ICC 106‐3 11 February 2011 Original: English E International Coffee Council List of exporting countries and their 106th Session country codes, ICO Certifying Agents 28 – 31 March 2011 and registered ports of export London, United Kingdom Background 1. The entry into force of the International Coffee Agreement 2007 requires that the Organization issues a list of ports from which coffee is exported from exporting countries and the name of the Certifying Agent approved by the Executive Director to issue and deal with all matters related to Certificates of Origin. 2. This document gives, for each exporting Member, the country name (in English alphabetical order) and country code (if this field appears with a shaded background it indicates that the Member has already confirmed the registered ports listed); the name of the Certifying Agent in the original language of the country and a list of registered ports from which coffee may be shipped. Annex I shows the name of each exporting Member in the four official languages of the Organization. 3. Exporting Members, who have not yet done so, are requested to confirm their list of ports and the Certifying Agent as soon as possible so that this information may be kept up‐to‐date. Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 01 Cabinda Instituto Nacional do Café de 04 Luanda Angola 158 Angola (INCA) 05 Porto Amboin 07 Porto Lobito Société nationale pour la Benin 022 01 Cotonou promotion agricole (SONAPRA) 01 Arica 02 Antofagasta 03 Matarani - Bolivia Cámara Nacional de Exportadores Bolivia 001 04 Villazón de Bolivia (CANEB) 05 El Alto 06 Santos 07 La Paz 01 Recife (PE) 02 Salvador (BA) 03 Vitória (ES) 04 Itajaí (SC) 05 Rio de Janeiro (RJ) 08 Santos (SP) 09 Paranaguá (PR) 10 Varginha (MG) 11 São Francisco do Sul (RS) 12 Uruguaiana (RS) 13 Foz do Iguaçu (PR) 14 Jaguarão (RS) 15 Chuí (RS) 16 Guaíra (SP) 17 Sant'Ana do Livramento (RS) 18 Bagé (RS) Green coffee: Conselho dos 19 Brasiléia (AC) Exportadores de Café do Brasil 20 Pecém (CE) (CeCafé); Conselho Nacional do 21 Ponta Porã (MS) Brazil 002 Café (CNC) 22 Rio Grande (RS) Soluble coffee: Associação 23 Quaraí (RS) Brasileira da Indústria de Café 25 Fortaleza (CE) Solúvel (ABICS) 26 Belo Horizonte (MG) 28 Viracopos (SP) 29 Sepetiba (RJ) 30 Guaxupé (MG) 32 Aeroporto Int. de São Paulo (SP) 33 Uberaba (MG) 34 Uberlândia (MG) 35 Poços de Caldas (MG) 36 Suape (BA) 37 Manaus (AM) 38 Cáceres (MT) 39 Corumbá (MS) 43 Belém (PA) 44 Antonina (PR) 45 Ilhéus (BA) 46 Guajará Mirim (RR) © International Coffee Organization - 1 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code Green coffee: Conselho dos 48 Porto Alegre (RS) Exportadores de Café do Brasil (CeCafé); Conselho Nacional do 50 Brasília (DF) Brazil (Cont'd) 002 Café (CNC) 53 Pacaraima (RR) Soluble coffee: Associação 54 Macapá (AP) Brasileira da Indústria de Café Solúvel (ABICS) 57 São Borja (RS) Office du café du Burundi 01 Bujumbura Burundi 027 (OCIBU) 02 Dar-es-Salaam 01 Douala Office national du cacao et du café Cameroon 019 02 Limbe (ONCC) 03 Kribi Office de réglementation de la 01 Bangui Central African 020 commercialisation et du contrôle Republic du produits agricoles (ORCCPA) 02 Salo 02 Barranquilla 03 Bogotá 04 Bucaramanga 05 Cali 06 Cartagena 07 Cucuta 10 Manizales 11 Medellín 16 Pereira 19 Santa Marta 25 Riohacha 27 San Andrés Federación Nacional de Cafeteros 34 Arauca Colombia 003 de Colombia 35 Buenaventura 36 Cartago 37 Ipiales 38 