% THE EVENING STAR thought his son was doing The couple’s 16-month-old Woihington, 0. C., Tuesday, Nonmbtr 3, 1959 the right thing when he daughter Elisabeth was not C-6 Charles Van Doren s Wife made hi* full statement. brought to Washington dur- Asked if Mr. Van Doren’s ing his appearance before wife thought so, too, he the House Congressional Sub- Stands By Him at Hearings nodded his head. committee. Charles Van Doren’s wife Mr. Van Doren about $20,• was close by In the packed 000 in income taxes. House caucus room yesterday Mrs. Van Doren also was when her husband confessed with her husband early in that he was deeply Involved October when, as he testi- In the deception which per- fied yesterday, he drove aim- mitted him to win $129,000 lessly from one New England quiz show, ¦*- : another, trip on the television Hr*’ ? town to on a Twenty-One. I:* m he now says was "running When he had completed from myself." testimony, pushed ¦' his she xIH v"' But according to his con- through the crowd to em- fession yesterday, his "im- brace him. / BpJ mediate family" was not told The former Oeraldlne Ann of the deception until Oc- Bernstein, wearing dark a tober 16. It's Here Again! '} and sin- suit blouse and a Mr. Van Doren’s father gle strand of pearls about her throat, sat quietly next told reporters yesterday he ~ to her father-in-law, PullU- > jsj f|B 4; zer prize-winning poet. Mark Van Doren, as her husband I m * irWtmm MRS. ¦ told h« was EISENHOWER . -"' how coached ''¦'A \Jk W 1* wm from start to finish on the STAYS HOME quiz program which brought ;; # J MRS. VAN DOREN 1m 1 « ... it m him fame and fortune. WITH COLD wool jersey, slight Listens intently. 100% 1 rnTM ¦ The brunette had a mere f shared the drama with her Mrs. Eisenhower passed slip of a It I H up of the greatest * the be- one dress. If you liked W , husband almost from privileges of democracy r~™ ginning. today—the right to vote " in love this versatile jP \ Their romance blossomed a free election. *JjJT jk Wheaton Group in the early days of his rise President Eisenhower as a TV personality when went up to Gettysburg, voting residence, blouse or bejewelled Holds Meeting his fan mail was to great their ‘Jwfk Maj. and for > / At a organizational help cop- with their son John bare after W recent that he needed in Eisenhower. They meeting Washington ing with it. She provided made five. Elasticized \lskf mBIBB of the quick trip by helicop- V the assistance. th% woist and string njjfjf. HSBft Wheaton Club. Mrs. Robert ter. V. Briskman, president, In the spring of 1957, after belt. Sizes, Bto 16. \ intro- Mrs. Eisenhower, who 4*l EM M duced the new officers. the young Columbia Univer- hates fly, has only $17.95 . sity professor on the to made ; Included were Mrs. Thomas "lost” a helicopter hop once—- Ward Miles, secretary, and show, the couple left for a week’s vacation the Vir- last summer at the open- Mrs. Weaver W. Dunnan, on ing gin Islands where Miss Bern- of the St. Lawrence treasurer. Seaway. Mrs. Briskman also an- stein’s aunt and uncle owned nounced that the club would the fabulous Virgin Isles Mrs. Mary Jane McCaf- free, have three standing commit- Hotel. secretary to Mrs. tees Including program, They indicated they Eisenhower, further ex- mem- plained that "it is chilly bership and alumnae-student planned to be married “some- a relations. The first activity time later.” they re- day and the First Lady is Bat recuperating from the year will be a coffee turned to New York from the still a • Open Doily, 9:30 to 6 A ’ of 108 Connecticut Avenue * '/ 4- WF fßp’ "^-‘;#''' cold.” t r F for alumnae and local stu- romantic setting as man and - Seifc V' Member Dewntowe tr Shoe ___________ "-'X> ¦ dents the end of December. wife. The marriage saved tl ¦ •$! \ & £g ’* ’>' ¦¦?' '•'. f\ ¦? §g§|lßgjffi||i &1§ »L ,- '-Ci ' Vl’ ir'-;"’ gi -~'' •' - 'V, "';- ? f? : '’"v Sy F'F . k< '>4'. ..f' :!''"" * f- * 1 BRBBk ,*«*•>< BHHBH¦ Eyes downcast, Mrs. Charles Van Doren accompanies her husband from a House hearing room yesterday after he publicly revealed his famous tele- vision quiz program appearances were dishonest. The former TV quiz star told the House Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight he followed a Suddenly prepared answers a celebrity.