© Lonely Planet Publications 393 Index A Bagan Myothit, see New Bagan Botataung Paya 100-1 accommodationABBREVIATIONS 336-8, see also Bago 147-52, 148 boycott, tourism 13-21 individualACT Australian locations Capital ballooning 179 bridges Territory avoiding government hotels 24 Bamar language, see language Ava 281 NSW New South Wales costs 338 Bamar people 37, 58-9 Bridge on the River Kwai NT Northern Territory government fees 20, 23, 338 Baronga Island 327 166 Qld Queensland joint ventures 337 bathrooms 352 Gokteik Viaduct SA South Australia Bawgyo 304 activities 35, 338-9, see also individual 300 Tas Tasmania Bayinnaung, King 38 activities Magwe 202 Vic Victoria beaches air travel 342 Mulashidi 314 WA Western Australia Chaung Tha 140-3, 141, 8 to/from Myanmar 355-8 Sagaing 281 Kanthaya 323 within Myanmar 359-62 U Bein’s 278 Maungmagan 171 Akauk Taung 201-2 British in Myanmar 39-41, 294 Myeik Archipelago 174 Alaungpaya, King 39, 88 Ngapali 319-22, 319, 7 Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha 30, Amarapura 277-80, 280 Ngwe Saung 143-5 36, 64, 65 Ananda Pahto 210-11 Paker 174 buddhas 71 Anawrahta, King 37-8, 205, 208 Pirate 320 Bodhi Tataung 289 ancient cities 277-86, 310 Setse 166 Mahamuni buddha 263 animals 82-5, 311 Sittwe 325 Mandalay Hill 260 Anisakan 299 Shwethalyaung buddha 147-8 beer 75 INDEX Arakan, see Rakhaing people Bhamo 309-12 Shwethalyaung Daw Mu 171 architecture 70-2 bicycle travel, see cycling Win Sein Taw Ya 164 arts 68-72, see also handicrafts & Bilu Kyun 164 Buddha’s birthday 30 museums & galleries Bird Island 144 Buddhism 63-5, see also monasteries Asean 19, 21, 50, 51 bird-watching 338 & monks astrology & numerology 54, 66, 187, 256 Ayeyarwady Delta 134 meditation 115, 164, 266, 341 Aung San 42-4, 104 Bago area 152 Burma Campaign UK 13-14, 15-16 Aung San Suu Kyi 13, 14-15, 16, Inle Lake 242 Burma Road 304 47-50, 51 Ngwe Saung Beach 144 Burma–Siam Railway 165, 166 Aungban 229 northern Myanmar 310 Burmese language, see language Ava, see Inwa boat travel 362-4 bus travel 364-5 Ayeyarwady Delta 133-46, 134 Bagan 179 bushwalking, see hiking Ayeyarwady River 34, 82, 307 Chaung Tha Beach 140-1 business hours 339, see also inside ferries 307, 363-4 front cover B Inle Lake 236, 242 Bagan 176-202, 203-20, 204, 6 rafting 339 C 1975 earthquake 206 Bogyoke Aung San 42-4, 104 calendar, Burmese 353 accommodation 180 Bogyoke Aung San Market 128 capital cities 41, 50-1, 88, 277 books 205 books 27, 29, 72, see also Kipling, car travel 365-7 Central Plain 212-14 Rudyard road rules 366 history 203-7 Bagan 205 casinos 253 itineraries 203 bookshops 89, 349 cathedrals, see churches & cathedrals murals 211 Bridge on the River Kwai 166 caves Myinkaba 186, 214-16 food 73 Hpo Win Daung 289 New Bagan 186-90, 217, 187 health 371 Kawgun 170 North Plain 210-12 history 37, 39, 200, 302, 328 Kha-Yon 167 Nyaung U 180-4, 219-20, 181 border crossings 355 Kyanzittha Umin 220 Old Bagan 184-6, 207-10, 184 China 307, 358 Maha Pasana Guha 101 South Plain 217-19 Laos 251 Padah-Lin 230 Bagan Min 40 Thailand 173, 253, 358 Peik Chin Myaung 299 394 Index (C-G) caves continued D Buddha’s birthday 30 Saddar 169-70 dance 68 Festival of Lights 279 Shwe Oo Min Pagoda 230 dangers, see safe