1:18 LIT'ILETON DREW • WILTSHIRE. (KELL\'S • - 'l'he Gib, r mile south-east·, East Dunley, and West sunday delivery. The nearest money order office is at Dunley, I mile south-east, are hamlets of the parish. .Acton Turville & Grittleton the nearest telegraph office Post Office. Miss Fanny Nation, sub-postmistrEss. Let- Elementary School (mixed), with residence for mistresa, ters through Chippenham, delivered at 7.40 a.m. & erected about 1845• for 46 children; ave1age attend- 7·5 p.m.; dispatched at 8.10 a.m. & 7-IS p.m.; nv ance, 2o; Miss Edith Guy, mistress Bentley Rev. Robert Ernest, Rectory Dring Francis, farmer, Church farm Porter Francis, butcher Green man .A.lbt. saddler & frmr. Gib Porter Hannah (Mrs.), The Plough P.B COMMERCIAL. Hall Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer, West Spackman John, boot maker Chapp"ll Jas. farmer, Townsend farm Dunley White Harry (exors. of), farmers, Clau David, butcher, Gib hill Hall Henry William, miller (water), Manor farm 1 J>aniels .A.rth. Jn. farmer, Ba1·tun farm J Gatcombe mill Wdght William Simon, shopkeeper • LITTLETON PANELL, see West Lavington. LONGFORD, see Britford . • LONG NEWN'TON, see Newnton. LONGBRIDGE DEVERILL with CROCKERTON. This is a parish on the xoad from Warrninster to Shaftes- decease part of the interior was left unfinished, and his IWD bury,3 miles south from Warminster station on theSalis- did not live to complete the w1>rks; his descendant, Thos. bury branch of the Great Western railway, 4 sout,h-west Thynne, who was shot in his coach in Pall .Mall, in r682, from Heytesbury and 8 south-east from Frome, in the formed the road to Frome, which is planted with elms, West-ern division of the county, South Damerham hun- i uml the whole was completed by the first Viscount Wey­ dred, Warminster union, petty sessional division and mouth: alterations were made in the disposition of county court district, rural doonery of Wylye (Heytes- the grounds by Thomas, third Viscount Weymouth, bury portion}, archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of when the ga!'dens were remodeLed by Lancelot, Salisbury. The river \Yylye or Deveri] passes through kr.own as "Capability" Brown: the second Marquess of the parish. The Warmin,;ter Water Works are at Bath built the northern front, from designs by Sir Ueoffrey Crockerton. The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an j Wyattville, and the mansion now forms a parallelogram, edifice of stone in various styles, consisting of chanl'el, 220 feet by r8o, built entirely of freestone: it is .of three with the Bath chapel on the north side and organ chamber 11tories and the fa<;ade is relieved by projections, with and vestry on the south, clerestoried nave of three bays, pilasters of the Corinthian order on the upper storey, Ionic with aisles, and a Perpendicular embattled western tower in the centre and Doric at the base, and the whole is sur· containing 6 bells, the treble bell having been added in mounted with a ba:ustrade adorned with statues: the 1882: the north arcade is very Ear:y Norman and the principal staircase of oak is 10 feet wide, with two .re­ south of the 14th century: there is one stained window: turns, and is li~htecl by an octagonal lantern, 15 feet a monument in the Bath chapel to Sir John Thynne, the in diameter, rising from a coved ceiling, enriched with. founder of Longleat, ob. 1580, and mural monuments to arabesque foliage: the great hall, used as a dining first and second Marquesses of Bath 1796-1837• and their room, has carved wainscotting, and is hung with arms wives: an· elegant lych gate was erected at the south and trophies of the chase: a fine collection of pirtures entrance by the Rev. Canon W. D. Morrice,' a former by Vandyke, Holbein, Lely and Reynolds, including family vicar, in memory of his children: t.he church was restored portraits, adorns the principal apartments, and there is in 1852 by John .A.lex. 4th Marquess of Bath, and affords a valuable library: Queen Elizabeth re:;;ided here in 1575; 234 sittings. The register dates from the year r682. Uhar:es II. in 1667 and subsequently George Ill.; Bishop The living is a vicarage, with tlb.e chapelry of Cracker- Ken, after being deprived of the see of Bath and Wells, re­ ton and t·he vicarage of Hill Deverill annexed, joint net sided and died here in 1711 and was buried at Frome. The income £380, including 70 acres of glebe, with residence, .Marquess of Dath is lord of the manor and sole land­ in the gift of the Marquess of Bath, and held since owner. The ~oil is light sand and chalk; subsoil, chalk 1897 by the Rev. Robert George Penny M.A. of Oriel and stone. