THE WATERFORD NEWS. SHIPPING DECEMBER , 1864. WALPOLE MONEY: erery Friday Evening at 40 King street STEAM COMMUNICATION JAMES Published Waterford and its Vicinity, that he h«< FIDE MONEY SPECULATION [Opposite the Provincial Bank.] WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford , BEGS to inform the NobiUtyii-Gsntry, and Inhabitants of B0NA INTENDED ORDER of SAILING—DEC, 1864 just received a Choice Selection of ,£8,000,000 Sterling, guaranteedby Government, HREE PESCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE ; 13S. Carijing Goods to LIMERICK , TIPPEBABY, CLOITMED I'IUCE T "VTOTICE, are annually dividedin Monthly-allotment* in rariom STAMPED, 4d.; Y EARLY, 17S. 4d. - "L A -on the —The Waterford Steamship CAUEicft-oif-SviR, KILKENNY, and CAIIRR , at Through BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS* oi traftN XI Company reccivo Goods for Shipment Bams upwards, to £25,000 •terliog.: An Investment f^r^i Terms only :-»They Rates. Suitable for the Season. Alto, as Large Variety of may secure £25,000 sterling, for Hrospebtu* (which ^a>flu\y^ following reserve ^T~HE New nnd Powerful Screw Stea- £1 "THE WATERFORD NEWS" ^"•¦**«&» the right to carry by any, not by particular 1 ^Vv^ DINNER , DESSERT , BREAKF AST , TEA , & TOILET SERVICE S. will be sent gratis),.apply, to FaBBBRicK SUITS. \ essols, aMaJ^^v JL rocrs " TUSKAR" Jonif M'DOBALD, Banker Fmnkfort-on-the-Maint -tot Letters addrtwed with liberty to Tow Ships nnd call at other Ports, >Commander 'Moim CBAWPORD TOOETHER WITH , MACHINE PRINTING, PUBLISHING ana will y?t-|iftjV^ ," PLADDA. , 1 not be accountable for injuries or losses arising from V-tJwiiifccSfc,Commander , or other First ¦ clnss Ves- A BEAUTIFUL AS80BTMSNT OJ CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLASS. to him, at 8, Three King:- Court,, Lombard-street, BOOK-BINDIN G, RULING, iclay, accidents of the Seas, Rivers, Fire, the Queen's Ene- sel, are intended to Sail as under (unlesi prevented by any London, B.C., willbe immediatelyforwarded. jl&3m*) 68 4- 69 QVJ.Y , WATBBFOBD mies, defective Navigation, Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, which will be disposed of at Moderate Prices AX1> or aecideuts from any other cause, unforeseen circumstance), with or without Pilots, and with BgT An Excellent nor lor any loss which might have been covered by Insurance, liberty to Tow Vessels and to render Assistance to Vessels LOANS OK H0BTQA0E DEBEHTTTRE3. ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY , nor for Leakage, Breakage, Condition, Quality, or contents of in Distress :— FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN" STOCK. Kiiy 1 arcels , or Packages, unless specially entered and ad va- PROM TERM8. KILKENNY JUNCTION RAJL^AY COMPANY 4!) & SO KING ST15EET. lorem Freight jaid. Goods GLASGOW (Lanceficld Quay) to MATCI1INGS GOT TO ORDER. fl3T WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE not removed to be Stored at the \\ atcrford and Cork —Tuskar, Wcd'day, 30th Nov., 12 noon DIRECTORS of tba Kilkenny Junotion Rail HATS! risk and expense of the Consignees. 