(Tos) INDEX TO THE JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL, HUMAI^ AISTD OOMPAEATIYE. VOLS. XXL—XXX. 1887-1896. 7 .. <( INDEX TO THE JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL, HUMAN AND COMPAKATIVE. VOLS. XXL-XXX.-1887-1896. NEW SERIES, VOLS. I.-X. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, Ld. EXETER STREET, STRAND. 1897. ft'^Y 5 2 1966 ) Qn '"; 10?8S^ ' T6 PREFATORY NOTE. This Index to Vols. XXT.-XXX. of the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology has been compiled, under the direction of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, by Mr A. W. Kappel, by whom the Index to Vols. I. to XX., issued with Vol. XXVIII., had also been prepared. The Index appears in Vol. XXXI. of the Journal. The Editors desire to acknow- ledge their indebtedness to the Society, and to express their thanks for the handsome contribution from its funds towards this object. It should be explained that the Roman numerals mark the Volume and the Arabic numerals the page ; but when the Eomau numeral is preceded by the letter p., the page of the Proceedings of the Anatomical Society in the volume is referred to. ; ; INDEX. Abbe's Apochromatic Micro-objectives xxv. 154 ; Blood Supply of Displaced and Compensating Eye-pieces Kidney, xxviii. 304 ; Branches of (Sclmlze), xxi. 515-524. Abdominal Aorta, xxvii. p. iv ; Car- Abbott, F. C, Specimen of Right diac Valves (Lawrence), xxv. pp. xv- Aortic Arch, xxvi. p. xiii ; Specimen xvii ; Course of Left Phrenic Nerve of Left Aortic Arch with Abnormal relative to Sub-clavian Vein, xxviii. Branches, xxvi. p. xv ; Specimen of 464 ; Development of Genito-urinary Pulmonary Valve with four Seg- System of Rabbit (Latter), xxiii. 650 ments, XXVI. p. XV. Distribution of Arteries and Veins in Abcaudal Fission in Cat, xxvii. 417. the Neck (Mears), xxii. 304-307 ; of Abdomen, Horizontal Section of (Sym- Nerve to Quadratus Femoris in Man ington), XXVII. p. ii ; Topographical (Wilson), xxiii. 354-357 ; of the Anatomy of (Brooks), xxiv, p. vii Nervus Dorsalis Scapulse, and of of 3fegaptera, xxii. 116 ; of Symelian certain of the Inter-costal Nerves Monster, xxv. 203. (Dixon), xxx. 209, 210 ; Extensor Abdominal Cavity, Structural Changes Muscle, XXIV. p. xix ; Genitalia, xxviii. in Testicle of Dog when placed 26 ; Left Innominate Vein (Hart- within (Griffiths), xxvii. 483-500 ; Smith), xxix. pp. xxiv-xxvi; Kidneys Malformations, xxvi. 436 ; Regions, from Domestic Pig (Hepburn), xxix. Delimitation of (Anderson), xxvi. 16, 17 ; Ligament, xxx. 580 ; Liga- p. (Cunningham), xxvii. mentous Radio-ulnar Band (Balgar- 543-547, xxi ; xxvii. 285 nie), xxv. v ; Muscle of Hand (Ar- 257-278, xviii ; (Smith), ; p. xxi. of Ring, xxiv. 222 ; Viscera, Trans- buthnot Lane), 674 ; Muscles jjosition of (Turner), xxvii. p. ii ; of Leg (Thane), xxv. pp. xiii-xv ; Mus- Risso's Dolphin, xxvi. 259. cular Contractions and their Effects Aberrant Arteries, xxvii. 393. (Humphry), xxviii. 453-464 ; Obtura- Abnormal Abdominal Vein in a Frog tory Artery (Hughes), xxvi. pp. xix, ; Canals, xxvii. Position (Buller), XXX. 211-214 ; Arterial XX Penile 422; Supply of Kidney, xxv. 89 et seq. of Meckel's Diverticulum, xxvi. 444 ; ; of Misplaced Kidney (Brodie), Positions of Vermiform Appendix, ; Pulmonary Valve xxvii. p. XXXV ; Arrangement of xxv. pp. xix, XX Arteries in Region of Kidney and (Clarke), xxiv. p. viii ; Receptaculum Suprarenal Body (Hughes), xxvi. Seminis in Arion circumscriptus, 305-307 ; of Cardiac Coronary Ar- xxvii. 