Gix\ 6^fuja^ 557 IL6of 1983-1 8URVEY LIBRARY d rgr,m.-- '~* 0262 3 3051 00007 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology 1983 Selected from Publications Indexed in GeoRef in 1983 Open File Series 1983-1 Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 GeoRef Information System American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 .U.WOIS &**£* SURVEY UBR<W . :. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY SERIALS LIST AAPG Bulletin. [Tulsa, OK: American Association Document - Illinois Institute of Natural of Petroleum Geologists]. Resources. Chicago, IL: Institute of Natural Resources AAPG Explorer. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979-. Earth Surfaces Processes and Landforms. Chichester-New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980-. Abstracts - International Palynological Conference, [s. 1.: s. n.]. Earthquake Notes. Atlanta, GA : Sei smol ogical Society of America, Eastern Section by the Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of Printing and Photographic Center of the America. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of Georgia Institute of Technology, 1929- Amer i ca Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society Am. Quat. Assoc, Natl. Conf . , Abstr. American of Economic Geologists. Lancaster, PA: Quaternary Association, National Conference, Economic Geology Publishing Comqany. Abstracts Environmental Geology Notes. Urbana, IL: American Journal of Botany. Lawrence, KS Illinois State Geological Survey, 1965-. Botanical Society of America, 1914-. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. American Midland Naturalist. Notre Dame, IN: Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. University of Notre Dame, 1909- Geological Survey Occasional Paper Application of Computer Methods in the Mineral (Bloomington) . Bloomington, IN: Indiana, Industry. New York, NY: Society of Mining Department of Natural Resources, Geological Engineers of American Institute of Mining, Survey, 1974- Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. Geological Survey Professional Paper. Archives des Sciences. Geneve: Societe de Washington, DC: U. S. Department of the Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, Interior, Geological Survey, 1902-. 1948- . Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper Botanical Gazette (Chicago). Chicago, IL: (Washington). Reston, VA : U.S., Department of University of Chicago Press, 1876-. the Interior, Geological Survey, 1908-. Circular - Illinois State Geological Survey. Ground Water. Urbana, IL: National Water Well Urbana, IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, Association, Ground-Water Technology Division. 1906- Ground Water Monitoring Review. Worthington, OH: Circular - Illinois State Water Survey. Urbana, Water Well Journal Publishing Co., 1981- IL: Illinois State Water Survey, 1928- Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Geological Clays and Clay Minerals. Clarkson, NY: The Clay Survey. Chamqalgn, IL: Illinois. Deqartment of Minerals Society, 1952-. Energy and Natural Resources, State Geological Survey Division. Coastal Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1977- IIHR Report. Iowa City, IA: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. Cooperative Ground- Water Report. Illinois, State Water Survey. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Water Illinois Mineral Note. Urbana, IL: Illinois Survey, 1959- State Geological Survey Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Resources. 1972-. Cooperative Groundwater Report (Illinois State Geological Survey: 1981). Champaign, IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, 1981-. : . Illinois Petroleum. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Counci 1 Geological Survey, 1926-. Proceedings, AWWA Annual Conference. Denver, CO: International Journal of Rock Mechanics and American Water Works Association. Mining Sciences. Oxford-New York: Pergamon Press, 1964-1973. The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Academy of Science, Jewelry Making Gems & Minerals. Mentone, CA 1887- Gemac Corporation. Proceedings of the National Ground-Water Quality The Journal of Coal Quality. Charleston, WV Symposium, [s. 1.: s. n.]. Coal Testing Conference, 1981- Program with Abstracts - Geological Association Journal of Paleontology. Tulsa, OK: Society of of Canada. Waterloo, ON: Geological Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Association of Canada, 1976-. 1927- . Report of Investigation - Illinois State Water Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Tulsa, OK: Survey. