![2015-2016 Season](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
2015-2016 SEASON Caroline Rhea Committed Scott Bradlee’s Glennon Doyle Melton Broadway Back OCTOBER 2, 2015 | 7:30 PM OCTOBER 23, 2015 | 7:30 PM Postmodern Jukebox FEBRUARY 4, 2016 | 7:30 PM Together NOVEMBER 21, 2015 | 7:30 PM MARCH 5, 2016 | 7:30 PM The Magical Music NTL: Frankenstein Valentine’s Cinema: Holiday Pops Roman Holiday of Harry Potter OCTOBER 29, 2015 | 7:00 PM Cherish the Ladies DECEMBER 13, 2015 | 3:30 PM FEBRUARY 13, 2016 OCTOBER 11, 2015 | 3:30 PM Fabien Cousteau: 7:00 PM DESSERT | 8:00 PM FILM MARCH 10, 2016 | 7:30 PM One Ocean, One People NTL: Treasure Island NTL: Of Mice JANUARY 17, 2016 | 2:00 PM Sing Along with Negin Farsad NOVEMBER 10, 2015 | 7:30 PM and Men The Muppet Movie MARCH 15, 2016 | 7:30 PM Strings & Salsa OCTOBER 15, 2015 | 7:00 PM NTL: Hamlet FEBRUARY 21, 2016 | 3:30 PM JANUARY 22, 2016 | 7:30 PM Sci-Fi in Hi-Fi NOVEMBER 12, 2015 | 6:00 PM HT@MTC PERFORMANCE The Great American Wiesenthal INCUBATOR PRESENTS: APRIL 23, 2016 | 3:30 PM Songbook MMOMIXOMIX BBotanicaotanica JANUARY 30, 2016 Ruins OCTOBER 18, 2015 | 3:30 PM NOVEMBER 15, 2015 | 3:30 PM 2:00 PM AND 7:30 PM FEBRUARY 27, 2016 | 7:30 PM Get your tickets at HHarbisonTheatre.orgarbisonTheatre.org or 803.407.5011 7300 College Street Irmo, SC 29063 DECEMBER 24, 1965 - JUNE 28, 2015 I live my life like the Karate Kid. CENTERFOLD 5 A MESSAGE FROM JASPER / 8 SPECIAL JOE MACHADO DANNY • 5HPHPEHULQJ/HVOLH3LHUFH 10 GAZES • 3KRWRJUDSK\RI7RGG:HEE • Independent Spirits • 3ULPHURQ*HRUJLD2¶.HHIIH 22 WATCHES • :LJV:LOO5ROO 24 LISTENS • 'RQDOG3RUWQR\ • 'ULQN6PDOO • Lillian Quackenbush 28 CENTERFOLD 08 ON THE COVER 26 LISTENS LESLIE PIERCE DRINK SMALL HITS WASHINGTON, D.C. • 'DQQ\-RH0DFKDGR JASPER IS 36 LISTENS Cynthia Boiter (ඌඑගකඑඖ&ඐඑඍඎ . Kyle Petersen $ඛඛඑඛගඉඖග(ඌඑගක W. Heyward Sims $කග'එකඍඋගක . Forrest Clonts 3ඐගඏකඉඐඡ(ඌඑගක • /RFDO5HFRUG5HYLHZV Ed Madden /එගඍකඉකඡ$කගඛ(ඌඑගක Chris Robinson 9එඛඝඉඔ$කගඛ(ඌඑගක(ඕඍකඑගඝඛ . 52 SCREENS Kara Gunter 9එඛඝඉඔ$කගඛ(ඌඑගක Michael Spawn 0ඝඛඑඋ(ඌඑගක 7RP'HPSVWHU $ඛඛඑඛගඉඖග0ඝඛඑඋ(ඌඑගක 'DYLG/LJRQ'ඉඖඋඍ(ඌඑගක . %RQQLH%RLWHU-ROOH\&ඖගකඑඊඝගඑඖඏ'ඉඖඋඍ(ඌඑගක • QG$FW)LOP)HVWLYDO)LOPPDNHUV Perrin Hall Brunson 1ඍඟ0ඍඌඑඉ(ඌඑගක -XOLD(OOLRWW&ඖගකඑඊඝගඑඖඏ(ඌඑගක . Wade Sellers )එඔඕ(ඌඑගක . 56 READS Rachel Haynie 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක -RQDWKDQ%XWOHU6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක Haley Sprankle 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක . .ULVWLQH+DUWYLJVHQ6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක Kirby Knowlton 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක . Elizabeth Breen 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක • Poems on The Comet 2015 Thomas Hammond 6ගඉඎඎ3ඐගඏකඉඐඍක • The Lower Quarter Alexis Schwallier 6ගඉඎඎ3ඐගඏකඉඐඍක $QQLH%RLWHU-ROOH\ 2ඍකඉගඑඖඛ0ඉඖඉඏඍක • The New and Improved Romie Futch 5REHUW%-ROOH\-U0' 3ඝඊඔඑඛඐඍක • (VVD\6,%$3RHWU\$ZDUG CONTRIBUTORS $OHMDQGUR*DUFLD/HPRV. 5XVVHOO-HIIFRDW . Todd Webb . -DQH*DUL Kadie Austen . &ODLU'HOXQH. :RRG\-RQHV. 'DYLG7UDYLV%ODQG . Kendal Turner 63 GUEST EDITORIAL 'DYLG6WULQJHU . Brian Slusher . (ULF%DUJHURQ. -DFNLH$GDPV . *UHJ6ODWWHU\ . 0LFKDHO'DQW]OHU -HVVLFD%ODKXW . 0DJJLH2OV]HZVNL . Genesis Moore . Ray McManus . -DPHV4XDQW] • -DFNLH$GDPV*RRGDOO*DOOHU\'LUHFWRU JASPER ONLINE MDVSHUFROXPELDFRPMDVSHUFROXPELDQHWEORJ IDFHERRNFRPMDVSHUFROXPELDWZLWWHUFRPMDVSHUDGYLVHV A MESSAGE FROM JASPER Dear Friends, here’s an old saw among folks from that is taking over many of the communi- Meeghan Kane and Roxy Lenzo, Life After Columbia that people may leave to ty programs Jasper Magazine has typically Life by Kate Atkinson in December with dis- seek fortunes and fame in grass- produced, is offering an additional oppor- cussion from Melanie Huggins, with other es that seem perpetually greener tunity to brush up on or learn more about titles ranging from Titus Andronicus led by everywhere but here, but they al- the great artists who have gone before us. Will Green to James McTeer’s Minnow lead ways, one way or another, eventually come ARTS101 presented by The Jasper Project is by Jonathan Haupt and our own Kyle Pe- back to Columbia. I did it. One of my chil- a series of presentations in which local art- tersen leading a discussion on Celine Dion’s dren did it. Many of my friends have done it ists of stature share their expertise on the Let’s Talk About Love—A Journey to the End and some are doing it now. It’s as if “return ϐ of Taste. Also free, the public is invited to at- to sender” is written indelibly on our souls ϐ Ǥ tend and, of course, there will be a cash bar. ǯϐ- Mary Bentz Gilkerson will be kicking the Never to let grass grow under our feet, ϐǤ series off later in September with her pre- green or not, Jasper is also presenting a re- It may have taken Georgia O’Keeffe, the sentation on landscape artist John Consta- dux of 2013’s Second Act Film Festival un- mother of American modernism, a hun- ble, and Stephen Chesley will follow up in der the direction of Jasper’s Emmy-winning dred years to make her way back here after October when he speaks on realist painter ϐǡǤ - teaching at Columbia College in the fall of Edward Hopper. Tish Lowe, Kirkland Smith, ry on page 52 and join us on October 9th for 1915 where she completed a series of high- Mike Dwyer, and Cedric Umoja are all lined what is sure to be another sell-out audience ly innovative sketches that resulted in her up to present throughout the 2015-2016 ϐȄ career skyrocketing in the hands of Alfred season. The series is free and offered in only one of its kind. Stieglitz. But thanks to The Columbia Mu- conjunction with our good friends at Tapp’s Finally, Jasper bids adieu to one of our seum of Art and the Goodall Gallery at Co- Arts Center. For more information please contributors whose talent and dedication lumbia College, O’Keeffe is back this fall in see page 50. helped make us the success we’ve become many forms, most of which we’ve covered The Jasper Project is similarly offering a ϐ Ǥ in this issue of Jasper. series of book discussions—we call it Jas- Our friend and most excellent photographer Piggy-backing on the CMA’s success- per’s Nightstand—in which we’ve asked Jonathan Sharpe has left us for the big city ful showing this summer of From Marilyn community leaders to choose a book to lead of New York as he and his beloved start a to Mao: Andy Warhol’s Famous Faces, this the community in reading and discussing. new adventure in making the world a better centennial observation of O’Keeffe offers Shigeharu Kobayashi starts this series off place. We miss him terribly but wish them Columbia visual arts patrons another op- by inviting us all to read Napoleon of Not- ϐ ǡ portunity to spend some time and get cozy ting Hill by G. K. Chesterton, and then gath- ǡϐ with some of the artists who have helped er together at Tapp’s Arts Center on Sunday, Ǧϐ shape the landscape of the world’s arts September 27th at 6 pm for discussion. Up- statehouse. Or at least across the street to and culture. To that same end, The Jasper coming books include Fun Home by Alison ϐ ǡ Ǧϐ Bechdel with discussion in October led by loving arms. Jasper// as in Johns, the abstract expressionist, neo-Dadaist artist Jasper Magazine – www.jaspercolumbia.com – is dedicated to the promotion and as in Sergeant, the Revolutionary War hero support of Columbia, SC artists and arts lovers. Jasper Magazine is copyrighted and as in Mineral, the spotted or speckled stone may not be reproduced in any manner without the publisher’s written consent. Jasper as in Magazine, the Word on Columbia Arts Magazine is a division of Muddy Ford Press, 1009 Muddy Ford Road, Chapin, SC 29036. SEPT/OCT 2015 / VOLUME 005 / ISSUE 001 0ʃʕʖʇʔ CORALEE HARRIS . CINDY PATTERSON . FORBES PATTERSON HOWARD HUNT . WILLIAM SCHMIDT . SARA JUNE GOLDSTEIN SUSAN FELLEMAN & PETER CHAMETZKY . MIMS & RON RUST GALLERY WEST . SUSAN LENZ & STEVE DINGMAN KARL L. LARSEN . WILL BARNES & ERICKA SIZEMORE . BARRY WHEELER -ʑʗʔʐʇʛʏʃʐ TONI ELKINS . LEE SIPE . KATIE FOX . DIANE HARE . WILLIAM FICK . LOCALHAPPINESS.NET . MARJORIE RUSS TRIFON CEILLE BAIRD WELCH . PHILIP MULLEN . KAY & JIM THIGPEN . KIRKLAND SMITH . AMY OVERSTREET . ALEX SMITH SUSAN CARTER . BILLY GUESS . EASTER ANTIQUES . ATTICUS FINCH . CRAIG BUTTERFIELD . SHANI GILCHRIST RANDY HANNA . BONNIE GOLDBERG . KAY REARDON . PILATES OF FOREST ACRES . NANCY MARINE LEMUEL & GERARD ERLEY-WATSON . NANCY MILLER CHAMBERS . KRISTINE HARTVIGSEN $ʒʒʔʇʐʖʋʅʇ ALVIN NEAL . CHARLES LESSER . RUSS & JEANNIE EIDSON . LAURIE & DUNCAN MCINTOSH . JOSEPH COUNTS TRACIE BROOM . WILLIAM STARRETT . JANNA MCMAHAN . DICK MOONS . MARGEY BOLEN . MELINDA COTTON ROBERT COFFEE . C. HOPE CLARK . WENTWORTH TRADD . WATERMARK HYPNOSIS . HEATHER GREEN . BOB WAITES CATHERINE J. PETERSEN . TODD MATHIS & CULLY SALEHI . HARRIET MCMASTER . THEODORE M. TSOLOVOS . ROBBIE PRUIT DOREEN TUOHY & LEE SNELGROVE . EILEEN BLYTH . LAUREN MICHALSKI . SHIRLEY SMITH . JEANNE FAITH D’ORLEANS NANCY BROCK . BOHUMILA AUGUSTINOVA . ROSALIND GRAVERSON . DAN COVELL . MARY ANN HURST . OSAMU KOBAYASHI $ʔʖʋʕʖ3ʇʇʔ ERIN BOLSHAKOV . NANCY KAUFFMAN . GIGI WOODS ADDAHOUMI . WILD BLUE SKY . ROBIN GOTTLIEB LIZZIE GILLIAM WRENN . LADYBUG ART STUDIOS . RON HAGELL . HARRIET SHOWMAN . ANTHONY S. IMPERIAL, M.D. TRINESSA DUBAS . GLENDA KEYES . TRACE BALLOU . JONATHAN SHARPE . DEBRA A. DANIEL . ALEXIS STRATTON ANN HAGAN . ROBBIE PRUITT . NANCY WASHINGTON . ELENA MARTINEZ-VIDAL . DARIEN CAVANAUGH . RAIA JANE SULLIVAN HIRSCH ISN’T IT TIME THAT YOU JOIN THE The Jasper Guild is a group of supporting artists and arts lovers who appreci- ate not only the vital Co- lumbia, SC arts scene, but the magazine devoted to promoting it. Members of the Jasper Guild recognize the labor-of-love that is Jasper • APPRENTICE and work to do their parts to ensure that Jasper continues 1 year delivery of Jasper Magazine to your home & your name $50 to publish a 100% LOCAL listed in Jasper Magazine for 1 year - & artist-produced maga- zine.
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