University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons Oracle, The, 1931-1941 Student Newspapers Winter 11-9-1934 The Oracle 11/09/1934 Gorham Normal School Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/oracle Part of the Higher Education and Teaching Commons, and the Nonfiction Commons Recommended Citation Gorham Normal School, "The Oracle 11/09/1934" (1934). Oracle, The, 1931-1941. 38. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/oracle/38 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Oracle, The, 1931-1941 by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ORACLE VoL. 4 GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, GORHAM, MAINE, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 No. l HIGHLIGHTS "ORACLE" WELCOMES SUPERINTENDENTS' DAY A OF TEACHERS' CONVENTION NEW FACULTY ADVISOR FEATURE OF EDUCATION WEEK Members of the faculty and almost all Gorham Normal School celebrated Ed­ of the students of Gorham Normal ucational Week by inviting principals .~ School attended the thirty-second annual and superintendents of S e c o n d a r y convention of the M. T. A. in Portland, Schools from all over the State to spend October 25 and 26. Many interesting Wednesday, November 7, on the Hill. speakers were featured on the varied During the morning they visited va­ program which revealed the time and rious. classes which illustrated the differ­ care that the officers and department ent fypes of studies that are carried on chairmen spent in preparation to make here, as well as showing them in what it a success. ways their former students are now con­ A special treat awaited teachers and tinuing their education. students Thursday afternoon in the As­ sembly Hail in Portland High School Following a luncheon served in East when Dr. Bir! E. Shultz, Dean of New Hall dining room, a program was pre­ York Exchange Institute, spoke on "The sented in Russell Hall by the various Importance of Instruction in Economics clubs. in the High Schools." Following this a Arnold Walker, president of the Civic motion picture, "The Nation's Market Committee, graciously welcomed the Place," was presented. This is the only superintendents; and Mr. John Gyger, motion picture taken on the floor of the who has been prominent in educational Exchange. It demonstrated the process work for many years and is now superin­ of the buying and selling of stocks and Chester H . Sloat tendent of the schools of Falmouth, made gave vivid pictures of the mad rush of the response in behalf of the guests. individuals on the floor around the posts. It is with great pleasure that "The Selections by the Orchestra and a Another interesting program was pre­ Oracle" board welcomes to Gorham Nor­ double mixed quartet selected from the sented Friday afternoon in the same hall. mal School Mr. Chester H . Sloat of Ben­ two Glee Clubs added greatly to the en­ An illustrated lecture "The Longfellow nington, Vermont. joyment of the program. Garden with its Wealth of Story" writ­ Mr. Sloat is well fitted for his new Anne Burke and Lena Dow, two ten by Miss Nellie Potter- of Portland position as instructor in English and talented students, gave selections that High School and read by Miss Ruth faculty advisor of "The Oracle." While will long remain in the memory of the Sturgis, also of Portland High, was de­ at high school and coll ege he was an out­ students and the audience. Two piano livered. Scenes of Henry W. Longfellow's standing student, winning honors in both solos, "Polichinelle" by Rachmaninoff and birthplace, home, and the pond at Deer­ dramatic and essay work. "Venitienne" by Godard were played by ing Oaks were very lovely. Those who He already has had a wide experience Miss Burke; and Miss Dow read " How have never visited Longfellow's home on as an instructor. After being graduated the Great Guest Came" by Edwin Congress Street welcomed the intimate from college, he went to Teaneck, New Markham. glimpse of his former rooms and garden Jersey, where he taught Spanish and afforded them by these pictures. Three members of the Dramatic Club, eighth grade mathematics. Following Helen Abbott, Wallace Hart, and Richard The convention ended with an excellent this he went to the University of Wis­ concert by the Maine State School Band Barbour, showed real ability in their consin, where he was an instructor in the presentation of "The Silver Lining." and Orchestra in the City H all Audi­ English department for three years, and t orium. One of our own students, Kervin from which institution he received his A feature of the program which was E llis, who plays the trumpet in the Gor­ M.A. degree in American and English declared new by many