THE LOWELL LEDGER. INDEPENDENT NOT NEUTRAL. FOL. Xll, NO. 10 Clrculatoa 1132. LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THl HSJUY. AUGUST 25. 1904 Official Newspaper. TEN PAGE PAPER IT'S BOUND TO COME ( HUCHES AND .SOCIETIES. CONGREGATIONAL. The theme for next Sunday morn- The Successful Man LOWELL ON THROUGH LINK ing will be "Prayer." PRACTICAL PAINTS GRAND RAPIDS TO Christian Endeavor moetintrat 7. Subject of the evening sermon FOR EVERY PURPOSE. is always the thrifty man. Two DETROIT. "Christ typified by the Stars." young; men may have the bm me start in life, the same salary. Wouldn't Miss Uf If It Could, and MBTHOUIST. Dont forget that we are headquarters for everything in i>aint8 One wlJl alwa.vB remain an em- ploye while the other ffws In- Couldn't If It Would. "Church Benevolences." is the and paint sundries. We can supply these things in any quantity to business for himseii. One topic for the Epworth league meet- sis much or as little as you want, if you are going to do a large Great bodies move slow; and the ing next Sunday evening, and l.ila spent hfs money as he went, job of puinting, seeing us beforehand is pretty sure to mean the the other started a bank ho- Lawrence and Mina Egglest-on will company that is going to build an have charge. count and when a chance came saving of money. Wo carry ji large stock, buy in large quanti- electric railroad from Grand UapidK The theme of the morning sermon be had the money to take aii- ties and have a large trade. We are iti a position to make prices vantage of It. through Lowell to Detroit is a mil- will be, "Our Marching Orders. Go lion dollar concern.1 Don't get diH- Forward;" and In the evening the that are right and we do so. con raged if dirt doesn't tly before text will be. "Show Yourselves." Thursday evening meeting at the The City Bank, snow does; because that road Ik usual hour; topic, "Self Exami- Shaker Mixed Paints. HILL, WATTS & CO., bound to come. nation." A careful inspection of the houses of Lowell and vicinity will .Inst listen to this from the Detroit The Annual Conference sets In Grand Rapids Sept. 14, Bishop Mc- reveal the fact'tliat those which are most attractive and which Dally Times: offer an opportunity for you to l»effln the SAVINS G that leads to Cabe will preside. look host longest are the ones painted with Shaker Mixed Paints. success. The earlier you begin the quicker v quicker your succens. l'resident E. M. Hopkins, of the This brand is the standard of quality in mixed paints. They have Owosso & Pontiac electric railwuy, •OCIBTIBB. says that contracts have been let stood the test of time and use and have not been found wanting All members of the O. E. S. are with Farnham & Co.. of Chicago, for in a single quality that a good paint should have. For .unique- the construction of the (50 miles of urged to l)e present at a picnic at the ness an i brilliancy of colors, durability and covering capacity the road beween those points, and Island- Wednesday afternoon, Aug. that work will be started in about 31. It is proposed to invite several they are the best and cheapest paints you can use. two weeks. Thecompany lecapital- neighboring chapters to attend ftnd Ized at ?1,800.000. and Its offlcerH are: it Is also hoped that the services of a ALL THE OTHER ITEMS NEEDED FOR PAINTINC. speaker from the fraternity may be President. E. M. Hopkins; vice-presi- We carry a full line of White Lead, Oils, i^ead and Dry Colors, dent. John T. Rich; treasurer. C. H. obtained. A very enjoyable time Is anticipated. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor Paints. Buggy Paints, Brushes and paint Pomeroy; secretary. Frank Wescott. supplies of all kinds. Paints, Varnishes. Stains. Enamels, etc., in Associated with them are J. L. Hud- Mrs. Althen will enterlain the Sun- small cans for household use. Also In larger sizes. See the color son. Gov. A. T. Bliss and others. shine club Thursday afternoon of cards. Don't Miss It! Mr. Hopkins Is also Interested in this week from .*1 to ,"). the Grand Rapids and Ionia: the We are always glad to talk about paints with you. Ionia and Owosso; the Grand Rap- Buying of us always means satisfaction to you and In ids. Belding and Greenville, and the most cases, eBpecially on larger jobs, a substantial Gr nd Haven Grand Rapids and saving. If you fall to see us, It means loss to us both. .Muskegon railways. When all of the lines are completed they will The goods.we offer are first class in form a trunk line east and west every particular. The cost is entirely across the state. Look's Drug and Book Store. ignored. Our object beintr to quickly YOU KNOW WHERE. dispose of the limited quantity named. HEARD ABOUT TOWN. Please bear in mind that we will be unable to furnish these pfoods afteo^ Miss Kate Perry is attending teachers' institute at Grand Rapids the present stock is exhausted pli- this week. cate the price on future ordgr^' Miss Una Bostwlck of Grand Rap- ids is visiting her friend, Miss Delia Wlnegar. m 7c lb. in 51b. lots. Elmer White went to Saranac yes- MlU) HILER. Under (Jil 40c gal. in .