238 ; Renal Vessels, xxviii. in teries (Hepburn), xxix. 459-462 ; of 208 ; Reproductive Organs the Ileo-csecal portion of the Intestine Frog (Latter), xxiv. 369 - 372. (Bennet and Rolleston), xxv. 88 Rib in Hysirix cristata (Par- 87, ; of Kidney and its Vessels (Mahon), sons) XXVII. p. xiii; Last Rib in xxx. 145 ; Sternum xxiii. 339, 340 ; of Nerves, xxx. 576 ; Dclphinaptenis, of Right Sub-clavian Artery in Rabbit (Buchanan), xxviii. 313, 314 ; Ure- (Smith), xxv. 325, 326; of Veins ters, xxviii. 207 ; Vascular Supply to about Popliteal Space (Davidson), Liver (Rolleston), xxiv. 132, 133 ; INDEX TO VOLS. XXI.-XXX. Left Vertebral Artery, xxvii. p. Fcetus (Smith and Birmingham), j vi. xxiii. 532-536 ; of Tibia, xxvii. 422 ; Abnormalities of Branches of Abdomi- Congenital (M'Laren), xxiii. 598- nal Aorta (Tyrie\ xxviii. 281-287 ; of 605 ; of both Ulnae, Congenital Axis, xxviii. 375 ; around Caecum (Pringle), xxvii. 239-244. (Bennett and Rolleston), xxiv. p. Absorption of Blood from Peritoneal xix ; in Hepatic Artery and Intestine Cavity, xxi. 460 ; from the Mucous supplied by it (Ehvorthy), xxv. p. vi; Membrane of the Urinary Bladder Muscular, xxii. 96-102 ; xxx. 570 ; of (Ashdown), xxi. 299-324. Muscles of Upper Limb (Rolleston), Acanthias, Kidney of, xxiv, 419 ; xxi, 328-3.30 ; in Skeleton (Aibuthnot Spiracles of, xxiv. 228. Lane), xxi. 586-610; of Skull, xxix. Acanthodrilus, Ova of, xxii. 13. 468 ; Specimens of (Macalister), XXIII. Acardiac Monsters, xxvi. 432. p. i ; Vascular, with Congenital Mal- Accessory Gill-cavity in Sacco- formation of Heart and Transposition branchus, xxix. 131 ; Gill-snail of xxvi. 117-129 of Viscera (Griffith), ; Heterotis, etc., xxix. 138 ; Nuclei of of Vena Cava Inferior, xxviii. 376. Hypoglossal Nerve, xxix. 3 ; Phrenic Abnormality of Aortic Arch (Brodie), Nerve (Larkin), xxiii. 340 ; Segment XXIII. p. vii ; of the Large Arteries of in Pulmonary Valve (Campbell), xxx. the Heart (Arbuthnot Lane), xxi. 347, 348; Supracondylar Ligament at 97-100 ; of Finger Nails (Smith), Back of Knee (Kempson and Pendle- xxvi. 406-408 ; of Heart and Great bury), XXVIII. p. iv ; Suprarenals, Vessels (de Renzi), xxiii. p. xxiii ; of xxvi. 552. Hepatic Artery, vrith Explanation of Accidium berberidis, xxi. 249. the Condition (Fawcett), xxx 206- Accommodation and Convergence, Rela- 208 ; of Long Sensory Root of Ciliary tion between (Maddox), xxi. 21-42. Ganglion, xxviii. 408-410. Acephalus Paracephalus, xxviii. 370. Aboriginal Australian, Skull of Acetabular Cartilage of Whales, xxvii. (Cooper), XXVI. pp. xxiii-xxiv. 295. Abortions, Malformed, xxvi. 430. Acetic Acid, Action of, on Milk, xxix, Absence of whole or part of a Bone, 191. xxviii. 411-413 ; of Breast and Achselbogen, xxii. 294 ; xxiv. 52-60 ; Nipple, xxviii. 376 ; of Extensor Primi Plomology and Innervation of (Bir- Internodii Pollicis (Parsons\ xxix. mingham), xxiii. 206-223. p. ii ; of Fibula, xxvii. 422 ; Partial, Acid, Hydrochloric, Affinity of Pro- xxviii. 412 ; of Flexor Carpi Radialis, teids for, xxvii. 197 ; Hydrocyanic, xxii. 96 ; of External Genitalia, xxvi. Absorption of, from the Bladder, xxi. 437 ; of Left Internal Carotid (Flem- 309 ; new, found in Urine (Kirk), niing), XXIX. jip. xxiii, xxiv ; of both xxiii. 69-80. Kidneys, xxviii. 196 ; of one Kidney, Acipenser, xxix. Ill, 128 ; Ossa xxvii. 422; xxviii. 