of our visitors ham Normal School Orchestra is a mem­ Literature in 1932. was the choir reading by the Poetry Club. "Fairies" by Rose Fyleman and ber of this prominent group. He has shown much initiative and en­ As future teachers, the girls and boys "Boots" by Rudyard Kipling were the thusiasm in his work, by reorganizing two selections read. of Gorham Normal are glad to have had the Journalism course, and working out the opportunity of attending these meet­ a new plan for carrying on the Dramatic We were very proud and fortunate to ings. They heard many of the leading Club meetings so that they may be have Mrs. Roberts as our guest speaker. educators of Maine voice their opinions, worth while to all members. She has a charming personality and and have learned that every teacher has made many new admirers during her s0 me part, no matter how small, in the short visit at Gorham Normal. Her topic building of the future. was "Adult Education," which pertained As Douglas Malloch says: directly to the students, and brought be­ NEWS FROM THE PRACTICE SCHOOL fore them t he value of Educational Week. What does it matter what duty There are several new teachers in the The Faculty and student body of the Falls to the lot of a man? practice school this fall. Miss Elizabeth school are assured there is no better way All have a share in the beauty, Foss, a graduate of Gorham Normal of celebrating a week set aside wholly to All have a part in the plan. School, is in the second grade; Miss education than to invite, to their school, people from all parts of the State who All had a hand in the buildng, Elizabeth Sanborn, also a graduate of the Normal School, second grade; Mrs. are devoting their lives to the education No one has builded alone, Celia Gross of Waldoboro, another grad­ of young people. Whether a cross he was gilding, uate of this schoo l and a teacher of wide ':ic Whether he carried the stone. experience is taking the place of Miss Norma Thurston in the sixth grade; Miss Mildred McAllister, a graduate from the Normal School in 1933, is the assistant FOLLOWING IN MOTHERS' ALUMNI AT COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY teacher in the fifth grade; and Miss FOOTSTEPS Several graduates of the Gorham Nor­ Helen F. Loud of Fitchburg, Mass., a mal School in the class of 19 34 are con­ graduate of the Wheelock Kindergarten Several members of the Junior Class tinuing their education at colleges and Training School, is substituting for Miss are following in the footsteps of their universities. Among these are Caroline Emma F. Harris who is taking a half­ mothers by attending the Gorham Nor­ DeVane, who is studying at Columbia, year's leave of absence to get her degree mal School. The students whose mothers Eva Knowles, Joanna Stone, and Victor at Boston University School of Edtlca­ are Gorham Alumnae are: Barbara Walker at Boston University, Harold tion. Hodgkins, Enna Vinal, Barbara Gam­ West at the University of Alabama, and The total enrollment in the practice mons, Eleanor Buck, and Eliot Hawkes. Hilda Scott and Paul Moody at the Uni­ school is 280 with 43 in the ninth grade, The mothers of Ethelyn Pillsbury and versity of Maine. Ronald Hallett, of the the largest class entering high school Dorothea Lindenberger were also stu­ class of 1935, is a student at Springfield -l'ro m the village proper in the history of dents of the Gorham Normal School at Y. M. C. A. College. Gorham. one time. Page2 THE ORACLE "THE ORACLE" STAFF that final point" in a basketball A modern teacher has to lead a (1934-1935) game, who shows signs of becoming many-sided life. A prime educational Frances Huse . .. Editor-in--Chiet' a Maude Adams or an Edwin Booth, factor and social leader in the com­ Helen Abbott Assistant Editor or who is adept at making witty re­ munity, she is expected to take her Richard Barbour ..... ... Junior Editor F;ric ChanUler . Busine ss l\ilanager marks may expect some publicity. place in its religious life. ]i~a.it:h Graves Ass't. Business l\i[anage_r Whatever it is, "The Oracle" re­ A s Dr. McAnclrew says: "The porters will get it and give it men- Associate Editors teacher has only one life to give for tion. • her country, but with that life s he I .) Hilda Weymouth . News Department The school paper needs the loyal can show what the State can do to l:arllara Howard Literary Department 1 l{uth l'alrner . Fun De partment support and cooperation of the- stu­ maintain the birthright of education ' • l\1uriel l\forg·an Alumnj and Exchange Ma,leline Doten Girls' Athletics dents in order that it may bring to to make it of prime importance and Hichanl Clifford ..
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