*) gal. lots. terday to play with the band at Pioneer business man. now retired, Harness Oil 25c gal. in one gal. lots. Time is Money that place. who contemplates removing to Cali- Sleel Barn Door Track 2 l-2cft. Mrs. Emma Greer of Kalamazoo fornia to spend his declining days. Cream Separators. has been spending two weeks with Teach the boy and girl its value by pre- her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Lewis. HEARD ABOUT TOWN. senting them WATCHES selected from lixtra Barealas la Secomd Hand Cook Stoves Walter Dillenbeck and family of our elegant stock of time keepers. Cases Ionia visited his parents, Mr. and and works guaranteed. Prices posi- Mrs. L. Eggleston visited in South tively the lowest. Fine assortment of Mrs. J. Dillenbeck, last week. Boston last week. D. H. Owen Is "hello-lug" at Citi- WUlle Schrelner Is . visiting rela- CHAINS, FOBS AND zens' central this week. Miss Agnes tivesat Cadillac. CHARMS Perry l>elng "under the weather." to match. Fred White and Glen Ernst wi R. B. BOYLAN. Miss Llbble Lawrence and Mes- home from Saranac Sunday. Special Priccs on Cut Glass and high damcs D. Cv-Machein and Geo. Mese- grade SlUerware. car spent yesterday In Grand Rapids. Miss Mabie Scott Is spending the week with friends at Alto. Mrs. Frank VanFleet and three children of Grand Rapids visited over •las. McMahon of Grand Rapids Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. J. was In town part of last week. I.<e wis." F. R. Ecker was in Grand Rapids Mesdames Ira Richards of Baston, on business Monday and Tuesday. R. D* Stocking. Pa., and Villa Ayers of Saranac were Harrison Blakeslee is home from guests of Mrs. F. R. Ecker and family Sunfleld where he has been working last week. Miss Jennie Patterson of Ypsllantl Watches The cement walk campaign goes visited last week with Will Tre merrily on all over town. A few Denick and wife. Clocks F YOU want good goods, years more will see the last of the plank walks. John Spaulding of Caledonia visit Jewelry the best that money can ed over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs buy. }»()ods that are of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hotchklss and Will Tre Denick. Delicious T baby of Saranac and Mr. and Mrs. Silver- Barth McWUllams of Grand Rap superior workmanship H. A. Auble of Cascade were guests and pure is our Soda Water. of Mrs. E. S. Adams Sund'iy. - ids Is spending a few days with ware and quality, goods that are Frank McMahon. We use fresh fruit ayrnps and Geo. O. Dutcher, who has been liv- can assure you that our soda Fancy up-to-the-times, goods that ing at Carlyon, N. Y., for the past The primary department of the M. Is entirely pure and wholesome. four years, is visiting his paiVnts, E. Sunday school held a picnic at On a hoi afternoon u glass of are sold under a guarantee the Island yesterday. China Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dutcher. C. W. Parks is receiving overtures to be perfect, goods that will Mrs. Hugh MacKenzle of Manls- i Ice Cream Soda from other towns to establish a fac- Kodaks tlque and Miss Ida Cogswell of Grand please you in every partic- tory for the manufacture of his pat- is a treat indeed. Don' t ^naa Rapids visited their parents Mr. and ents. and ular, come to us—we can Mrs/M.S. Cogswell part of last week. us by if you're thirsty. Chas. Boyle and Will Denick. Jr. supplies please you in every way. Mrs. Dr. Boughner and daughter have bought the Lowell laundry Bell, of Grand Rapids visited Mrs. E. outfit and propose to «vt it into S. Adams last week. Mrs. Adams shape for first-class work. They WtLDON SMITH, The Baker. accompanied her to the Ada plcalc should be encouraged. It is hardly Come in any time and see Thursday and spent Friday at Cas- a good business principle to send so cade. the different lines we carry. much money out of town every week. Mesdames Homer and Geo. Cutler You are always welcome, nave returned to their home at Luth- whether you buy or not.
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