The July 12, 2013 Delivering quality informationConvoy on the 1st Marine Logistics Group Volume 6 Issue 10 says farewell to Maj. Gen. Broadmeadow 1st MLG Follow us on: Cover Page: Major Gen. John J. Broadmeadow, right, outgoing commanding general, 1st Marine Logistics Group, relinquishes his command to Brig. Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese, left, during a change of com- mand ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 11, 2013. The passing of the unit’s battle colors symbolizes the transfer of authority and responsibility of command from one general offi- COMMANDING GENERAL cer to another. Major Gen. Broadmeadow, a native of Pawtucket, Brig. Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese R.I., has served as the commanding general since June 2011. (Photo by Cpl. Timothy Childers / Released) SERGEANT MAJOR Sgt. Maj. Richard D. Thresher To read the story and see more photos, go to page three. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICERS 1st Lt. Skye Martin 2nd Lt. Colleen McFadden PUBLIC AFFAIRS CHIEF Staff Sgt. John Jackson THROUGH LOGISTICS Episode 8 features Marines with Bridge Company, 7th Engineer Support Bat- COMBAT CORRESPONDENTS talion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, conducting a field-training exercise at San Cpl. Laura Gauna Clemente Island, Calif., June 27, 2013. Cpl. Timothy Childers Lance Cpl. Cody Haas Lance Cpl. Shaltiel Dominguez CONTACT US: 760-763-7795 [email protected] CLICK ON THESE LINKS TO FOLLOW US ON: DVIDS @Twitter YouTube Facebook Flickr 1st MLG welcomes new commanding general CAMP PENDLETON, the transfer of authority and knew there was no one bet- Calif. – Marines and sailors responsibility of command ter. I’m glad I can pass on the with 1st Marine Logistics from one general officer to helm to him.” Group gathered on the pa- another. Brigadier Gen. Coglianese rade deck to bid farewell to Major Gen. Broadmead- is currently the commanding their commanding general ow, a native of Pawtucket, general of Marine Corps In- during a change of command R.I., has honorably served stillations West. ceremony aboard Camp as the commanding gen- “It’s absolutely humbling Pendleton, Calif., July 11, eral since June 2011 and de- and an honor to be part of 2013. ployed to Afghanistan with this team. I can’t describe it,” Handing over the unit’s the unit in Feb. 2012 for Op- said Brig. Gen. Coglianese. battle colors, Maj. Gen. eration Enduring Freedom. “I’m happy to be here. We’re John J. Broadmeadow re- He will continue his service going to give everything we linquished command of 1st to the Marine Corps as the got.” MLG to Brig. Gen. Vincent commanding general of Ma- As the new commander, A. Coglianese, who plans to rine Corps Logistics Com- Brig. Gen. Coglianese will be build on the success of the mand in Albany, Ga. responsible for accomplish- group. “I’ve been incredibly for- ing the 1st MLG’s mission: to During the ceremony’s tunate to been at [these Ma- provide direct support to the most solemn moment, the rines’] helm,” said Maj. Gen. Marine Expeditionary Force, unit’s battle colors were Broadmeadow. “[Brig. Gen. Ground Combat Element and passed from the outgoing Coglianese] has done a great general and logistical support commander to the incom- job transforming this base above the capabilities of the ing commander. This pass- out here. When I found out supporting elements within ing of the colors symbolizes he was the guy, I honestly the MEF. ^ Brigadier Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese, left, the new commanding general of 1st Marine Logistics Group, shakes hands with Maj. Gen. John J. Broadmeadow, outgoing com- manding general, during the unit’s change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pend- leton, Calif., July 11, 2013. Story and photos by: Cpl. Timothy Childers Staff Writer ^ Major Gen. John J. Broadmeadow, outgoing command- ing general, 1st Marine Logistics Group, gives a speech during his change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 11, 2013. Broadmeadow relinquished his command to Brig. Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese. > Marines and sailors with 1st Marine Logistics Group march on the parade deck during their unit’s change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 11, 2013. During the ceremony, Maj. Gen. John J. Broad- meadow, outgoing commanding general, relinquished his command to Brig. Gen. Vincent A. Coglianese. Lieutenant Col. John J. Wiener, outgoing commanding officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 15, Combat Logistics Regiment 17, 1st Marine Logistics Group, gives a farewell speech during his change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 2, 2013. Wiener relinquished command to Lt. Col. Wilfred Rivera, incoming commanding officer, and is now assigned to theLieutenant programs and resources center Col. in the PentagonRivera to work astakes a program analyst charge for the Pacific oftheater .CLB-15 Read more: http://www.dvidshub.net/image/965390/lieutenant-col-rivera-takes-charge-clb-15#ixzz2YT9fo1ar Photos by: Cpl. Laura Gauna Staff Writer Lieutenant Col. John J. Wiener, outgoing commanding officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 15, Combat Logistics Regi- ment 17, 1st Marine Logistics Group, relinquished command to Lt. Col. Wilfred Rivera, incoming commanding officer, dur- ing a change of command ceremony aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 2, 2013. Weiner, a native of Cherry Hill, N.J., is now assigned to the programs and resources center at the Pentagon to work as a program analyst for the Pacific theater. 