2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 1 2011 WV Graded Music List - Grade 6 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade Artist Arranger Title Publisher 6 Adler Southwestern Sketches SO 6 Aitkin Suite In Six EV 6 Albright Foils EV Sinfonietta For Winds And 6 Andrews SH Percussion 6 Arnold Johnstone English Dances BE 6 Arnold Marciniak Four Cornish Dances CF 6 Arnold Paynter Four Scottish Dances CF 6 Ashe Concert Suite VO 6 Auber Thiessen Masaniello Overture BE 6 Bach Albert/Weiss Chorale And Fugue In G Minor GS Passacaglia And Fugue In C 6 Bach Falcone SO Minor 6 Bach Hindsley Toccata And Fugue In D Minor HI Passacaglia And Fugue In C 6 Bach Hunsberger GS Minor 6 Bach Leidzen Toccata And Fugue In D Minor CF 6 Bach Moehlmann Prelude And Fugue In D Minor FZ 6 Bach Schoettle Prelude In C Minor MA 6 Bach Wellington Fugue #4 GS Fantasia and Fugue in Cm BWV 6 Bach, J.S. Hunsberger WB 537 6 Badings Transitions SH 6 Balmages Journey by Night BE 6 Barber Duker First Symphony GS Overture To SCHOOL FOR 6 Barber Hudson GS SCANDAL 6 Barnes Lonely Beach (Normandy 1944) SO 6 Basler Mangulina CF 6 Bassett Designs, Images And Textures PT 6 Beethoven Barnes Prometheus Overture LU 6 Beethoven Fote Finale From Symphony #1 in C KN Scherzo And Finale-5th 6 Beethoven Godfrey CA Symphony 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 2 6 Beethoven Hindsley Egmont Overture HI 6 Beethoven Winterbottom Egmont BH 6 Bennett Suite Of Old American Dances CA 6 Bennett Symphonic Songs For Band CA 6 Benson The Solitary Dancer MC 6 Bergh Nilsen Country Folk In Town JE 6 Berlioz Beeler Le Corsaire Overture CF 6 Berlioz Godfrey Roman Carnival Overture CA 6 Berlioz Henning Beatrice And Benedict Overture CF 6 Berlioz Safranek Roman Carnival Overture CF 6 Berlioz Schuller Le Corsaire Overture AM 6 Berlioz Smith March Hongroise BE 6 Berlioz Wheeler Le Corsaire Overture SH 6 Bernstein Beeler Overture To Candide GS 6 Bernstein Duthoit West Side Story, Selections GS 6 Bernstein Gilmore West Side Story Prologue GS 6 Bernstein Grundman Overture To Candide BH 6 Bernstein Grundman Slava BH Symphony For Winds And 6 Beversdorf SO Percussion 6 Bilik Overture Alresco JE 6 Bilik Symphony For Band AM 6 Binney Overture For A Street Party BE 6 Blank Concert Piece For Band AM 6 Borodin Duthoit Prince Igor Overture BH 6 Bottje Contrasts SO 6 Brahms Fote Finale, Symphony #4 KN 6 Brahms Hindsley Academic Festival Overture HI 6 Brahms Hindsley Symphony #1, 1st Movement HI 6 Brahms Hindsley Symphony #1, Finale HI Variations On A Theme By 6 Brahms Hindsley HI Haydn 6 Brahms Safranek Academic Festival Overture CF 6 Bremer Early Light CF 6 Brink Concertino for Band BS Kaleidoscope for Winds and 6 Brink BS Percussion 6 Britten Brown Soirees Musicales BH 6 Brunelli Chronicles BH 6 Bukvich In Memoriam Dresden IS 6 Camarata Reed Verdiani MA 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 3 6 Camphouse Movement for Rosa, A TR 6 Camphouse Tribute TR Camphouse, 6 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night KJ Mark 6 Carcione Danza Espagnola BE 6 Casella Dante Italia Rhapsody TP 6 Catell Townsend Symphonie Militaire KI 6 Chabrier Cailliet Espana SO 6 Chance Blue Lake BH 6 Chance Incantation And Dance BH 6 Chance Symphony #2 BH Variations On A Korean Folk 6 Chance BH Song 6 Chobanian Armenian Dances SH 6 Chobanian Id LU 6 Copland Emblems BH 6 Copland Outdoor Overture BH 6 Copland Grundman Copland Portrait, A BH 6 Copland Hindsley El Salon Mexico BH 6 Corigliano Gazebo Dances GS 6 Creston Anatolia SH 6 Creston Celebration Overture SH 6 Creston Kalevala, Op. 95 GS 6 Creston Prelude And Dance BE 6 Curnow Australian Variant Suite JE 6 Curnow Canticle Of The Creatures JE 6 Curnow Ceremonial Flourishes JE Concert Piece For Clarinet, 6 Curnow JE Winds & Perc. 6 Curnow Fanfare For Spartacus CN 6 Curnow Intrada Americana SP 6 Curnow Jubilate JE 6 Curnow Lochinvar CN Mutanza, Symphonic Variations 6 Curnow JE For Band 6 Curnow Ode and Epinicion CU 6 Curnow Praetorius Variations CN 6 Curnow Rejouissance JE Symphonic Variants For 6 Curnow JE Euphonium & Band 6 Curnow Variations In Memoriam SP 6 Dahl Sinfonietta PO 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 4 6 de Hann Banja Luka DH Symphony #1 "Lord Of The 6 de Meij AS Rings" I. Gandalf Symphony #1 "Lord Of The 6 de Meij AS Rings" V. Hobbits 6 De Nardis Cafarella The Universal Judgement CF 6 Debussy Barnes Dance Styrienne KN 6 Debussy Schaefer Fetes BE 6 Del Borgo Prelude And Toccata EP 6 DelBorgo Canzone KE 6 DelBorgo Ceremonial JE 6 DelBorgo Chant Variants JE 6 DelBorgo Commemoration Overture SH Do Not Go Gentle Into That 6 DelBorgo SH Good Night 6 DelBorgo March Laureate JE 6 DelBorgo Prologue And Dance JE 6 DelBorgo Psalm And Celebration SH 6 DelBorgo Rhapsody For Band SH 6 DelBorgo Symphonic Essay AL 6 DelBorgo Symphonic Variations SH 6 DelBorgo Toccata A Dodici SH 6 Dello Joio Aria And Roulade GS 6 Dello Joio Fantasies On A Theme By Haydn MA 6 Dello Joio From Every Horizon MA 6 Dello Joio Songs Of Abelard MA 6 Dello Joio Variants On A Medieval Tune MA 6 Dohnanyi Harding Andante & Rondo TR 6 Donatelli Falcone Symphonic Episode SO 6 Dukas Cailliet The Sorcerer's Apprentice CF 6 Dvorak El Anillo Guatemalteco BE 6 Dvorak West Point Symphony BO 6 Dvorak Curnow Slavonic Dances JE 6 Dvorak Hindsley Finale, New World Symphony HI 6 Dvorak Leidzen Symphony #5, 1st Movement BE 6 Dvorak Leidzen Symphony #5, Finale CF 6 Dvorak Walker Carnival Overture BS 6 Elgar Slocum Enigma Variations SH 6 Elwell Nelson Dance Of The Merry Dwarf LU 6 Elwell Nelson Gregorian Overture LU 6 Elwell Nelson Scherzo BO 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 5 6 Enesco Duthoit Roumanian Rhapsody BH 6 Fennell, Drew R. Hometown Miniatures RB 6 Finney Summer In Valley City PT 6 Fischer Wilson Le Journal Du Printemps AM 6 Forsberg Festival Te Deum SC 6 Forsblad Extrapolations On A Folk Hymn HM 6 Forsblad Festival Prologue HL 6 Forsblad Symmetry For Band HL Symphony In D Minor, 1st 6 Franck Malone GS Movement 6 Franck Stauffer Le Chasseur Maudit VO 6 Frescobaldi Gray Preambulum And Canzona BE 6 Galante, Rossano Resplendent Glory HL 6 Garlick Canticle For Band SS 6 Gershwin Grofe Rhapsody In Blue HA 6 Gershwin Krance American in Paris, An WB 6 Giannini Dedication Overture CC 6 Giannini Preludium And Allegro BE 6 Giannini Symphony #3 BE 6 Giannini Variations And Fugue BE 6 Gigout Rhoads Grand Dialogue For Winds TP 6 Gillingham Symphonic Proclamation JE 6 Gillis Ford Symphony #5 1/2 BH 6 Gillis Ford