W, VILLACE ON E MEMo TO: Mayor, Trustees, Village Attorneys and Village Clerk FROM: Village Administrator Steve Stricker and Staff DATE: November 23,2016 SUBJECT: Administration Weekly Memo Villaqe Hall Closed for Than ksq ivinq Please be reminded that the Village Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25, for the Thanksgiving holidays. Sealn AwarenessSennuar- Thulisday, December 1, 6:00 p.m. Please be reminded that the PD will be hosting a Scam Awareness Seminar on Thursday, December 1, 2016 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Police Department Community Room. Plan Commission Meetinq - Monday. December 5. 7:30 p.m. The next Plan Commission meeting is scheduled on Monday, December 5, at 7:30 p.m Plan Commission Meetinq Cancelled The December 19 Plan Commission meeting has been canceled due to lack of agenda items. IDOT Open House on l-55 Manaqed Lanes Proiect Usinq Public-Private Partnership The lllinois Department of Transportation is hosting an open house public hearing regarding the proposed l-55 Managed Lanes Corridor on Wednesday, December 7, 2016, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Holiday lnn Countryside. The scope of work for this improvement consists of the addition of one managed lane in each direction within the existing median of l-55. The new managed lane is proposed to be tolled as an Express Toll Lane administered in public-private partnership. The purpose of the hearing is to present a brief project overview, present strategies associated with public-private partnerships, and solicit input. Exhibits will be on display and an audio-visual presentation Administration Weekly Memo 11t23t2016 Page 1 ol2 will be shown continuously during the hearing. Project team members will be present to discuss the project and answer questions. Comments can be submitted at the meeting, or added to the project website at www.iSSmanagedlaneproject.org, comments are due by December 16. Water Operator Certifi cation Public Works Director David Preissig recently passed the lllinois EPA's certification exam for a Community Water Supply Operator. Following 8 weeks of classwork, the exam covered such topics as chemical treatment, maintenance of pipes, tanks, wells, and pumps, as well as water supply sampling rules and regulations. Burr Ridqe Public Works Snow Fiqhters at the Readv Public Works crews this week prepared themselves, and the Department's snow fighting trucks and equipment, in advance of the winter season. The Department held its Snow Fighters' Day on Tuesday, discussing policies, procedures, and safety topics, as well as operating the plow truck equipment and checking plow routes for impediments. Over 3,000 gallons of brine solution and 600 tons of rock salt are currently in storage, while 1,500 tons of salt are under contract with Compass Minerals America, lnc. of Overland Park, KS, for deicing throughout the upcoming season. Comcast Pricinq Changes Attached please find a letter from Anthony Signorella, Senior Manager of Government Affairs for Comcast, highlighting pricing changes that will go into effect January 1,2017. SS:bp encl ec: Department Heads l\4iscellaneous Memo 11t23t2016 Page 2 of 2 {72 COMCAST November 17, 2016 Mr. Steven Stricker Village Administrator Village of Burr Ridge 7660 S County Line Rd. Burr Ridge, lL 60527 RE: lmportant lnformation- Price Changes Dear Mr. Stricker, We are committed to delivering the entertainment and services our customers in the Village of Burr Ridge rely on today, and the new experiences they will love down the road. As we continue to make improvements to our products and services, and as programmers charge more to carry their networks, our cost of doing business increases. As a result, starting January 1, 2017, prices for certain services and fees will be going up. Please see the enclosed Customer Notice for more information. While some prices may have increased, we are always investing in technology to drive innovation. We are working hard to bring our customers great value every day and exciting new developments in the near future, including the following. The most ry shows and movies available On Demand . lnnovative X1 Voice Remote that makes searching for shows and movies easier o Self-service options to save our customers time and adapt to their schedule . Access to Netflix content on XFlNlry X1 . Fastest, most reliable in-home WiFi . Fastest lnternet in America according to Speedtest.net . More than 14 million WiFi hot spots nationwide We know you may have questions about these changes. lf I can be of any further assistance, please contact me at 1224l, 229-613s. Sincerely, Nn ore Anthony Signorella Senior Manager of Government Affairs Attachment: Customer Notice 4frnlty IMPORTANT I N FORMATION REGARDING YOUR XF!NITY SERVICES AND RATES WEST SUBURBAN AREAS Effective Jan uary 1, 2017 Dear XFINITY customet We're committed t0 delivering the entertainment and services you rely on today - and the new experiences you'll love down the road. As we continue to make improvements