Featured in Smoke & Salt 2019 Barbecue Restaurants The Local TNT’Z Smoked BBQ 824 Hinton Ave. Fredericksburg, VA 22406 Charlottesville, VA 22902 540-656-3287 Central 434-422-5140 Facebook.com/TNTZBBQ Catering.TheLocal-Cville.com Caterers Restaurants Tred Hunt Barbecue and BearBones BBQ Catering Ace Biscuit & Barbecue Fredericksburg, VA 4073 Chalk Level Road 711 Henry Ave. 571-549-1464 Chatham , VA 24531 Charlottesville, VA 22903 BearBonesBBQ.com 434-489-3621 434-202-1403 TredHuntCatering.com AceBiscuitBBQ.comcastbiz.net Blazing Saddles BBQ Fredericksburg, VA Food Trucks Alamo BBQ 540-841-0462 2202 Jefferson Ave. Butch’s Nuttin Butt BBQ Richmond, VA 23223 Captain Rob’s Pigalicious 211 Mineral Ave. 804-592-3138 Barbecue Mineral, VA 23117 AlamoBBQ.com 9160 Harvey Hollow Drive 540-872-6202 Mechanicsville, VA 23226 ButchsNuttinButtBBQ.com Allman’s Barbeque 804-399-3587 1299 Jefferson Davis Hwy. RobsBBQCatering.com Earl’s Carolina BBQ Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Forest, VA 24551 540-373-9881 Mill Valley Barbeque 434-609-2526 Allmans-BBQ.com 622 S. Main St. EarlsCarolinaBBQ.com Madison, VA 22727 BBQ Connection 540-948-3020 Firehouse Bar-B-Que 2788 James Madison Hwy. MillValleyBBQ.com Richmond, VA 23228 Bremo Bluff, VA 23022 804-977-1181 434-842-2000 Piedmont Smokehouse FH-BBQ.com BBQConnectionLLC.com Maidens, VA 23102 804-972-4070 Grandpa Eddie’s Alabama Ribs BBQ Exchange PiedmontSmokehouse.com & BBQ 102 Martinsburg Ave. Richmond, VA 23103 Gordonsville, VA 22942 Southern Smokin’ BBQ FriedmanChallah.com 540-832-0227 3175 Pine Log Road BBQEx.com Skippers, VA 23879 Jus Cukn 804-380-9155 1717 White Cedar Lane Beale’s Brewery & BBQ SouthernSmokinBBQ.com Chesterfield, VA 23235 510 Grove St. 804-728-2185 Bedford, VA 24523 Spider-Q JusCukn.com 540-583-5113 Richmond, VA BealesBeer.com 804-418-0060 Pifer Bros. BBQ Facebook.com/SpiderQBBQ 6019 Hot Spring Lane Big Daddy’s Barbecue and Ribs Fredericksburg, VA 6359 Jahnke Road 540-295-5646 Richmond, VA 23225 PiferBrosBBQ.com 804-560-1570 Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2019 Billiken’s BBQ Company BestBBQRichmond.com 200 Lakefront Drive Deep Run Roadhouse Mineral, VA 23117 12379 Gayton Road HawksBBQ South 540-895-5285 Henrico, VA 23238 439 E. Belt Blvd. BillikensBBQCompany.com 309 N Laurel Street Richmond, VA 23224 Richmond, VA 23220 804-729-4510 Billiken’s Smokehouse 804-740-6301 BestBBQRichmond.com 623 Caroline St. DeepRunRoadhouse.com Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Hillbilly Red’s Barbeque 540-656-2932 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit 353 E. Williamsburg Road BillikensBBQCompany.com 10008 Southpoint Pkwy. Sandston, VA 23150 Fredericksburg, VA 24502 804-737-2007 Bistro Bros. BBQ 540-710-0700 Facebook.com/HillbillyRedsBBQ 2225 Lakeside Drive Dickeys.com Lynchburg, VA 24501 Hogshead Café 434-439-4212 Dixie Bones 9503 W. Broad St., Suite B BistroBBQ.com 1917 Plank Road Richmond, VA 23294 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 804-308-0281 Blue Ridge Pig 540-479-8299 TheHogsheadCafe.com 2198 Rockfish Valley Hwy. DixieBones.com Nellysford, VA 22958 Inner City Blues 434-361-1170 Dunn’s Drive In Barbecue 3015 Nine Mile Road 3716 Mechanicsville Turnpike Richmond, VA 23223 Brock’s Barbecue Richmond, VA 23223 804-649-3424 11310 Iron Bridge Road 804-329-4676 WeAreBBQ.com