:Jafl, 1975 SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE Volume 69 Number 2 FUN, AWARDS AND WORK AT COT By SHERRY ANDERSON AND PAMELLA SIMs, CoJ16gidle R6JW6I6nldiMJ COTS was Sigma Kappa's College Officers Training Scholarship awards for B averages 2nd semester 1973-74-Eta, School June 19 to 22 on the University of Wisconsin's Mil­ Beta Mu, Beta Psi, Gamma Eta, Gamma Tau, Delta Zeta, Epsilon Epsilon and Epsilon Tau. For 1st semester 1974-75-Eta, Alpha waukee campus. The school was attended by 119 collegiates Lambda, Alpha Chi, Gamma Delta, Gamma Mu, Epsilon Delta, Ep­ representing 81 chapters and colonies and about 20 alum­ silon Zeta, Epsilon Nu and Epsilon Omega. na:, including National Council, district directors, traveling For honoraries-campus with 9 or more sororities-Beta Xi; secretaries and the National Panhellenic delegate. with 6 to 9-Epsilon Omicron; with 5 or less-Eta. Mrs. Eleanor Haddon, National President, gave a wel­ Largest pledge class on campus-Beta Nu, Gamma Delta, Gamma Mu, Delta Beta, Delta Delta, Delta Mu and Epsilon Omega. coming speech at the opening dinner Thursday night and explained that the school, through a series of roundtables, COTS adjourned Sunday morning following a spiritual was to serve as a concentrated leadership workshop. After service conducted by Mrs. Harriet Frazer, National Vice the dinner, delegates had a time for "Fun and Games," led President for Alumnre. by the Sherry Anderson, Gamma Eta, and Pamella Sims, Upsilon, the collegiate representatives to council. DEATHS Roundtables, starting early Friday morning and continu­ ing through Saturday, were led by Mrs. Wava Brown, Miss Rena Preston Davis, Peck, Z, 1972 Priscilla Simms, Mrs. Barbara Clarkson, Mrs. Linda Way, Ruth Hull Hershey, H, Sept. 26, 1974 Mrs. Bonnie Taylor and Mrs. Kae Farlow, district direc­ Grace Kessler Green, H, June 9, 1975 tors; Mrs. Jackie Phillips, Mrs. Bobbe Kleinschmidt and Alice Wray luhrsen Becker, 0, July 18, 1974 Mrs. Ernestine Collins, members of National Council; Mrs. Irene Burchard Wheeler Thompson, 0 Ruth Miller, National Panhellenic delegates, and Mrs. Genevieve DuBois Morrison, I, Dec. 14, 1974 Lucile Duncan, Past National President. Topics included Clarissa Belle Koehler Wallis, I, April, 1975 pledge education, role of the first vice president, philan­ Emma Gertrude Myers Winters, I, Jan. 4, 1974 thropy, fund raising, rush, ritual, Panhellenic, apathy and Vonis Noble Moe, M, Sept. 14, 1972 inter-chapter communications. Mildred Eatinger Darby, E, April 10, 1975 Saturday night was Awards Night with Mrs. Barbara Helen A. Salmon, 0, Feb. 18, 1975 Fenters, National Vice President for Collegiates, as toast­ Vida Young Ray, Y, April 17, 1975 mistress. Awards went to: Dorothy Pike Farrow, <P, Nov. 22, 1972 Alice Jean Reynolds Miller, n, Aug. 21, 1973 Dreyfus Award-Gamma Rho. Barbara Swank Bothell, AE, March 11. 1975 Budd Award-Epsilon Psi. E. Ruth Van Gaasbeek Goetcheus, AA, April 29, 1975 Most Cooperative Chapter Award-Beta Epsilon. Triangle Award-Xi Marjorie Barnes, AM, Oct., 1974 Pledging Quota during formal rush-Mu, Alpha Sigma, Beta Ep­ Joyce Donaldson Carroll, AN, April 2, 1975 silon, Beta Mu, Beta Theta, Gamma Alpha, Gamma Zeta, Gamma Mary Louise Gayden, BB, Feb. 3, 1974 Chi, Gamma Xi, Gamma Lambda, Delta Zeta, Delta Eta, Delta Nu, Jane Nash Marsden Gerstacker, BZ, 1975 Delta Iota, Epsilon Beta, Epsilon Tau and Zeta Beta. Reaching Council Quota-Eta, Alpha Theta, Beta Xi, Gamma Louise Uhl Tiffany, B0, June 11 , 1975 Epsilon, Gamma Phi, Delta Nu, Delta Upsilon, Delta Rho, Epsilon Dorothy Jean Goss Hofmann, BI, March 2, 1975 Omicron and Epsilon Psi. Dorothy A. Skogerson Bischoff, BK, Dec. , 1974 Celine Bernice Beresnak Maier, 1'0, April 29, 1975 ON THE COVER-Hope Paula Pedrero, Epsilon Epsi­ Bonnie Alquist Cargal, 1'0, May 11 , 1975 lon, reigns this year as Queen Venus IX of the Krewe Linda Hugh McMahen, .t.T, May 29, 1975 of Venus in Tampa, Fla. Beverly A. Pasch, EE, March, 1975 The Krewe is a social organization which began ori­ ginally in New Orleans as one of the famed Mardi Gras SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO- societies and was founded in Tampa in 1965. Mary Reid Adams, Tau, for the death of her husband, During her year-long reign, Hope, who was crowned Eber C. Adams, May 31, 1975. queen last November, presides over all Krewe activities inclu~ing Tampa's Gasparilla festivities, the Lion'~ SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is publish•d quart•rly by Sigma Kappa. 3433 W as hington Blvd .