travel fire-balloon festival 245 Tilawkaguru 283 Dawei 171-2 Hpo Win Daung Festival 289 Yathaypyan 170 de Brito, Philip 133, 286 Independence Day 30 cell phones 352 Dhammayangyi Pahto 213 Irinaku Festival 280 cemeteries Dhammazedi, King 38 Kengtung 250 Kyinigan Kyaung 148 diarrhoea 375-6 Mawdin Point 140 Taukkyan War Cemetery 146 diving 338, 376 Paleik 282 Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery 165 dolphins 311 Phaung Daw Oo Paya Festival censorship 70, 72, 345 donations 22, 25, 228, 333, 347-8 234 central Myanmar 176-202, 178 drinking 77 Pindaya 230 Chaukhtatgyi Paya 101 drinks 74-6 Rakhaing State Day 325 Chaung Tha Beach 140-3, 141, 8 beer 75 sea-gypsy festival 174 children, travel with 340 toddy 76 Shwemawdaw Paya Festival 150 Chin people 59, 333, 334-5 water 264, 376 Taungbyone 266 Chin State 334-5 driving, see car travel Thadingyut 234, 262, 266 Chindwin River 363 Thihoshin 191 Chinese temples E Thingyan 67, 171 Chan Tak Buddhist temple eastern Myanmar 221-54, 223 Vesakha 138 296 economic sanctions 21, 49-50 Waso Festival 283 Htyan Haw 161 economy 17-21, 55-6 Water Festival 67, 171 Kheng Hock Keong 103 education 55 Yadana Taung 165 Quan Yin Temple 305 electricity 337, 342 fishing villages 319-20 Yunnan Chinese Temple 310 elephant camps 145-6, 194, 310, 312 floating gardens 241 chinlon 58 elephant handlers 146 floating markets 240 churches & cathedrals embassies 344 food 73-4, 344 INDEX All Saint’s 297 emergency services 89, 337, see also books 73 Christ the King 224 inside front cover customs 78 First Baptist 161 endangered species 83-5, 311 restaurants 77 Mandalay 264 environmental issues 86 safe travel 376 St Mary’s Cathedral 104 ethnic groups 58-62, 222 street snacks 78 climate 27, 340-1 Bamar people 37, 58-9 teashops 77 central Myanmar 177, 277 Chin people 59, 333, 334-5 vegetarian travellers 77-8 eastern Myanmar 222 Intha people 236 forced labour 13, 49, 171, 262, 350, northern Myanmar 294 Kachin people 59-60, 294 361, 368 western Myanmar 317 Kayah people 60 forts consulates 344 Kayin people 60, 167 Mandalay 262 costs, see money Moken people 174 Sagaing area 283 courses, meditation 115, 164, 266, 341 Mon people 60-1, 154 Steadman 241 crafts, see handicrafts Naga people 61 credit cards 347 Paduang people 239 G culture 54-72 Rakhaing people 37, 61, 317 galleries, see museums & galleries customs 22, 55, 78, 354 Rohingya people 317 gambling 252, 253 customs regulations 341 Shan people 61-2, 222, 294, 302 gardens, see parks & gardens cycling 338, 362 Wa people 62 Gawdawpalin Pahto 207 Bagan 179 etiquette 22, 55, 78, 354 Gaungse Kyun (Shampoo Island) 161-2 Taungoo 193 events, see festivals & events gay travellers 344-5 Cyclone Nargis 49, 52-3, 58 exchange rates, see inside front cover gems 113, 272, 349-50 Ayeyarwady Delta 133, 134, 135 geography 82 Yangon 88 F gift giving 22, 25, 228, 333, 347-8 ferry travel 307, 363-4 Gokteik Viaduct 300 000 Map pages festivals & events 28, 30-1, 277, see gold leaf 271 000 Photograph pages also nat pwe & paya pwe Golden Rock, see Mt Kyaiktiyo Ananda Pahto 210 Golden Triangle 247-54 Index (G-K) 395 golf courses 20, 339 Bagan 203-7 Inle Lake 232-47, 233, 5 Bagan 180-1 Bago 147 accommodation 243 Kalaymyo 335 Bogyoke Aung San 