Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post Issue 1 - September, 2020 Inside Lifestyle Columns Julian Leeser MP 4 Sowing for Spring 6 Suburb Profile: Westleigh 8 Hornsby Connect 5 Recipe of the Month 6 Music to My Ears 10 Hornsby Shire Council 7 Father’s Day 6 The Travel Bug 11 Matt Kean MP 13 Features Legal Ease 11 Sport 14 Hornsby Womens Shelter 9 Letters to the editor 11 Puzzles 15 JobKeeper explained 9 Triple H 100.1 FM 13 Post with the most Erika wins our logo competition WE open this first edition of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post with the spirit of community as a very talented young lady is the winner of our logo design competition. We are pleased to announce that the logo you will soon see on each edition of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post is designed by Erika S of Loreto Normanhurst. We extend a heartfelt congrat- ulations to Erika. She has truly captured the spirit of the community. When asked what inspired her Winner: Erika’s logo. impressive creation, Erika an- swered: “When I saw the design and we appreciate their contin- competition, I saw that gum trees ued support of the community. were included so I decided to in- Mr Castell presented Erika with clude natural elements in my de- a uniquely Hornsby Ku-ring-gai sign. I included community, with gift – Ku-ring-gai Monopoly. the hands holding up the com- “We are extremely pleased to be munity. The natural element of a part of the first edition,” he said. circle means forever and this rep- “Congratulations to Erika. We resents community forever with are looking forward to seeing everybody holding each other up.” the first edition and reading the A presentation was held on news of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai.” Tuesday, September 1 on the Erika is a Year 8 student at Lo- grounds of Loreto Normanhurst reto Normanhurst and is part of with Hornsby Mayor Philip Rud- the school’s newspaper called The dock, Dean Castell, the manager Mary Word. In her work with The of Bendigo Bank’s Turramurra and Mary Word, Erika was encour- Lindfield community branches, aged by the school’s Knowledge school principal Marina Ugonot- and Learning Strategist Marco ti and publisher Tina Brown. Scali to enter the competition. Bendigo Bank sponsored Continued page 3 the logo design competition Prize: Bendigo Bank’s Dean Castell and Year 8 student Erika S of Loreto Normanhurst. Who you bank with makes a big difference. Donate now Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post - Issue 1, September, 2020 Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post - Issue 1, September, 2020 The difference between selling and celebrating The Hornsby Honeymooners Philip Ruddock Erika’s Lets start at the very beginning… logo pick By Lisa Howard of bunch ON Friday, March 27, Mat- thew Selby received a call from From page 1 his partner Bridgette Leech and couldn’t believe the words he Mr Ruddock said: “It’s great was hearing: ‘Wanna get mar- to be here and see such creative ried tomorrow?’ asked Bridgette. talent. Congratulations to Erika For Matthew, there was only for the work she has done. We one answer. The very next day, are looking forward to the open- they married on the beautiful ing of the newspaper that will be lawns of the heritage-listed Garri- able to serve our community.” son Church at Millers Point… but The chance to design the local we are getting ahead of ourselves. newspaper’s logo has been an ex- As Julie Andrews would say, Loved up: Clockwise from citing opportunity for young bud- ‘Let’s start at the very beginning!’ left, Bridgette and Matthew ding graphic designers to show Bridgette and Matthew’s sto- Selby on their “Hornsby us the best they have to offer. ry is one that reflects our times Honeymoon”; Bridgette finds For many students, it was an and is certainly one to tell their her way around town; and opportunity to incorporate the grandchildren. They met through the couple leave Garrison logo design into a classroom an online dating app. “We were Church on their wedding day. context and design with purpose. both really specific on our pro- Photos: Supplied Ms Ugonotti said: “Loreto Nor- files,” Bridgette said. Their first manhurst is thrilled to have been date was over breakfast and Mat- Creatively, they took a virtual able to be part of the process for thew recalls that the “conversation plane trip (an airplane wing on the new logo for the Hornsby just flowed”. With shared values It didn’t take long for Matthew This now brings our story up to the TV), relaxed at the Horns- Ku-ring-gai Post. We are real- and beliefs, it wasn’t long before and Bridgette to launch themselves the time that Bridgette contacted by Aquatic Centre (which was ly proud to be part of this crea- this Hornsby couple both knew into wedding