1st Dental Bn. takes first place in Corpsman Cup Challenge AMP PENDLETON, lot of pride in being a corpsman.” your part is on the team, it’s all very satisfying feeling,” said Petty Calif. - A group of The Corpsman Cup Challenge about the guy to your left and your Officer 3rd Class Erik Bryar, a hospital corpsmen is a new addition to the birthday right.” hospital corpsman with 1st Dental with 1st Dental Bat- celebration and is meant to give During the course, each team Bn. C talion, 1st Marine sailors a deeper understanding performed a 75-meter low crawl The day’s events not only cel- Logistics Group, took first place of what it means to be a hospital to the beach, 10 tire-flip repetitions ebrated the proud history of hospi- in the Corpsman Cup Challenge corpsman. and a timed M4 carbine assembly tal corpsmen, but also honored the aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., The battalion’s slogan is “First challenge. Finally, they ran an ob- corpsmen who have given their June 14, 2013. in service and finest in perfor- stacle course and using a medical lives to save others. For sailors The challenge, which was de- mance.” The sailors exemplified evacuation carry technique, car- who participated in the Corpsman signed to strengthen a unit’s abil- their motto by competing and tak- ried each other over various ob- Cup Challenge, it’s about the pride ity to work as a team, was held to ing first place. stacles. of having the title “Corpsman.” commemorate the Hospital Corps’ “I was very humbled when I Approximately eight teams “I feel privileged to have gone 115th birthday. found out we won,” said Petty Of- from 1st Marine Division, 3rd Ma- through it, representing my fellow “It was a great opportunity to ficer 3rd Class Albert Vu, a hos- rine Aircraft Wing and 1st Dental corpsmen as well as the battalion,” compete with my fellow corps- pital corpsman with 1st Dental Bn. competed in the challenge. said Petty Officer 3rd Class Justin men,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Bn. “We have our pride, but you “The fact that you are represent- Redus, a hospital corpsman with Michael Conley, a hospital corps- always want to keep it humble. ing the battalion and finished be- 1st Dental Bn. “It was an amazing man with 1st Dental Bn. “I have a No matter how big or how small fore all of the other groups was a feeling.” Story by: Lance Cpl. Cody Haas Staff Writer Courtesy photo Top from left to right: Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael Conley, Petty Officer 3rd Class Joshua Fallick and Pet- ty Officer 3rd Class Justin Redus. Bottom from left to right: Petty Officer 3rd Class Erik Bryar, Petty Offi- cer 3rd Class Albert Vu, all hospital corpsmen with 1st Dental Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, pose in front of their unit’s sign celebrating 1st Dental Bn. and their victory in the Corpsman Cup Challenge. 1st Dental Bn. sailors provide dental care during Pacific Angel CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - A dental team with 1st Dental Battalion,CAMP 1stPENDLETON, Marine Logistics Calif. Group, worked alongside- As a sergeant counterparts of Marines, from a Story and photolot is expectedby: from you. Just the Air Force and a non-government organi- Cpl. Laura Gaunagoing through the motions zation known as East Meets West, to provide Staff Writerwas never Sgt. Frank S. Vil- humanitarian aid tolanueva’s the people intentions of Quang and doingBinh province, Vietnam,the during minimum Operation does not Pacificcut it in Angel 2013, June 9-15.his mind. The Pacific Angel Sincedetachment childhood, from 1stVillan Ma-- rine Expeditionaryueva, Force a 29-year-oldwas comprised native ofof dental, medical andPhoenix, optometry knew teams, he was which going together treated 4,056to be patients. a Marine. “My uncle would tell me “The dental team saw 747 patients and per- stories of when he was in the formed a total of Marine2,912 proceduresCorps,” said over Villan six- days,” said Navy Lt.ueva, Thomas staff noncommissionedV. Brislin, den- tist and officer-in-chargeofficer-in-charge, with the detachment Corporals from 1st Dental Bn.Course, “The abilityCombat to goLogistics in and help a large numberRegiment of people 17, and 1st relieve Marine them Lo- of a pain they’ve hadgistics for yearsGroup. is “He very told reward me it- ing.” was challenging and I liked Brislin, a native that.”of Philadelphia, was joined He became a bulk fuel spe- by two dental technicians from 1st Dental Bn., cialist and over the last 10 and two Marines withyears 7thhe hasEngineer traveled Support to more Battalion, 1st MLG,than who 20 different transformed countries, local in- ^ Navy Lt.
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