• Indianapolis, IN 462 0~ and print•d by th• Goorg• Banta Amencan Bowl parade and other parades and social Company, Inc. , Curtis Reod Plaza, M•nasha. WI 549)2. Subscription prico $2 events. a y•ar; single copios 504; life subscription $15. At th~ University of Georgia in Athens, Hope was S•nd chang• of addross. subscriptions. and correspond•nco of a bus inoss natur• to Mrs. Armand Paqu•tt•. 3433 Washington Bl vd .• India napolis, IN rush chauman and president of Sigma Kappa and was a 46205. member of the University Student Advisory Board and Corros pond• nce of an •ditori al natur• should be addrossod to Mrs. ]. B. Zeta Phi Eta. Colom an. 8 M•adow l ane, Wh•oling, WV 26003. S.cond -class postag• paid at Indianapolis. IN. and at additional mailing She was a Krewe of Venus debutante. offices. Print•d in U.S.A. Shelley Lauzon, above left, chats with Melodie Priddy, Xi, as she gets ready to leave the Lawrence, Kansas, campus. Below, Barbara Buchhorn right, sits with Pam White after receiving flowers from Beta Eta while visiting the University of Massachusetts chapter. By BARBARA BUCHHORN By SHELLEY LAUZON "Day after day, I must face a world of strangers where To sum up my past year as a traveling secretary in a few I don't belong, I'm not that strong .... " short paragraphs would be like putting the Empire State That was to be my theme song when I began my job as Building in a shoe box. Impossible, but I am glad it is so. traveling secretary but, did I find it so? NO! Once on the The many thousands of miles I traveled, the countless road, I discovered the bonds of Sigma Kappa sisterhood people I met, the experiences I shared with so many of my nationwide. Some chapters were more cooperative than sisters are but a few of the memories I will have of Sigma others by setting up officer's appointments or planning spe­ Kappa in the years to come. I can't help but smile when I cial get-togethers but every chapter, without exception, think of .the times I received a· beautiful momento from a greeted me with a -smile. chapter, had a song sung in my honor, a party held for me, How can I thank you? How can I say thank you to the or the times I was thought to be a 100-year-old lady who umpteen girls who rose before 6:00 A.M. to see me to a would be crabby and strict. Or when someone thought I bus or plane? Or to the chapters for having slumber parties, was a new pledge, or I received a dozen red roses from my desserts, and pizza parties in my honor. And how about the "friend" back home, and got more mail than others in the encouraging mail from national officers and collegiates? chapter and never lived that down. My biggest thrill, though, was to see Sigma Kappa grow I think of the hard work, the long hours, endless travel, and improve throughout the year. By growth, I can look at wearing the same clothes, typing, and carrying those very Theta and anticipate only the best. I can see the recoloniza­ heavy suitcases. But these things are happy memories now, tion of Epsilon Zeta and hear the progress of Zeta Epsilon and when I look back I don't· think of all the hours· on a and Epsilon Upsilon. bus, in an airport, being tired, or having to be full of pep A lot of our chapters have made definite progress this when I wanted to sleeep for 13 hours. The satisfaction of year through the extra effort of their members and alums. seeing a chapter do really well in rush, or improve from The second hundred years of the sorority will meet and suggestions I gave, make all the work seem worthwhile. surpass the first hundred. Let's keep up the good work, I came to feel a part of each chapter I visited, and when Sigma Kappa. And thank you .. for letting me be part they cried with joy I did too, or when they were silent in of this great sorority. sadness I was also. (See Shelley, page 4.) 3 THETA RETURNS TO ILLINOIS aass of 1975-Initiated April 26 OD Champaign-Urbana Campus r: :: ' ' ~ ·:.· The installation team-left to right, Ruth Cordis, province offi­ Officers of Theta chapter-left to right, Donna May, registrar; cer; Eleanor D . Haddon, National President; Carol d'Hondt, Julianne Hummel, corresponding secretary; Mary Kelly, second province officer; Jackie Phillips, National Vice President for vice president; Betsey McGrail, president; Jean Connelly, first Collegiates; Ernestine Collins, N ational Director of Expansion; vice president; Cathy White, recording secretary; Janet Elkins, Ruth Miller, National P anhellenic Conference delegate. treasurer . Shelley (from page 3) DID YOU KNOW . I ha';.e seen Sigma Kappa grow this past year, and the There is a rose named for a Sigma Kappa? The progress and improvement have been great moments for rose, a beautiful red one, is the Wini Edmunds me. I helped start a new colony and worked wi th recolo­ rose.
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