Toledo auto strike:. THE Latest strike news • • • • • . ... 2 Background to tight • • . • • • • • • . 8 Lessons of 1934 strikes . .. • • s- A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 48/NO. 21 JUNE 8, 1984 75 CENTS Conden1n Ireland protests hit assassination of Vietnan1ese Reagan war policies in S.F. Nguyen Van Luy was critically wounded and his wife killed when they . J~f.O were gunned down in front of their San Francisco home on the night of May 28 . .~ """'~:: :·{t - <~" Luy, a Vietnamese in his sixties who has 44 lived in the United States since World War ,.,~ . : ~ II, has been a public opponent of the U.S. ,. .., ~: '-····· war· against Vietnam and a supporter of the revolution in his homeland. According to the San Francisco Examiner, witnesses told police that a young Asian man fired four shots at Luy and his wife and then sped away with an accomplice in a waiting car. This political assassination must be an­ swered with immediate protests. A New York City rally in solidarity with Vietnam is scheduled for the Marc Ballroom, 30 E. 16th St. on the comer of Union Square West, at I p.m. on Saturday, June 2. EDITORIAL Speaking at the rally will be Intercontinen­ tal Press editor Ste.ve Clark, a representa­ tive of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Derek Speirs/Report Mission to the United Na~ions, and a repre­ More than 3,000 marched in Dublin, Ireland, May 26 to protest Reagan visi~ and U.S. war in Central America. · sentative of El Salvador's Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front. BY MARGARET JA YKO Unions, said, "we hope this will be a mas­ Also unpopular is the joint decision by All those opposed to the San Francisco DUBLIN - More than 3,000 people sive demonstration against President London and Washington to place cruise assassination should help assure the largest marched through the streets of this city on Reagan and his foreign policies." missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, in possible turnout at this rally as an im­ May 26 to protest Pres. Ronald Reagan's Reagan's visit has sparked a coun­ Britain. mediate response to the May 28 events. visit to Ireland and the U.S. war in Central trywide discussion and debate here. The The future of Ireland - a nation di­ The murderous attack on Luy and his America. discussion centers on opposition to the vided , oppressed, and exploited by the wife is the latest in a series of terrorist ac­ Included among the marchers was Mel U.S. war on the peoples ofEI Salvador and British imperialists - has inevitably be­ tions against Vietnamese in this country. Mason, Socialist Workers Party c.andidate Nicaragua as well as Washington's back­ come a key part of the controversy around In 1981 Lam Trong Duong, an outspo­ for president of the United States . ing for repressive rulers around the world, ·Reagan's visit.· ken opponent of the U.S. war in Indochina, Protests will dog Reagan's every step from Pres. Ferdinand Marcos in the Philip­ The Irish government, while claiming to was assassinated in San Francisco. A right­ during his June I:-4 visit. Ben Kearney , pines to Prime Minister Pieter Botha who disagree with aspects of U.S. foreign pol­ wing terrorist group calling itself the Anti­ president of the Dublin Council of Trade heads the racist regime of South Africa. Continued on Page 6 Communist Viets Or.ganization ·took re­ sponsibility for that murder. No one was ever brought to justice. The Vietnamese educator Ngo Vi'nh Central America rally in N.Y. June 9 Long was nearly assassinated by right­ wing Vietnamese who firebombed his car at Harvard University. BY OLGA RODRIGUEZ women's organization; Women's lnterna­ mobilize people in all the areas of New All these attacks take place in the NEW YORK - A final push is on to get .tional League for Peace and Freedom; York where there are big concentrations of framework of the ongoing U.S. war against 9ut the word for the June 9 demonstration MADRE, a group in solidarity with Salvadorans," explained Bran. Vietnam. The U.S. government has main­ here against the U.S. war in Central Amer­ mothers of U.S. war victims in Central Among the many other organizations tained an economic and diplomatic block­ ica and the Caribbean. America; United Methodist Women; building the march are Black United Front; ade of Vietnam, encouraged military at­ The ptotest is organized by the Coalition United Church of Christ Women; and ac­ Caribbean· People's Alliance; Committee tacks on that country, and whipped up a vi­ Against U.S. Intervention in Central tivists from the Women's Peace Commit­ for a Free Grenada; Casa Nicaragua; Puerto cious propaganda barrage against the Viet­ America and the Caribbean, whose princi­ tee of the Coalition of Labor Union Rican Socialist Party; Antonio