8^" CHINA HALL , 60, QUA Y, WATERFORD. THE All Goods —by R Ail to Grecnock, 6 p.m. wayCompan y, whioh is under arrangements lot <^V^i-,i,£|; HnHE Proprietor of THE will he considered as subject to n general lien, Cork and Watcrford—Pladda , Tuesday, Oth Dec., 12 noon working by the Waterford and Limerick Railway Com- "1HITB hare just RECEIVED NEWS having made Mid held not only for Freight of the same, bu,t for all Arrears 7Mian jfcB. \^ 1 of r reight, —by Rnil lo Greenock , 5 p.m. pany, will receive propotals lor jLQANS on MORT- Printing Concerns and Storage, or other charges, duo by the Importer, Watcrford and Cork-Tuskar , Friday, Oth Dec 12 noon EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS. (SfM/we ««S(¦» J>>3 Owner, or Consignees to tho Company. , GAGE DEBENTOHES for such; periods as may bt A LARGE ^DELIVERY tygjM»Knsfctf Account—Book Manufactory —by J{;iil to Greenock, 5 p.m. ~ agreed apon bearing Interest at the rate of SIX pet t0 WATEBFOBD AND BRISTOL. " , u<1 atly in tllc rrovinces Cork and Waterford—Pladda , Tuesday, 13th Dec, 12 noon CO., Cent, per Annum, payable Half-yearly op c > Qipsy and Briton. —by Rail to Greenock HAZLETON , O' D ONNELL & rtk^ffi^^li.d/Kt*' b^y the' introduction of new , 5 p.m. {By Order), HBNBY SARGENT, Secretary. ^Sj ^^K| /^ rnOM WATERFOKD DIUECT : ItOM BRI8T0t, Watcrfold and Cork—Tuskar, Saturday, 17th Dec 12 noon accommodation \MJrwrLiiv Patent MACIII.VERT, Improved , to inform their Customers that they ha»o ENLARGED their PREMISES to give moro Company's Office , 3, Bank-place, Waterford. (aul9-tf.) Gipsy and Briton. Oipsy, direct. —by Kail to Greenock , 5 p.m: BEG they aro prepared to HATS , I Sgrrj^r^tf P RESSES, constant supplies of FriJoy.t Dcc 2, ... Morn Friday, Dec 2, ... TJ Morn Their Buyers having made SPECIAL JOURNEYS to EKGLAND and SCOTLAND, 91 Cork nnd Watcrford—Pladda , Tuesday, 20th Dec., 12 neon GOODS they erer vp/ l'lc alest am' rnos' a pproved Tuesday, " (i, ... ia Noon Friday " 9, ... 2J A ftn't —by Rail to Greenock SHOW, in all their DEPARTMENTS, the LARGEST and CHEAPEST STOCK of NEW LOAMS ON CflJLL OR DEPOSIT Fromthe most EMINENT MAKERS, I ' I ' Kriday, n, ... Aftn'n Prlday, 16, ... 11 Morn , 6 $.m. ' I Style of N EW TTPES . nnd .i " 3J " Waterford and Cork—Tuskar, Saturday, 24th Dec., 12 noon held before, . IB SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. J Machine for Account Tocsday, " 13, ... 7 Morn Friday, " 23, ... 1 Aftn' B Paging Friday, •• J6 , ... 9J Mom Friday, " 30. ... 7 Atom —by Rail to Greenock, 6 p.m. SHAWLS, DAMASKS, TICKENS. LACES, comprising the Latest Stylet B oks—is prepared to execute every species of Tuctdsv , >• 20. ... 11 Morn Briton, calling at Pembroke Cork and Waterford-Pladda, Thursday, 20th Dec, 12 noon MANTLES, FURS, UMBRELLAS, HABERDASHERY, rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterfordand Kilkennj Thursday " 22, ... 1 Aftn'n Dock : —by rail to Greenock, 5 p.m. DLACK SILKS, FLANNELS, STAYS, PERFUMERY, Railway are prepared to accipt TENDERS fot Tuesday, •• 27 . ... 7 Morn MIWISERT. J. IS LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, Tuesday, Dec 6, ._ 11 Morn FROM CORK TO COLOURED Do., BDANKETS, DRESS CAPS, BONNETS, LOAMS on MO ETGAGE BONDS, at 6 per Cent, pay- AXI) Friday, " 3D, ... fj Morn Tucxlaf, " 10, 6 Morn BOOTS and 8HOES, . PLAI.V OKXAME.VTAIi, ... U'affrford & Glasgow Pladda , Tuesday, 29th Nov., 3 p.m DRESSES, QU I LTS, HOSIERY & GLOVE8, able upon either One or Two* U«4y^.Notice , to be Turtday, " 20, ... 10 Morn RIBBONS, LADIES' HATS. in a manner thnt will not, he feels confident , fail to Tuesday, •' 27 Morn Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Monday, 6th Dec, 8 a.ra CASHMEKES , SHEETINGS, always increased to 6 per Cent whenever and daring GENTLEMEN'S SILK HATS. , ... 