196; of Nasal Imparia of, xxix. 111. Bones, xxix. 468 ; of Right Kidney Acromegaly, xxv. p. ix ; xxx. 452 ; with (Dwight), xxix. 18, 19 ; of Male Description of Skeleton (Tliomson), Reproductive Organs in two Her- xxiv. 475-492 ; Changes peculiar to, maphrodite Molluscs (Collinge), xxiv. 489. xxvii. 237, 238 ; of Pectoral Muscles, Acromial Ei)iphyscs, xxvii. 249, xxvii. 424 ; xxviii. 375 ; of Radial Acromioclavicular, xxii. 612, Artery (Charles), xxviii. 449, 450 ; of Action of Infused Beverages on Peptic Radius on both bides, xxviii. 411 ; of and Pancreatic Digestion of the Ribs, xxviii. 376 ; of Sub-claviua Chief Dietetic Proximate Principles Muscle (Crerar), xxvi. 554 ; of (Fraser), xxi, 337-361 ; of Ureters, as Thoracic Duct causing Oodcma of a observed during an Operation for ; ; INDEX TO VOLS. XXI. -XXX. Removal of an Abdominal Tumour Agamida.', Organ of Jacobson in, xxx. (Greig Smith), xxii. 496 ; of Solid 77. Matter on White Blood Corpuscles, Aged, Structural Changes in Testicles xxii. 585 ; of Stimuli on Unstriped of (Griffiths), xxvii. 474-482. Muscle (Cooke), xxiv. 195-209. Agelaius, xxii. 309 ct scq. Acute Rheumatism, Blood in, xxv. 489. phosniceus, xxii. 314 et seq. Adaptation of the Jaws of Megcqjtera, Agenosoma, xxix. 465. xxii. 120 ; of Pelvic Bone to Soft Agnathia, xxvii. p. xvi. Parts in Baltenoptera musculus, Agouti, Abdominal Panniculus in, xxvii. 321. xxvii. 506 ; Adductor Magnus Mus- Additional Digits, xxviii. 26 ; xxix. clein,xxvi.p. xiii ; Brain of, xxv.114. 468 ; Genitalia, xxviii. 31 ; Limbs Aino, BeitrJige zur Phj'sischen Anthro- not Connected with Girdles, xxviii, pologic der (Koganei) (Notice), xxx. 33 ; Muscle in Hand, xxix. 94. 318. Adduction of Foot, xxii. 411. Ainos, Skeleton of, xxviii. 385. Adciiia, xxx. 59. Air-bladder of Siluroidoe and Ostario- Adenoma of Breast in Childhood physecE, Comparison of, xxix. 518. (Patteson), xxvi. 509-515 ; Tubular, Function of, in Siluroidce and xxv. 161. Cohitini, xxix. 518. Adenomata of Breast, xxv. 250, 313 ; and Ear of British Clupeoid xxvi. 565. Fishes, xxvi. 26-42. Adenomyoma, xxiv. 307. and "Elastic Spring" Appa- Adipose Body in Hermaphrodite Frog, ratus of Siluroidfjc, Production of xxiv. 218. Sounds by (Siirensen), xxix. 109- Administration of Chloroform, Pupil 139, 205-229, 399-423, 418-552. in (Neilson), xxii. 154-171. Air-ducts of Clupeoid Fishes, xxvi. 31. Adrenal in case of Single Kidney, Air-passages. Auditory, Demonstration xxviii. 200 ; Adenoma of (Kelynack), of (Symington), xxiil. p. ii. xxx. 539-544. Air-vesicles of Clupeoid Fishes, xxvi. Adventitious Joint of Femur following 34. Ununited Fracture (Sharp), xxix. Albatross, Heads of, xxiii. 1. 330, 331. Osteology of, xxiii. 8 ; xxiv. u^ch ino'phorus occidentalis, xxiii. 3 181, 553. Osteology of, xxiv. 170 et scq. Albumen, Coagulation of, xxiv. 289. ^lurichthys gronovii, xxix. 211 (note). Albumenoids, Peptic and Tryptic, jiiarinus, xxix. 211 (note). Digestion of, xxi. 345. Aeusseren Kiemen der Wirbelthiere Albumens, Egg and Serum, Contrasted, (Clemens) (Notice), xxix. 334. xxii. 134. Afanassiew's Peptone Salt Solution, Alca, xxiv. 554. xxv. 257. torda, xxiii. 5 ct scq., 165 ; Oste- Affenspalte, xxiv. 335. ology of, xxiii. 557 ; Relation of Great of, Afferent Fibres of Hypoglossal, xxix. 5. Auk to, xxiii. 2 ; Skeleton xxiii. Affinities of Cranes, Rails, and their 1, 6 et seq., 165 ct scq.
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