June 17, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1069 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO HONORABLE the per-child tax credit to $1000 from $500. Professor Ayala’s discoveries have revolu- ALFRED D. COOPER When fully phased in this new law will give 28 tionized the study of evolution by applying new million working American couples relief from techniques to the investigation of the evolu- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS the marriage tax penalty. This includes 54,000 tionary process. He has also made landmark OF NEW YORK couples from the Fourth District who currently advances in the treatment and prevention of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pay an average of $1,400 a year in extra worldwide diseases that have afflicted millions, taxes just because they are married. including Chagas’ disease and malaria. Pro- Monday, June 17, 2002 Unfortunately, because of the other body’s fessor Ayala’s advances are helping the med- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of arcane rules, the Economic Growth and Tax ical profession eradicate diseases that have the Honorable Alfred D. Cooper for his com- Relief Reconciliation Act will sunset in 2011. devastated communities in developing coun- mitment to pursuing justice. This is because under the Byrd Rule a point tries for centuries. The Honorable Alfred D. Cooper is a long- of order may be raised in the Senate against any tax reduction contained in a reconciliation Professor Ayala will continue to serve man- standing New York public servant. After re- kind by selflessly lending his time and effort as ceiving his bachelor’s degree in History and bill that reduces taxes beyond the window of the reconciliation bill, in this case ten years. a scientist to the war against disease, and as Political Science from Brooklyn College, Judge a teacher at University of California, Irvine. Cooper served in the United States Army. He The point of order can only be waived with the The national recognition of his outstanding later received a Masters Degree from the vote of 60 Senators. work is a special honor for UCI, as well: Pro- Brooklyn College Graduate School and a law Congress should not allow the marriage fessor Ayala is the UCI’s second recipient of degree from the Columbus School of Law at penalty to rear its ugly head again because of this award. On behalf of the United States the Catholic University of America in Wash- the Senate’s bureaucratic rules. The sunset House of Representatives, and all of the peo- ington, D.C. provision of the tax relief package defies the ple of Orange County whom I am privileged to Judge Cooper has served in the Unified original intent of the legislation and makes it represent, I congratulate Professor Ayala on Court System of New York for more than virtually impossible for people and small busi- his lifetime of achievements in the field of evo- twenty-five years. He started as a Uniformed nesses to plan ahead from a tax standpoint. lutionary biology. Court Officer and rose through the ranks to At a time when marriages are falling apart Senior Court Attorney. In 1999, he became at record levels, it makes absolutely no sense the first African American elected to the Nas- to require people to pay more in taxes simply f because they are married. This law will relieve sau County Court as a Democrat. IN HONOR OF SUSAN LUSTIG Prior to ascending to the bench, Judge Coo- families of this extra burden and provide them per served as the president of the Men’s Cau- with more money for their priorities, whether cus for Congressman TOWNS, president of the it’s college tuition, children’s braces, or a fam- District Court Arbitrators’ Association, vice- ily vacation. People should not be taxed dif- HON. STEVE ISRAEL president of finance and vice chairperson of ferently simply because of their marital status. OF NEW YORK Should the sunset of tax relief occur in the Metropolitan Black Bar Association, Inc. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has received awards from the Amistad Bar 2011, countless couples will face higher tax Association, and the 2000 Man of the Year bills simply because they said I do. Now is the Monday, June 17, 2002 Award from the Bedford-Stuyvesant Lions. He time to make tax relief for hard working mar- has also published a number of decisions in ried couples permanent. I urge my colleagues Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the New York Law Journal exemplifying an- to support this very important legislation. recognize Susan Lustig for her 15 years of other aspect of his fine record of service. f distinguished service as the Executive Director Mr. Speaker, the Honorable Alfred D. Coo- HONORING PROFESSOR FRANCISCO of the Suffolk Jewish Communal Planning per has shown outstanding dedication to the J. AYALA Council. community. I hope that all my colleagues