The Origin of Seventh-Day Adventists WE come now to the fourth PART angel's message—and with a and last point: The fact that we IV separating call to come out of are the outgrowth of the Millerite Babylon—t h e second angel's movement does not require us to By Francis D. Nichol, message. Anything beyond this Associate Editor of the Review and minimize in any degree the sig- Herald is not of the essence of Millerism. nificance of the distinctive teach- For example, when a prominent ings developed under the third Millerite, George Storrs, brought angel's message, but rather the statement on all doctrine. Rather, forth his views on the nature contrary. Nor does it require us he viewed the advent movement of man—which views both we to subscribe to the individual as a call to study and believe a and the leading First Day views that might have been held great truth, the personal, soon Adventist group believe to-day— by any Millerite preacher. coming of Christ, in the setting Miller and most of his associates It would be most erroneous to of certain prophecies. Millerism opposed the views as much for think of Seventh-Day Adventism was not a denomination, it was their being extraneous to the as being limited in its range of not synonymous with a creed. single purpose of the movement doctrine because of its relation- That fact must be kept dear in as for their being erroneous, as ship to Millerism. Nor is any our minds. The individual they thought. such conclusion demanded by the beliefs of certain preachers or If we keep in mind this easily fact of our historical connection. laymen—they were from vir- established historical fact that An editorial in the Review in tually every religious persua- the Millerite movement was a 1854 makes this clear: sion—may have tinged the think- great awakening on one central "We have no idea that William ing of such persons, but they truth in the setting of certain Miller had all the light on every did not give the movement its prophecies, and thus in fulfilment point. The path of the just was to real colour. The true colour of of prophecy, we have no diffi- shine more and more till the per- the movement was that of the culty in understanding how the fect day should come. He shed a golden hue of the advent morn- Seventh-Day Adventist pioneers flood of light on the prophecies ; advent movement could write so unqualifiedly as but the subject of the sanctuary ing. It was an was to be opened to the waiting —a movement whose distinctive they did regarding our connec- flock, in the period of the third character was due to its prophetic tion with it, while at the same message. • . • setting. We should never forget time holding that God had given "As to the great fundamental that Millerism proper was con- to Seventh-Day Adventists cer- doctrines taught by William Mil- cerned primarily with the pur- tain truths not understood or ler, we see no reason to change our pose, manner, and time of the preached in the Millerite move- views. We claim all the light of advent. ment. Our Seventh-Day Adven- past time on this glorious theme, tist pioneers saw a significance and cherish it as from Heaven. As the movement drew toward And we cheerfully let the provi- its climax in 1844, the call to in the work which was shaping dence of God, and plain Bible tes- come out of the churches became under their humble preaching timony correct our past view of strong and clear. This call served after 1844, first and most defi- the sanctuary, and give us a more to make Millerism stand out nitely because they believed it harmonious system of truth, and a more sharply from other religious was the fulfilment of the third firmer basis of faith."—April 18, groups. Thus the movement angel's message—the third in a 1884, pages 100, 101. came to its climax on October divinely connected series. They It should be remembered that 22, 1844, with one great truth saw the very distinctive doctrine Miller never sought to create a distinguishing it, the judgment of the seventh-day Sabbath, for new denomination with a creedal hour of God at hand—the first example, in the setting of that third angel's message, and de- logical, prophetical development which ignores the past work ["of clared that only in that setting of a work begun by God when the - once harmonious body of could the real force of the doc- He stirred men to preach the Advent Believers," before Octo- trine be realized in these last days. first angel's message. As James ber 22, 1844], is a castle in the White declared: air, a pyramid without a base, a The threefold message, which building without a foundation." began as a fervent preaching of "The truth and work of God in Ibid, December 17, 1867, page one central truth of the personal this movement, commencing with 8. And what is it but ignoring second advent, and which next the labours of William Miller, and "the past work" if we seek to called on men to come out of reaching to the close of probation, dissociate ourselves from it? Babylon, has come into its full is illustrated by these three angels. dimensions under the third . These angels illustrate the Surely there applies here the three great divisions of the genu- admonition of God's messenger, angel's message, .as a reform in ine movement."—"Life Sketches" who, after "reviewing our past all matters of doctrine and life (1868 ed.), page 306. history" from Millerite days on- in readiness for the advent. This ward, declared, 'We have noth- is consistent with the plan God In conclusion I would offer ing to fear for the future, except has followed in all times, leading a personal testimony. Even the as we shall forget the way the men, onward in advancing light. limited study I have given this Lord has led us, and His teach- The awakened interest in Bible subject in the last year or two ing in our past history."—"Life study, particularly of the pro- has provided me with a new and Sketches," page 196. phecies, under the first angel's stronger conviction concerning message, placed men in an ideal the unique place in prophecy that position for God to give them Seventh-Day Adventists hold. I illumination. The separation from no longer have any embarrass- Notes from the the churches freed them of the ment over, our connection with hindrance that so often prevents Millerism, for I have discovered Union President men from accepting further light, that most of the libellous stories the fear of what their church about the movement are a tissue associates will think. Thus God of lies. On the contrary, I am prepared men for the message stirred to emulate the courage and WEEK OF SACRIFICE AND ANNUAL of the third angel. Fervently fervour that dominated Miller OFFERING, NOVEMBER 17TH TO searching the Scriptures, certain and his associates, and enabled 24TH that God had led them thus far, them to do a mighty work for LAST year the General Confer- and desiring to follow on to God in a few years of time. How ence decided to amalgamate the further truth, our Seventh-Day greatly we need such courage and Week of Sacrifice and the Annual Adventist pioneers sought God fervour to-day if we are to finish Offering, and to take one offering with strong cryings and tears. the task God has given us to do! at the time of the Week of Prayer Mrs. White tells of the many The historical record and the in November. We did not adopt times they gathered together to testimony of our Seventh-Day the plan, mainly because we could study the Bible and to pray. Adventist pioneers leave no pos- not get the Week of Prayer read- "Sometimes the entire night was sible doubt concerning our origin ings in time. spent in solemn investigation of and the honourableness and pro- This year, however, we have the Scriptures, that we might phetic significance of that origin. hopes of obtaining the manuscript understand the truth for our Personally, I haw decided to early, and we therefore propose to times."---`Christian, Experience stand firmly by that record and hold our Week of Prayer Novem- and Teachings," page 193. testimony. To do otherwise—to ber 17th to 24th, and the Week Light came, the truth unfolded give credence to silly stories about of Sacrifice and the Annual Offer- under such study and also under the Millerites, and then to ing will be taken as one at the the impetus of the Spirit of pro- attempt to sever our movement close of the special Week of phecy, a gift given in fulfilment from Millerism to escape the Prayer. of prophecy. Ere long the full taint of the stories—would give In America this, it is reported, significance of the third angel's the lie to the testimony of our led to a larger income for the message dawned upon our pion- own pioneers, to say nothing of cause than from the two offerings, eers, and along with that came the evident facts of history. And and we hope it may be so here. an understanding of other truths —mark this well—it would Shall we not plan ahead to this that had either been neglected also besmirch the good names end? Further announcements will or distorted through the cen- of our own Seventh-Day Adven- follow, but this preliminary notice turies.
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