Acquisition in fee simple of 86 acres for a new County park, Galien River New featuring 69 acres of Great Lakes County Park Berrien Buffalo Berrien TF00-081 Acquisition $832,500.00 marsh habitat and 8,600 feet of 2000 Preserve County Townshi Galien River frontage for Acquisition p preservation and public access/interpretive purposes. Acquisition in fee simple of 263 acres, with 2, 800 feet of Galien Chikaming Chikami River frontage, ravines, 5-acre Township Chikaming ng inland lake and open fields. The Berrien Park and TF00-317 Acquisition $1,499,788.00 2000 Township Townshi purpose of the acquisition is to Preserve p provide fishing, hiking, wildlife and Acquisition scenic viewing, picnicking, and nature education. Project will include acquisition in Weesaw fee simple of 8 acres for Weesaw Township Weesaw development of the Weesaw Berrien Townshi TF07-082 Acquisition $98,000.00 2007 Park Township Township Community Park, p Acquisition offering both active and passive recreation opportunities. Niles Acquisition of 10.9 acres along the Niles Community Niles Charter St. Joseph River connecting to the Berrien Townshi TF09-082 Acquisition $90,000.00 2009 Park Township existing community park and the Bi- p Expansion State Trail in Indiana. To acquire 120 acre Manion property in Bertrand Township on Bertrand Manion Berrien the state boundary immediately Berrien Townshi TF308 Acquisition $200,000.00 1979 Property County adjacent to an existing 160 acre p county park in Indiana for a regional park system. To acquire over 450 acres of sensitive dune land located in the DNR - Parks Grand Mere Unit of Warren Dunes Lincoln Grand Mere and State Park. Acquisitions include: Berrien Townshi TF671 Acquisition $1,225,000.00 1983 Dunes Recreation 362 acres containing 4,015 feet of p Division frontage on Lake Michigan, 1,320 feet of frontage on North Grand Mere Lake and 7,000 feet To purchase approximately 260 acres of wooded Nipissing, DNR - Parks Lake Algonquin, and Algoma dunes with Bridgman and Berrien Townshi TF848 Acquisition $2,250,000.00 low interdunal depressions and 1984 Dunes Recreation p three ponds. Warren Dunes State Division Park abuts the propert on the south. Ox Creek City of To acquire 14 acres along Ox Berrien Park Benton TF86-308 Acquisition $30,000.00 1986 Creek in Benton Harbor. Development Harbor To purchase a tract of rolling Buchan Berrien DNR - agricultrual land consisting of 220 an Berrien County Mini Wildlife TF888 Acquisition $350,000.00 acres of woods and brush, 200 1984 Townshi Game Area Division acres of tillable land and 50 acres p of lake and grassland. Acquisition of the first phase of 22 acres of Lake Michigan shoreline. This property abuts the south pier Silver Beach Berrien of the Port of St Joseph. This Berrien TF89-130 Acquisition $1,500,000.00 1989 County Park County acquisition will provide for permanent, public access to this Lake Michigan beach for fishing, swimmining. Second phase of acquisition of 22 acres of Lake Michigan shoreline Silver Beach Berrien property with 2,450 feet frontage Berrien County Park - St. Joseph TF90-030 Acquisition $1,597,845.00 1990 County known as Silver Beach and abuts Phase II the south pier of the Port of St. Joseph. Acquisition of Riverfront Park Riverfront Berrien City of Niles Niles TF91-091 Acquisition $90,000.00 property for trails, pathways and 1991 Park Property passive recreation. Acquire approximately 32 acres of St MDOT St Joseph Michigan Department of Joseph Berrien Property Charter TF93-014 Acquisition $102,000.00 Transportation (MDOT) excess 1993 Townshi Development Township property to develop for a soccer p complex. Watervli Watervliet Purchase of approximately 2 acres Canoe Trail et Berrien Charter TF93-064 Acquisition $10,500.00 of land to provide canoe launch 1993 Acquisition Townshi Township access site on Paw Paw River. p New Acquisition of approximately 10.4 Memorial Park New Buffalo Buffalo acres adjacent to existing park of Berrien TF93-104 Acquisition $14,700.00 1993 Addition Township Townshi 1.5 acres, to expand outdoor p recreational activities. Acquisition of 596 acres with extensive frontage on Galien River. This area is the largest, Southern DNR - relativelyundisturbed southern Berrien Floodplain Fisheries TF93-872 Acquisition $692,800.00 folldplain forest in Michigan. 1993 Forest/Galien Division Purchase of this property will provide protection of the habitat along with numerous recreation opp Acquire 350-acre parcel which DNR - Boyle Lake City of also contains a 15-acre Berrien Wildlife TF95-810 Acquisition $500,000.00 1995 Property Buchanan lake.located in Buchanan and Division Weesaw Townships. Purchase twoparcels, approximately 1 acre each to Lookout Park City of St City of St. Berrien TF97-111 Acquisition $145,000.00 expand Lake Michigan scenic 1997 Expansion Joseph Joseph Lookout Park and to prepare for multi-use recreational trail. Berrien total $11,228,133.00 Acquisition A shelter will be added and Shamrock Village of Village of utilities, roads and parking areas Berrien Park Berrien Berrien TF96-060 Development $43,350.00 upgrade in park which has 