Gerald R. Ford Administration White House Press Releases March 11, 1976 - April 2, 1976 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 3/11/1976 President's Schedule, Thursday, March 11, 1976 Schedule whpr19760311-001 3/11/1976 Congressional Delegation on Steel Imports Meeting Attendee List whpr19760311-002 3/11/1976 Pool for Thursday, March 11, 1976 Pool Assignments whpr19760311-003 3/11/1976 American Farm Bureau Federation Leadership Meeting Attendee List whpr19760311-004 3/11/1976 Trip of the President to Illinois & North Carolina, March 11 - 13, Pool Assignments whpr19760311-005 1976, Press Pools 3/11/1976 Rockford, Illinois, Wheaton, Illinois, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Chicago, Schedule whpr19760311-006 Illinois, Greensboro, North Carolina, Winston-Salem, North Carolina and Wilkesboro, North Carolina, March 11 - 13, 1976 3/11/1976 Memorandum from the President for various Cabinet members, Memorandum whpr19760311-007 assistants, and governmental division heads re: Establishment of Agricultural Policy Committee 3/11/1976 President Appoints seventeen persons as members of the Position Appointments and whpr19760311-008 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and Designates Leo Resignations Cherne as Chairman of the Board 3/11/1976 Statement by the President on expansion of Foreign Intelligence Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-009 Advisory Board 3/11/1976 Trans-World Airlines White House Press Charter, March 11 - 13, Pool Assignments whpr19760311-010 1976, Andrews AFB to Rockford and Chicago, Illinois and Greensboro, North Carolina 3/11/1976 Statement by the President on expansion of Foreign Intelligence Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-011 Advisory Board 3/11/1976 Memorandum to members of New Agricultural Policy Committee Notice to Press whpr19760311-012 also sent to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations 3/11/1976 President Signs S. 151, the Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975 Signing Statements and whpr19760311-013 Announcements 3/11/1976 President Signs S. J. Res. 59, International Petroleum Exposition Signing Statements and whpr19760311-014 Announcements 3/11/1976 Text of Remarks by the President to Be Delivered at a Farm Forum, Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-015 Clock Tower Inn, Rockford, Illinois 3/11/1976 Text of Remarks by the President to Be Delivered to the Chicago Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-016 Council of Foreign Relations, Grand Ballroom, Palmer House Hotel, Friday, March 12, 1976 (Rockford, Illinois) 3/11/1976 Pool Report #1, Andrews AFB to Rockford, Illinois Pool Report whpr19760311-017 3/11/1976 President Signs S. 151, The Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975 Signing Statements and whpr19760311-018 Announcements 3/11/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-019 Greater Rockford Airport, Rockford, Illinois 3/11/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-020 Farm Forum, Clock Tower Inn (Rockford, Illinois) Friday, July 20, 2012 Page 1 of 17 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 3/11/1976 Remarks of the President to the Rockford (Illinois) Tool and Die Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-021 Association, Clock Tower Inn 3/11/1976 Remarks of the President at the Cherryvale Mall (Rockford, Illinois) Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-022 3/11/1976 Remarks of the President upon His Departure from the Cherryvale Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760311-023 Mall, Rockford, Illinois 3/12/1976 President Asks Vice President Rockefeller to represent him and the Notice to Press whpr19760312-001 American people at ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Tunisia 3/12/1976 President Signs S. J. Res. 59, International Petroleum Exposition, Signing Statements and whpr19760312-002 and S. 151, Reclamation Authorization Act of 1975 Announcements 3/12/1976 Pool Reports #9 and #10, Marriott Inn to Buffalo Grove Senior High Pool Report whpr19760312-003 School and Back 3/12/1976 Pool Report No. 4, PFC Breakfast, Clocktower Inn Pool Report whpr19760312-004 3/12/1976 Text of Remarks by the President to Be Delivered at Guilford Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-005 Courthouse National Military Park, Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina 3/12/1976 Remarks of the President to the President Ford Committee Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-006 Volunteers, Clock Tower Inn (Rockford, Illinois) 3/12/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session, Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-007 Wheaton College (Wheaton, Illinois) 3/12/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-008 Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, the Palmer House Hotel 3/12/1976 Question and Answer Session with the Northern Illinois Newspaper Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-009 Association, Chicago Airport Marriott Inn 3/12/1976 Press Conference of the Vice President at the Zuni Room, Press Conference whpr19760312-010 Albuquerque Convention Center 3/12/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-011 Buffalo Grove Senior High School, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 3/12/1976 Remarks of the Vice President at the Lincoln Day Dinner, the Speeches by Others whpr19760312-012 Ballroom, Albuquerque Convention Center 3/12/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session, Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760312-013 Buffalo Grove Senior High School Fieldhouse (Chicago, Illinois) 3/13/1976 Ford Flight Greensboro to Andrews Pool Report whpr19760313-001 3/13/1976 Press Pools (continued), Saturday, March 13, 1976 Pool Report whpr19760313-002 3/13/1976 Saturday, March 13, 1976 Schedule whpr19760313-003 3/13/1976 Statement by the Press Secretary on Bo Callaway stepping aside Statement whpr19760313-004 temporarily as Chairman of President Ford's Campaign Committee 3/13/1976 Pool Report #13, Founder's Hall, Guilford College to Guilford Pool Report whpr19760313-005 Courthouse National Military Park 3/13/1976 Pool Report #14, Travel Pool from Guilford College to Hanes Mall Pool Report whpr19760313-006 and Wilkesboro High School 3/13/1976 Pool No. 11, Air Force One, Chicago, Illinois to Greensboro, N.C. Pool Report whpr19760313-007 3/13/1976 Remarks of the President at the President Ford Committee Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760313-008 Reception, the Marriott Motor Hotel (Chicago, Illinois) Friday, July 20, 2012 Page 2 of 17 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 3/13/1976 Press Conference No. 28 of the President of the United States Press Conference whpr19760313-009 3/13/1976 Remarks of the President at the Guilford Courthouse National Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760313-010 Military Park (Greensboro, North Carolina) 3/13/1976 Remarks of the President at Hanes Mall, Winston-Salem, North Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760313-011 Carolina 3/13/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session at the Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760313-012 West Wilkes High School Gymnasium, Wilkesboro, North Carolina 3/14/1976 Text of Remarks by the President to Be Delivered to the Annual Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760314-001 Congressional City Conference of the US Conference of Mayors 3/15/1976 President's Schedule, Monday, March 15, 1976 Schedule whpr19760315-001 3/15/1976 Pool for Monday, March 15, 1976 Pool Assignments whpr19760315-002 3/15/1976 Swearing-In of Mr. William Scranton Meeting Attendee List whpr19760315-003 3/15/1976 President Accepts the Resignation of Bert A. Gallegos, Director of Position Appointments and whpr19760315-004 the Community Services Administration Resignations 3/15/1976 President Appoints Elmer E. Rasmuson as a member of the Board Position Appointments and whpr19760315-005 of Directors of the Federal National Mortgage Association Resignations 3/15/1976 Notice on construction at N. W. gate Notice to Press whpr19760315-006 3/15/1976 President Appoints Morris M. Schrier as a member of the National Position Appointments and whpr19760315-007 Cancer Advisory Board Resignations 3/15/1976 Scearce, James F. Biography whpr19760315-008 3/15/1976 President Appoints Robert G. Howlett as a member and Chairman Position Appointments and whpr19760315-009 of the Federal Service Impasses Panel Resignations 3/15/1976 Participants in the 12:15 p.m. Ohio Farm Bureau Ceremony Meeting Attendee List whpr19760315-010 3/15/1976 Remarks of the President at the Annual Congressional City Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760315-011 Conference of the US Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities 3/15/1976 Remarks of the President and Question and Answer Session with Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760315-012 the Ohio Farm Bureau 3/15/1976 Exchange of Remarks between the President and William Scranton Ford Speech or Statement whpr19760315-013 upon Being Sworn-In as the United States Representative to the United Nations 3/16/1976 President's Schedule, Tuesday, March 16, 1976 Schedule whpr19760316-001 3/16/1976 President's Schedule, Wednesday, March 17, 1976 Schedule whpr19760316-002 3/16/1976 Presentation of the National Teacher of the Year Award Meeting Attendee List whpr19760316-003 3/16/1976 Pools for Tuesday, March 16, 1976 Pool Assignments whpr19760316-004 3/16/1976 Presentation of Credentials by the Australian Ambassador Meeting Attendee List whpr19760316-005 3/16/1976 President Signs S. 1617, Agricultural pest control Signing Statements and whpr19760316-006 Announcements 3/16/1976 President Signs H. R. 7824, Agricultural Census; and H. R. 11893, Signing Statements and whpr19760316-007 Temporary increase in public debt limit Announcements 3/16/1976 President Signs H. R. 11045, Rehabilitation Act Extension of 1976 Signing Statements and whpr19760316-008 Announcements Friday, July 20, 2012 Page 3 of 17 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 3/16/1976 President Accepts the Resignation of David S. Potter, Under Position Appointments and whpr19760316-009 Secretary of the Navy Resignations 3/16/1976 President Signs H. R. 5727, Parole Commission and Reorganization Signing Statements and whpr19760316-010 Act Announcements 3/16/1976 Nomination Sent to the Senate on March 16, 1976: Samuel R.
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