will Susan Lustig embodies the heart and soul join me in honoring this remarkable person. HON. CHRISTOPHER COX of Jewish life in Suffolk County. Under Su- f OF CALIFORNIA san’s leadership the Suffolk Jewish Communal Planning Council has expanded in both stature PERMANENT MARRIAGE PENALTY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and influence. She has overseen the publica- RELIEF ACT OF 2002 Monday, June 17, 2002 tion of many editions of the Suffolk Jewish Di- Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- SPEECH OF rectory, the Suffolk Jewish Communal Plan- gratulate Francisco J. Ayala, Donald Bren Pro- ning Council’s signature publication. Addition- HON. J. RANDY FORBES fessor of Biological Sciences and Professor of ally, new projects have been developed under OF VIRGINIA Philosophy at the University of California, her tenure to meet the needs of a growing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Irvine. Today, President Bush will present Pro- Jewish community. These include the Suffolk fessor Ayala the National Medal of Science, Thursday, June 13, 2002 Anti-Bias Task Force, the M’Yad L’Yad-Help- the highest honor for scientific achievement in ing Hands assistance program, the Conver- Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong the United States. sion to Judaism Resource Center and the Suf- support of H.R. 4019, the Permanent Marriage Professor Ayala was bom in Madrid, Spain folk Jewish Community Kallah Education Pro- Penalty Relief Act. in 1934, and moved to the United States in gram. I wholeheartedly support ending the mar- 1961. Three years later, he received a Doc- riage penalty in the tax code. On March 8, torate of Philosophy from Columbia University. Susan is an avid supporter of strong U.S.- 2001, President Bush signed into law H.R. 3, Since this time, he has served on the faculties Israel relations. During the Israeli Teen Dele- the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act of of several universities across the country, pub- gation’s annual visit to our community, Susan 2001. H.R. 3 reduced income tax rates across lished over 750 articles, and written or edited escorted the delegation throughout Long Is- the board and made significant progress to- 15 books. From 1994 to 2001, he served his land. She continues to pledge her friendship wards reducing the marriage tax penalty. country on the President’s Committee of Advi- and support for Israel through her charismatic Among its main provisions, H.R. 3 increased sors on Science and Technology. He has nature and judicious course of actions. the standard deduction for married couples to been a member of the faculty at the University It is with great pride that I recognize the twice that of single earners and increased the of California, Irvine since 1987, and it has years of service Susan has given to her com- 15 percent income tax bracket to twice that of been my pleasure to represent him in Con- munity and bring her achievements to the at- single earners. Furthermore, H.R. 3 doubled gress for the last 14 years. tention of Congress. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 17, 2002 A TRIBUTE TO ARTHUR P. ties and outstanding accomplishments with his truism are both thriving. Irrelevant Week XXVII JOHNSON selection as Vice Director of the Defense Lo- is honoring Ahmad Miller, from the University gistics Agency. of Nevada at Las Vegas, who was the 261st HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS In his current capacity, Admiral Archer has selection in the 2002 NFL Draft. He is headed OF NEW YORK been responsible for aiding the effort to pro- to the Houston Texans, where—at six feet IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vide other Department of Defense Compo- three and a half inches tall and 320 pounds— nents as well as Federal agencies, foreign he has the potential to be a presence on the Monday, June 17, 2002 governments, and international organizations team’s defensive line, despite the scores of Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of with logistical support in times of war and players selected ahead of him. Arthur P. Johnson for his dedication to helping peace. Admiral Archer has contributed his ex- Such long odds do not dampen the enthu- others. pertise to the Agency most specifically by siasm of community leaders like Paul Salata, Arthur P. Johnson is a native New Yorker serving as the Agency’s knowledgeable au- who organizes this event. That’s because they whose professional and community service is thority regarding Business Systems Mod- recognize that all fame is fleeting, that humility guided by the philosophy of empowering indi- ernization, the most dynamic and important is a virtue, and that even the last round NFL viduals, families and communities to be self- project facing the Defense Logistics Agency.
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