Leticia 39 Maicao 40 Tumaco 41 Urabá 42 Puerto Carreño 43 Inirida 44 Yopal 46 Puerto Asís 47 Aeropuerto El Dorado - Bogotá 49 Valledupar 01 Matadi 02 Boma 05 Ishasha Congo, Democratic 004 Office national du café (ONC) 07 Mahagi Republic of 09 Bukavu 10 Beni 12 Zongo © International Coffee Organization - 2 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code Congo, Democratic 004 Office national du café (ONC) 13 Mobay-Mbongo (Equater) Republic of (Cont'd) Inspecteur général des services Congo, Republic of 021 techniques - Ministère de 01 Pointe-noire l'agriculture et de l'elevage 01 Limón 03 Puntarenas 04 San José 05 Peñas Blancas Instituto del Café de Costa Rica Costa Rica 005 08 Aeropuerto Juan Santamaría (ICAFE) 09 Golfito 10 Paso Canoas 11 Puerto Caldera 12 Liberia Comité de Gestion de la Filière 01 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire 024 Café Cacao (CGFCC) 04 San Pedro 01 Santiago de Cuba 02 Cienfuegos 03 Guantánamo 04 La Habana 05 Mariel 06 Boquerón 07 Caibarien 08 Cárdenas 09 Casilda Camara de Comercio de la Cuba 006 10 Guayadal República de Cuba 11 Isabela de Sagua 12 Jucaro 13 Manzanillo 14 Matanzas 15 Nuevitas 16 Aeropuerto Jose Martí 17 Aeropuerto Santiago de Cuba 18 Aeropuerto Cienfuegos 19 Puerto Padre 01 Santo Domingo 02 Puerto Plata Consejo Dominicano del Café 03 Barahona Dominican Republic 007 (CODOCAFE) 04 San Pedro de Macorís 06 Haina 07 Caucedo 01 Guayaquil 02 Manta Consejo Cafetalero Nacional 03 Bahía Ecuador 008 (COFENAC) 04 Esmeraldas 05 San Lorenzo 06 Quito © International Coffee Organization - 3 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 07 Cuenca 08 Loja 09 Macará Ecuador Consejo Cafetalero Nacional 10 Puerto Bolívar 008 (Cont'd) (COFENAC) 11 Huaquillas 12 Tulcán 13 Jipijapa 14 Portoviejo 01 Acajutla 03 Cutuco 05 Ilopango Consejo Salvadoreño del Café 06 El Amatillo El Salvador 009 (CSC) 08 El Poy 09 Las Chinamas 10 Anguiatu 11 Aeropuerto Int. de Comalapa 01 Addis Ababa Ministry of Agriculture and Rural 02 Dire Dawa Ethiopia 010 Development 03 Gambella 04 Asosa Caisse de stabilisation et de 01 Libreville Gabon 023 péréquation 02 Port-Gentil 02 Tema Ghana 038 Ghana Cocoa Board 03 Takoradi 01 Puerto Barrios 02 Champerico 03 Aeropuerto La Aurora 04 Santo Tomás de Castilla 05 Puerto Quetzal (San José) 06 Pedro De Alvarado 07 Melchor De Mencos Asociación Nacional del Café 08 Agua Caliente Guatemala 011 (ANACAFE) 09 Valle Nuevo 11 Tecun Uman 12 La Ermita (Anguiatu) 13 El Carmen 14 El Florido 15 San Cristóbal 16 La Mesilla 17 Entre Ríos 01 Conakry Ministère du commerce, de Guinea 092 02 Monrovia l'Industrie et des PME 03 Buchanan 01 Port-au-Prince 02 Cap-Haitien Ministère du commerce et de Haiti 012 03 Cayes l'industrie 04 Gonaives 05 Jacmel © International Coffee Organization - 4 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 06 Jerémie Haiti Ministère du commerce et de 012 07 Petit-Goave (Cont'd) l'industrie 08 Saint Marc 01 Puerto Cortés 02 El Henecán 03 El Amatillo 04 El Florido 05 La Ceiba 06 Tela 07 Las Manos 08 Guardatura Aérea Toncontin Instituto Hondureño del Café 09 Guardatura Aérea La Mesa Honduras 013 (IHCAFE) 10 La Fraternidad 11 Aguacaliente 12 Guasaule 13 El Poy 14 Guardatura Aérea Golosón 15 Guardatura Aérea Roatán 16 Trujillo 17 Amapala 18 Roatán 01 Mumbai 02 Cochin 03 Calicut 04 Chennai 05 New Mangalore 06 Tellicherry 07 Tuticorin 08 Raxaul 09 Jogbani 10 Nava Sava 11 Nartanwa 12 Jainagar 13 Rupedia 14 Bangalore 15 