the ,hour ID the decuuve battle between ,tqe was not nolitically ripe . Crusad~rs ~d. th~. Moslems at the Vlalt ua ,and aea 0\11' complete etock of "' • • Horns of mttin m 1187 C.E: the Transp4)tt of t;cinada· Limite~ •. Only after about ·a century, in town· was · destroyed and deserted. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS 614 C. E., did- the Persian forces It remained so for centuries with• / WINNIPEG e TORONTO ,un-«n, ,anJn n::1.t~ n1m1 MEN'S, LADIES' AND ·CHILDREN'S WEAR AND RUBBERS ' ' . ' invade Palestine,, receiving · much out recovering, ' LONDON e HAMiLTON NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO WESTERN CANADA JEWRY · assi;'!tance from the. Jews who r:ose Settlement. under Don· Joseph-. ST. CATHARINES _e MONTREAL WINESTOCK'S MANUFACTURING AGENCIES a~amst the Byzantme rule. Tibe- Jewish settlement - at Tiberias 52 ADELAIDE, ST, Phone WHltehall 3-3361 WINNIPEG -rlll!l:;·!OOII:; PJU't• in the reroJt:c~nd WAS .tlot::l:'eneW,eli.'.tlll':th'"'18th·:i:en• • ':: '.. • tbeth, stf!Jt. ggleThwlt~ the :Byzantine '"· ·:, W,~-~,P~ti'OH1i1lti1a~~l · : ·. '" "':'r.'. 'turf. Some say this r~newal J:iiire .· \ au on 1e~. e .ab1 es were ~oon a messianic complexion and was tul(ncd: m 629 the , B~ntines bound up with a mood of redemp­ SPruce 5-2443 gamed . contr4?l of. Tiberias and tlon which was widespread in those OUR HEARTIEST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND 1001 ELGIN AVENUE . WINNIPEG, MAN, . WHOLESALERS AND IMPORTERS wrought havoc there, slaying many. days , in nearby Sllfed, town of f ' . • . .EXCLUSIV~ HOUSE FURNISl,JING$ '. · .· ,CUSTOMERS FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR .Jews. However, in 636 th!) ~ab Cabballsts. Tiberias became again, ~ 0 ' • T f~rcel!. invad~d the eou11try, an~ as was usual in her history, the 45 -,LBERT ST. WINNf P~G, MAN. · Tib,r1as fell to theni in the sum- centre of Jewish life In the cOllll· . mer of the same year. try. This, however, was of little Best Wishes for a Bright and Joyous New· Year Winnipeg Bias .Fabrics Co. Capital ~ Galilee help, and she attracted the atten• to Western Canada Jewry P. SCHLECHTER The 'Arabs · made Tiberias the lion of the Jews. only temporarily. WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND JOYOUS ' capita! of Galilee. The city's com- Don Joseph Nasi and Donna .• ,·., BEST' • Bias Cutting • Snug Tex • Covered Buttons me:-ce again flourished,· and it Gracia, Spanish. Marriµios dwelling · NEW' YEAR TO OUR ,JEWISH FRJENI)S ·also became· a centre of industry. in Constantlnople,. were in those AND CUSTOMERS • WaiJt Band • Swaat Band · • Covered Buckles Simiµtaneously it was Jl Jewish days' considering the colo~tlon .. '. e Leather Belts • Cloth Belts intellectual centre, whose· leaders of Palestine. They were close to · KNIT-RITE MILLS 'LTD •. fostered links with the Diaspora the· Sultan's court and possessed communities both near and far, links with the royal houses of Eu• Manufacturers of Phone -WHitehall 3-7391 throughout · Africa and . the ~edi- .rope. Don Joseph Nasi obtained terranean lands. Tiberias spread .the .. district of Tiberias from the MEN'S AND LADIES' CURIJNG COATS 113 Market Avenue Winnipeg 2 t l(ELEKIS'S Rl;STAURANT .:,•,-_ her learning; to the countries ,of governme~1 ~art in gift and part MEN'S· AND LADIES' BULKY KNITS ,!\•.' the_ Eln1e. Here the Tiberian sys- on lease. .r_ll'l\t of.all he s11t out to ', ,,t.. · fortify-and rebuild the town. , TRIMMINGS FOR ·-THE GARMENT TRADE :\1. Tiberias, now walled, "began to 1100 Main Street Phone JUstlce 6-9554 !' re-awaken to new life. "The Jew-. 168 Market Winnipeg 2, Man. ' ish inhabitants who settled there engaged in agriculture, in planta- tions,. fishing imd induslry,·We do .. not know what were Don Joseph OUR MOST CORDIAL GREETINGS TO YOU ALL Nasi's real intentions. n would FOR A HAPPY AND. CONTENTED NEW YEAR • seem that it is an exaggenition to JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO OUR suppose that Tiberias was meant JEWISH PATRONS AND FRIENDS We wish all our friends and customers to be the nucleus of an autonomous ' .
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