TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL CENTRE 2585 King Rd., King City, ON L7B 1A1 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020 To Follow Council Meeting (Electronic Meeting during an Emergency, pursuant to Section 238(3.3) of the Municipal Act, 2001) Anyone wishing to submit comments, which will form part of the public record, may write to the Township Clerk at [email protected] by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the meeting in order that they can be circulated to Members of Council prior to the start of the meeting. Chair: Mayor Pellegrini Page 1. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM REPORTS Any additional items not listed on the agenda would be identified for approval. Motion to add the items to the Agenda. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda, if any Addendum Items - as amended. 3. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. DETERMINATION OF COMMITTEE ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Committee Chair will ask each Council Member if he/she wishes to separate any item(s) for discussion. Committee Chair will then ask if there are any persons present who wish to speak to any item(s) on the Agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Motion to approve those items which were not requested to be separated. All of these are adopted with one Motion. Page 1 of 27 6. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Chair will direct Committee to the first item on the agenda list which has circled initials beside it. Members of the Public, then Council Members who requested to speak to the item will be invited to speak, and then the floor is open to discussion by Committee or Council. 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT 9. AGENDA ITEMS JC DB JS BC DS AE SP 5 - 16 9.1 Correspondence Received from York Region Re: Resolution - Mandated Review of Regional Council Composition a) That Council receive the correspondence from the Regional Municipality of York; and b)That Council consider [supporting / not supporting] a By-law of Regional Council, substantially in the form attached, to change the composition of Regional Council by increasing the number of Members representing the City of Vaughan from four (4) to five (5). COW #1 - York Region - Mandated Review of Regional Council Composition COW #1 - York Region - Mandated Review of Regional Council Composition - Attachment - draft By-law JC DB JS BC DS AE SP 17 9.2 Correspondence Received from York Region Re: Motion - Study on Potential Creation of a Regional Fire Service a) That Council receive the correspondence from the Regional Municipality of York; and b) That Council consider [supporting / not supporting] the Regional Municipality of York on proceeding with a study on the potential creation of a Regional Fire Service; and c) That the Clerk notifies the Regional Clerk of Council’s decision by May 29, 2020. COW #2 - York Region - Regional Fire Service Study JC DB JS BC DS AE SP 18 - 22 9.3 Correspondence Received from York Region Re: Resolution – Transfer of Part III Prosecutions to the Regional Municipality of York Page 2 of 27 a) That Council receive the correspondence from the Regional Municipality of York; and b) That Council consider [supporting / not supporting] enacting the following Resolution: “WHEREAS the Province entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Local Side Agreement with The Regional Municipality of York and the nine (9) local Municipalities with an effective date of June 30, 1999, for the operation of the Provincial Offences Court, the prosecution of charges laid using the process under Parts I and II of the Provincial Offences Act, and the transfer of records, files, assets, revenue and financial arrangements, AND WHEREAS the Province intends to transfer the prosecution of charges laid using the Part III process under the Provincial Offences Act, along with all records, files and assets, through amending agreements to the Memorandum of Understanding and the Local Side Agreement, NOW THEREFORE Council of the Corporation of the Township of King hereby delegates authority to The Regional Municipality of York to execute amending agreements with the Province to amend the Memorandum of Understanding and the Local Side Agreement on behalf of the Township of King”. COW #3 - York Region - Transfer of Part III Prosecutions to YR (POA) COW #3 - York Region - Transfer of Part III Prosecutions to YR (POA) Att 1 - sample Resolution JC DB JS BC DS AE SP 23 - 26 9.4 Engineering, Public Works and Building Department Report Number EPWB-2020-10 Re: Preferred Timing for Blue Box Transition to Producer Responsibility a)THAT the report titled “Preferred Timing for Blue Box Transition to Producer Responsibility” (EPWB-2020-10) dated May 4, 2020 be received; and, b)THAT Council approve the timing for transition of the Blue Box Program to full producer responsibility for collection on December 31, 2025 coinciding with the end of the current waste collection contract; c)THAT Council authorize staff to continue working in cooperation with the Northern Six (N6) municipalities in providing Blue Box collection services on behalf of producers, through future long term collection contracts, subject to mutually agreeable financial and operational terms; and d)THAT Council authorize staff to communicate this resolution to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), to Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Caroline Mulroney, MPP for York- Simcoe, and the Regional Municipality of York. COW #4 - EPWB-2020-10 Page 3 of 27 10. NOTICES 27 10.1 Notice(s) Notice of Council and COW (Electronicparticipation)- May 4 2020.docx (1) Page 4 of 27 AGENDA ITEM #9.1 % RegionalClerk'sOf?ce CorporateServices February 28, 2020 . [,‘\‘J>/U?