CPC(HEP & NP), 2009, 33(4): 263|268 Chinese Physics C Vol. 33, No. 4, Apr., 2009 Quark distributions in nuclei and nuclear effects on nucleon structure functions * WANG Yan-Zhao(ýð)1 ZHANG Hong-Fei(Üõ)1;1) GAO Yong-Hua(p[u)2 HOU Zhao-Yu(ûð)3;4 DONG Jian-Min(Âï¯)1 DUAN Chun-Gui(ãSB)4 ZUO Wei()1;5 1 (School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China) 2 (Department of Physics, Shijiazhuang College, Shijiazhuang 050801, China) 3 (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Shijiazhuang Railway College, Shijiazhuang 050043, China) 4 (Department of Physics, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China) 5 (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China) Abstract Extended quark distribution functions are presented obtained by fitting a large amount of experi- mental data of the l-A DIS process on the basis of an improved nuclear density model. The experimental data of l-A DIS processes with A> 3 in the region 0:0010 6 x 6 0:9500 are quite satisfactorily described by using the extended formulae. Our knowledge of the influence of nuclear matter on the quark distributions is deepened. Key words improved nuclear density model, quark distributions in nuclei, nuclear effects on nucleon structure functions PACS 12.39.Ba, 13.60.Hb, 25.30.Mr 1 Introduction ting experimental data on deep inelastic scattering. With these formulae, containing now a description of Since the discovery of the EMC effect[1], physi- the nuclear effects in parametric form, the experimen- cists have proposed several models giving a more or tal data of the l-A DIS processes (for A> 12) and the less satisfactory explanation for it[2|7]. Among these nuclear Drell-Yan processes (E772 Collaboration ex- [13, 14] models, the nuclear density model proposed by Frank- perimental data) could be well described . Due furt and Strikman is such a model that explains the to the restriction of the nuclear momentum conserva- EMC effect[8]. It can explain the nuclear effect in tion condition, a gloun distribution formula depend- l-A DIS processes (lepton-nucleus (A) deep inelastic ing on a corresponding parameter was also proposed. scattering) for medium range x values[9]. However, With this also, the nuclear effect on the J/ process [15] the function RA1=A2 (x;Q2) obtained from the nuclear could be explained satisfactorily . density model is used to describe the influence of Although several nuclear effects were explained the nuclear medium on the valence quark distribution satisfactorily by these parametric formulae for the and the sea quark distribution, which does not reflect parton distributions, we think that the original quark their corresponding variations[10|12]. In 2006, Gao et distribution formulae have two shortcomings. First, al. presented an improved nuclear density model and they are obtained by using only a limited set of ex- A 2 A 2 perimental data, therefore some uncertainties exist. obtained formulae for RV (x;Q ), RS (x;Q ) describ- ing the valence quark distribution and the sea quark Second, the original formulae do not include values distribution within the region of 0.00106x6 0:6000 of the phenomenological parameters for the region for a bound nucleon. These functions depending on x> 0:6000, i.e., they cannot describe the distribu- phenomenological parameters were obtained by fit- tions of the valence and sea quarks in the large x Received 8 August 2008 * Supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (100775061, 10505016, 10575119), CAS Knowledge Innovation Project (KJCX-SYW-N02), Major State Basic Research Developing Program of China (2007CB815004) and Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province in China (A2005000535, 103143) 1) E-mail: [email protected] ©2009 Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd 264 Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP) Vol. 33 region. This is true for the l-A DIS processes and The influence of the nuclear medium experienced also for the prediction of other nuclear processes, such by the valence quark and the sea quark momentum as the nuclear Drell-Yan process in the large x re- distributions is not necessarily the same and differ- gion. Therefore we refitted the quark distribution ent descriptions should be used. Explicit forms for A 2 A 2 functions taking into account a larger experimental RV (x;Q ) and RS (x;Q ) (for the valence quark and data for the l-A DIS processes and extended the x the sea quark distributions) for the range 0.00106x6 region. In this paper we obtain the phenomenolog- 0:6000 have