AND HERALD OF REFORMS, DEVOTED TO ili)g0toloat), jjigtoopafyt), atrtr tije £ato* of gift. VOL. XII. NO. 5.] NEW YORK, NOVEMBER, 1851. .00 A YEAR. FOWLERS <fc WELLS, PUBLISHERS, THE HEDICAL'iPROFESSION:. Misdirected reverence is the bane of philosophy. Men should reverence God, Nature, Truth, and 131 Nassau street, New York. AN IXAUOl'KAf, APDRKS9, OIVKN AT TUB OPINING Of THI Eternal Justice. Men should not reverence a be AMERICAN HtDROPATIUC. INSTITUTE, NEW^ YORK, SEPTEMBER 15, J851. nighted antiquity, reveries, misnamed science, the fiontt n t 0 accumulated errors of ages, and the institutions of BY T. L. NICHOLS, M. D. Tho Medical Profession, . 97 American Hydropathic Insti despotism. A man should look back upon the Tor thing anil ill Management, lol tute, .... The American Hydropathic Institute is the first wrongs, falsehoods, and darkness of antiquity as Chemistry of Life. No, 111., 103 A Puff for the " Regular' Children's Drees, , . 104 Profession, Medical School established for the purpose of ho looks upon the follies and obliquities of his Woman's Dress, . 106 A Good Dentist, teaching the principles and practice of Hydro own infancy and childhood. They are not to be Effects of Coff .■ and Tea on The cht»s of the A.H. Inatilul Human lK-alth, . .106 P'cuutlu Medical Collegvs, . pathy, or the Water-Cure. rovereuced nor repeated. The past has its lessons ; Is W*l«r Treatment Applicoljlti Lectures on the Water-Cnro. The greatest of human enterprises have small but it teaches us, for the most part, what to avoid. in City Practieo, . 10b Out-Poor Exercise, Dilious Fever — Home Trwal- A Good Example, beginnings, and from this law of development and The true man must look to the present as his field uieat, ..... 108 Unwho leu rime Fruit— Bevrara progress our institution cluiins no exemption. of work, and to the future for his visions of glory. Novbmbkr To»*iot, . 101 of Graphs, Hydrnpathyond H<imcuopathy,Ui9 Good News, . Vast forests spring from microscopic germs. Be Humanity is struggling with the swaddling clothes Animal Excretions am Medi The Yellow Springs Water hemoth and Leviathan could once swim in asinglc of its infancy. These clothes of infancy arc the cines, .... 109 Cure, .... Exputiiliiifr the Chest, . .109 drop of water. The overshadowing power of fetters of youth, which our conservative philoso Bl'sixkbh Notice*, . Biographical Sketch of Syl Eternal Rome began with the gathering of a little phers are intent on making us wear foreva-. The Presents vester Graham, ■ . HO To Teachers and Writers, band of fugitives and marauders. America, which experience of the last century has taught mankind The Hungt-r Cure, . Ill The Right and Proper Way, The Cure of Fever and Agtw, 11] now grasps two oceans, and bids fair to control some useful lessons. One by one the cherish Home Cases of Water-Cure Varieties, .... the destinies of the world, began her wonderful ed errors of ages, in science, philosophy, and in Childbirth, . .119 Diary of a Honeymoon, Home Treatment in Michigan, lit The Carson League, . career within a few forlorn and scattering settle government, have been exploded. The Old has Re tie wit, .... 119 Hard Times, . fought against the New; the Old, entrenched in its The Wator-Cure in America, 113 ments. To CoBRESrOXDEXTS, . Mbcillamt, , . .118 Moral revolutions have been subject to the fortresses of custom, upheld by reverence for an Gossips from Boston, , . 113 Book Notices, same law. The Star in the East lighted the first tiquity, and supported by majorities ; but truth is Drippings from a Wet Sheet. Apvektiscukxth, . 119 No. II 114 Water-Cure Establishments, 119 Christian shrine in a stable at Bethlehem. Ma mighty, and the simple power of its enunciation homet, whose doctrines now govern half the hu causes the strongholds of error to crumble, as the man race, for years had h'13 wife as his only dis walls of Jericho fell before the blasts of Hebrew Tub Causes of Disease. — The first cause of ciple. trumpets. disease is hereditary transmission or predisposition. We are not to despise the day of small things ; The lesson of recent experience in science and phi A child may be born actually diseased, as with nor must we reject the truth because it is not yet losophy is this : — Respect no doctrine on account of syphilis, scrofula, salt-rheum, tubercles in the sustained by majorities, supported by authorities, its age, the learned authorities by whichitis supportr lungs, etc, derived from the father or mother, or nor sanctioned by antiquity. We must not forget ed, or the multitudes which believe in it. Reject no with such a weakened vitality that it cannot resist that the gravest errors of the world have all this doctrine because it is new — because its teachers the common diseasing influences. A diseased sustenance, support, and sanction. Every