FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF BLACK LIQUOR COMBUSTION Report No. 2-Phase Ifor the Period October 1984-November 1986 BY Dwid T. Clay Steve J. Lien Thomas M. Grace Andrei Macek Hratch G. Semerjian N. Amin S. Rao Charagundla January 1987 Work Performed Under Contraot No. ACO2-83CE40637 For U. S. Department of Energy Offke of Industrial Programs Washington, DC BY The Institute of Paper Chemistry Appleten, Wisconsin and The National Bureau of Standards Gaithersburg, Maryland DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work tqmmod by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Govcrnmcnt nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assum any legal liability or responsibility for the accaray, compIctemss, or usa- fuloess of any information, apparatus, product, or proce$a discbid, or rcpmmts that Its use would not infringe privately ownad tights. Rdere~~;bhwa'm to any spt- cific commarcial product, process, or senice by trade name, tredtmd manufac- turer, or otherwise does not nacasarily constitute or imply its endarscmcnt, racam- mendation, or favoring by the United States Govmment or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors e& hcrcin do not neassarily state or rdlect thtmc of the United States Government or any agency thereof. This report has been reprodud dirtctly from the best available copy. Available from thc National Technical Information Service, U. S. Departmeat of Commerce, §priagfiicld, Virginia 22161. Codes are used for pricing all publitions. Tbc code is determined by the number of pages in the publication. Information pertaining to the pricing codes can be found in the current issues of the following pu~~which are gcnedly avail- able in most libraries: Ec0crg.y Research Abstrocf~ (ERA); Gtwernmcnt Reporrs Announce~sand Index (GRA and I); Scienfifk ad Tc&cal Abtrract Reports (STAR); sad puMicab IWXS-PR-360 available from NTIS at the above address. DOE/CE/40637-T2 (DE88005756) Distribution Category UC-311 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF BLACK LIQUOR COMBUSTION REPORT NO. 2 - PHASE 1 (October 1984 - November 1986) BY David T. Clay and Andrej Macek Steve J. Lien Hratch G. Semerjian Thomas M. Grace N. Amin S. Rao Charagundla January 1987 Work Performed Under Contract No. DE-AC02-83CE40637 The Institute of Paper Chemistry (Prime Contractor) Chemical Recovery Group Chemical Sciences Division Appleton, Wisconsin and The National Bureau of Standards (Subcontractor) Chemical Process Metrology Division Center for Chemical Engineering Gaithersburg, Maryland Prepared for: Stanley F. Sobczynski Program Manager Office of Industrial Programs CE-14 U.S. Department of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Washington, D.C. 20585 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract vii Acknowledgments viii List of Figures i x List of .Tables xii Executive Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 5 1.1 Objectives 5 1.2 ~eliverables 6 1.3 -Benefits 6 1.4 Organization, 7 1.5 Schedule 8 1.6 Technology Transfer 8 1.7 Project Review - Prior Work 11 1.8 Black Liquor Burning Stages 12 2.0 Droplet Generation 15 2.1 Requirements 15 2.2 Equipment 15 2.3 Operation and Performance 20 2.3.1 Nitrogen Flow vs. Droplet Diameter 20 2.3.2 Volumetric ~iazterE. Video Diameter 2 1 3.0 Early In-flight Tests at NBS 23 3.1 Objectives 2 3 3.2 Experimental Approach and Data ~nal~sis 2 3 3.3 Short-Height Dilute Phase Flow Reactor (DPFR) 24 3.3.1 Equipment 2 4 Gas Metering System 24 3.3'.1.2 Gas Burner 25 Mixing and Flow Straightening Sections 2 7 Sampling and Observation Section (SOS) 2 8 Optical Observation Section 28 Exit Section 2 8 3.3.2 Operation and Performance 2 9 Plows 2 9 3.3.2.. 