Kandla 16 Amritsar India 014 Coffee Board of India 17 Benapol 18 Sonauli 19 Bhairawa 20 Mangalore Airport 21 Hyderabad Airport 22 Salem 23 Visakhapatnam 24 Coimbatore 25 Bangalore Airport 26 Chennai Airport 27 Mumbai Airport 28 New Delhi Airport 29 Margao (GOA) 30 Kolkatta 31 New Delhi 32 Guntur © International Coffee Organization - 5 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 33 Hyderabad India (Cont'd) 014 Coffee Board of India 34 Unregistered port 01 Tanjung Priok 02 Surabaya 03 Semarang 04 Cirebon 05 Tegal 06 Panarukan 07 Bayuwangi 08 Belawan 09 Oelelheue 10 Langsa 11 Lhok Seumawe 12 Meulaboh 13 Sibolga 14 Padang 15 Palembang 16 Panjang 17 Ujung Padang 18 Buleleng Directorate General for 19 Benoa Indonesia 015 International Trade Cooperation, 20 Padang Baai Ministry of Trade 21 Sabang 22 Dumai 23 Tapaktuan 24 Reo 25 Samarinda 26 Ampenan 27 Bengkulu 28 Badao Sumbaya 30 Larentuka Flores 31 Tenau 32 Pakanbaru 33 Ende 34 Waingapu 35 Bitung 36 Maumere 37 Maumbawa ( Flores ) 38 Waikelo 39 Tanjung Pinang Jamaica 100 Coffee Industry Board 01 Kingston 01 Mombasa 02 Dar-es-Salaam Kenya 037 Coffee Board of Kenya 03 Tanga 05 Nairobi © International Coffee Organization - 6 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 01 Mahajanga 02 Nossi-Be 03 Antsiranana Service de la promotion des 04 Vohémar exportations, Ministère de 05 Sambava l’industrialisation, du commerce 06 Antalaha Madagascar 025 et du développement du secteur 07 Maroantsetra privé 08 Toamasina 09 Mananjary 10 Manakara 11 Tolagnaro 12 Aéroport d'Ivato 01 Beira 02 Nacala Malawi 109 Coffee Association of Malawi 04 Durban 05 Dar-es-Salaam 06 Blantyre 01 Acapulco, Guerreo 02 Agua Prieta, Sonora 03 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes 04 Altamira, Tamaulipas 05 Chihuahua, Chihuahua 06 Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche 07 Tampico, Tamaulipas 08 Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz 09 Tecate, Baja California 10 Tijuana, Baja California 11 Mexicali, Baja California 12 Manzanillo, Colima 13 Mazatlán, Sinaloa 14 Matamoros, Tamaulipas 15 Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila 16 Nogales, Sonora Secretaría de Agricultura, 17 Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas Mexico 016 Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca 18 Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacan y Alimentación (SAGARPA) 19 Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua 20 Ciudad Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas 21 Tuxpan, Veracruz 22 Puebla, Puebla 23 Puerto Palomas, Chihuahua 24 Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas 25 Queretaro, Queretaro 26 Reynosa, Tamaulipas 27 Piedras Negras, Coahuila 28 Subteniente Lopez, Quintana Roo 29 Toluca, Mexico 30 Colombia, Nuevo León 31 Salina Cruz, Oaxaca 32 México - DF 33 San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora 35 Ensenada, Baja California 36 Guadalajara, Jalisco © International Coffee Organization - 7 - ICC-106-3 Country Port Exporting Member Certifying Agent Port name code code 37 Guaymas, Sonora 38 La Paz, Baja California Sur 39 Naco, Sonora 40 Ojinaga, Chihuauha Secretaría de Agricultura, 41 Progreso, Yucatan Mexico (Cont'd) 016 Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca 42 Sonoyta, Sonora y Alimentación (SAGARPA) 43 Veracruz, Veracruz 46 Torreon, Coahuila 47 Aeropuerto Int.
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