The Weather - On the Inside , .arUr el...,. WaF wiUl KaUered &h1lDtlera.wen New Gbamplon I. aftera... _ eyeala.-. .. PaQe 4 LeII 111l1li1. &cHIa,. Fri· LaDdlorda Gougo Grs .., warm and lIumld .• Page S with poalble &.bu.er· Dou;IQII.Trwnan Feud lIbowen. HI&'ll ted.a" 1%; oman low, middle ..... Rlrll •• Page 6 at Wed.neada,. 11; low, IS. Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday, July 19, 19S1 - Vol. 8S, No, 238 1 SUI "Professors ·. Awarded PiSalie Blasts Profit Guarantees S10,000 in'Ford fellowships .. f '. = Two SUI (acuity members have been awarded fellowships totalling $10,000 from the Fund for the Ad­ vancement of Education, estab­ Deat~ ,, 8Iow lished ' thi$ year by the Ford As To Price Controls foundation. They are Prof. Victor ·Harrls. EngliSh department, and Prof. Robert S. Michaelsen, school of re- Allies, Reds, ligion. The awar,. , W~I!~ '. ~;de uader the lund'. taealt,' teU... hlp pro­ Blocked Over cram tor advaJleed ,.tad, 'arIDr the 1951-5% sehool. ,ear. Harrfs will receive ,. a S~.200 Key ·Issues ~rant to conduct research at Har­ vard university . Into the Intellec­ SEOUL (THURSDAY) (If')­ WASH(NGTON fIfI- The house tual history a'nd b,ckl,OUnds of Disagreement between United Wednesday to include literature, orincipally (If the six­ Nations and Communist delega­ "middleman's profits" guarantees teenth to eighteenth century. tions on a single, vital issue­ in controls le,lslatlon and PricQ Michaelsen wlfl receive $4,800 probably Red demands tor with­ Stabilizer Michael V. DISaUe said for study alto it Harvard univer­ drawal of foreign troops- blocked the action would virtually kill sity to investijlate the relationship an agreement today on the Ko­ price controls. between relilion and American rean cease-fire agenda. He called the "middleman's culture and tei observe the Har­ Both sides agreed to tackle the profit" gl,larantees a "suble tecn­ vard program ot general stUdies. otficially undisclosed Issue at a nical device" which wouLd Insure Pur)108e o~ the fellowshl", seventh meeting, called for 11 record profits and would cause amountl",.. 1,tt8.879, are to a.m. (7 p.m. lowa time, Wed­ price ceJlibgs to jump Immedi­ The Heat Didn't Bother This Crew enable ,OIJ.Pr, facu~I' melbben .le.day) at Kaesong. ately on bread, canned oranie (l nd In eollerea th.-.uc'hout the country SUMMER FINALLY REACHED IOWA CITY THIS WEEK with the The Allied road convor leU r d grapetrl1tt juices and virtually telllJleratllre approaching the 90-degree mark Wednesday. but this to improve tbelr eompeteace In Mllnsan for Kaesone at 1:30 a.m. a II other toods. underrraduate·teaehln,. croup kids took the heat quite calmly by burying their faees In It Inoluded IIlenal and lIervlce "If conA'l"eA prohibited l'OU­ 0' The award wIUl)er.s .. represent watermelon. They are all child ern of Riverside park residents. ' I\ersonnel. The f ve-man Allied Discuss Flood Relief Measure baeks, It would at least permit us Those pictured a.re: front row (left to right), R. D. Palmer. 4, son of 165 institutl(lnS in 39 states, the delegation, Interpreters and olher to halt at IIOme line al a hlrher Mr. Ind Mrs. Raymond Patrnr, 147 Riverside park, Gary Reed. 2. District of Columbia and Alaska. offlolals followed by helicopter. PI.ANNlNG FLOOD RELIEF measures In Wa8h1nrton are (left to level," he • ..ad. "Sal thl. a ..end­ and Drew Reed. 5, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed. 146 Riverside The fellowships were ,gIven from a (In London, the Moscow radio rl.lIt) Gov. Forrest Smith 01 MissoUri, Deputy Houllnr Adminlslra­ ment III a CDIlI-pllli formula wbleb park, and Wendell Retior, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Renor. total of 1,535 ~pl1l1c&tlons. was heard to say tha t Red ne­ tor B, 1'. Fllzpatrl~k, Mayor Clark Tu~ker of Kansas City, Kan. and meau. thai no slablll&, caa ever Housln,. and Home Flnanee Commltl&loner Pere Sewan!. 115 Riverside .,ark; second row, Michael Janssen. 3, son of Mr. and The Fund for the Advllncement lotiators would insist on with­ be achieved." Mrs. Vern Janssen, 149 Riverside park, Billy and Jane Whitmire. of Education was set up by the :lrawal of all foreign troops from Th.e GOP southern Democratic both 9, vlslUIlf Mrs. John Winks, 118 Riverside park and Gene Ford foundation last ApriL with Korea. The broadcast quoted a * * * * * * coalition closed ranks to vote that Refior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Refior. an interim budget of niore than $7 Tass dispatch trom Pyonyang, the celling prices for aU Hems- farm million. Korean Communist capitaL) St. Louis Bra'ves for Flood and non-farm products alike-­ It was believed that some sort :) {' . must allow manufacturers