been obtained in Ref. [13]. They are given ical valence and sea quark distribution functions for by − 6 6 KV (A)βV (x) 1 the range 0.0010 x 0:9500. The experimental data RA (x;Q2) = 1+ ρ(A); (5) of the l-A DIS processes for A> 3 in this region is V 0:107 then quite satisfactorily explained. The paper is or- K (A)β (x)−1 RA(x;Q2) = 1+ S S ρ(A); (6) ganized as follows. In Sec. 2, the extended parametric S 0:107 quark distribution functions are presented refitting an where βV (x), βS(x) and K V (A), K S(A) are phe- enlarged experimental data set for the l-A DIS pro- nomenological parameters to determine the valence cesses based on an improved nuclear density model. quark distributions and the sea quark distributions The results are shown and discussed in Sec. 3. In the in bound nucleon and have been obtained by fitting a last section some conclusions are drawn. limited set of experimental data of the l-A DIS pro- cess. The number of phenomenological parameters in 2 Improved nuclear density model Eqs. (5,6) has now increased and the expressions are and quark distributions in nuclei more complicated. In order to put Eqs. (5,6) into a more compact form, we write Frankfurt and Strikman suggested the following ∗ RA(x;Q2) = 1+β (x)ρ(A); (7) form for the structure functions: V V A 2 ∗ A N D N − − RS (x;Q ) = 1+βS(x)ρ(A): (8) [F2 =F2 1]=[F2 =F2 1] = ρ(A)/ρ(D); (1) ∗ ∗ N p n The phenomenological parameters β (x), β (x) where F 2 = (F2 +F2 )=2 is the structure function of V S A D in Eqs. (7,8) have been by fitting an extended ex- the free nucleon, F 2 and F 2 are the isoscalar nuclear and deuteron structure functions. They assumed that perimental data set of the l-A DIS process. A value the nuclear effect on the nucleon structure has its ori- of Q2 = 40 GeV2 has been taken for the fitting pro- gin in the differences of the nuclear densities ρ(A) (in cedure. The obtained phenomenological parameter units of nucleon/fm3). Thus Eq. (1) can be written values are listed in Table 1. as follows The nuclear density ρ(A) used in Eqs. (7,8) has been taken from an empirical formula used to describe [F A=F N −1] = β(x)ρ(A) ; (2) 2 2 the average properties of nuclei[17]. where β(x) is for all kinds of nuclei the same, the ρ(A) = 0:011=2 +0:02lnA (9) nuclear effect being described by ρ(A). The function describing the effect of nuclear medium on the struc- where " is the mean binding energy in the nucleus ture function of a bound nucleon in a nucleus A is of mass number A. The mean binding energies have then given by been taken from Ref. [18]. A1=A2 2 A1 2 A2 2 For a nucleus A the momentum distribution func- R (x;Q ) = F2 (x;Q )=F2 (x;Q ) = tions of the valence and the sea quarks in a bound [1+β(x)ρ(A1)]=[1+β(x)ρ(A2)]: (3) nucleon are given by A1=A2 2 The ratio R (x;Q ) of Eq. (3) describes the A 2 A 2 N 2 qV f (x;Q ) = RV (x;Q )qV f (x;Q ); (10) result for a parton distribution under the influence of A 2 A 2 N 2 the nuclear medium. However, it does not reflect the qSf (x;Q ) = RS (x;Q )qSf (x;Q ); (11) respective change of the valence and sea quark distri- where q N (x;Q2) and q N (x;Q2) are the correspond- butions in nucleus. If in Eq. (3) A is a deuteron with V f Sf 2 ing momentum distribution functions inside a free a very small density of ρ(D) = 0:0244, we can write nucleon, f denotes the flavor of quarks. From this Eq. (3) in the form we can see that the distributions for quarks in a A1=D 2 t R (x;Q ) 1+β(x)ρ(A1): (4) bound nucleon can be obtained, as described before in ∗ ∗ That Eq. (4) is reasonable can be tested by using ef- Eqs. (7,8), by using parameters βV (x), βS (x) different fective field theory (see Ref. [16]). from those used for the quarks in a free nucleon. No. 4 WANG Yan-Zhao et alµQuark distributions in nuclei and nuclear effects on nucleon structure functions 265 Table 1. Phenomenological parameters as a function of x in the range of 0.00106x6 0:9500 (Q2 = 40 GeV2). ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ x βV (x) βS(x) x βV (x) βS(x) 0.0010 −0.0098 −2.3198 0.6000 −1.6487 32.4496 0.0100 0.0237 −1.8703 0.6500 −1.8416 49.6185 0.0293 0.0880 −1.0848 0.6800 −1.9000 62.2980 0.0512 0.1485 −0.4628 0.7000 −1.8769 71.8577 0.0805 0.2089 −0.0186 0.7500 −1.6120 100.1080 0.1244 0.2565 −0.0106 0.7800 −1.2012 120.4380 0.1765 0.2481 −0.6628 0.8000 −0.7620 135.6020 0.2451 0.1348 −1.8147 0.8500 1.3384 180.1620 0.3439 −0.2119 −1.8523 0.8800 3.8905 212.5050 0.4390 −0.7081 3.0076 0.9000 6.6845 237.1180 0.5000 −1.0754 10.3060 0.9500 25.2534 315.5230 Fig.
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