An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper TUESDAY September 30, 1997 Volume 124 • THE • Number 8 on-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid ewark, DE 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit o. 26 No place like home? Miller wake Code change held at bar leaving BY JILL CORTRIGHT for mention in several articles in The Afana ~in.r: Nt>ll'.'fi Ediwr Review. Apparently, no many out in It looked like just another Friday advertisement was needed - the night at the Deer Park. College Deer Park was packed. the cold students walked around holding beer Many of those in attendance didn't BY JESSICA l\JYER bottles and smoking cigarettes. A know about the wake. A Jack of any A.u1stum Ft'attUt!\ Eduor blues band was playing and people decoration referring Eamonn or the Leaving their houses with deep were dancing. fact that Friday was his birthday left concern and fear. many students For many people there. it was an many uninformed that a wake wa average Friday night at the local are expressing a llC\\ awareness in e\ en going the wake of last week's watering hole, but for others, it was a on. developments in off-campus •t celebration of their friend Eamonn J i m m y housmg control f Miller's life. Lo\ e. a Students living in violation of Miller. a junior who was about to continuing declare his political science major, the cit)' s zonmg laws. which limit education c \\as placed on life support Sept. 5 single hou e rental properties to student after attempting a stunt when he three or four residents. are afrmd who'd had jumped out of a movmg car. He died .. d e e p of being evicted on short notice. the evening of Sept. 8. discussions·· having now here to liVt' and even Junior Brian Murphy. who went to W I t h ha\ ing it placed on their criminal MILLER high school \\ith Eamonn and Eamonn on record. re~ained good friends w1th him. a fe\\ Last ,.,eek·s \ ote by the satd, ··r hope everyone enjoys occasiOns. sa1d it "as just a Newark City Council retracted the themselves and remembers Eamonn. coincidence that he was at the Deer grace period previous!} given to Everyone went throu:h a period of Park Friday night. After being pro perttes su<,pectcd of mourning. and now we're having a mfonncd of\\ hat was gomg on. Love overcrowding bdorc pressing good time. satJ he thought the waJ..c was a good charges. Dcsptte th e new THE REVIEW I John Chabalko change in the punishment for zoning violations has fo rced many offenders to leave home before the) get caught. "We've all been sad. It's time to idea legislation had little impact on the ' be happ) no\\. he said. ·I amonn was the kmd of gu) who overcrowding law .. ·tudents have evicted. In an attempt to exercise caution. said the instilution of more Miller's girlfriend. senior Heather wasn't real ")Jcmn ... LO\ e said. "He begun taktng hous1ng Inspectors "We' re all pretty scared about other students have tried to hide restrictive la\IS ha\ c been Harrison . said there were no was a life person. So this is definitely more seriously than in the past it." she said. "but we're taking it their living arrangements progresst ng for a long time. advertisements for the wake except Tim. a JUnior cnminal jusllce one day at a time:· ··we moved my mattress and '·The residents arc desperate:· sec MILLER page A4 major, explained hem the late\t Although the bmldtng inspectors I've been ~Jecping on the couch," said Harriet Bannowsky. a libranan rental contrO\ ers) has affected him. need probable cause to obtain a junior Matthew said. ·'Another guy at Morris Library and a 30-year "Me and another gu} are moving warrant to enter and search a house. has a futon and we make it look resident of Newark. "I want to Rush numbers drop out of our apartment." he said. "Ir Stefanic sai d she thinks their means like a couch." move away from here because there [the build1ng inspectors] roll in of obtaintng the probable cause Many students who have been arc firecrackers o n my street. BY APRIL CAPOCHI:'IOO Accordtng to Broob, '1x )Cars here, we can get fined and arrested. rna) be questionable. enraged by this la11 said the) are screaming and yelling, loud parties Still/ R~rorli' ago about 1.300 studt!nb rushed and I don't want that." and unn<Hing on my lawn." "They check the matlboxes and frustrated because they don't kno" Despite decrca.,ing numhers of fraternities This semc tcr onl) Although he is angry about the count cars in the drive vay to how to ftght ag:ain~t1t. Banno'' sk} satd the lifestyle ol students participating in Fall Ru sh about 750 . tudcnt s rushed. Jaw . Tim said he feels helpless discover the numb,r of mhabitanh "I know m~ and all Ill) wllege ~tudents is not compatibie this year grade point average-. of the Seth Borsuk. president ol Alpha ··we just got an apartment and I'm ~he mate~ with that of non-student reside1tts li\ tng: tn ihe rental home>." room "ant tc do . omcthi ng rusht:es have 1ncreascd. Dean of Epsilon Pi. said he th111ks the really pissed off. But \\hat am I _,aid. Jbnut this ·· .