* * ’i n *11 uIJP ll I ]| HI*" ]| ROBERT E. MAY MARVIN WILLIAM SCOTT WINFIELD HASTY 4 R H. McCOMMONS WILLIAM H. CAMP JR. DANIEL E. FAISON IIIIIHIHtUBT *111111111111 . ill ...II Lii II ...II Iwl .. ...|| ! i ilMIIIIIIIII till Si Sh llll II SI llll 1,1 J| |y JAMES W. WHITBY GROVER WOODRUFF 2d LIEUT. ROBERT LEE MOORE |}|I||]||||||||||W THE ROANOKE RAPIDS ~ Volume xxix roanoke rapids, n. c. Thursday, may n, 1944 number 40 ;s; * 'Wild Man Rumor CONFIRMATION OF HIS DEATH Candidates To Be Voted On 5 A rumor that a “wild man” had In Election been on the loose in the Belmont Coming County /section the past tew days proved FINALLY COMES TO PARENTS ■▼A LUlupiclc lioi. ui Lanuiuatco i-vi to be none other than Frank negro. Devine, of county offices and for representa- Devine, slightly an unbalanced mind, was arrest- tive in the state General Assembly In The AFTER TWO YEARS OF WAITING Navy / ed Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff After a little over two of and State Senate was released to- Gray. He was taken to Roanoke, years Va., and placed in a hospital for in news came by Waverly White, chairman waiting suspense day the insane. the County Board of Elections. Joins Staff this week to Mr. and Mrs. James Most of the candidates are un- F. */.y.i May, 719 Jackson street, Roa- There is a contest, how- opposed. noke Rapids, that their son, Cox- ever, for county commissioner in EPIDEMIC OF swain Robert Elias May, of the the Weldon and Enfield districts. The list of candidates to be United States Navy, had died “in ^ted for on Saturday, May 27, action April 5, 1944.’’ follows: election day, is as GAS STATION The news was sent to the par- For State Senator—R. L. Apple- ents of young May by A. C. Jac- white. obs, commander, U. S. N. R., in For in the State Representative ROBBERIES the form of an official letter, part General Assembly—Irvin Clark. which •There apparently is an epidemic of reads: 4 Register of Deeds— Frank this jjFor station robberies “According to the records of W. Wilson. ET? gasoline filling bureau, you were informed on,*-/ For Commissioner, Lit- in Roanoke Rapids, three having County May 7, 1942, that your son, Rob- tleton district—D. G. Dickens. within the week. been entered past ert Elias May, coxswain, United For Commissioner, Roa- County First to feel the effects of the States Navy, was missing follow- noke district—J. P. Wrenn. Rapids thief or thieves was the Fred For- ing action in the performance of „For Commissioner, En- County rest Service Station in South Rose- his duty and in the service of his fold district—M. W. Perry and J. mary which was entered last epuntry. He was officially report- B. Davis. Thursday night between 1 and 8 ed missfng" in action as of March For Commissioner, Scot- County a. m. In this break entrance was 27, 1942, when the ship in which land Neck district—G. H. Johnson. made through the men’s rest room he was serving was long overdue For Commissioner, Wel- ^ County door. According to J. M. Butts, op- and presumed lost in the North don district — Allen Pierce and Hugh J. Kincaid, seaman 2/c, the someone en- Atlantic area. entered the service in August, erator of station, tUn Moinr Vioo rri von oaro. iJjade H. Mitchell. room before 1943. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tered the rest closing For Judge of Recorder’s Court— H. J. Kincaid, of Bowling road. time and unfastened the door from ful consideration to all the avail- Charles R. Daniel. Hugh attended Roanoke Rapids the inside, returning later after able information concerning the For Solicitor Recorder’s Court— High School and volunteered for the station was closed. In this disappearance of your son and has Wade Dickens. H. the Navy at the age of 16. robbery $14.52 in cash and a few Miss Elizabeth Foster, Health directed that his death be presum- For Commissioner Roanoke Rap- bottles of wine were stolen. Educator,, for Elkin, has re- ed to have occurred on April 5, District — M. H. * i£§ Sanitary Ed Jackson’s place was entered cently been added to the staff 1944.” R. E. and Hedgepeth, Cleaton, Jr., 14th To Tuesday night by someone enter- of the Edgecombe-Halifax Health “The department is aware of the M. C. Newsome. Company Dr. W. K. ing the place before closing and District, McDowell, anxiety that you have endured said Miss Foster, a Have Muddle unfastening, the window of the today. gradu- during these intervening months Fry, ate of Meredith College, taught in men’s rest room. In this break for news of your son and regrets 14 of the North Caro- the Elkin For the Company City Schools. was only a small amount of change that this conclusion of death past year she has been a gradu- lina State Guard, Roanoke Rapids, It is that PROMINENT was lost. ate student, in the School of Pub- necessary. hoped you a rock fish and mud- will give fry an comfort in know- Chief Dobbins said after in- lic Health at the University of may find the dle Friday night, May 19, in the vestigation, this break was made, North Carolina. She took her field ledge that your son was serving The feed will bigin at 6 N'HAMPTON Armory. he believed, by two small boys training in health education at his country at the time of his sharp. following sup- ■* Immediately about 10 and 14 years of age. He the Spartanburg County Health death.” Lieut. 