and of compromise might soon be proce8sors a "reasonable" protit ClI,' worked out to permit the nego­ on each Item. Acheson Says U~S~ Seeking Ra~io ~!Yi~es tiators to finish their job of As Truman' Signs 'Relie" Bill DiSaUe said "the 'cost-plus­ drawing up an agenda. guaranteed - profit - on - every ·,h S · As 'National , Cab.e Two other undisclosed Issues ST. LOUIS (AP) - Flood-wise St. Louis braced Wednesday -Item amendment approved tenta- Df A I were resolved Wednesday. night .for the Mississippi's worst flood in 100 years as it felt the tively by the house today strikes I eense greemen WI pain Broken Near Omaha Newsm.en coverln, the 8lxth first blows of torrents which already have deva tated vast areas the fIlost damaging blow to price WASHINGTON (UP) - Secretary of State Dean Acheson ' ses;slon at KaesonA' Wednes4a), controls that has so far been ap- noted A'l"owlnr hosllJIty ot Com­ and cities in Kall's9S, Missouri and Oklahoma. proved by either branch of con- said Wednesday the United States is seeking a defe.nse agree- OMAHA fil!-,A tr.ans~ntinental cable was accidentally cut in the naunlst sold en, policemen and At least 23 persons are known cress." mcnt with Spain for compelling "strategic reasons," but assured feedlot of ttie Leo Tlmmer.man residents Inside Ihe conference to have lost their lives and crease the relict to $25 million . Whlle tbe administration lost Atlantic pact nations they wiU continue to get top priority on U.S. cattle farm several miles south­ city. It wal in marked eontrasl Wednesday afternoon three un- after hearing reports the flood aptn o. prlee contro... U llaved to the precedlnr dan, military aid. west of here We~nesd~, cutting identified youths were reported to damage would excee three-quar- ott at&emp" to weakea I" pretea' all. major radio 'I'\etworlts and in- Robert Michaelsen Correspondents attributed the have drowl)ed in backwaters of ters ot a blilion ollars, highest In wap .lablliutlon prorram. The change in attitude of Kaesong's He also promised, in effect, Senate Group Says terrupting wlr. IICrvlce tor a short To Sttldy Religion at Harvard the Misslsslppi just south of East U.S. history. houlN! turned dowa attenm"" to thal Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's lime. ',• population to efforts by their ~t. !..(luis, III. The creal II expected to hll St. limit W81i'a power to haadle nOIl­ American forces will not with- Communist rulerJl to rl iscourage J. c. Ahl,tran~, district man- ' 1 The, crest 0 Dood waters, stlll Loul, SlInday. The weather bureau wa.-e dispute. and to chanre tile draw to Spanish bases behind the any show of lriendlineSll. lH"edlcted the Mississippi would makeup 01 the board. Pyrenees if war comes, but will 10 Firms Recel"ving ager of Northwe~tern Bell 'Tele- Walcott Wins Title Allied newsmen and photo­ crippling the twin cities or Kan­ '0 ohone company, said Ii contractor to U.5 fed, the hlrhellt It has been The amendment "maxes the rraphen were order~d by the sas City qn the Kansas-Missouri sland and tight. 40' 0'/0 of War Contracts using a ttenahet moWlted on a Jersey Joe Walcott knocked border, are churning doWn the slnee 1844. In 194'7 the river caused adminIstration of pl'lce controls "It Western Europe is at- l~ ieim cut th'roU,h tM wires while out hel<vywelght champion Ez­ U.S. command to remain hence­ an esllmated $9 million damare practically impossible," he said, tacked it will be defended-and forth within a bail-mile area of Missouri river to Its meeting with Dutting In .a, waterl1ne at the Tim- sard Charles Wednesday night In the MlsslSsippi above SI. Louis. when 1& reached to.3 leet. because "Informed ac/:ountirig not liberated,'.' Ach eson pledged. WASHINGTON UP) - Ten big the conferenee llite Itself. ./ St. Louis proper sets on hlgh sources $8y that there are not merman farm. Ihe seventh round of a title fll'hI They la.hed Wednesday night His news cllnference statement companies have receivcd 40 per ~round. The city with a metropoli- enough accountants In the entire Affected ' were two c;lbles, one at Plttsbllrl'h to become the old­ with full fury at central MissourI. wu the first offielal confirmation tan population of 1.5 million lies world" to do tbe bookkeeping lilal Ihis country Is discussing a cent of the doUar volume of de- carryinl{ 10~ wires, the other 108 esl heavywe:ght champion In Ihe * * * They poured into 20 blocks of Reels Push Sitterly In an arc In the Mississippi. The necessary to carry dut the terms bilateral militarY alliance with [ense contracts since Korea, the wires. The wires made ul> a tOtal hislory of professional boxln,. .Terterson City, state capital.
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