42-4, 104 attractions 240-2 Mandalay 264 books 37, 39, 200, 302, 328 boat travel 236, 242 Ngapali Beach 320 British in Myanmar floating markets 240 Pyin U Lwin 297 39-41, 294 hiking 226, 236, 242-3 government, see junta & politics Burma Road 304 markets 240, 241 government fees 20, 329 capital cities 41, 50-1, 88, 277 swimming 243 accommodation 20, 23, 338 forced labour 13, 49, 171, 262, Inle Wetland Bird Sanctuary 242 avoidance 33, 261 350, 361, 368 insurance 345 trains 368 forced relocation 13, 15, 85, 171, health 370-1 Gubyaukgyi 214-15 174, 206 insurgents 154, 342-3 H human rights abuses 47, 49-50, international relations 18-21, 49-50 Halingyi 292 62, 229 internet access 63, 89, 91, 345 hamsa 147, 149 Inwa 281 internet resources handicrafts 348-51, see also gems & kings 37-40, 205-6, 208 health 371 shopping Mandalay 256 planning 29, 341 Bagan 185, 188 Mrauk U 327 politics 16 lacquerware 186, 290, 350 National League for Democracy Intha people 236 Mandalay 271 46-9 Inthein 241 parasols 139, 350 nationalism 42-4 Inwa 280-2 pottery 135, 292 Ne Win, General 45-6 Inya Lake 113 puppets 351 Polo, Marco 38, 82, 205 Inye Lake 140 tapestries 350-1 Pyu kingdom 200-1, 292 Irrawaddy River, see Ayeyarwady River weaving 241, 327 socialism 45-6 islands INDEX Hanlin 292 Than Shwe, General Baronga 327 health 370-9 42, 43, 50, 52 Bilu Kyun 164 books 371 WWII 42, 165, 166, 197, 304 Bird 144 diarrhoea 375-6 Yangon 88 Gaungse Kyun (Shampoo Island) infectious diseases 372-5 hitching 367 161-2 insect, snake & animal bites 342 Hkakabo Razi 314 Maungmagan 171 insurance 370-1 holidays 345 Myeik Archipelago 174 internet resouces 371 horse-cart travel 179 Ngapali Beach 320 vaccinations 375 hot springs Pataw Padet 172-3 Heho 231-2 Halingyi 292 Whitesand 140 hiking 228, 339, 340 Hu Pin Hot Springs 240 itineraries 32-5, 32-5 Hsipaw 302 Mya Shwe Ye 248, 250 Bagan 203 Inle Lake 226, 236, 242-3 Hpa-an 167-8 Inwa 282 Kalaw 224, 226, 227 Hpakant 309 Taungoo 193 Kengtung 250 Hpo Win Daung caves 289 Yangon 94 Kyaukme 299 Hsipaw 300-4, 301, 7 Mt Kyaiktiyo 156-7 Htoo twins 61 J Pindaya 230 Hukuang Valley Tiger Reserve 85-6, jewellery, see gems Putao 314 314 Jewish sites 103 hill-tribe people, see individual ethnic human rights abuses 47, 49-50, joint ventures 337 groups 62, 229 Jumping Cat Monastery 240 Hindu temples 103, 208, 298 forced labour 13, 49, 171, 262, junta 17-21, 45-53, see also human history 36-53 350, 361, 368 rights abuses & politics 1988 protests 46-7, 69 forced relocation 13, 15, 85, 171, censorship 70, 72, 345 1990 elections 47-8 174, 206 spies 24, 344 2007 protests 12, 51-2, 54 Tatmadaw 43 2008 referendum 53 I Anawrahta, King 37-8, 205, 208 In Phaw Khone 241 K Aung San Suu Kyi 13, 14-15, 16, Indawgyi Lake 310 Kachin people 59-60, 294 47-50, 51 Independence Day 30 Kakku 246-7 396 Index (K-M) Kalaw 224-9, 225, 227, 8 language 78-81, 380-6 Mingun Bell 285 Kalaymyo 334-5 Lashio 304-6 Mingun Paya 284 Kandawgyi Lake 104 legal matters 345-6 mobile phones 352 Kanthaya 323 legends 111, 136, 137, 155, 230, 260 Moeyungyi Wetlands 152 Karen people, see Kayin people lesbian travellers 344-5 Mogoke 299 Katha 312-13 literature, see books Moken people 174 Kaung
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