mm w ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 4 VOL. XXU. No. 20 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1916 $1.00 A Y«ar In Advance NEW LAW UNREASONABLE S. S. WORKERS I^EET CROWDS WAVE FAREWELL FIRE ALARM IS EXPLAINED Orro«fn mad Dumfri—Dirtriet COT—- CffAL LEAGUE IIEEi:S Writer Sarii That Statute U An FoawiJ Arm•»>•••!! to B« A—o<iD«»d tioa to B« at BctlML EvangeUat Gypcy Smith LMV«S Xurfew" Whistle Does Not lajjusfiee to the SmaQ Latar—PsU CauM* Daatk. MendMTs Vote to '^"•^r'tr Pos 774 Converts Aftw Meat- Mean Rre—Listen for Bass Tomn Riitchar. •ibility of Having Paric and The Sunday School Convention B^ ia Ahntandria. - f'^tn^ L^og and Short. ^ of Occoquan and Dumfries dis­ William Ellieott, 70 years M, {W. B. Doak) tricts will be held Sunday at the died today at his home near Or' About four thousand people (Albert SpeideD, Chief, Mansaua Fire Every small meat producer— Bethel M. E. Church, b<^nning from Alexandria and the sar- Department) lando. He fell down a stairway The Manassas Civic League at 10 a. m. All Sunday schools about ten days ago and failed to met Monday egemDg^.tbe4own and the meat eiter also—should in tha Jterritoiy are urged to send, rounding country attended tfaejr The fire alarm of the town is feel worried by tl^e disposition of as many representatives »s pos­ ^Mt leetare-of Evangehst Gypiyfeoanded^ by "a whistle iF"tHe from the injuries re^ ^taU^ Mr. G. Raymond RateUffe over-zealous and inexperienced sible. Not the "wild-cat ceived. presiding. The minutes of the oflSef ate to cftwe op oatl ^ktgessea will be gg^by Mr z -—. jh hao been used Ne • ^ -jeetrag were read by F. T. Iwacl, of Fail fax, slate Ifor biywmcr t>i«. ^.i;?^« -K.,f I nteraimt ytt. the ewwfly, Itef: Alfw U geiley) ing planla. We find ilusEas been •wsFmsrmmws leep, bass tone It is dis­ made in the family buryinjg done all over Virginia recently, superintendent of the secondary and approved. division; Mr. L. Ledman, on Re­ converts during his stay of one tinguishable from the train whist­ ground on the Ellieott place. aiiaing-frQQLa.jiijj3iQterpretation month. les by the manner in which it is Mr. Ellieott is survived by his Mr. Clarence W. Wagener of an act of the last legislature ligious Education; Rev. J. M having removed from Manassaa, Bell, on The Cluld In Our Midst; "I'd like to shake hands with blown—a long blast followed by widow and five children—Mis entitled "Slaughter 4I«tt8e&mt- Hon. C. J. Meetae, on The Im. all of you, but I can't," he said, several short ones, repeated for Rena Ellieott and Messrs. J. M., his father. Mayor W. C. Wegener. tation Chapter 60," and resulting portance of Sunday School Or­ ^n^ fareweU, '^ while we sin • minutes, thusr- atid WilHam Elli-~ war appointed a committee to in a further increase in the cost ganization, and by many speak­ our last hymn I'll wave my ha cott make further inquiries concern­ of living 4nce your steak and ers from the two districts. kerchief to you and you can wave In case of fire during the day, ing the waste baskets desired for cbops must then all c(Hne through back to me." The air was filled to the telephone and call up the town. the big packers. with waves of white as everyone Sntral and have her notify tt>«» ••WESr GIVEN ONE YEAR The treaaarer was directed to stood up and sang and waved good I do not know of any body con­ PLAN A iUWClPAL DAIRY power house or connect you with draw a check for $27.01, to cover bye. "It was/ a demonstration same. If fire occurs at night, on Fake Officer Sent to Penitan- the cost of tiie bubbling fountain nected with this business in Vir- such 88 has not been seen here ginia wbt> wishes to work off dis­ Sunday or such holidays when tiary for Forgery—No Rela* which, since the last meeting <A MilWinwi Workiiig on a Prefect before," said the Alexandria Central is closed, go to the town eased animals or to handle the. tives Attend Trial. the league, has been installed on " for Handling Prodc^ - Gasette, "showing the high e» hall, secure the key by breaking the comer of-Center and Battle meat during .or after slaughter in ieem and r^ard in which he ^ the glass in the red box, and a such a way as to endanger the streets, opposite the postoffice. held by people of all denomiiui^ telephone, always in connection H. C. Edge, dias Lieut Don The committee which had beat ublic health. On tbe contrary, tionp." with the power house, will be R. West. United States army, lluive made it a rule when I sell (Front the Hemdon Observer) in charge of the fountain was r