—AP script in giving the that mode him Photos. ! a surprise “until certain articles arrive from Scot- Women Voters you have curls Tartan land.” The multi-colors of the Plan Meetings Set various clan tartans and New Theme rinses in curl-keeping body and elasticity,..keeps hair healthy and lively! Ball vigorous steps of some of the The Fairfax County League The colorful Tartan Ball of of Voters has planned Society Scottish dances combine with Women the St. Andrews of the music of the bagpipes to meetings Washington will several in their area be held Fri- make the ball one of the which open to members day, are November 20, In the ball- outstanding events of the and guests. room of the Sheraton-Park Washington season. Meetings are taking place Hotel. t, through the 4th and from the Mr. George W. Baker, To Address Club 10th through the 12th. The president of the society, has theme governing these activ- appointed Comdr. Horace F. Mrs. John K. Jacobs, who tiez is “By the People, for Amrine, USNR, retired, as demonstrated the model the People, of the People.” "chairman of the ball com- apartment at the Moscow The 400 members of the 18 unittee, according to an an- Fair, will address the Cornell Fairfax County units are nouncement. Women's Club of Washington taking part in the program • Comdr. Amrine said details at 1 p.m. Saturday, November planning, which provides a being Out 14, at the Roger Smith Hotel. review the past and .are worked for an of a ' unusual feature expected to Alumnae may make their preview of the future. tft especially pleasing to the reservations before November Those interested should ¦H imm mfe. 3^H ladies but that it willremain 10. contact Mrs. Fritz Kahn. & 188 <#*m9§&fe wRL 1 W A .:. _B (, +r , PRE-HOLIDAY \ , »''4,l i ‘ 'hlf» I Hr P*r H K HR K t W -.H »' I«| im/'B m ¦ jm ¦ y 1 Mm p a m ; !j 11 H H. mm WmM •Imi® .I Hyn| HNs¦ J" FESTIVE TABLE SETTINGS K 'll S Sale... HAND-HEMMED DOUBLE - HHf >^BW^^^BBHH^B ’4 ¦-*»• ' J- j , DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS ond NAPKINS -*s. i ¦ ;i W ¦ H if hair weak, dried out—flyaway and hair is has and Curls last! \ Multi-satin band motif on finest quality Before: it unmanageable After: strong, elasticity spring. * * "V - 1 iris l in damask. Truely a \ V household treasure. 'Green, pink, silver, gold and white. °*l b, colors in all sires. Quantities After 30 years* research , Helene Curtis scientists have created natural 72x90" cloth and 8 napkins 44.50 29.95 liquid Keratin, the miracle substance in healthy, naturally ms 72x108" cloth and 12 rfbp. 57.50 39.95 found r 72x126" cloth ond 12 nap. 69.95 49.95 m.HHH 72x144" cloth and 12 nap. 79.95 59.95 curly hair. Now in Theme, Keratin restores body and liveliness — ||¥~' ~ *s 7 even to dry, weak and damaged hair. NO HARSH CHEMICALSI Sale .. DAINTY LACE EDGE LINEN / v • 8 x Wm Solid color irish linen dressed up with v \ :'fjr Venetion-typ>e lace edging dyed-to-match. Fabulous Theme restores liveliness the only really A clear, light, pour-on liquid, Theme contains NO | 1 Rounds or in blue, mocha jiiißL ovals pink, yellow, effective way there is: uithin the hair harsh chemicals to dry out the hair ... NO gummy m MM or off-white. te*. from itself. Theme’s miracle ingredient is actually absorbed— ingredients to make hair stiff, sticky, filmy or flaky. and every hair shaft! That’s why 72" round cloth 14.95 11.95 ngJli ffl 1 lit 1 retained-by single Theme leaves hair soft, clean, sparkling. wBilVß^Hli 72x90" oval cloth 19.95 15.95 aHijRI & H BSfc'V SfS f Theme-treated hair has such spectacular new strength, I 72x108" ovol cloth. 24.95 19.95 1 V V! SKW' I elasticity and spring! That’s why it has the will to Theme is just rinsed through hair after shampooing. 18x18" napkins — 1.10 1.00 B>/^UHHh curl and stay curled—without re-setting—from one Set as usual and let dry. Then brush or comb your /fo>i . week to the next! shining clean hair into beautiful, natural-looking and Ufi-f Sale... EMBROIDERED Immediately your hair has more body, more youthful curls waves. No more nightly pin-ups between | HAND ¦• hair visits to your beautician! Theme curls stay from DINNER SETS elasticity. Even bleached and dyed hair-even ¦ ’ damaged by home permanents and harsh chemicals— one shampoo to the next! Adds body and manage- ¦ fflk 'x. These are beautiful sets, elaborately hond reacts immediately to ability to children’s hair, too! ' ft I Theme’s magic. AUI-- Li *-»„ * embroidered. Rich cream linen with ecru fW I \»e I embroidery 4r white linen with white *' (55 S ?\ ... / embroidery. for gifts or Holiday N. * Perfect / \ (. 1 •(4 dining. Two and one-half yard to four- /' * Myard sets wi,h n °Pkins - *«¦ »»« NOW $19.95 to siso.oo to $119.95 , Accai itc Illustrated .
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