4th service com- per Bailey, traced them to Emporia, Va., and Department, Spartanburg, S. C., Coxswain May, after having mand, U. S. A., will deliver a short under the of Mrs. in upon arriving there yesterday, supervision been reported as missing 1942, address. The 14th company will Eunice N. United States MAN IS DEAD (Continued on Page 12—Sec. A) Tylar, thus becomes the first actual Hali- then fall in for instructions and Public Health Education Con- Joe E. Brown, 71, prominent fax County war casualty. He was sultant. Northampton County merchant and movies by Lieut. Bailey. educated in the Roanoke Rapids farmer, well known in Roanoke Funeral Services High School, had served four years Rapids, died Tuesday morning at 1 Books in the Navy prior to his second 5 tJ’clock in the Roanoke RaJJids No. For. Geo. Williams enlistment in January, 1942. He Fitts, registrar of Roa- Hospital after suffering from a Henry Funeral services for George B. TRAIN-AUTO had seen service in China and the noke Rapids precinct No. 1, an- heart attack. Williams, former resident of Terra South Pacific area. nounces the registration books Mr. Brown, whose home was in and a brother of Mrs. Mary May visited his parents here for that precinct will be open on Ceia, is survived his were Christmas of 1942. He had Lasker, by widow, Saturday at the City Barber Wheeler of Roanoke Rapids, WRECK KILLS during one home in two and daughter, Mrs. Howard Out- Shop. held Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Wil- not been about la^, of Portsmouth, Va., and three liams died at the home of another one-half years. sons, Herbert Brown, also of daughter in Champaign, 111. Portsmouth, Lloyd of Rich Square, Wilbur Outland Is FIVE PEOPLE and Garland Brown of Murfrees- Five people were killed last Sat- boro; a brother, Lewis Brown, and Back From Pacific C. R. Morris Is urday in North Emporia when ASSOCIATION a sister, Mrs. J. J. Park, both of Wilbur Outland, with the Sea- the automobile in which they were Li jker ,also survive. bees of the Navy, is home after New Policeman riding was struck by a northbound Funeral services were held Wed- several months in the Pacific war C. R. Morris, former employe of Atlantic Coast Line train. DINNER MEET nesday afternoon at 4 o’clock with area. He will return to active duty the Rosemary Manufacturing Those killed were: Mr. and Mrs. interment in Conway. the last of this month. Company, and who also served for Johnny Rook and child, and Mrs. » ..- — — several months in the Merchant Pearl Clements and her 6-year-old Marines, has been appointed to the son. ON MAY 16TH K$nny To Raleigh, Surface Treat regular police force. Mr. Morris The sixth occupant of the ill- Mrs. Blair Gibson, secretary ot for a long time served as an ex- fated automobile, Clarence Clem- the Roanoke Rapids Merchants Jerome Here Third Street tra Officer. ents, is confined in the Roanoke Association, announced this morn- Steve Kenny, who has been pro- The Board of City Commission- Rapids Hospital seriously injured. ing that a dinner meeting of the bation officer for the second and ers at its meeting last week ap- Funeral services for the Rooks members of the association will be third judicial districts for some proved the surface treating of Half Holiday were held Monday afternoon. Mr. held on Tuesday, May 16. tilijt, has been appointed attorney Third street from Jackson street Rook is survived by his mother The meeting will begin promptly for the Burial Association Com- to the alley. Another matter Begins June 1 and four sisters, Mrs. Lewis De- at 6:30 p. m., and will be held in mission by Claude C. Abernathy. brought before the commissioners The stores in Roanoke Rapids, bage and Mrs. Tommie Norwood the Blue Room of the Rosemary Mr. Kenny will assume his new was the rat extermination problem following the annual custom, will of Roanoke Rapids, Mrs.
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