Evangelist Smith and his wife found on the right hanH wall nf was flent,pnrpd tn one year in the relieved of f uther duties and ten- an animal for lacat the Fi>e Deportment pwwa" npnitpntiarv for forgorvTind for riBrad thg thanteii ^f H^P i^n^g^i" to buy and eat a piece of its meat producers irora Maryland and some gifts, including a traveling mys^. Infact,afarmershoukl, Virginia was held in Washington Arrangements are under way uttering for^ instruments Mon- The treasurer also -was in­ bag and a silver bretd tza]^ looking toward having certain ^^r^in the circuit cougt-of Friaee structed to draw^a check for the aim I have'always stood the loss Saturday at which a committee The voluntary contributions fbf^ William county. Edfge had no where an animal up^ slaughter presented a plan for a caunicipat houses connected to power house amount due on the horse fountain his benefit aiflountwd U> the^opi and making them stations for attomoy. Ho pieadod guilty and when thH hill in prwiwirturt pFOvod<to hnvo biwii in a diooonod] dairy gg a aolBtiQa of ths prob Vt >2,18Q. wmiHilBS &laW6 of fare when iht! attorney for c&« common- c(H)dition at time of sale. Then lem of cheaper milk for the con- —le hofse fountain on Grant The evangehst and his par^ Central iselosjed. Notice will be wealth recommended a sentence avenue having beenim>keh. the the butcher should \ja»«ivery nec­ suns^ and better prices for the left Alexandria to conduct a mee& given when thts schone has been of one year. Neither relatives essary precaution to pla(» liie producer. _ secretary was instructed to re- ing at Charh>ttesvitle. perfected. nor friends of the prisoner at­ guest the mayor to make it Imown meat before the public in wh(^ The action of the producers tended the trial. some form or n|y at all, .-s that a heavy penalty would be "Lieut. West" came to Manas­ imposed for uie d»tructMa of - ^ p<Hat4- sas aUiiut Aug. 'M in brass bnt- public property. -for^e consumer's benefit iathis seven of the old Maryland, Vir­ tons. He left town rather sud­ If slaughter begins with a healthy ginia and the District (^ Column Rev. Alford Kelley presented a Unkni Cenbilmton to Funis of <«rresponding Meeting of Vir- denly and returned last Friday in report of his presentation of- animal direct from the farm, with­ bia Milk Producers' i^sociatioa. handcuffs. His first visit lasted out fever, injiiry &r exposure to /This report was adopted, and Ma Cemetery AsaociaF ginia Primitive Baptists at three requests of the league at a- several days during which time meeting of the town councQ on contagrion in long shipments, a^ r^(duti(ms to carry out its recom- tioBis he inade several quick friend- is promptly dis^»BQ|| of, cut % Inendations were immediately Jul^ 10. As a result of theae ^ips, was introduce «t the Peo­ •etitions, the lei^^ue was authrav ana cooled out, its meat goaiovet passed. The working organiza- Contributions amoui^ng t* ple's National Bank where he de- the hnoktKJptn vonr markftt hta. taon of the prodtifi«>rH yhieh hiw The eorresponding meeting of ned to install the drinking f oua- $13i60 have boon received byth^ the Primitive BAptist Churches posited sovwal bogus cheoks and tain for horses on Mfdn street. ket with fts utmost nutriment for its object the iHihgiBg about Manassas pemtetery Associatioi\ distributed in Manassas worth­ and least chance of infection, of higher prices to the dairymen, of Virginia will hokl a sessicm of with the understanding that the A smaU balance remains in th(r less checks on the People's Ka- water shooid be furnished free; at the hig huflriinga with for wJiich Jjigy havfi wagftd a *r«>>jmiyjrftoypayfn^^^TwTtMtf^ three daygat Bethlehem Chnrrh. tional Bank to tho aqioiu>^-ef ilnt\g and a coi lete system «M» ^^mi^t»»j •*• 1^^^ ^wmj a»A^ wa*^^ «< tije Mayor directed the town campaign, for aever«4 wedeiu^^l of cuttinsr the gras^ «nd -^„_ ' IfaTWwwf. Jb0gmmgJfedm H^fc ^JOiftchjvilM ^iwUuil new Detgeaut to consider the- requeal 'HOD ttf indikie the estabUeSunent • of of- and clamiBg op the eemete|iy htWito. horiiB and al, which fieooin Washington with tho onai nesday morning at 10 o'clock, drawn on a Texas bank and eon- to enforce Section 20 of the town rea^are Fsgaired for hldf-;Way pibyment of a high-salaried gte.- Aji-dfly nyetifagB will be Bsarssa mdp, with rpfetpnce to the throw. The association plans to leave •W. Myers, of the New York Na- ing of paper ftniit iddosr^ter, oa^ deoi^icy in a Chioago 6r ttoy Ug eral manager.
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