to our products and s€rvices, and as programmers charge more t0 cany their networl(s, our cost of doino business increases. As a result, prlces for certain services and fees will be going up. While some prices may have increased, we're alMys investing in technology to drive innovation. We?e working hard t0 bring you great value every day and exciting new developments in the near future, including: . Fastest, most reliable in-home WiFi . Fastest lnternet in America according to Speedtest.net . lvlore than 14 million hotspots natjonwide . The most TV shows and movies available 0n Demand . lnnovative X1 Voice Remote fiat makes searching for shows and movies easier . Self-service options to save you time and adapt to your schedule . And soon, access t0 Netflix content 0n XFINITY X1 Changes for XFINITY TV Changes for XFINITY lnternet Today StaningUl Today Sta inglI BroadcastTV Fee 55oo > sro Perlormance rnterner s6695 > 56495 RegionalsportsFee S30O s500 s64s5 > i:fi,:fl:lr:]liili#it ce555s5 > 57195 s74e5 lnternet Plus > ,'iiilii{t"J::l}iix-",",." s70'u > 57 gss ptus Btast!@ 58995 > r94e5 Extremelso tnternet $12995 > $8995 DigiralAdapterAdditional Oulletservice S299) > s5ee We're excited to bring you even more, and we can't wait for you t0 see what 2017 has in store for the future oI awesome. Thank you for choosing to be our customer. Sincerely, Wendy Liu Vice President, Customer Experience For more information about all tte bxes, fees, and surcharges 0n your bill, g0 to xfinity.com/pricechanges. .l COMCAST 8771l20m 0010 01r0,0180,0240,0270.0300,0370-0460 0490 0540 05E0 0780, 0850-0890, 0910.09m 0940.1000. 1020 1050,1080 1140,1160,1180,1250 1290 1310-r320,1350 r360 1380.1110 1640 1660 1680 1720,1810.r850, r870 19201 SAAGFl59 SERVICES AND PRICING X'l Preferred Plus Secure Triple Playa lncludes Digital Prcfefied, STARZa,SHOWTI M E@, THE 1, Effective Janua ry 2017 MOVI E CHANN EL* and Streampixo for primary outlet, HD Technology Fee, Extremel5O lnternetond XFINIIy Home - Secure s190.00 BU N (monthly) DtED PACKAG ES''2 SurePrice'e sr59.99 Xl Premier Secure Triple Play'zo QUAD PIAY PACKAGES lncludes Digitol Premier,Streompix@ ond AnyRoom@ DVR Service for primory outlet, HD Technology Fee. Xl StarterQuad Play'zo Extremel5O lnternetond XFINITY Home - Secure S21o.oo lncludes Digital primory Starter and Streampif, for 5urePricere s189.99 outlet, Blastla lnhrnet. XFNlry.. Voice Unlimited and XFINITY Home - Secure s189.95 XFINITY LATINO PAQUETE TRIPTE SurePricele s159.99 XFINITY 3300 Latino Xl Prelerred Quad Playa lncludes XFINITY TV 3OO Latinofor primaryoutlet, I ncludes Digital Hefetred,STARZo ond Streo mpi x.. fot Blastla lnternet, XFINITY? Voice Unlimited and pri mary outlet, H D Technology Fee, Blostld lnternet, Cdrefree Minutes Latin America 3OO 5134.95 XFINIT\/9 Voice Unlimited and XFINITY Home - Secure 5209-95 SurePriceu $r14.99 SurePricert s179.99 XFINITY 3450 Latino X1 Preferred Plus Quad Play?o lncludes XFINITY TV 45O Latinofor primoryoutlet, I ncludes Digital Prefened, STARZ',, SHOWTIME4, TH E Elost!@ lnternet, XFINITYe Voice Unlimited ond MOVIE CHANNEL" and Stteompix.4 for primaryoutlet, Carefree Minutes Latin America 3OO s149.95 H D Technology Fee, Extreme 1 50 lnternet, XFINITY,\) Voice Unlimited and XFINITY Home - Secure s229.95 SurePricele s124.99 SurePricere s199.99 XFINITY 3600 Latino I ncludes a Xl PremierQuad Playa Digitol Preferred nd XFI NITY fV Lotino for primary outlet, Blast!? lnternet,XHNlT\trc Voice lncludes Digital hemieL Streampix" and AnyRoomn Unlimited and Corefree Minutes Lotin Ametico iOO DVR Service for primary outlet, HD Technoloqy Fee, sl59.95 Extremel5O lntemet, XFIMTYe Voice Unlimited and SurePricele sr34.99 XFINITY Home - Secure s249.95 XFINITY 365o Latino SurePricert 5219.99 lncludes Digital Prefened, XFINITY TV Latino and START for primory outlel HD TxhnolqyFeq, ErastJo TRIPTE PTAYPACKAGES lnternet" XFINITY! Voice Unlimited and Carefree Minutes Lotin Americd 30O s169.95 x1 starterTriple Play SurePricere sr44.99 I ncludes Digital Starter ond Streompira for pimary outlet, Blast!'s lnternet ond XFINIIY'' Voice lJnlimited s150.00 DOUBLE PLAY PACKAGES SurePrice)e s129.99 lnternet Plus Xl Starter Extreme Triple Play lncludes Limited Basic, choice of HBO9 or lncludes Digital Stafter, Streampixe and AnyRoome SHOWTIMEa, Streompixe, a standard definition DVR Service for primory outlet, HD Technology Fee, digital convetter and remote forthe primaryoutletand Extreme 3Oo lntetnet and XFINITY4Voice Unlimited s190.00 Perfomance lnternet 574.95 X1 Preferred Triple Play Blast!@ Plus lncludes Digital frefered,STA RZo ond Streompix@ for lncludes Digital Economy and Streampixa for primary primary outlet, HD Technology Fee, Blast!@ lnternet ond outlet ond Blastlo lnternet 594.95 XFI NITY9 Voice Unlimited s170.00 Performance 1O Saver Double Play SurePricele sr49.99 lncludes Performance Storter I nternet and XFI NITY@ Xl Preferred PlusTriple Play Voice Unlimited Saver s59.95 I ncludes Digital Prefered.
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