Chester, VA 23831 DunnsBarbque.com 804-796-7539 Jackson’s Beer Garden & BrocksBBQ.com Extra Billy’s Smokehouse Smokehouse 1110 Alverser Drive 538 N. 2nd St. Buz and Ned’s Real Barbecue Midlothian, VA 23113 Richmond, VA 23219 8205 W. Broad St. 804-379-8727 804-447-0030 Richmond, VA 23294 ExtraBillys.com JacksonsBeerGardenAndSmokehouse.com 1119 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd. Richmond, VA 23230 Fatty Smokes: A Barbecue Joint Jake’s Place 804-346-4227, 804-355-6055 328 E. Broad St 511 Thompson St. BuzAndNeds.com Richmond, VA 23219 Ashland, VA 23005 804-384-9988 804-798-3287 Carter’s Pig Pen Bar-B-Que FattySmokes.com JakesPlaceAshland.com 8011 Cold Harbor Road Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Fifth & Federal Station JJ’s Meat Shak 804-730-3616 801 Fifth St. 1607 Magnolia Ave. CartersPigPenBarbque.com Lynchburg, VA 24504 Buena Vista , VA 24416 434-386-8113 540-261-1489 Checkered Pig Barbecue FifthAndFederal.com JJsMeatShak.com 155 Crown Drive Danville, VA 24540 HawksBBQ King’s BBQ Restaurant 434-793-7447 8191 Brook Road 2910 South Crater Road CheckeredPig.com Richmond, VA 23227 Petersburg, VA 23805 804-732-3278 804-732-0975 Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2019 KingsFamousBarbecue.com 3BsBarAndGrill.com 804-261-7227 QBarbeque.com LBJ’s at Traditionz Smokehouse Nanny’s Restaurant and 4810 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Catering Q Barbeque Richmond, VA 23234 11900 S. Crater Road 13800 Fribble Way 804-997-4986 Petersburg, VA 23805 Midlothian, VA 23112 EatAtTraditionz.com 804-733-6619 804-818-3583 NannysBBQ.com QBarbeque.com Le’Pough’s Barbecue 2401 Quarters Road Oak & Apple Red Hub Food Co. Fort Lee, VA 23801 1814 E. Main St. 202 10th St. NW 804-454-6556 Richmond, VA 23223 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Facebook.com/LePoughBBQ 804-477-3055 434-975-2271 OakAndAppleRichmond.com RedHubFoodCo.com Little Pig Barbecue 3329 W. Washington St. Paulie’s Pig Out Risin’ Smoke Barbecue Petersburg, VA 23803 7376 Rockfish Valley Hwy. 1312 W. Danville St. 804-861-4046 Afton, VA 22920 South Hill, VA 23970 434-361-2001 434-447-4994 McCoy’s BBQ PauliesPigOut.com Risin-Smoke-Barbecue.business.site 5151 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Pig & Brew Sandston Smokehouse 2063 Jefferson Davis Hwy. 1313 Hull St. 2 W. Williamsburg Road Stafford, VA 22554 Richmond, VA 23224 Sandston, VA 23150 540-760-7078, 540-288-6363 804-447-2855 804-322-7400 McCoysBBQ.com PigAndBrew.com SandstonSmokehouse.co Mission BBQ Pig N’ Steak Saucy’s Sit-Down BarBQ 3912 Lenox Ave. 313 Washington St. 257 E. Bank St., Suite C Charlottesville, VA 22901 Madison, VA 22727 Petersburg, VA 23803 12630 Stone Village Way 540-948-3130 804-504-3075 Midlothian, VA 23113 PigAndSteak.com SaucysBBQ.com 5440 Glenside Drive Richmond, VA 23228 Pok-E-Joe’s Shane’s Rib Shack 434-260-7740, 804-362-2257, 4925 Boonsboro Road 1150 Carl D. Silver Pkwy 804-548-4622 Lynchburg, VA 24503 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Mission-BBQ.com 434-386-5637 11501 Busy St. PokeJoesBBQ.com Midlothian, VA 23236 Moe’s Original Bar B Que 540-785-4234, 804-893-4642 2119 Ivy Road Prince George Family Barbecue ShanesRibShack.com Charlottesville, VA 22902 9410 Jefferson Davis Hwy. 434-244-7427 Chesterfield, VA 23237 Shawn’s Smokehouse BBQ MoesOriginalBBQ.com 804-275-2009 