. - '- ’M r ... ••■fS : \ .■r 'X' *. ' N . V t o t ssd a t , SEWEMBER 11,194T I ■V Manchester' Evening Herald The Weather ^ ' ..... ' Average Daily Circulation 'iirecaat ol 1). S.- U'eather Bureau proximately a fourth of hll wound­ For the Moffth ot August, 1$44 _____ ^ The Women’s League of the. Seaman 1-C Reynolda PopoS Is J^ntering Service, ed men evacuated have been- car­ ■ FLOOR LAYING Second Congregational church will home on a 15-day furlough. He {a Helps Remove ried by this group and by Sergt. CAR NEED REPAIRS? (>rc-aidoaal rain todiiy, toalghl About Town meet Thursday afternoon at two the third aon of Mr. and ifra. Wll- Beilis’ air evacuation squadron. Sm Me For Prompt, Expert ANUSAMMNG 8 , 7 7 . ' > ;nd Thiirday. Uttio change- la' at the parsonage, 106 , Henry Uatt S. Popoff of 433 Lydall Given a Farewell Sergt. Bellia ia the son of Mr. Reanishlag and Waxing. Member of tho Audit trtnpe'rature. , afreet, and began'hie naval train­ Auto Repair Service Eattmate* Gladly Given. street. Miss Wilma Dubin of the Wounded Men and Mrs. Domenick Bellia and a Bdreaa of Clrcnlaaoaa ___Lodge of Maoont ing In July ISiS, and Saw action in former employee of the Pioneer ABEL’S SERVICE ST A. IED80IVU1.D ' win hell lU ftret regular commu- tcamily Service' Society of Hart­ M anchester^A City of Village -Charm ford will speak on "Post-Wv **•* the recent Invaaioa of Normandy. Johnny Carreiro, popular even­ Pa>achute Company. He hat a Rear — 2$ Ueoper Htreet.,' TELEPHONE irfOfttleB of the fell and wlnUr aea- Sgt. Joseph' Bpilis of brother, Corp. Charles Beilis, in •on In the Temple beginning at Ulutmei/ct rawm Pvt. Raymond W. Powers, eon ing bartender, who Is leaving the infantry. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS T:90 tonight. The Master Mason meMhef ■ mioA to attend. The (Ciaaallled Advertlatag an nigu U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1944 hosteasea will be Mrs. Albert ^ of Mrs. Sarah A. Powera of 208 morrow for service lr\^ the Armei This Town in Air Evac­ VOL. LXIIL, NO. 293 degree ulll be conferred. Refresh­ Charter Oajk, street, is home on a Forces, was tendered a farewell ments wlU be senred after the Brown, and Mra. Julius Bratsyn- 21-day furlough from the South uation Service. der. party last night at ths Bolton ALICE CO FRAN l " S }od^ mating. ^ Pacific area, where be has seen 19 (Known Aa tjueen Alice) months of service with the Coast Lake Hotel. A'Ninth Air Force Service Com­ SPIRITDAL MEDIUM Motor Shot Away from Yank Bomber Aaburr C^ouf ^ ^ Booth Chairman Jack Sanaon of ths Artillery. His wife and 16 months’ His mother came from Massa- Baldwin Sees rmCB win meet 'Ilnirs- Veterans Memorial committee has mand ynit, European Theater of Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son called a meeting of the group for old son. whom he had never seen, Chfisetts and nearly 10 of nia rela­ ftim With a Veil. Soviet Tank Forces Germans Admit Loss Operatioha—Joseph J. Beilis, sur­ HALE’S at two o’clock at tomorrow night' at 8 o’clock in the make their home with his mother, tives and friends from this and Readinga Dall>, Including Sunddy, ' full attendance Is Mrs. Powers hbs another son in other towns were present and en­ gical technipian, U. S. Army Med­ Need to Keep for hlS first meeting of office of Dr. G. A. F. Lundberg in 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or Ry Appoint- > Wed. Morning Specials the State theater building. At that the .Army, Corp. William E. Pow- joyed a chicken and.spaghetti din- ical Corps a native of Manr ment. In the Service of tlie Peo- | hostesses will b* . ers. " • ; ner. - / Chester, C 0nn\ls assigned to-an ___ ___ 'd, Mrs. mien- tirhe several suggested sketches of pie for SO Veara. Thrust Two Prongs Up War Work and Mrs. gennle Nichols. Ideas for a memorial will be offer­ Sunday achool teaebers of the Howard Hastings was master of air evacuation aguadron of this 169 Oiurch Street, Hartford, CSoaa.'' ODD LOT OF 3 DOZEN y Of Westwall Outpost ed for discussion by ths commit­ Concordia Lutheran church . will ceremonies and George Smith and Nlnth''Alr Force S^vice Command Phon^ $-2024 tee. ' hia Hammond organ furnished In- Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Rchlpper, 20 hold their first fall meeting to itrumental niiisic. There was also Transport Group inNbe European Into TransylVariia But State Musl.Be Pre­ Harrard road, are the i>e” nta of Members of the Manchester Kx- plan BctlvltlfijLJimiglxt at eight Theater of Operations' a daughter, Caroline, . b«rn at o’clock at ths church. chorus singing. • and photographs pared for Reconver­ changs Club are reminded of the wer# taken of the group as they 8In.ee June llth, whe'k Colonel Hartford bo^U l, Sunday. _ outing and gathering for members Summer Dresses Rvt. William T. Anderson, son