Maceo namese revolution. pal coordinators are representatives of the Women. Brigade; War · Resisters League; Com­ Washington routinely refuses visas to Committee in Solidarity With the People of The Salvadoran Solidarity Coordinating munist Party; Socialist Workers Party; and Vietnamese spokespeople and artists. The El Salvador (CISPES), Mobilization for Committee is building the march. Luis Democratic Socialists of America. U.S. State Department does not allow the Survival, and Clergy and Laity Concerned. Bran, an activist in the June 9 coalition and The demonstration will assemble at I I Vietnamese delegation to the United Na­ A broad range of Black and Latino groups, a member of Casa El Salvador, told the a.m. on Saturday, June 9, at Dag Ham­ tions to travel beyond 25 miles of the UN solidarity organizations, religious groups, Militant the protest is important as "an ex­ marskjold Plaza (47th Steet and First Av­ headquarters. · and left organizations is backing the action. pression of open opposition to the U.S. ad­ enue) and proceed to the Times Square Re­ U.S. officials have turned a blind eye to ministration's escalating intervention in the cruitment Center. For more information, violent attacks against public meetings The National Congress of Puerto Rican region. contact the coalition at (212) 242-I04Q or where Vietnamese representatives have Rights has sent out a bilingual leaflet urg­ "We are doing everything possible to (2I2) 673-I808. Continued on Page 12 ing Puerto Rican participation in the march to over 3,000 members and supporters. A Third World contingent is being organized. The Women's Coalition to Stop U.S. In­ U.S. escalates war against Iranian people tervention in Central America and the Caribbean has put out a leaflet to build a BY HARRY RING weapons, assertedly to train the Saudis to patched to refuel Saudi planes while aloft. women's contingent on the march. The MAY 30 __:Washington is engaged in a use them. The tankers are part of the U.S. Air same U.S. government attacking equal dangerous military intervention in the Per­ Meanwhile the Saudi government an­ Force and will be operated by Air Force rights at home, the leaflet explains, "also sian Gulf. Its aim is to deal a sharp blow to personnel. A State Department official dis­ attacks the hopes, aspirations, and concrete nounced it was undertaking to patrol virtu­ the Iranian revolution and to .stave off the ally the entire southern portion of the Per­ missed questions about the risk of the tank­ victories of women, workers, and op­ defeat of Iraq in its war against Iran. ers becoming involved in a. Saudi clash pressed people of other countries, espe­ sian Gulf to protect tankers and other ship­ The Reagan administration is prodding ping from alleged Iranian attack. with Iranian planes. There was, he as­ cially in Central America and the Carib­ Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states serted, "little likelihood" of this happen­ bean." ·to take military action against Iran and is Tb_e northern part of the gulf is already ing . Mavie Chalkey, June 9 coordinator for providing the weapons to do it. heavily patrolled by Iraq. Iraqi planes have Prior to dispatching the Stingers and re- · the women's coalition, said that among the Reagan announced May 29 ·that 400 repeatedly attacked ships in the area of fueling planes, the Reagan administration groups planning to participate in the Stinger missiles and 200 shoulder-held Khar~ Island, the Iranian oil terminal in the had informed the Saudi government that if women's contingent are CIS PES Women's missile launchers l;lad been sent to Saudi northeastern part of the gulf. it and other allied. governments in the gulf Committee; Women for Racial and Eco­ Arabia. In addition to the Stinger equipment, confronted Iran, the Pentagon would pro- nomic Equality; AMES, a Salvadoran Thirty U.S. "advisers" accompanied the jumbo U.S. aerial tankers have been dis- Continued on Page 4 -SELLING OUR PRESS AT THE PLANT GATE------- BY MALIK MIAH largest union in this city. These sales laid the basis for a Acklin Stamping plant unit. these sales and because of our day­ TOLEDO--:- On May 25, this According to Mark Friedman, successful tour of SWP candidate Another 12 papers were sold to an to-day participation in workers' reporter participated in the after­ an auto worker and member of for vice-president, Andrea Gon­ International Association of battles and union politics. noon sale of the Militant at the UA W Local 12's Jeep Unit, the zalez, in early May. Gonzalez vis­ Machinists union meeting with 40 Socialists at Jeep and other Jeep plant gate here. Six Toledo SWP branch has for sev­ ited the AP Parts picket line and workers present.
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