Key of Symbols

Key of Symbols

Key of Symbols * influenced by composition ** Cr-plated rod or strip ***All metals alumina coated C = carbon Gr = graphite Q = quartz Incl = Inconel VC = vitreous carbon SS = stainless steel Ex = excellent G = good F = fair P = poor S = sublimes D = decomposes RF = RF sputtering is effective RF-R = reactive RF sputter is effective DC = DC sputtering is effective DC-R = reactive DC sputtering is effective Temp.(°C) for Given Evaporation Techniques MP Material Symbol S/D g/cm3 Vap. Press. (Torr) Sputter Comments (°C) -8 -6 -4 E- Thermal Sources 10 10 10 Beam Boat Coil Basket Crucible TiB2-BN, Alloys and wets. Stranded W Aluminum Al 660 2.70 677 821 1010 Ex TiB2,W W W RF, DC ZrB2, BN is best. Aluminum AlSb 1080 4.3 - - - - - - - - RF - Antimonide Aluminum AlAs 1600 3.7 - - ~ 1300 - - - - - RF - Arsenide Aluminum Bromide AlBr3 97 2.64 - - ~ 50 - Mo - - Gr RF - Aluminum Carbide Al4C3 ~1400 D 2.36 - - ~ 800 F - - - - RF n = 2.7 Aluminum, 2% Wire feed and flash. Difficult Al2%Cu 640 2.82 - - - - - - - - RF, DC Copper from dual sources. Mo, Aluminum Fluoride AlF 1291 S 2.88 410 490 700 P - - Gr RF - 3 W, Ta Decomposes. Reactive evap Aluminum Nitride AlN >2200 S 3.26 - - ~1750 F - - - - RF, RF-R in 10-3 T N2 with glow discharge. 1 Sapphire excellent in E- Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 2072 3.97 - - 1550 Ex W - W - RF-R beam; forms smooth, hard films. n = 1.66 Aluminum AlP 2000 2.42 - - - - - - - - RF - Phosphide Aluminum, 2% Wire feed and flash. Difficult Al2%Si 640 2.69 - - 1010 - - - - TiB2-BN RF, DC Silicon from dual sources. Mo,*** Mo, BN, C, Antimony Sb 630 S 6.68 279 345 425 P Mo, Ta RF, DC Toxic. Evaporates well. Ta*** Ta Al2O3 Toxic. Decomposes on W. n Antimony Oxide Sb2O3 656 S 5.2 - - ~300 G Pt - Pt BN, Al2O3 RF-R = 2.09, 2.18, 2.35 Antimony Selenide Sb2Se3 611 - - - - - Ta - - C RF Stoichiometry variable. Mo, No decomposition. n=3.19, Antimony Sulfide Sb2S3 550 4.64 - - ~200 G - Mo, Ta Al2O3 - Ta 4.06, 4.3 Antimony Telluride Sb2Te3 629 6.50 - - 600 - - - - C RF Decomposes over 750°C. Al2O3, BeO, Toxic. Sublimes rapidly at Arsenic As 817 S 5.73 107 150 210 P C - - - VC low temperature. Arsenic Oxide As2O3 312 3.74 - - - - - - - - - - Arsenic Selenide As2Se3 ~360 4.75 - - - - - - - Al2O3, Q RF - Arsenic Sulfide As2S3 300 3.43 - - ~400 F Mo - - Al2O3, Q RF n = 2.4, 2.81, 3.02 Arsenic Telluride As2Te3 362 - - - - - Flash - - - - JVST. 1973;10:748. W, Ta, Wets without alloying reacts Barium Ba 725 3.51 545 627 735 F W W Metals RF Mo with ceramics. Ta, Preheat gently to outgas. n = Barium Chloride BaCl2 963 3.92 - - ~650 - - - - RF Mo 1.73 Barium Fluoride BaF2 1355 S 4.89 - - ~700 G Mo - - - RF n = 1.47 Decomposes slightly. n = Barium Oxide BaO 1918 5.72 - - ~1300 P Pt - Pt Al O RF, RF-R 2 3 1.98 Barium Sulfide BaS 1200 4.25 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF n = 2.16 2 Gives Ba. Co-evap. from 2 Barium Titanate BaTiO - D 6.02 - - - - - - - - RF 3 sources or sputter. n = 2.40 Wets W/Mo/Ta. Powder and Beryllium Be 1278 1.85 710 878 1000 Ex W, Ta W W BeO, C, VC RF, DC oxides toxic. Evaporates easily. Beryllium Carbide Be2C >2100 D 1.90 - - - - - - - - - - Beryllium Chloride BeCl2 405 1.90 - - ~150 - - - - - RF - Beryllium Fluoride BeF2 800 S 1.99 - - ~200 G - - - - - Toxic. n = <1.33 Toxic. No decomposition Beryllium Oxide BeO 2530 3.01 - - 1900 G - - W - RF, RF-R from E-beam guns. n=1.72 W, Toxic vapor. Resistivity high. Bismuth Bi 271 9.80 330 410 520 Ex Mo, W W Al2O3, VC DC, RF No shorting of baskets. Ta Bismuth Fluoride BiF3 727 S 5.32 - - ~300 - - - - Gr RF n = 1.74 Bismuth Oxide Bi2O3 860 8.55 - - ~1400 P Pt - Pt - RF, RF-R Toxic vapor. n = 1.91 Co-evaporate from two Bismuth Selenide Bi2Se3 710 D 6.82 - - ~650 G - - - Gr, Q RF sources or sputter. Bismuth Sulfide Bi2S3 685 D 7.39 - - - - - - - - RF n = 1.34, 1.46 Co-evaporate from two Bismuth Telluride Bi2Te3 573 7.7 - - ~600 - W, Mo - - Gr, Q RF sources or sputter. Sputter or co-evaporate from -2 Bismuth Titanate Bi2Ti2O7 - D - - - - - - - - - RF two sources in 10 Torr oxygen. Explodes with rapid cooling. Boron B 2300 2.34 1278 1548 1797 Ex C - - C, VC RF Forms carbide with container. Boron Carbide B4C 2350 2.52 2500 2580 2650 Ex - - - - RF Similar to chromium. Decomposes under Boron Nitride BN ~3000 S 2.25 - - ~1600 P - - - - RF, RF-R sputtering; reactive preferred. Boron Oxide B2O3 ~450 1.81 - - ~1400 G Pt, Mo - - - - n = 1.48 Boron Sulfide B2S3 310 1.55 - - 800 - - - - Gr RF - 3 W, W, Mo, Bad for vacuum systems. Cadmium Cd 321 8.64 64 120 180 P Mo, - Al2O3, Q DC, RF Ta Low sticking coefficient. Ta Cadmium Cd3Sb2 456 6.92 - - - - - - - - - - Antimonide Cadmium Cd3As2 721 6.21 - - - - - - - Q RF - Arsenide Cadmium Bromide CdBr2 567 5.19 - - ~300 - - - - - - - Cadmium Chloride CdCl2 568 4.05 - - ~400 - - - - - - - Cadmium Fluoride CdF2 1100 6.64 - - ~500 - - - - - RF n = 1.56 Cadmium Iodide CdI2 387 5.67 - - ~250 - - - - - - - Cadmium Oxide CdO >1500 D 6.95 - - ~530 - - - - - RF-R Disproportionates. n = 2.49 Mo, Cadmium Selenide CdSe >1350 S 5.81 - - 540 G - - Al O , Q RF Evaporates easily. n = 2.4 Ta 2 3 Sticking coefficient affected W, by substrate temperature. Cadmium Sulfide CdS 1750 S 4.82 - - 550 F Mo, - W Al O , Q RF 2 3 Stoichiometry variable. n = Ta 2.51, 2.53 W, W, Ta, Stoichiometry depends on Cadmium Telluride CdTe 1121 5.85 - - 450 - Mo, W - RF Mo substrate temperature. n~ 2.6 Ta Calcium Ca 839 S 1.54 272 357 459 P W W W Al2O3, Q - Corrodes in air. W, W, Rate control important. W, Mo, Calcium Fluoride CaF2 1423 3.18 - - ~1100 - Mo, Mo, Q RF Preheat gently to outgas. n = Ta Ta Ta 1.43 Forms volatile oxides with Calcium Oxide CaO 2614 ~3.3 - - ~1700 - W, Mo - - ZrO2 RF, RF-R tungsten and molybdenum. n = 1.84 Calcium Silicate CaSiO3 1540 2.91 - - - G - - - Q RF n = 1.61, 1.66 Calcium Sulfide CaS - D 2.5 - - 1100 - Mo - - - RF Decomposes. n = 2.14 4 Disproportionates except in Calcium Titanate CaTiO3 1975 4.10 1490 1600 1690 P - - - - RF sputtering. n = 2.34 Calcium Tungstate CaWO4 - 6.06 - - - G W - - - RF n = 1.92 E-beam preferred. Arc 1.8- Carbon C ~3652 S 1657 1867 2137 Ex - - - - RF evaporation. Poor film 2.1 adhesion. Al O , BeO, Cerium Ce 798 ~6.70 970 1150 1380 G W, Ta W W, Ta 2 3 DC, RF - VC W, Preheat gently to outgas. n ~ Cerium Fluoride CeF3 1460 6.16 - - ~900 G Mo, - Mo, Ta - RF 1.7 Ta Alloys with source. Use Cerium (III) Oxide Ce2O3 1692 6.86 - - - F W - - - - 0.015"-0.020" tungsten boat. n = 1.95 Cerium (IV) Oxide CeO2 ~2600 7.13 1890 2000 2310 G W - - - RF, RF-R Very little decomposition. Cesium Cs 28 1.88 -16 22 80 - SS - - Q - - Cesium Bromide CsBr 636 3.04 - - ~400 - W - - - RF n = 1.70 Cesium Chloride CsCl 645 3.99 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.64 Cesium Fluoride CsF 682 4.12 - - ~500 - W - - - RF n = 1.48 Cesium Hydroxide CsOH 272 3.68 - - 550 - Pt - - - - - Cesium Iodide CsI 626 4.51 - - ~500 - W - - Pt, Q RF n = 1.79 Chiolote Na5Al3F14 - 2.9 - - ~800 - Mo, W - - - RF n = 1.33 Films very adherent. High Chromium Cr 1857 S 7.20 837 977 1157 G ** W W VC RF, DC rates possible. Chromium Boride CrB 2760(?) 6.17 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Chromium CrBr2 842 4.36 - - 550 - Incl - - - RF - Bromide Chromium Carbide Cr3C2 1980 6.68 - - ~2000 F W - - - RF, DC - 5 Chromium Fe, CrCl2 824 2.88 - - 550 - - - - RF - Chloride Incl Disproportionates to lower Chromium Oxide Cr2O3 2266 5.21 - - ~2000 G W, Mo - W - RF, RF-R oxides; reoxidizes at 600°C in air.n = 2.55 Chromium Silicide Cr3Si2 - 5.5 - - - - - - - - RF, DC - Chromium-Silicon Cr-SiO - S * * * * G W - W - DC, RF Flash. Monoxide Cobalt Co 1495 8.9 850 990 1200 Ex W, Nb - W Al2O3, BeO DC, RF Alloys with refractory metals. Cobalt Bromide CoBr2 678 D 4.91 - - 400 - Incl - - - RF - Cobalt Chloride CoCl2 724 D 3.36 - - 472 - Incl - - - RF - DC-R, Cobalt Oxide CoO 1795 6.45 - - - - - - - - Sputter preferred. RF-R Adhesion poor. Use Al O , Mo, Copper Cu 1083 8.92 727 857 1017 Ex Mo W W 2 3 DC, RF interlayer (Cr). Evaporates Ta using any source material. Copper Chloride CuCl 430 4.14 - - ~600 - - - - - RF n = 1.93 DC-R, Copper Oxide Cu2O 1235 S 6.0 - - ~600 G Ta - - Al2O3 n = 2.71 RF-R Copper Sulfide Cu2S 1100 5.6 - - - - - - - - - - W, W, Mo, Large chunks reduce spitting. Cryolite Na3AlF6 1000 2.9 1020 1260 1480 Ex Mo, - VC RF Ta Little decomposition. Ta Dysprosium Dy 1412 8.55 625 750 900 G Ta - - - RF, DC - Dysprosium DyF3 1360 S - - - ~800 G Ta - - - RF - Fluoride Dysprosium Oxide Dy2O3 2340 7.81 - - ~1400 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen. Erbium Er 1529 S 9.07 650 775 930 G W, Ta - - - DC, RF - Erbium Fluoride ErF3 1350 - - - ~750 - Mo - - - RF JVST. 1985;A3(6):2320. 6 Erbium Oxide Er2O3 Infus. 8.64 - - ~1600 - Ir - - - RF, RF-R Loses oxygen.

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