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. College, Oxfard. 'fhe church of the H1>ly Trinity, at The area is 3,764 acres of land and 47 of water; rateab:e CROCKER'l'ON, a. ohapelry in this paris.h, built in 1843• value, £3,301 ; the population in 1901 was 6q in the is an edifice in the Romanesque style, consisting of civil parish and 753 in the ecclesiastical parish, with apS>idal chancel, nave, and a. small western tower con- Crockerton ; the pvpulation of Crockerton in I9II was taining one bell: the church will seat 300 persons. 315. There is a Primitive MethOOist chapel at Longbridge Parish Clerk, Arthur Smith. Deverill, anu a Congregational chapel at Crockerton, Sexton of Holy Trinity, Crockerton, Charles Waters. erected in 1859• seating 250 persons. The· almshouses Post Office.-Charle·s Snelgrove, sub-postmaster. Letters here were founded in 1655 by Sir James Thynne, for arrive by messenger from Warminster at 7.20 a·.m. & three men and four women, each of whom receives 15s. 3 p.m.; dispatched at 9·45 a.m. & 6.10 p.m.; on sun- monthly. .A. priory of Black Canons wa.s founded here days at 9 a.m. Warminster is the nearest money by Sir John Vernon about 1270, but had fallen into order & telegraph office decay in 1529, and ultimately became the, property of Post Office, Crockerton ....... John Harris, sub-postmaster. Sir John Thynne. Longleat, the seat of the Marquess Letters arrive by messenger from Warminster at 6.45 of Bath J.P. is in this parish ecclesiastically, . but for a m. & 2.25 p.m: ; snndays, 6.45 a.m. ; dispatched at civil purposes in Horningsham ; it was erected on the 10 a.m. & 6.25 p.m. ; sun days, 9· 15 a.m. War- site 1>f the priory by Sir John 'l'hynne: the foundation minster, 2 miles distant, is tlb.e neares·t money order k was laid in January, 1567, but twelve years elapsed telegraph office before it was completed, and it is trad~tionally asserted Wall Box, Crocke·rton Green, cleared 10.10 a. m. & 6.35 t.hat the model was obtained from Italy: the mansion, · p.m.; sundays, 9.25 a.m a spacious and magnificent building, stands in a park Schools 12 miles in circumference, watered by a branch of ' · 1 the river Frome, amidst pleasant woods and scenery, Elementary (mixed), built in 1851, for 170 children; and a1Iording wide pro3pects over the adjacent country: avera~e attendance, 68; Mi8s .Amy Ludgate, mistress the ·park contains a herd of deer, and has some fine E!ementary (mixed), Crockerton, \uilt in 185o, for 95 timber, comprising venerable oaks and very large children ; average attendance, 58 ; Miss Amanda Scotch spruce firs, some of which aTe upwards of 120 Naylor, mistress feet in height. "Shearwater" Lake, covering 38 acres, is Carrier~. within the domain, which covers 2,000 acres: Sir John Henry James Clifton, to Warminster, !'at Thynne, the founder, died in 1580, alld at the time of his Henry Scott, to Warminster, daily LONGBRIDGE DEVERILL. Hinton William. farmer, West farm Mills Edward Bath The Marquess of J.P. Longleat; Lodder .A.l~r.ed G. dair~ Wood Major A. V. L. Thornhill &J Carlton club, London s w P!"rker Ph1hp, blacksmith Penny Rev. Robt. Geo. M.A. Vicarage P1ekford George Edward, farmer, Manor farm COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. Pickford Wm. Fredk. frmr. Long Ivor Baker Ernest, farmer,Shearwater frm Avery James Wm. McClelland, grocer Smith Arthur, blacksmith Hourne Edward, fa1·mer Bath William Hobbs, dairyman ' Snelgrove Charles, sub-postmaster Croft Ethel (Miss), shopkeeper Butt Goorge (Mrs.), farmer Stockley Peter, head gamekeeper to Dawkins .A.lbert, dairy Clifton Henry J ames, coal dealer the Marquess of Bath, Aucomb Garrett Isaac, gamekeeper to the Dufosee Alfred George, farmer, Viney .A.lbert Edward, boot maker Marquess of Bath, Swancombe Church Street farm . Grant James John, cowkeeper Gray William, baker & shopkeeper Dufosee William Henry, George inn, GROOKERTON. & retail brewer H11rris Francis Geo. brick & tile ~~ Gagen Percy, farmer, ~hute farm Jemmett-Browne Mrs. Fox holes Hobbs Mark Whatley, farmer .
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