Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 2015 The aS xophone Symposium: An Index of the Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, 1976-2014 Ashley Kelly Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation Kelly, Ashley, "The aS xophone Symposium: An Index of the Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, 1976-2014" (2015). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 2819. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations/2819 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized graduate school editor of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please [email protected]. THE SAXOPHONE SYMPOSIUM: AN INDEX OF THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN SAXOPHONE ALLIANCE, 1976-2014 A Monograph Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and AgrIcultural and MechanIcal College in partIal fulfIllment of the requIrements for the degree of Doctor of MusIcal Arts in The College of MusIc and DramatIc Arts by Ashley DenIse Kelly B.M., UniversIty of Montevallo, 2008 M.M., UniversIty of New Mexico, 2011 August 2015 To my sIster, AprIl. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sIncerest thanks go to my committee members for theIr encouragement and support throughout the course of my research. Dr. GrIffIn Campbell, Dr. Blake Howe, Professor Deborah Chodacki and Dr. