CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS · AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Michigan-Julius C. Burrows. Minnesota-Knute Nelson. MoNDAY, December 1, 1902. Missouri-Francis M. Cockrell and George G. Vest. The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the Montana-Paris Gibson. Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con­ Nebraska-Charles H. Dfetrich and Joseph H. Millard. gress, the second session of the Fifty-seventh Congress commenced Nevada-William M. Stewart. this day. New Hampshire-Henry E. Burnham and Jacob H. Gallinger. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. New Jersey-John F. Dryden and John Kean. The PRESIDENT pro tempore (Mr. WILLIAM P. FRYE, a Sen­ New York-Chauncey M. Depew and Thomas C. Platt. ator from the State of Maine) took the chair and called the Senate North Carolina-Jeter C. Pritchard and Furnifold. MeL. Sim- to order at 12 o'clock noon. mons. PRAYER• . North_Dakota-HenryC. HansbroughandPorterJ. McCumber. Ohio-Joseph B. Foraker and Marcus A. Hanna. Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington, offered the Oregon-John H. Mitchell. following prayer: Pennsylvania-Boies Penrose and MatthewS. Quay. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, at the threshold of the Rhode Islandr--Nelson W. Aldrich and George P. Wetmore. solemn duties of this time and place we bow reverently before South Carolina-John L. McLaurin and Benjamin R. Tillman. Thee and lift up our hearts to Thy throne. As the representa­ South Dakota-Robert J. Gamble and A. B. Kittredge. tives of the nation we make humble acknowledgment of our Tennessee-Edward W. Carmack. sense of gratitude to Thee for Thy marvelous goodness to us. Texas-Joseph W. Bailey. Thou hast kept us in the hollow of Thy hand. The generous Utah-Thomas Kearns. earth has yielded the fruits in their season; the elements have Vermont--:-William P. Dillingham and Redfield Proctor. been kind; the people enjoy domestic tranquillity; peace abounds. Virginia-John W. Daniel and Thomas S. Martin. In all that gives meaning to life, in all that inspires hope, in all Washington-Addison G. Foster. that establishes government, and in all that gives dignity to office West Virginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. and-honor to authority, we recognize Thy purpose in us as a Wisconsin-Joseph V. Quarles. clJosen people. Wyoming-Francis E. Warren. Now we pray that Thou wouldst look upon us in Thy mercy. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Senators, 70 Senators have re­ Grant that more and more we may be conscious of the Divine guidance. We pray that where authority is exercised it may be sponded to their names. There is a quorum present, and the by Thy consent; where counsel is taken it may be under Thine Senate is ready for the transaction of business. own direction; where power is used it may be chastened and NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. sanctified by Thy grace. - Mr. HALE submitted the following resolution; which was con­ Let Thy blessings be upon Thy servants in this honorable Sen­ sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: ate. Give to them a sense of the Divine power. Rule through Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives that a them in the execution of Thine own righteous will. We ask for quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready to proceed Christ's sake. Amen. to business. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDE..~T. SENATORS PRESENT. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the roll Mr. PLATT of Connecticut submitted the following resolution; of the Senate. which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed, to The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an- join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Representatives, swered to their names: to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quo­ From the State of- rum of each House is assembled and that Congress is ready to receive any Alabama-John T. Morgan and Edmund W. Pettus. communication he may be pleased to make. Arkansas-James H. Berry and James K. Jones. By unanimous consent, the President pro tempore was authorized California-Thomas R. Bard and George C. Perkins. to appoint the committee on the part of the Senate; and M"r. Colorado-Thomas M. Patterson. PLATT of Connecticut ~nd Mr. JONES of Arkansas were appointed. Connecticut-Orville H. Platt. Flm·ida-Stephen R. Mallory. - HOUR OF 'MEETING. Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and Alexander S. Clay. Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was Idaho-Fred T. Dubois and Henry Heitfeld. considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: fllinois-Shelby 1\!. Cullom and William E. Mason. Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock me· Indiana-Albert J. Beveridge and Charles Warren Fairbanks. ridian until otherwise ordered. Iowa-William B. Allison and Jonathan P. Dolliver. DEATH OF SENATOR JAMES M'MILLAN. Kansas-Joseph R. Burton. 1\lr. BURROWS. Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn. to formally announce to the Senate the death of my esteemed Louisiana-Murphy J. Foster and Samuel Douglas McEnery. colleague, the Hon. JAMES 1\IcMILL.A..N. He took leave of this life Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. on the 10th .day of August last, from his summer residence by the Maryland-Louis E. McComas and George L. Wellington. sea, at Manchester, Ma-ss., wher.e he had repaired at the close of Massachusetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. the last session of Congress for rest and recuperation. 1 2 CONG·RESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEl\1BER 1, . His death was as sudden as it was unexpected. Only the day CONNECTICUT. previoua he was in usual health and spirits, participating in the E. Stevens Henry. Ebenezer J. Hill. sports of the field , to which he was devoted. But a sudden indis­ Nehemiah D. Sperry. DELAWARE. position reminded him of the enfeebled condition of his heart, L. Heisler Ball. which had existed for some years, and admomshed him to desist FLORIDA. from further physical exertion. Retiring to his residence, with Stephen M. Sparkman. Robert W. Davis. re t and medical assistance, he soon recovered his normal condi­ GEORGIA. tion and spent .the evening with his family and friends in that Rufus E. Lester. Charles L. Bartlett. James M. Gri~gs. John W.Maddox. delightful social intercourse which gave such a charm to his home Elijah B. LeWlS. William H. Fleming. life. Later in the evemng, however, there came a recurrence of William C. Adamson. William G. Brantley. the disorder so serious and persistent as to baffie the skill of phy­ Leonidas F. Livingston. sicians, and at 4 o'clock on the Sabbath morlling of August 10 ILLINOIS. James R. Mann. Vespasian Warner. '' the silver cord was loosed '' and his spirit freed. John J. Feely. Joseph V. Graff. In his death the State of Michigan has suffered an irreparable Henry S. BoutelL J. Ross Mickey. George E . Foss. loss, and the Senate will miss a wise counselor and painstaking fi:~F~Ciids;~· legislator. But I am aware, Mr. President, that this is not the t~~\ ~:ilftrns· James R. Williams. time for eulogy. On some future occasion I hope for the oppor­ George W. Prince. Frederick J. Kern. Walter Reeves. George W. Smith. tullity to pay, with other Senators, a fitting tribute to his mem­ Joseph G. Cannon. ory. For·the present I offer the following resolutions, and I ask INDIANA. their immediate consideration. James A. Hemenway. Charle B. Landis. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Michigan William T. Zenor. Edgar D. Crumpacker. Jilrancis M. Griffith. George W. Steele. offers resolutions, which will be read to the·Senate.=- Jesse Overstreet. James M. Robinson. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: George W. Cromer. R esolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of IOWA. the Hon. JAMES Mcl\IJLLAN, late a. Senator from the State of Michigan. ·Thomas Hedge. John A. T. Hull. R esolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to David B. Henderson. the House of Representatives. ;~f;~~s~~~urn. Resolved, That as a. further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased,­ ~~~~~·~~· James P. Conner. the Senate do now adjourn.. John F. Lacey. Lot Thomas. The resolutions were considered by unallimous consent, and KANSAS. Charles F. Scott. Wm. A. Ca.lderhead. unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 14 minutes p.m.) Charles Curtis. William A. Reeder. the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 2,1902, Justin D. Bowersock. Chester I. Long. at 12 o'clock m. James M. Miller. KENTUCKY. Charles K. Wheeler. D. Linn Gooch. Henry D. Allen. South Trimble. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. McKenzie Moss. George G. Gilbert. David H. Smith. James N. Kehoe. MONDAY, DecemlJer 1, 1902. Harvey S. Irwin. · Vincent Boreing. LOUISIANA. This being the day fixed by the Constitution of the United States RobertF. Broussard. for the annual meeting of the Congress of the United States, the MAINE. House of Representatives of the Fifty-seventh Congress met in Amos L. Allen. Edwin C. Burleigh. its Hall at 12 o'clock m. for the second regular session; and was Charles E. Littlefield. Llewellyn Powers. called to order by the Speaker, Hon. DAVID B. HENDERSON, a MARYLAND. Frank C. Wachter. Sydney E. Mudd. Representative from the State of Iowa. Charles R. Schirm. George A. Pearre. Prayer was offered as follows by the Chaplain of the House, MASSACHUSET-TS. Rev. HENRY N.
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