Daily Egyptian Southern llIin o i ~ University at Carbondale M(>Dday, April 27, 1987, Vo1.73, No. 141 , 16 Pages Library asbestos draws complaint By Carolyn Schmidt StatfWriter may he serious, long-term Department of Labor or two months hefore sending it to president of the board. "And effects to their health from another outside agency other the Department of Labor. every piece of information The Morris Library civil friable asbestos." than John A . Jurgiel (the "We held off filing it because we've gotten we had to fight service executive board rued a Tammy Young, president of company hired by the we wanted to open lines of for! ' complaint Wednesday with the the board said the complaint University to conduct a communication with Pollution The llIinois Education Illinois Department of Labor, was filed because Pollution campUS-WIde asbestos survey) Control on a relationship of Association filed Freedom of Division of Safety Inspection Control has not kept the to test the library for airborne good faith," Young so _J. Information requests for the and Education stating that library well-informed of how asbestos and determine what "We can't say whether it's library employees last "employees believe that a serious the asbestos situation hazards exist, she said. been intentional but we' e February to receive reports of v.olation of safety and health is. The board debated whether b€;;n getting misinformation," standards exists and that there The board would like the to file the complaint for about said Barbara Youtber, vice See ASBESTOS, Poge 9 Bakker could lose license, Carnival paints out condom value By Catherine Simpson Falwell says StaffWrttOf While gu-ls pinned the FORT MILL, S.C. <UPD - condom on the stud, several New PTL Chairman Jerry guys were gathered around a Falwell said Sunday that table testing how many television evangelist Jim pitchers of water a condom Bakker, who is accused of could hold. having homosexual The games were part of relationships, will lose his the "Condom Carnival" held license to preach if the Saturday at Thompson allegations ar~ true. Point's "Pointfest." The Falwell saio PTL officials Condom Carnival included are taking seriously the ac­ the games "Strong Man cusations by rival minister Stretch," a test of the John Ankerberg that Bakker strength and durability of engaged in homosexual ac­ condoms, "Pin the Condom tivities, slept with prostitutes on the Stud," "Condom and cond~ned wife swapping Water Toss," "Condom among members of his Water Capacity" and the ministry. "Dart Toss." The games " Reverend Ankerberg is a were desi~ed to belp people highly respected church leader get familiar with handling in Amer;ca, and we do take condoms. The idea of the Condom ~~~d~\'~~~-:';;; Carnival was created hy CBS's "Face the Nation." Mike Bryant, graduate Ankerberll. based in student in Hil~ber Education, Chattanooga. TeIln., is one of J .D. DeReu, freshman in three evangelists whose ac­ Health Educaticn, Cbris cusations of s~ual misconduct Paveza, freshman in Cinema led Bakker to resign his PTL and Pbotography, and Bass television ministry March 19. Dixon , an undecided He made the new allegations freshman, all (rom BrOWlJ Hall. ~:d'abt~.:s ~~te~rl;tik The purpose of the car­ show host Larry King. nival was to educate the [n another development, puhlir in a fun. non­ Newsweek reported that the threatening atma! \lhere, Inlernal Revenue Service is Bryant ~aid , "so the) won't investigating whether bonuses be afraid of using condoms." !>'lid by PTL exceeded the The condom carnival also " re.1sonable" pay standards was aimed at educating required of tax-exempt people about aquired im­ organizations. mune deficiency syndrome The Charlotll> Observer last and other sexually tran­ smitted diseases and how ba"trec':~~ . 6 ~~~ condoms can help prevent the PTL last year and a total of the diseases, Bryant said. $-1.8 million since 1984, mostly Janice Kolp from the inoonuses. Wellness Center ad­ Falwell said the Assemblies ministered quizzes and of GOO - the denomination to distributed free condoms which Bakker helonged until a and pamphlets about con­ sex scandal shook the ministry doms. last month - has a restoration In addition to the Condom process for certain sins, in­ Carnival, Pointiest included cluding drinking or family a tug+war. canoe races, problems. volleyball, refreshments, T­ " Homosexuality is not one of <!llrts an<! concerts by the those (sins)," Falwell said. bands "Don't Ask" and "Almost Blue." Freshm.n JuU. Owings tries 10 "pin the concI"", on the stud." See BAKKER, Page g This Moming Somit: Restructure of system is 'inevitable' By Paula Buckner Fliers vie down [rom the University universities are distributed GusBode " SlaffWriter presidency Jan.• 0, was the among four systems, ''which Jt for top prize Albert Somit says the luncheon speaker Friday maker. no sensible distinction -Page:"; structure of the state's during the 10th annual meeting among schools with drastically universities systems hasn't of the Post-Doctcral Academy different missions. U The 0Jin0is Board of Higher Salukis belped sru.c's positiO!' as a o~ Higher Education, a graul' fall major research uruVerslty. ct. sru.c alumni, faculty a11d Education coordina tes the four to2ndinMVC "A large scale restructuring doctoral students. systems: the SIU, University is almost inevitable. The only Somit also is a member of of OJinois, Board at Regents and Board of Governors ' I~I -Sports 16 questions are when and bow. the PDA, which mel in tile As far as sru.c is concerned, Student Center. systems. Oua ..,. eX1l'W_ta _ The basic flaw in the The other flaw in "system of the sooner the hetter." lull 01 _Ice on thing. "'ey "s~tem of systems" is that P""" c-" high In 70. Somit, making his first .houk! heM clone tr..mHlYeS. public speech since stepping ---Ubnois' 12 senior public OLD MAIN Newswrap 'l\.OOM world/nation SANDWICH SPECIALS ArmOrEtd car hits land mine MOMDIIY 4127/87 ~ Po<ao~ . Soup a 5aIad!lor in Sri Lanka; eight killed TUODIIY 4128187 COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (UP!) - A land mine blew up a military armored car in rebel-infiltrated eastern Sri Lanka Sunday, OIled I \ont. cn.to. i'r<nch ''''''. Soup a 5aIad!lor killing eight people in the first major attack since a terrorist bOmb last week killed more than 100 m Colombo. Authorities said wroNODIIY 4129/87 retaHatory attacks aimed at wiping out the strongholds of Hamburger wIR4!d Onkln on B0ck Bread. separatist Tamil guerrillas in northern and eastern Sri Lanka Oetman Po<ao 5aIad. Soup a 5aIad!lor continued Sunday, but provided no d~tails on the military ac­ tions. Tl1UR5D11Y 4150187 rm'lCh Toa5t~ Mam. rrenctl rr1e5. Soup a 5aIad!lor Arafat \,,'ins mandate to iead a reunified PLO rRlDIIY/5I1l87 ALGIERS. Algeria (UP!) - Yasser Arafat won a new man­ date Sunday to lead a reunified Palestine Liberation ~ Chee5e~. o/Chee5e) Organization and terrorist Mohammad Abu Abbas - sentenced 'renc:h ''''''.5o>up8o 5aIad!lor to life in prison for the Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking - provisionally was re-elected to the PLO governing board. The 34().memher Palestine National Council, which serves as the Palestinian parliament-in-<oxile and the P LO's legislative body, wound up a six-<lay meeting early Sunday clearly united behind Arafat. Manila police on full alert after coup reports MANILA, Philippines ( UP!) - Military and police were placed on full alert following reports soldiers loyal to former President Ferdinand Marcos were planning another bid to topple the government of Corazon Aguino, it was reported Sunday. Newspapers quoted Manila police cnief Brig. Gen. Alexander Aguirre as saying the plot involved disgruntled soldiers and civilians loyal to Marcos. Soviets mark anniversary of nuclear disaster MOSCOW (UP!) - The Soviet Union marked the first an­ niversary of the Cbernobyl nuclear disaster Sunday with a Open l."onight at 7:30 television tribute to the emergency crews that coped with ac­ cident and reassurances the disaster poses no long-term dangers Music By: to health. But the weekly Moscow News criticized governmenl officials for restri~ ting information about the disaster and its * DaBlooze *138 health consequences. *TinPan Nixon-Kissinger advice welcomed b)' ~eaga n * Suburban Bousewives WASIllNGTON ( UP!) - The White House said Sunday that Alley President Reagan welcomes advice (rom former President in Bondage Nixon and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about pitfalls in the Soviet proposal to remove nuclear weapons from Europe. They warned Reagan in a jointly written newspaper Lots of P r izes &: Giveaways! column that "a (alse peace" could result if he accepts the Soviet "Like no other" offer to remove the warheads from Europe while leaving the SYNERGY BENEFIT communist troop advantage intac!. Casey in guarded condition at N.Y. hospital GLEN COVE, N.Y. ( UP!) - Former CIA Director William Casey was in guarded condition with pneumonia at a Long Island Air Cond .• Washroom Equiped. ReclinIng Sea". hospital Sunday, a spokesman said. Casey. 74, was being treated E S,_ \ocolod no ..... ghoul Chkogo & Subu.tn in the intensive care unit of Community Hospital at Glen Cove, CONIFOI?T ABLE where lJe was admitted Saturday, a hospital spokesman s:::d It S UDENT was the second time Casey has returned to a hospital since being RANSIT DELLIXE COACHES released this year (rom the Washington facility where he un­ li derwent brain cancer surgery. Casey was sufferi"!l from aspirati&nal pneumonia but his family asked that no other details of his medical condition or treatment be released, the Ixpals US SlaYICI spokesman said. TO CHICAGO & SUBURBS ABC news writers heading back to work ALSO KANKAKEE .. CHAMP.lJaN NEW YORK ( UP!) - ABC news writers began trickling back to work Sunday after overwhelmingly ratifying a new contract that brought ~laims of success from both sides in the nearly 'i~.
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