are you see experienced? p. 3 the rice threshean all-student newspaper for 52 years r vol. 55, no. 18 rice university, houston, texas thursday, february 22, 1968 Beale is eleventh NASA and Pentagon cut back aid in annual exams to research projects, fellowships By WALTER GRANT come from applied research, for math prizes College Press Service which includes most of the WASHINGTON (CPS) — classified research projects in Rice University led all schools Troubles may be just beginning universities sponsored by the in the South and Southwest in for university graduate stu- Defense Department. the number of students ranked dents and professors who de- In the space agency, the pend on the Defense Depart- as top participants in the 28th spending reductions will have ment and the space agency for more effect on graduate fellow- annual William Lowell Putnam fellowships and funding of re- ships than on research. NASA Mathematical Competition. search projects. gave 750 predoctoral three-year fellowships i?i 1907, but will be Hanszen freshman Alan R. T h e Federal Government's budget problems have forced able to give only 75 this year. Beale received honorable men- both the Pentagon and the Na- The overall NASA program tion by placing eleventh high- tional Aeronautics and Space of support to universities has est among all entrants in the Administration to reduce sup- been cut from about $117 mil- competition. port to universities during the lion in 1907 to less than $100 current fiscal year. And the million this year, a space agen- More than 1500 students from outlook for Fiscal 190!) is not cy official said. NASA's sus- 286 universities in the United much brighter. taining university program was States and Canada participated Although some universities cut from $30 million to $10 in the competition, sponsored by are already feeling the pinch, million. the Mathematical Association most will not feel the full im- The budget cuts have been of America. pact of the decrease in finan- caused primarily by the Viet- cial support until April or May, Other Rice students recogniz- l,ill SeliniH nam war, which is eating up a according to an official in the ed for their top scores include ART FOR ART'S SAKE—Nationally syndicated columnist large portion of the federal bud- Pentagon's office of research Michael P. Berman, Baker; Da- Art Buchwald, the court jester of American journalism, visited get. Since the war is expected and engineering. vid A. Cox, Will Rice; George Rice Tuesday evening to address a dinner of the Rice University to continue at least at the pres- R. Terrell and Allan J. Wins- Associates on the topic "The CIA for Fun & Profit." Buchwald Hiring at Standstill ent level during Fiscal 1909, and ton, Wiess; Kenneth A. Dahl- commented on topics ranging from the humility of Lyndon John- The budget cuts are having a possibly at an escalated level, berg, Clayton C. Sherman, Ro- son to why Barry Goldwcfer would have made a good target for wide variety of effects on uni- universities are not expecting land T. Smith, John W. Morgan a guided missile. Phil Garon comments, in a story on p. .'i of the versities. Some graduate schools any relief when the new fiscal and James C. Thorpe, Hanszen. Thresher. may be forced to accept fewer * year begins this coming July. students next fall due to the F Increase in 19(5!) lack of fellowships and research If Congress accepts the John- opportunities. son Administration's b u <1 g e t Faculty hiring at some grad- Politicos debate McCarthy merits recommendation for NASA, the By KAROLYN KENDRICK The last speaker, Bill Kilgar- likely and the possibility that uate schools is at a standstill, amount of university support in Thresher Reporter len, an unsuccessful candidate he might be merely a political and many more schools will be 1909 will be comparable to the The Citizens for Eugene Mc- against Bob Casey-foi a seat in opportunist, he still believed unable to support faculty and reduced level of Ibis year. Carthy, organized to further the the U.S. House of Representa- that peace movements must student research projects this NASA, would again be able to Senator's candidacy for the tives, defended McCarthy's can- have some unifying figure, such summer. offer only about 75 predoctoral Democratic presidential nomina- didacy. as McCarthy, to give them Private schools with little or fellowships, and the sustaining tion, turned its platform over While conceding that McCar- authors ty. no endowments will be hurt university program would re- to critics of their candidate thy's nomination was highly un- more than some large state reive only $10 million. Positive Affirmation Sunday evening at Autry universities, like the Universit- Pentagon officials say they House. ies of Michigan and California, He also held that negative at- cannot give specific figures which are heavily endowed. titudes toward the major