were seated^ at- long tables deco­ Carl R. Feldman, the grotm com­ sion as Soon aS) Cpitiflict and their Wives to be held at the rated in--red, white and blue and mander, made the first sir cya^cua- Values Up To $10.98. Romanian Infantry As- As Yankees Unne IjOdgs No. 72, Knights df of Mr. and Mrs. Carl William An­ Yankees’ Guns garden Orove, Keeney atreet, be­ late garden flowers. tion flight to France, Sergt. Bellia Not All Sizes. Ends, He Declares. Pythias, win meet In Orange hall ginning at S o’clock tomorrow aft- derson of 120 Branford atreet, la sists in Pushing Ahead ^ tomorrow evening at • o’clock. horns on a 10-day furlough from Johnny received from his friends has made more than 40 fll^ ta $3 .9 8 I evpbon. There will be steamed a goatskin wallet containing $100, planes iised are Douglaa C-47s Y'our Choice Al.<............................... Hartfora, Septi^ 18—(A>i-Gover Nazi Broadcast First clamd'and chowder and in the eve­ Camp Croft, 8. C., the first hi has —Reports from Poland k^Olteil AsleS 10,000 Jap Civilians ^ The Toung People’s Society of had'since he entered the service also a wrist "waich from Mr. and known as "flying ambulances” ca^ nor Baldwin, opening an Industrial Planes Batter ning a chicken and spaghetti din­ Mrs. Charles Nole of Waterbury. pable of carrying 24 wounded men Says Major Rail Center Killed Selves on SaiiSan Word Germans Had the Zion Lutheran church will ner will served. Entertainment six months sgo. He »’lll report in litters. The trip from France is reconversion conferenct hers to- have a meeting at the church this Monday to Camp Meade, Mary­ Ht will be succeeded by his broth­ j Received That Their and dahclnif aye also on the pro­ er Joseph, recently of Plymouth, a little more than an hour. Ap­ Close' Out! Of Lomza Below East t OP lllV aSlO ll day, asserted that while "Our I(o. Los Angeles., Sept. 13.—(A^— | evening at 7:30. gram. land. I^it, Anderson was formerly i Job right now’’ was to keep war german Areas ’i>n thoii.iand Japanese Civil-1 Home^nd' Had Been employed by the Pioneer Para­ Mass. WOMEN DEFENSE WORKERS Prussia Now Encircled. production at Its peak, the Job of tans killed themselves on Sai­ I chute company. ■------ - ‘tj Warships Hit Coastal De reconversion' ’*may be nearer af pan .after U. S. Marines had Invaded’; Berlin Does lloacow, Sept. 13.—(A>>—Power- | hand than we think." Por JSixth Day bottled them up on the island, TO HAVE YOUR fenses of Half, Dozen For the reason, he 'told the In- aaya Marine Capt. Milton Sper­ I Not Reveal Where the VIOLIN BOWS ful RuBsian taiik forces knd Ro- ! dnstrialisU, labor leaders and ling. B u y Your All Wobl Croftsman ; RANGE OIL Blue Shirts manlan infantry emerged today i Places to Keep Enemy representitives of federal agencies At Least 3,000 Ameri­ “Husbands cut their wiyea' ! ' Siegfried Line Deiited r- ■ ; ' , , ' Regular $1.49 Value. throata, mothers stabbed their DeMTercd Ta Tour Home.' REHAIRED from the western foothills of Upset; Today’s Blows. gathersd at the conference, it was 1 —New Army in Field. Not All S izes......................................... 'Trsnsylvania and fought for con­ Important that , all concerned “be can Machines Drop own children, men shot, stab­ Auto Body Shop forehanded about this thing and 1 bed and bludgeoned to death Van's ServlM Station CALL 52S6 ^ trol of the rsH netwAk, radiating I By Leonard MilUnum get started on if'Immediately, be­ 5,000 Tons of Explo- their mothers and fathers,” nej Ijondon, Sept. 13.—(JP)— SM lISATERS Body and Fender Repairing from ’Timisoara, 40 miles south of Preus War Editor declared. “Some killed them- 427 Hartford Road Tel. 8866 cause our futore ia at stake." ... Bives on Factories. Loss of “an outpost of the ^ Welding Array-Navy exp«i*\ieleete^ Close Out! ths pye-wsr Hungsrisn border and ’The 16-lnch guns of American The task, A* governor aald, was selvea with hand grenades and , Reynolds Cotton Intuition foe not so much one of making plans— by Jumping over cliffs. west wall” was acknowledged , 76 mlies north of Belgrade. battleships have Joined In bom- London, Sept. 13..—iJf)—A vast . /- 'Truck Painting more than 200 war-homing SEAMLESS SHEER this alresuy has been done by the “It was an Inconceivable by Berlih late today as Amer­ At The Factory ptojeett from Alaska to I^baR (The Parik rajlio said the Re<l bardments of pre-inyafllon Inten- post-war planning board, the Con' armada of at least 3,000 American thing to the American mind.” Expert Work! - FOR TOP VALUE Now, it’s aYailtble for you'toj Army had reached the ouUkirU of sity being pbueed-'on JapanesiR' necticut reemployment commia' planes hurled 5,000 tons ot bombs Sperling, a veteran of the Sal- ican columns stepped/up dou­ IN A NEW HOME install in yoiir anic.
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