4J STUFFS LINENS, FLOWERS, £ive satisfaction, Pcinhrokc Dock to Waterford , from the South Wales Rail- Waterford & Glasgow ... Pladda, Friday, Oth „ 1 p.m , the time the Irish Banks, are allowing 4 per Ceiit. on way Terminus, ns soon after arrival from Bristol as possible. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Wed'd'y, 14th „ 3 p.ra, Ij^" II., O'D., and Co. wish to call Special Notic to their STOCK of CARPETS and RUGS. I'lIKAI'LY, EXPEMTIOUSLY, AXD ELEGANTLY Deposit Receipts. GENTLEMEN 'S FELT HATS. BK3TOn Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam- Walerfold <t Glasgow Pladda, Friday, 16th „ 4 p.m. They will also accept Tenders for like Bonds, at S MSPEN. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar 10 a.m. OiOBSERVE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET-HOUSE. All the FORMS used in WORKHOUSKS and ors will be Open to receive Passengers arriving from Loudon , Wed'd'y 21st „ 47 QUAY, WATERFORD. W per Cent., for One, Three, or Five Years, and for the Waterford & Glasgow....Pladda , Friday, 23rd „ 12 u'n an APPRENTICE GENTLEMEN'S TWEED HATS SA1UKS, at Prices in The Ncics Printed List, which may by the Night Mail Train. N.B.—WANTED, a YOUTH as Debenture Stock , bearing interest at C per C«nt. for Cabiu Fare, 17s. 6d.: Servants ' and Children , 10s. Cd. Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Thursd'y 20th „ 2 p.m, l>e hail or. application. Watcrfold & Glasgow ...Pludda , TuosJay 3rd Jan., 8 a.ra. Three Years, and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. GENTLEMEN'S HUNTING CAPS Return do., 27s. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin SEASON'S PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES and all other BOOK. Cork , or Woxford 31s. Bd., BALLINAKILL NURSERY. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THIS The Lioe is worked by the Waterford and Limerick , , Steward's fee included ; Deck FROM WATERFORD TO March ?s. GJ. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. Glasgow (direct) Pladdn, Thursday, 1st Dec, 3 p.m. Company, and for the year ending the 525th , Also, a Fashionablo Assort- WORK, in a manner equal to any house. Specimensmay W . P O W E R. BRITISH WINES . , 654 I9s. Id. the be sfcti at the Office. WATERFORD AND LIVERPOOL. Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Friday, 2nd „ 1 p.m., 1804 the Traffic Receipts were £10, , Glasgow (direct) Pladda , Saturday, lGth „ 3 p.m. COM PRISING Working and other expenses being £9,399 5s. 10d., S liKNTALS, LKASKS, and all kinds of LAW FORMS Camilla, Vesta, and Zephyr. KING STREET, WATERFORD , ment of YOUSG GENTLEMEN ' FROM WATEnpOUI> : FROM UVF.UrOOL: Cork nnd Glasgow Tuskar Monday, 12th „ 1 p.m. leaving a Balance of £10,255 13s. 3d., for Interest on POSTING and IIANO.lilLLS, in Black or Colored Inks, Glasgow (direct) Pladda Saturd' 3 p.m. that ho lias this Season ORANGE, after the payment of which there is a consider, Fridnv, Dec 2, ... 1 Aftn'n,Friday, Dec 2. ... 12 Noon , y, 17th ,, BEGS to announce Loans, CLOTH CAPS AND FELT HATS. llusinrcs and Address Cards; .Delivery and Receipt Hooks ; Tuesday, „ 6, ,.. 2 Aftn 'n Tuesday, „ 6, ... 3 Aftn 'r Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Monday, 10th ,.
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