plans. They chose her fiancé with the suggestion to closed), tossed a coin in the tion and very proud of Erika.” that they had found ‘the one’. April 18, 2020 as the date, planned wed the following day. She could Hornsby fountain, felt the sand In July, students were invit- Last year, Bridgette had plans to invite 100 guests and anticipat- feel that restrictions were rapidly between their toes as they relaxed ed from a range of local schools, to go to Europe with her sister ed a honeymoon in a secluded jun- closing in on them and that they in their lounge room in front of both government and private. and best friend for a three-month gle villa in Vanuatu. Most couples may only have a small window the idyllic beach setting (on the The competition has been warm- sightseeing holiday to cele- understand that well-made plans of opportunity to have a wedding TV), toasted with champagne ly received by schools. We brate her 30th birthday. Matthew can still go wrong, but Matthew at all. With a positive attitude in and, of course, finished off their would like to thank all the stu- planned to fly over and join her and Bridgette did not count on embracing the circumstances, they celebrations with local kebabs. dents who submitted entries. about five weeks into the trip… something that was unprecedent- married the following day, with A honeymoon like no other! The competition was judged but he also had a secret plan, he ed in our times… COVID-19. just five people in attendance. Matthew and Bridgette are hap- by three independent judges and 113 Excelsior Road, SOLD 36 Amaroo Avenue, SOLD 4 Victory Street, SOLD was going to propose to Bridgette. With the virus officially cit- The wise choice of a lawn wed- py with how things eventuated we thank them for their time Thoughtfully, Matthew designed ed as a worldwide pandemic on ding was so that family members and, of course, have a great love in evaluating the entries. Our Mount Colah $1.28m Mount Colah $1.25m Asquith $1.355m the engagement ring and nerv- March 11, 2020 and restrictions could adhere to social distancing story to tell for the rest of their judges were Janelle McIntosh, ously took it on the flight to meet rolling forward in Australia, Mat- and view their special event from lives. However, there is a planned President, Hornsby Art Society; Bridgette. Matthew relates his thew and Bridgette’s plans were further away across the street. wedding celebration for October. Cassidy-Rae, local singer-song- experience going through airport to be amended. A new wedding This amazing couple, with their Hopefully, this vibrant Horns- writer; and Nick Sibbing, Direc- Despite the ever changing circumstances related to COVID-19, we security: “I didn’t want to put the date of April 4, 2020 was an- happy and easy-going nature, by couple will enjoy a great cel- tor, Artful Web + Print + Design. Nick Berman engagement ring on the convey- nounced, with only 20 guests to decided to then share with oth- ebration with friends and family This proved to be a very engaging are experiencing strong buyer demand for properties in our area. or belt, so the security staff told attend and the event live-streamed ers on Facebook, their ‘Horns- and receive the warm send-off and creative competition for both McGrath Estate Agents me that I can either put it on the to other family and friends. by honeymoon in lockdown’. into married life they deserve. the students and our first edition. Coupled with low stock levels, this has translated in to some D 02 8914 8804 conveyor belt or wear it,” he said. M 0411 216 332 Needless to say Matthew wore the outstanding results in recent weeks for both on and off market engagement ring on his pinky fin- listings. E nickberman@ ger to safely transport it to Rome. Hornsby Jewellers mcgrath.com.au “It was pretty funny,” he said. Local Family owned & run Jewellery Business On Mathew’s second day in Onsite W mcgrath.com.au Alterations • Re-modelling • Repairs If you would like to take advantage of this buyer activity or are Rome, he and Bridgette went to Engagements • Weddings • Anniversaries Workshop just curious how your property’s market value may have changed, the Vatican which was closed. In please contact Nick for a confidential discussion. nearby St Peter’s Square, unusu- Together we can design an original ally, there was no one around and piece of jewellery and quote while Matthew felt that this was the right you wait. moment. So on a 40C-plus day in If you have your own gold St Peter’s Square, he got down on • whether to save or sentimental - bended knee (actually, a burning we can reuse hot knee on black cobblestones) We now • We also buy gold & jewellery in and with a stunning diamond ring do laser any condition engraving in hand, he popped the question.
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