INITIAL STUDY/ MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION for EVERGREEN CIRCLE REZONING File No. PDC20-002 CITY OF SAN JOSÉ CALIFORNIA May 2021 Table of Contents Chapter 1. Background Information ...................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2. Project Description ............................................................................................................... 3 Chapter 3. Environmental Evaluation .................................................................................................. 13 A. Aesthetics ............................................................................................................................. 15 B. Agricultural and Forest Resources ....................................................................................... 19 C. Air Quality ............................................................................................................................ 22 D. Biological Resources ............................................................................................................ 38 E. Cultural Resources ............................................................................................................... 47 F. Energy .................................................................................................................................. 53 G. Geology and Soils ................................................................................................................ 61 H. Greenhouse Gas Emissions .................................................................................................. 67 I. Hazards and Hazardous Materials ........................................................................................ 74 J. Hydrology and Water Quality .............................................................................................. 80 K. Land Use and Planning......................................................................................................... 88 L. Mineral Resources ................................................................................................................ 92 M. Noise & Vibration ................................................................................................................ 93 N. Population and Housing ..................................................................................................... 110 O. Public Services ................................................................................................................... 111 P. Recreation ........................................................................................................................... 115 Q. Transportation .................................................................................................................... 117 R. Tribal Cultural Resources ................................................................................................... 124 S. Utilities & Service Systems ................................................................................................ 127 T. Wildfire .............................................................................................................................. 131 U. Mandatory Findings of Significance .................................................................................. 134 Chapter 4. References ........................................................................................................................ 137 List of Figures Figure 1. Regional Map ......................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2. APN Maps .............................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 3. Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 4. Site Photos ............................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 5. Land Use Map ...................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6. Locations of Off-Site Sensitive Receptors and Maximum TAC Impact Location (MEI) .... 32 Figure 7. Locations of Nearby TAC and PM2.5 Sources ...................................................................... 35 Figure 8. Noise Measurements from Previous Studies ........................................................................ 95 Evergreen Circle Rezoning i Table of Contents Initial Study List of Tables Table 1. BAAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds ................................................................... 27 Table 2. Operational Emissions ........................................................................................................... 28 Table 3. Construction Period Emissions .............................................................................................. 29 Table 4. Construction and Operation Risk Impacts at the Offsite Project MEI ................................... 34 Table 5. Cumulative Community Risk Impacts at the Location of the Project MEI ........................... 36 Table 6. Private Sector Green Building Policy Applicable Projects ................................................... 55 Table 7. Estimated Annual Energy Use of Proposed Project (2030) ................................................... 59 Table 8. Summaries of Long-Term Noise Data from Prior Studies .................................................... 96 Table 9. Typical Ranges of Construction Noise Levels at 50 Feet, Leq (dBA) .................................. 102 Table 10. Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment ....................................................... 105 Table 11. Daily VMT Analysis .......................................................................................................... 122 Appendices A. Air Quality Assessment B. Burrowing Owl Report C. Noise & Vibration Assessment D. VMT Transportation Analysis E. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy Compliance Checklist Evergreen Circle Rezoning ii Table of Contents Initial Study Chapter 1. Background Information INTRODUCTION This Initial Study has been prepared to conform to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations §15000 et seq.), and the regulations and policies of the City of San José. The purpose of this Initial Study is to provide objective information regarding the environmental consequences of the proposed project to the decision makers considering the project. The City of San José is the lead agency under CEQA for the proposed project. The City has prepared this Initial Study to evaluate the environmental impacts that might reasonably be anticipated to result from the construction of this project, as described below. Publication of this Initial Study marks the beginning of a 20-day public review and comment period. During this period, the Initial Study will be available to local, state, and federal agencies and to interested organizations and individuals for review. Written comments concerning the environmental review contained in this Initial Study during the 20-day public review period should be sent to: City of San José Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement 200 East Santa Clara Street Tower, Third Floor San José, California 95113 Attn: Thai-Chau Le [email protected] This Initial Study and all documents referenced in it are available for public review in the Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement at the above address. Following the conclusion of the public review period, the City of San José will consider the adoption of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the project at a regularly scheduled public hearing. The City shall consider the Initial Study/MND together with any comments received during the public review process. Upon adoption of the MND, the City may proceed with project approval actions. If the project is approved, the City of San José will file a Notice of Determination (NOD), which will be available for public inspection and posted within 24 hours of receipt at the County Clerk’s Office for 30 days. The filing of the NOD starts a 30-day statute of limitations on court challenges to the approval under CEQA (CEQA Guidelines Section 15075(g)). Evergreen Circle Rezoning 1 Chapter 1 Initial Study Background Information PROJECT DATA 1. Project Title: Evergreen Circle Rezoning 2. Lead Agency Contact: City of San José Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, San José, CA 95113 Environmental Planner: Bethelhem Telahun 3. Project Owner: The Arcadia Companies, P.O. Box 5368, San José, CA 95159 4. Project Developer: Hunter Storm, LLC, 10121 Miller Ave, Suite 200, Cupertino, CA 95014 5. Project Planner/Civil: Ruth & Going, Inc.; P.O. Box 26460, San José, 95159; Contact: Gerry De Young (408) 236-2400 6. Project Location: The project is located on an approximately 29-acre site located in Evergreen Circle in San José, south of Quimby Avenue and west of Capitol Expressway. The existing property is completely rough-graded and has been part of an active construction site for two years. The project is located within the Evergreen East Hills Development Policy Area. Assessor’s
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