2 Reactor Temperatures 2 9 3.4 Black Liquor Characteristics 3 5 3.5 Diameter Data 36 3.5.1 Top Section of DPPR 36 3.5.2 Center Section of DPFR 3 7 3.5.3 Bottom Section of DPFR 38 3.6 VelociLy Data 3 9 3.6.1 Top Section of DPFR 40 3.6.2 Center Section of DPER 4 1 3.6.3 Lower Section of DPFR 4 3 3.7 Qualitative Observations 4 5 3.8 Particle Temperature Measurements 4 6 3.8.1 Measurement Techniques 46 3.8.2 Preliminary Tests in Flame 4 9 3.8.3 Tests with IPC Single Particle Reactor 5 1 4.0 Process Flow Reactor System 5 3 4.1 Central Units Assembly/Checkout 53 iii 4.1.1 Air Delivery Module 5 7 4.1.2 In-flight Reactor Module 5 7 4.1.3 Char Collector 58 4.1.4 Analog Control Panel and Annunciator 5 8 4.1.5 Central Units Performance Testing 58 4.2 Flow Reactor System Upflow configuration - Phase 1 59 4.2.1 System Overview 5 9 4.2.2 Modifications To Central Units Modules 6 1 Gas Solids Separator 6 1 In-flight Reactor Module 6 3 Sample and Observation Sections (SOS) 6 3 4.2.3 Auxiliary Component Design 64 Gas Treatment Package 6 4 Black Liquor Feed System 6 6 Injector System 68 Instrumentation and Control 68 . 3.5 Cnmp~~terand nata Arq~~isitinnSystem 69 Gas Cart and Gas Chromatograph 7 1 Evaporator System 7 3 Sol.ids Sarnpl.ing 7 7 4.2.4 System Performance - Phase 1 7 4 In-flight Module 7 7 Gas Flow and Velocity 7 7 Temperature 78 Gas Phase Components 8 1 Quad Jet System 8 2 Black Liquor Feed Conditions 82 Gas Treatment Package 8 2 Safety . 83 Mechanical and Corrosion Problems 8 3 Eecond Etage Air Hcatcr 84 SOS, Support and Main Heater Sections 84 Flow Straightener 84 Phase 1 System photographs 8 4 5.0 Process Test Approach 5.1 Test Methods 5.2 Liquor Selection 5.3 Exchange of Liquors, University of Maine - Orono and University of Florida - Gainesville 6.0 Process Test Results 6.1 Equilfbrium Pyrolysis Tests 6.1.1 Objectives and Approach 6.1.2 Results 6.2 Single Particle Burning Tests 6.3 Start-up Tests 6.4 Initial Residence Time Tests 6.4.1 Residence Time 6.4.2 Specific Swollen Volume 6.4.3 Sulfur and Carbon Loss 6.4.4 Summary 6.5 Trajectory Observations 6.5.1 Objective and Approach 6.5.2 Results 6.6 In-flight tests 6.6.1 Test Group 1 Objective and Approach Results 6.6.2 Test Group 2 Objective and Approach ~esults 6.6.3 Test Group 3 Objectives and Approach Results 6.6.4 .Conclusions from In-flight Tests 5.7 Pyrolysis Gas (~ydrocarbons/ReducedSulfur) 6.7.1 Introduction 6.7.2 Experimental Procedure 6.7.3 Calculations 6.7.4 Results 7.0 Analysis of Drying Rates 7.1. Irit roduct ion 7;l.l Test Data 7.1.1 ;1 Experimental Analysis 7.1.2 Results , . Background Results ... 8.0 Recent Related Results of Others 8.1 Recent Advances in Black Liquor Combustion 8.1.1 IPC Research 8.1.2 Other Work 9.0 Current Understanding of Black Liquor Burning 9.1 Drying 9.2 Volatiles Burning 9.3 Char Burning 9.4 Smelt Coalescence 10.0 Full-height Dilute Phase Flow Reactor (DPFR) 10.1 Objective 10.2 Equipment 10.3 Performance 11.0 Future Process Flow Reactor System Components 11.1 Down-f low Capability 11.2 Bed Burning Furnace Design 11.4 High Temperature Borescope 11.5 In-situ Bed Temperature Measurements References Appendix 1 Velocity Profiles and Calculation Method (IPC) 2 Temperature Profile Calculations (IPC) 3 Computer Data Acquisition Programs (IPC) 4 Program for Calculation of Droplet Terminal Velocities (NBS) 5 Apparatus for Measurement of Particle Travel Times 6 Analytical Methods .
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