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Water Society of Economic Paleontologists and Survey Mineralogists, 1931- . Reviews in Engineering Geology. Boulder, CO: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Ankeny, Geological Society of America, 1962-. IA: Soil Conservation Society of America. Rock & Gem. Encino, CA : Behn-Miller Publishers, JPT. Journal of Petroleum Technology. Dallas, Inc. 1971- TX : American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Rocks and Minerals. Washington, DC: Heldref Pub! icat ions Kerr-McGee Resources. Oklahoma City, OK: Corporate Relations Division, Kerr-McGee Science. Washington, DC: American Association Corporat ion for the Advancement of Science, 1883- Memorias del Congreso Panamericano de Mecanica Sedimentology . Oxford-Boston: Blackwell = de Sue 1 os e Ingenieria de Fundaciones Scientific Publishers, 1962-. Proceedings of the Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Buenos Aires: [s.n.]. Madison, WI : Soil Science Society of America, 1976- . Miscellaneous Paper S (Vicksburg). Vicksburg, MS: U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Special Publication - Kentucky Geological Station, Soils and Pavement Laboratory. Survey. Lexington, KY : Kentucky Geological Survey, 1953- Nature (London). London: Macmillan Journals, 1869- . Spisanle na Bulgarskogo Geologichesko Druzhestvo. Sofia: Bulgarska Akademiya na NSS News. Huntsville, AL : National Speleological Naukite, 1942-. Society News. Technical Report GL. Vicksburg, MS: U. S. Army Open-File Report (United States Geological Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Survey. 1978). Reston, VA : u. S. Geological Survey Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Palaeontographlca. Abteilung A: Academy of Science. Palaozoologie-Stratigraphie. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart ' sche ver 1 agsbuchhandl ung (Nagele Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science. u . Obermi 1 1 er ) . Columbia, MO: Missouri Academy of Science, 1967- . Palaeontographica, Abteilung B: Palaeophytologie. Stuttgart: [s.n.]. UMR Journal. Rolla, MI: University of Missouri -Rol 1 a Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. New York, NY: American Institute of Mining, Watei— Resources Investigations. [Reston, VA]: U. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. S. Geological Survey, 1972-. Proceedings - Workshop on Great Lakes Coastal Water Resources Research. Washington, DC: Erosion and Sedimentation = Comptes Rendus - American Geophysical Union, 1965- Atelier sur 1 'Erosion et la Sedimentation Cotieres dans les Grands Lacs. Ottawa, ON: The Windy City Speleonews. Chicago, IL: Windy Associate Committee for Research on Shoreline City Grotto of the National Speleological Erosion and Sedimentation, National Research Society, 1961-. Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology INTENTIONAL BLANK PAGE .. ence/ World Oil. Houston, TX : [IRM, Inc.. etc.], 1947- W.R.C. Research Report. Urbana, IL: University at Urbana-Champa ign. Water Resources Center, 1973- Serial s List . 1 , . BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Absher, James see Stout, Glenn E. Balding, G. 0. U. S. Geological Survey: in Proceedings, Illinois water-data users meeting Achtemeier, Gary L. see Changnon, Stanley A., (Toler, L. G., compiler). Open-File Report Jr. (United States Geological Survey. 1978), p. 31-34, 1982. (Rep. No. 82-1001) available Alexander, J. D. see Hinesly, T. D. from: U. S. Geol. Surv., Open-File Serv. Sect., West. Distrib. Branch, Denver Fed. Algermissen, S. T. see Hopper, M. G. Cent., Lakewood, CO. United States. All away, Bill. Why I am interested in fossils: Bandopadhya, C. see Chugh, Y. P. Jewelry Making Gems & Minerals, Vol. 545. p. 48-49, March 1983. Bandy, Wi 1 iam F. Jr. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Mattoon Formation Al lender, J. H. ; and Ditmars, J. D. Field ( Pennsyl vanian) Coles County, Illinois: measurements of longshore currents on a Panned Master' s , 1981 Indiana Univ., Bloomington, beach: Coastal Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 4, p. IN. mi crofoss i 1 s illus. (incl. 2 ref . 295-309, tables), 25 , 1981 . Bandy, Willlam-F., Jr. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Mattoon Formation Allison, Mel. Illinois Division of Water ( Pennsy 1 vanian) , Coles County, Illinois Resources: in Proceedings, Illinois [abstr.]: in Geological Society of America, water-data users meeting (Toler, L. G., 94th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs - compiler), Open-File Report (United States Geological Society of America, Vol. 13, No. 7, Geological Survey. 1978), p. 28-31, 1982. p. 402, September 1981. (Rep. No. 82-1001) available from: U. S. Geol Surv., Open-File Serv. Sect., West. Distrib. Barcelona, M. J. see Lembke, w. D. Branch, Denver Fed. Cent., Lakewood, CO, United States. Barcelona, Michael J. Chemical characteristics of 1 ake^ sediments: in Proceedings of a Round Aspbury, George F. see Kirchner. James G. table on reclaiming and managing lakes in Illinois (Stout, Glenn E., director). Document Atherton, El wood see Norby, R. D. - Illinois Institute of Natural Resources, 81/06, p. 10-20. illus. (incl. 1 table), July Av1n, Matthew J. see Phillips, Tom
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