candi- about how the proposed .1.909 Ben Levy, chairman of the Some of the major private Pitzer will attend dates must be reversed to posi- budget will affect university- Houston Committee to End the universities like Stanford and based research. However, the War in Vietnam, contended that tive affirmation of one candi- Harvard also have large endow- Administration is requesting an liberals in general and McCar- CHEAR meeting date and his stand. ments which will help offset th>- increase of about $90 million for thy in particular were not force- loss of federal' support. the entire research program :n ful enough to get their pro- The Citizens fur McCarthy is Overall, 1 • niversity-based re- in Latin America the Defense Department. One grams across to the public. He in tlu> midst of a membership search in the Defense Depart- Pentagon official predicted addet] that McCarthy, while pro- President Kenneth S. Pitzer drive to gain support for their ment has been reduced to $238 about one-third of this amount, fessing to liberalism and a de- will participate in the 10th candidate. As a part of thi million for 1908, compared to or $'10 million, would go to uni- sire to end the Vietnamese war, meeting of the Council on High- drive, they have formed two $2(51 million in Fiscal 1907 and versities. had in actuality supported the er Education in the American auxiliary organizations — Stu- 8299 million in 1900. Administration's measures to Republics (CHEAR) in Lima, dents for McCarthy and Scien- In this case, university-based NASA Affected extend the war effort. Peru, February 25 through tists and Engineers lor Eugene research for the Pentagon Of the $23 milieu reducti >:> March 2. McCarthy. would be increased to about the this year, about $20 million will 1907 level. But costs have been Fatal Enchantment It will he Dr. Pitzer's third Information about the various come from the area of basic re- going up. and a dollar in 1909 He concluded his indictment attendance at a CHEAR con- organizations can be obtained at search, defined by the Pentagon will not go as far as a dollar in of libei'als by noting they are ference: he has participated in by calling J A 8-11 11. Ext. 457, as projects "seek'ng to develop 1907. Thus, even if universities Vstill fatally enchanted with previous nijeetings in Venezuela during the week, and MO 5- new knowledge." The smalle, receive a $30 million increase, the Democratic party and the and Chile. 3832 in the evenings. amount—about $3 million—will the overall program level still adequacy of the electoral proc- CHEAR is a private organi- will be down. ess. Our revolutionary age re- zation founded in 1958 for the quires a new and radical ap- purpose of stimulating an ex- Pitzer announces tuition changes; Tight Congress proach." change of ideas among leaders Congress, however, is in a of higher education in the fiscally conservative mood, and Marlene Karakaskian, pro- Western Hemisphere and en- Gordon reveals new math degree most observers expect signifi- gram chairman for the Citizens couraging intei'-university co- for Disengagement in Vietnam, President K. S. Pitzer an- tical sciences. "The question of cant reductions in the Adminis- operation for the study and held that doves ought first to nounced, at a faculty meeting an undergraduate major has tration's budget requests. Re- solution of problems of interna- support the anti-war movement, February 12 that Edgar Odell been deferred for further study. search funds frequently are cut tional development. and that the peace movement Lovett College for men is ex- Professor Z. W. Salsburg re- by Congress, because many ported that several forms of Congressmen think some re- could be best served through For this purpose it brings to- pected to be ready for occupan- "Jan-plan" calendars have been pushing the cause rather than gether university presidents, cy in the fall semester of 1968. search projects are duplicated studied for possible ultimate re- a candidate. key government agency execu- and are irrelevant. The faculty h e a r d reports placement of the shifted semes- tives, and representatives from Arwin A. Dougal, assistant "McCarthy's candidacy," she from President Pitzer, the Dean ter calendar that will go into some of the largest foundations director of the Pentagon's of- said, "is significant only if he of Engineering and Science, and effect next academic year. Al- throughout Latin America, the fice for"research and engineer- brings the issue of the war and the chairmen of the Committees though none has so far received United States, and Canada. ing, said the Defense Depart- peace to the people. Either be- on University Welfare, Student strong local support, study is ment surveyed universities to cause of his personality or poor Financial Aid, and the ad hoc CHEAR is supported by continuing.
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