newly- have their fame yet to acquire — and because it ia father can not beget, a diseased mother can not discovered truth stands, at first, in a minority of as yet unsupported by the prestige of numbers. bring forth, a healthy child. A child, the very one, with age, authority, and the power of num Practice the precept of the Apostle — a precept of germ of whose existence is depraved, who partakes, bers arrayed against it, If all men were con mingled radicalism and conservatism — "Prove all for the nine montlts of its fatal life, of the weak servative, the world could make no progress. It things ; hold fast to that which is good." The most ness, pain, and suffering of a sick mother, whose would be stereotyped with all its errors. If all radical can ask no more than that wc should ex very life-blood is made of bad food and impure men believed in the wisdom of majorities, no new amine, try, test, or "prove all things;" the most air, narcotics and medicinal poisons, and who con truth could ever find disciples. If all men were conservative must be content, if we " hold fast to tinues to live for some months longer on the mme enslaved by authorities, farewell to the hopes of a that which is good." This is the divinely inspired unhealthy nutriment, drawn from her breast, has happier future. We must not forget that every maxim of human progress; now beginning to be a poor chance for life, and none at all for a healthy reformer who has aided in the enlightenment and understood, reverenced, and obeyed. existence. elevation of the humanVace must have stood alone, In applying these principles to the medical pro at first* with the whole world of custom, habit, fession, I shall speak of it as it has been and is ; and Vanttt. — To become a regular contributor to a magazine fashion, science, authority, and antiquity — the ac as it should be. It is recognized as one of the three I or newspaper, and afterwards make frequent allusions to the I great improvement visible in its columns. cumulated wisdom of ages — arrayed against him. learned professions, and as among the most ira- S883©*- 09- -*e^3SC THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. portant and dignified of human callings. Between ginnings, and yet crude and imperfect. But, to fanuni vulffiis, they have done no more and no these three professions — Divinity, Law, and Med the consternation of all conservative souls, we are worse than men of other callings. icine there are some curious resemblances, which still moving onward. We have delegated the I trust that these remarks will not be misappre it may be well to glance at, and which we may do powers of kings to our elected rulers and legis hended. We may detest the corruptions, usurpa with no disrespect, and, I trust, no offence to the lators. We have busied ourselves with making tions, and quackeries of priestcraft, kingcraft, and honorable members of either. laws which we shall soon have the wisdom to re doctorcraft, while wc yield all proper respect to The three professions of Divinity, Law, and peal ; and it will not take us long to discover clergymen, rulers, and physicians. Individually, Medicine administer the great affairs of Religion, that, even in a republic, a thousand petty and there may be altogether respectable and really Government, and Health. The priests of all re needless tyrannies may destroy the sovereignty of noble characters. True reformers do not war ligions have claimed to be the ambassadors of Gcd, the individual, as effectually as the will of an ab with persons, but with principles. The virtues, with the right of interpreting His will to their solute hereditary despot. are those of the individual; the faults, of the sys fellow-men, and making intercession for them. Thus, Religion has its protestantism, with "right tem to which he belongs. A Czar of Russia may The profession of the law includes, properly, all of private judgment;" Monarchy and legal ty be brave, generous, humane, and a pattern of the engaged in the governing function — as kings, ma ranny have been met, and are being overthrown domestic virtues; a priest of the Holy Inquisition gistrates, judges, lawyers, and executive officers of by the spirit of Democracy, and the rising " Sov may be a man of probity and benevolence ; and justice. Doctors of medicine have assumed the ereignty of the Individual." But where stands the physician, whose doctrines and practice may not less important function of healing the sick, the Medical profession, in this age of radicalism, desolate cities and people grave-yards, may be a and staying the ravages of death. of reform, and of progress ? It is my special ob kind husband, a tender parent, a worthy citizen, To a certain extent, these professions have stood ject to answer this inquiry.
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