h of Bren ug t o U r n o i B t a n r y o d D D n n e e o v v L L e e l o o p p 4 4 m m 0 0 0 0 e e 2 2 n n - - t t n n P a l l Brent’s Unitary Development Plan - 2004 Building A Better Borough Finding your way around the Unitary Development Plan Title of Chapter Supporting Text - this explains the Policy Number existing situation of - all are listed on the the development issue first page of that in the policy which fol- Chapter lows. It sets out Brent’s resulting approach to the issue, and it high- lights the opportuni- ties or problems pro- posals will need to address in order to meet the criteria in Cross the policy. References to other policies that Policy Title might apply- In the interactive Policy Text - online version, this sets out what clicking on them developments will will take you and won’t get plan- straight to that ning permission policy and, where appro- priate, the criteria that have to be met Section for planning permis- Heading sion to be granted. Development Title & Date of Plan Issues London Borough of Brent Unitary Development Plan 2004 Written Statement Prepared in accordance with Section 13 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 27 of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 and the The Town and Country Planning (Development Plan) (England) Regulations 1999. Maps within this document have been reproduced from Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. (Licence Number LA086 312) Chris Walker Adopted Director of Planning 14th January 2004 © Brent Council 2004 Design, layout and text by Brent Planning Service Maps by Brent GIS development. An interactive online version of this UDP is available on the Council’s Website at: www.brent.gov.uk/planning.nsf Printed on Conservation Grade paper Final Cartography and printing by: ESR Cartography Ltd. Unit 10a Waldeck House Waldeck Road Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8BR FOREWORD Brent Council has adopted its Replacement Unitary Development Plan (UDP). The Plan pro- vides planning guidance for the development and use of land. As such, it seeks to improve the environment of the Borough, promote the regeneration of areas in need of renewal in a sustainable way and promote access to new development for the whole community. The UDP was adopted after several rounds of public consultation and a public inquiry which gave those with an interest in the future of Brent, an opportunity to have their say on the plan’s policies and proposals. Many residents, businesses and other interested parties have participated in drawing up the Plan which will have a central role in shaping the Borough over the coming years. Parts of the Borough will be transformed over the next few years and it is important that there is clear planning guidance so that change is implemented in a way which brings envi- ronmental, economic and social benefits and is in the interests of local people. There is also much in Brent that is worthy of protection and conservation. The Plan provides the necessary guidance and controls to allow for the changes necessary to regenerate the run- down parts of the borough whilst protecting and enhancing the positive aspects of our environment. (Cllr) Lesley Jones Lead Member for the Environment and Planning Brent Unitary Development Plan Table of Contents Chapter Page 1. Introduction 1 Part I 2. Strategy 3 Part II 3. Built Environment 21 f Bren 4. Environmental Protection o t U63 gh n u it 5. Housing o 77a r r 6. Transport o 107 y B D n 7. Employment 149 e o v e 8. Town Centres and Shopping d 167 l n o o 9. Tourism, Entertainment and the Arts 195p L m 10. Open Space and Recreation 201e n t 4 P 0 l 0 a 2 n 11. Community Facilities - 221 12. Waste 233 Inset Plans 13. Park Royal 245 14. Wembley Regeneration Area 253 15. Site Specific Proposals 277 16. Glossary 287 17. Index 293 Maps Page Map STR1 Location of Brent in London 17 Map STR2 Index of Local Deprivation 18 Map STR3 Strategic Diagram 19 Map BE1 Areas of Low Townscape or Public Realm Quality 59 Map BE2 Transport Corridors and Gateways 60 Map BE3 Conservation Areas and Article 4 Directions 61 Map BE4 Views, Landmarks and Viewpoints 62 Map H1 Major Estate Regeneration Areas 105 Map H2 Distribution of Supported Housing in Brent 106 Map TRN1 Public Transport Accessibility 146 Map TRN2 The London Bus Priority and Cycle Networks 147 Map TRN3 Brent's Road Network 148 Map EMP1 Unemployment in Brent 165 Map SH1 Shopping Provision in Brent 1999 193 Map SH2 Protected Shopping Frontages 194 Map OS1 Local Level Open Space and Open Space Deficiency 218 Map OS2 District Level Open Space and Open Space Deficiency 219 Map OS3 Areas of Nature Conservation Deficiency 220 Map WEM1 Long Distance Views of Wembley Stadium 274 Map WEM2 Short Distance and Internal Views of Wembley 275 Stadium Proposals Map Key UDP area designations & Site specific proposals Back cover pocket INTRODUCTION 1INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE ROLE OF PLANNING of an area and, finally, gives everyone a reasonable level of cer- tainty which can aid the making of property and investment deci- 1.1.1 Few things ever stay the same. Buildings that once met a need sions. become disused. New needs for houses, factories, offices and shops are found as people move in and out of areas, technology 1.2.3 The Council has reviewed the UDP adopted in 1996 and this ver- changes and the way we live alters. It is essential that we decide, sion replaces that plan. The replacement plan, however, had to as a community, the changes in the way we use land to reflect go through a number of stages before it could be finalised or these changing needs. 'adopted'. These stages are designed to take account of the views of those who might have an interest in the future planning 1.1.2 Planning permission is needed to prevent developments and new of the Borough such as local residents and businesses. uses which would be harmful to the public interest. Without plan- ning control buildings which could unacceptably block light to 1.2.4 The replacement plan was adopted on 14th January 2004. The neighbours, create dangerous traffic conditions or be harmful in 'plan-led' system referred to above applies and Section 54A of the many other ways could be built. 1990 Planning Act requires planning applications to be deter- mined in accordance with the Plan unless material considerations 1.1.3 Planning also has a more positive role: indicate otherwise. • It helps us achieve the kind of high quality environment we wish to see. • It helps see that the houses and places of work we need in the future are co-ordinated, are accessible and are built in the right places and in the right way. • It helps to see that resources are used efficiently on new transport investment and on regenerating run-down areas. • It helps us to preserve and enhance our most cherished built and natural heritage and it also helps ensure that the whole community has access to the facilities they need. 1.1.4 Planning is concerned with the management of this change for the good of the whole community. The law gives local Councils a duty to prepare a plan which set out how they would like this change to occur, and what can or cannot be built in particular areas (in Brent this is called a Unitary Development Plan (UDP)). It also makes Councils responsible for deciding whether or not particular proposals for change should be allowed. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE PLAN Brent Planning Service is located at Brent House, 349 High Road Wembley 1.2.1 The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) is a legal document con- taining all the planning policies and standards which will be used to make decisions on planning applications - whether for major commercial developments or for small schemes such as house extensions. The Plan also indicates where the Council wishes positively to encourage new development in particular areas with- in the Borough or on individual sites. 1.2.2 In Britain a 'plan-led' system operates. This means that, unless there are good reasons not to, the plan should be followed in making decisions on planning applications. This helps avoid decisions being made in an arbitrary manner, gives the public the opportunity to shape the way decisions are made and the future Brent Unitary Development Plan - 2004 1 INTRODUCTION 1.2.5 The legal framework for the preparation of the UDP is the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Planning and 1.3 FORMAT OF THE PLAN Compensation Act 1991), and the Town and Country Planning (Unitary Development Plan) (England) Regulations 1999. Under 1.3.1 Under current planning legislation the UDP must contain a these every London Borough is required to prepare a Unitary Written Statement, presented in two parts, and a Proposals Map. Development Plan which is the statutory Development Plan for the whole of its area. The Plan has to address 'strategic' London- 1.3.2 Part I : This sets out the broad development and land use wide issues and contain detailed local policies.
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