\latthe\\ ~atd ' But at and she doesn't knO\\ what the Students Timoth) F Brooks atd. adrn llw,trat)()n plays a large role m going to do·r Communit) Ad\ :Jcate thi pomt. what can we doT answer i">. The enforcement of the Greek dccrcastn!! the Ru sh numbers. He His three remaining rtl\lmfllatcs. Adam~ "We can't undcr'iland why Gwendolyn de. cnbed some Adams satd s tudent s should Five· Stat Polt..:y. he said. may be the ,aid the fi~.: tar poltcy hJ'> brought Mike. Charhc and Mike. arc no'' posstble action for students to take. a lways .:all a lawyer or local students would want to ltvc 111 J\:ason lor th.: decline 111 the number Alpha Ep,t!on p,· s Rush numbers forced to pay the rem. "We have to "I would suggest the people who communlly advocate if they feel houses to begm wtth." she said. ·'I of students rushing. down fr·lm 35 last fall to 13 this pay $900 [total] a month," Charlie thetr rights arc being violated would like to sec fe\\er panics and arcn' t on the lease get a post office L1st spnng. the Intcrlratcrnlt) semester said. ''It's reall) unfair:· box if they suspect the building In addition to livmg conditions, less congcs[Jnn. But I don't Co u nc Ji put 1 nto c ffcc t the ,miJarl}. Ben icrnberg. Other students arc ri sktn g the inspector wtll check thctr mad,'" the soctal ltfe of tudents has abo cons1dcr myself overzeJlou,." .l<.:crcdn.llion system to improve the prcs1dcntol Lambda Cht Alpha, said consequences and sta) tng tn their she >aid adding that is against L hanged because of last week·\ David Robertson a member of quaht; of GrecJ.. Ide on campus. In only 12 students rushed his houses illegall}. Stefante. a JUniOr, federal Jaw for an inspector to go Cit} Council vote. Many st udents. the Old cwark Civic Association. Joing '>O. fratcrnnies wete rcqlllrcd fraternity thts scrnc">ler. compared to is one such student. through somconc's mail afra1d of gctttng busted hy the satd this law is a response to the to meet <,pecific standards to be 25 last fall "There's five of us ltvtng in" St.;lame and her roommates will pollee, have cut down on thetr re sidents· dcstre to return a sense of house that's livable for six but allowed to rush first-scme>tcr Nt~rnbcrg said he has noticed an aJ<.o face the problem of a rent partying. communlly to the Newark freshmen. incrc.lsc in his fraternity's GPA . He zoned for four," she said. " It's huge "We are scared to death to have '' h1ch is not affordable if one of the neighborhoods. Every fratermty failed to meet the also said a rushee's GPA is a factor and we ju~t don' t under;tand ... five is e\ icted. a happy hour here with I 0 of our "If the ratio of st•:dents to non­ requirements and therefore, thts when deciding on potential Stefanic explained that if the "[Our rent) is too expensive for friends.'' Stefanic said. "We're students continues to rise . the fall'· Rush did not include fin­ mcmhers. ins pectors discover their violation four people to handle." Stefanic playing with fire ." neighborhoods will no longer of the O\crcrowding poltcy. the semester freshmen. The remaining The ftvc-qar polic} ma) not he said. "It's $1 ADO a month. How do In response to the fears of function as neighborhood <>.'. students rushing, must have a GPA person not on the lease will be they expect us to pay that?" students. several Newark residents see INSPECTION page AIO of 2.0 or higher. sec GREEK page AS Jewish suit charges Bang on your drum all day Yale discrimination Class teaches Indonesian trick of keeping the beat BY GREG SHULAS response to the first time he heard the mustc. class. BY JESS ICA GRATZ stop'?" he asked. Statf Reporter The hnc bet ween Jove and obsession appears to Gustavsen ~aid the tonal change between notes Srutl Rtp,ma athan Lewin, Hack· s attorney, Indonesia and Delaware arc unlike!) he very thin for Zmn; he spent two years crafting is not a constant increment 1n Indonesian mu ic, Most st udents heading to college stated in a New Yorker magazine bedfellows.
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