/K/é RECEIVED Ms. Kathryn Moyle Township Clerk MAR05 2020 Township of King 2585 King Road TOWNSHIPOFKING King City, ON L7B 1A1 Dear Ms. Moyle: Re: Mandated Review of Regional Council Composition On February 27, 2020 Regional Council made the following decision: 1. That Council add one member representing the City of Vaughan, with no further adjustments to be made to the composition of Council at this time. 2. That Council start the triple majority process as quickly as possible. 3. That the Regional Clerk circulate this report to the Clerks of the nine local municipalities. In accordance with section 219(2) of the Municipa/Act, 2001, the bylaw required to change Regional Council's composition is only valid if a majority of local Councils, representing a majority of all electors in the Region, consent to its passage. Therefore, the Region requests that your Council provides its consent by May 15, 2020 to a bylaw changing the size of Regional Council by increasing the number of members from the City of Vaughan from four to five. Pending the responses received from the local municipalities, Regional Council willhold a public meeting to consider the bylaw. Ifthe bylaw is approved, the change would be in effect forthe 2022 Municipal Election. The original staff report is enclosed for your information. TheRegionalMunicipalityofYork| 17250YongeStreet,Newmarket,OntarioL3Y6Z1 i-877—464~9675| Fax:905—895-3031| york.ca Page 5 of 27 AGENDA ITEM #9.1 Please contact me at 1-877-464-9675 ext. 71300 ifyou have any questions with respect to this matter. ’ Sincerely, Chr stopher Raynor Regional Clerk Attachments Page 6 of 27 AGENDA ITEM #9.1 TheRegionalMunicipalityof York Committee of the Whole Finance and Administration February 6, 2020 Report of the Chief AdministrativeOf?cer MandatedReviewof RegionalCouncilComposition" l. Recommendations 1. Council approve the timelines to complete the legislated review of Council composition as detailed in Attachment 1. 2. Council provide direction regarding its intent to change or maintain the number of its members representing eachlocal municipality. 3. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the local municipalities. 2. Summary This report seeks Council approval of the timelines to complete the review of Council composition, as required by section 218(6) of the MunicipalAct, 2001. Italso seeks Council direction on its intent to change or maintain its composition. Key Points: 0 The review is legislatively required and must be completed by December 7, 2020 o Council has the discretion to reduce, increase, reallocate its members or maintain the status quo o A triple majority approval is required inall cases a IfCouncil fails to meet the deadline, the Ministermay change the composition of _ Regional Council by regulation 3. Background The/liunicljoal/lcfrequires all regionalmunicipalitiesto reviewthe composition of their council,unlessthey enacteda changeto their compositionduringthe previousterm In 2018, the MunicipalAct was amended to require regional municipalities to review the number of members of its council that represent the lower-tier municipalities. Council can Page 7 of 27 AGENDA ITEM #9.1 either adopt a bylaw to change the number of members representing each local municipality, or a resolutionaffirmingthe current number of members. During the 2014-2018 Council term, Durham, Haltonand Niagara Regions all enacted changes to their councils’ composition. Niagara added an extra representative for the Township of West Lincoln.Halton added two members for the Town of Miltonand one for the Town of Oakville. Durham reallocated two members from the City of Oshawa, with one going to the Town of Ajax and the other to the Town of Whitby. Consequently, only the Regional Municipalitiesof Peel, Waterloo and York are required to review their compositions this term. RegionalCouncil’scompositionhas changedsinceits first meeting in I971 Originally,York Region's Council comprised 17 members including the Regional Chair. Table 1 details the changes that have occurred over the past 49 years. TableI HistoricalChangesto CouncilComposition Year Population No.ofCouncillorsAverage/ (excl.(hair) Member 1970 151,000 13 9,433 l ' 1973 232,333 17 13,696 1933 434,757 19 22,332 1 2003 355,000 20 42,750 2013 1,191,353 20 59,568 Councilhas recentlyconsideredfurther changesto its compositionA In 2013, Council considered motions to add an extra member from Vaughan and an additional member from each of Aurora, East Gwillimbury,King and Whitchurch-Stouffville.
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