602 Sperryville Pike PGBBQ.com Culpeper, VA 22701 Mountain View BBQ 540-317-5692 13244 James Madison Hwy. Q Barbeque ShawnsBBQ.com Orange, VA 22960 1070 Virginia Center Pkwy. 540-308-7050 Glen Allen, VA 23059 Sibley and Son BBQ Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2019 880 W. Roslyn Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Culpeper, VA 22701 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 3300 W. Cary St. 540-317-5718 804-526-5336 Richmond, VA 23221 UncleEldersBBQ.com 540-376-7352, 804-918-0047 SweetNSassyBBQCo.com Silver Pig Barbecue 4835 S Amhert Hwy. TD’s Smokehouse BBQ Madison Heights, VA 24572 8919 Patterson Ave. Virginia Barbeque 434-846-5676 Richmond, VA 23229 6920 Lakeside Ave. SilverPigBBQ.com 804-741-9804 Richmond, VA 23228 TDsSmokehouse.com 10180 Lakeridge Pkwy, Suite 104 Smohk Ashland, VA 23005 3112 W. Leigh St. The Fishin’ Pig 804-262-6660, 804-752-4838 Richmond, VA 23230 5169 Farmville Road VirginiaBBQ.com 804-278-6326 Farmville, VA 23901 SmohkRVA.com 434-223-3287 Wildwood Bar-B-Que FishinPig.com 2470 Anderson Hwy. Smok N Pigz BBQ Powhatan, VA 23139 2090A Anderson Hwy. The Flyin’ Pig 804-372-9574 Powhatan, VA 23139 13560 Waterford Place WildwoodBarbque.com 804-335-8633 Midlothian, VA 23112 Facebook.com/SmoknPigzBBQ 804-447-4592 Wilson Bros. Barbecue TheFlyinPigRestaurant.com 1224 W. Danville St. Smoke Pit Grill South Hill, VA 23970 9074 Staples Mill Road The Pitts 434-447-7440 Henrico, VA 23228 2220 Broad Rock Blvd. 804-977-1200 Richmond, VA 23224 ZZQ SmokePitGrill.com 804-233-9524 3201 W. Moore St ThePittsDive.com Richmond, VA 23230 Smoked Kitchen and Tap 804-528-5648 2025 Library Ave. The Salty Pig Smokehouse Co. ZZQRVA.com Crozet, VA 22932 9502 Chamberlayne Road 434-205-4881 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Eastern SmokedKT.com 804-789-9127 Caterers Smokin’ Eddie’s BBQ The Wolf’s Fixins Barbecue 213 W. Main St. 344 Stoneridge Drive N Louisa, VA 23093 Ruckersville, VA 22968 412Q Barbeque 540-967-1990 434-990-9988 1776 Princess Anne Road Facebook.com/SmokinEddies Facebook.com/TheWolfsFixins Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757-301-8910 Square Fire BBQ Traditionz Wings & Grill 412QBBQ.com 18043 Jefferson Davis Hwy. 3330-5 S. Crater Road Ruther Glen, VA 22546 Petersburg, VA 23234 Bar-Q 804-589-1792 804-863-1911 Chesapeake, VA SquareFireBBQ.com EatAtTraditionz.com Bar-Q.com Sweet N Sassy BBQ Company Uncle Elder’s Family Restaurant Blazin’ Goats BBQ 10713 Courthouse Road 129 East Culpeper St. 4732 Lake Shore Drive Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2019 Chesapeake, VA 23321 The Scottish Pig 757-723-0600, 757-591-0600 757-821-7315 16230 Cooks Mill Road CountyGrill.com BlazinGoats.com Lanexa, VA 23089 804-363-2382 Cowling’s Bar-Be-Que Facebook.com/TheScottishPig 7019 General Mahone Hwy. Waverly, VA 23890 804-834-3100 Food Trucks Restaurants Dave’s BBQ 412Q BBQ 1781 Virginia Beach Blvd. 1776 Princess Anne Road Aloha Hawaiian BBQ Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 5260 Princess Anne Road 757-434-6093 757-301-8910 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 DavesBBQVB.com 412QBBQ.com 757-499-9699 AlohaHawaiianBBQVB.com Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Backyard Firepit 15411 Dahlgren Road 6312 Church St.
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