Tulsa BE 6 Ginastera John Danza Final BH 6 Giordano Richard Andrea Chenier BA 6 Giovannini Symphonic Prelude MG 6 Glazounov Bancroft Autumn VO 6 Gliere Bainum Symphony #3 EJ 6 Glinka Henning Russlan And Ludmilla Overture CF 6 Gold Fugue, Gavotte And March BE 6 Gomez Clarke Il Guarany CF 6 Gordon Invocationa And Ritual Dance BO 6 Gordon Man And Machine BE 6 Gossec Goldman/Leist Military Symphony In F ME 6 Gould American Salute BE 6 Gould Babi Yar MD 6 Gould Ballad For Band CM 6 Gould Jericho BE 6 Gould Prisms CA 6 Gould Santa Fe Saga GS 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 6 6 Gould St. Lawrence Suite CA 6 Gould Symphony For Band GS 6 Gould Bennett Cowboy Rhapsody BE 6 Gould Lang Yankee Doodle Boy BE 6 Grainger Hill Song #2 GS 6 Grainger Lincolnshire Posy GS 6 Grainger Marching Song Of Democracy GS 6 Grainger Molly On the Shore CF 6 Grainger Erickson Children's March GS 6 Gregson Festivo NO 6 Grundman Concord BH 6 Guentzel Festival Overture In F BA 6 Hanson Dies Natalis HN 6 Hanson Laude CF 6 Hanson Merry Mount Suite CF 6 Hanson McBeth Symphony #2, 3rd Movement CF 6 Hartley Sinfonietta AU 6 Hazo, Samuel Exultate BH 6 Hazo, Samuel Ride BH 6 Hazo, Samuel Rush HL 6 Hazo, Samuel Sevens BH 6 Hennigan Dance Scene JE 6 Hermann Finale From Concerto For Band JE 6 Herold Safranek Zampa Overture CF 6 Hill Danses Sacred And Profane BA 6 Hindemith Symphony in B Flat BE March From Symphonic 6 Hindemith Wilson BE Metamorphosis 6 Holcombe The American Suite MG 6 Holsinger Abram's Pursuit TR 6 Holsinger American Faces TR 6 Holsinger Consider the Uncommon Man TR 6 Holsinger Graysondance TR 6 Holsinger Hopak Raskolniki BA In the Spring at the Time When 6 Holsinger SO Kings Go. 6 Holsinger Liturgical Dances TR On Ancient Hymns And Festal 6 Holsinger TR Dances 6 Holsinger Prelude And Rondo BA 6 Holsinger The Death Tree 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p. 7 6 Holsinger To Tame The Perilous Skies TR 6 Holst Hammersmith BH 6 Holst Jupiter BH 6 Holst Mars BH 6 Holst Grumdman A Somerset Rhapsody BH 6 Holst Harpham Dance Of The Spirits Of Fire BE 6 Holst Sayre Mars, The Bringer Of War HL 6 Husa Al Fresco AM 6 Husa Apotheosis Of This Earth AM 6 Husa Music For Prague 1968 AM 6 Husa Smetana Fanfare GS 6 Hutchison Dirge And Hosanna BE Steadman- 6 Ireland A Downland Suite RS Allen Steadman- 6 Ireland Overture: Comedy RS Allen 6 Ives Elkus Symphony #2, Finale SN 6 Ives Schumann Variations On America TP 6 Jacob Concerto For Band BH 6 Jacob Flag Of Stars BH 6 Jacob Music For A Festival (any 4) BH 6 Jacob William Byrd Suite BH 6 Jacob Curnow Festal March JE 6 Jager Apocalypse BE 6 Jager Heroic Saga BE 6 Jager Jubilante SO 6 Jager Shivaree SH 6 Jager Sinfonia Nobilissima EV 6 Jager Symphony #2 KJ 6 Jager Wall, The HL 6 Jenkins American Overture For Band TP 6 Jenkins Cuernavaca BE 6 Jenkins Symphonic Jubilee HL 6 Jenkins Tartan Suite HL 6 Johnston Games For Band EV 6 Jutras Barrie North Celebration, A BA 6 Kabalevsky Beeler Colas Breugnon Overture SH 6 Kabalevsky Hunsberger Colas Breugnon Overture MC 6 Kalinnikov Bainum Finale From Symphony #1 ES 6 Kaneda Passacaglia For Symphonic Band TP 6 Karg-Elert Reed Cantata Di Chiesa BE 2011 WV Grade 6 Music List, p.
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