1350 1996 Improvement Springs Springs feet frontage on the St. Joseph River. Contruct a low maintenance play Hays Park City of City of structure and a new Berrien TF01-011 Development $70,000.00 2001 Improvements Watervliet Watervliet concession/restroom facility in Hays Park. Development of a new park with an access road, parking areas, Township Chikami trails, pavilion, vault toilets, Park and Chikaming ng viewing/fishing platforms, Berrien TF03-137 Development $193,200.00 2003 Preserve Township Townshi landscaping, habitat restoration. Development p This project will provide access to a 5-acre lake and 2800-foot frontage on the Galien River. Waterfront improvements along the Paw Paw River to include a Hays Park City of City of Berrien TF04-057 Development $42,300.00 fishing pier and canoe launch. A 2004 Project Watervliet Watervliet skateboard park will also be developed. Improvements to a 10-acre park in an urban neighborhood with picnic Robbins Park Benton Benton area, shelter renovations, lighting, Berrien Improvement Charter Townshi TF07-007 Development $70,000.00 2007 parking lot, walking path, climbing Project Township p rock, landscaping and site amenities. Development will include a 1.79 Riverfront and mile extension of an existing trail Plym Park City of Berrien City of Niles TF08-079 Development $170,500.00 within Riverfront Park northward 2008 Trail Niles into Plym Park and southward to Development the city limits. Maiden Lane St Development will include St Joseph Community Joseph renovation/expansion/improvemen Berrien Charter St. Joseph TF09-017 Development $70,000.00 2009 Park Townshi t of existing storage facility to Township Improvements p incorporate a pavilion. Development to include park New signs, entrance drive and parking Galien River Berrien Buffalo area, universally accessible hiking Berrien County Park TF10-011 Development $500,000.00 2010 County Townshi trails, marsh boardwalks, canoe Development p landing/fishing pier and elevated walkway/tower. Development to include pavilion with restroom facilities and kitchen amenities, fishing pier on Hess Hess Lake Baroda Baroda Lake, playground equipment for Berrien Park Townshi TF10-071 Development $256,000.00 2010 Township toddlers, HMA bike/walk path Improvements p around facilities at park and extension of existing nature trail to fishing pier. Development to include expansion Shamrock of campground with 20 full service, Village of Village of Park universal access sites, accessinle Berrien Berrien Berrien TF10-109 Development $306,800.00 2010 Campground restroom/shower building and Springs Springs Expansion landscaping on the St. Joseph River. Development of linear urban trail McCoy's City of City of from St. Joseph river on the east Berrien Creek Trail TF11-039 Development $288,000.00 2011 Buchanan Buchanan end of the city to the natural prairie Development on west end of city. Development to include replacing Lions Park restrooms, adding accessible City of St City of St. Berrien Beach TF11-095 Development $247,100.00 picnic pavilion, improving 2011 Joseph Joseph Improvements connection to the water and concrete walkway enhancements. Development to include beach Silver Beach Berrien shelter, pier trail, playground Berrien County Park St. Joseph TF12-018 Development $300,000.00 2012 County upgrades, electrical, pier restroom Improvements and site furnishings. Development to include a 4-mile, Indiana- 10-foot wide paved non-motorized Michigan Niles trail from the Indiana state line to Niles Charter Berrien River Valley Townshi TF12-111 Development $286,000.00 Brandywine Creek Nature 2012 Township Trail p Preserve, as part of the 34-mile Development Indiana-Michigan River Valley Trail. Development of beach front City of City of recreational facilities on Lake Jean Klock Berrien Benton Benton TF89-114 Development $375,000.00 Michigan, preservation of fragile 1989 Park Harbor Harbor sand dunes and wetland wildlife habitats. Construction of a 29 boat broadside mooring facility on the Transient City of New New Galien River, near Lake Michigan. Berrien Boat Mooring TF89-236 Development $266,300.00 1989 Buffalo Buffalo Development includes restrooms, Facility sanitary pump out station, parking area, utilities and landscaping. Construction of removable beach Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln stairs, boardwalks, picnic areas, Berrien Township Charter Townshi TF90-129 Development $81,000.00 1990 landscaping, three gazebos and a Beach/Nature Township p restroom building with pump out. Improve fishing access and play equipment along Mill Creek Mill Creek City of City of Berrien TF91-391 Development $114,000.00 including restroom/shelter building, 1991 Park Watervliet Watervliet and paved parking and walkways with landscaping. Recreational development along the St. Joseph River. The project Silver Beach Berrien City of St. will include riverfront Berrien TF93-378 Development $375,000.00 1993 County Park County Jospeh improvements, barrier-free playground, river boardwalk and a multi-function picnic pavilion.
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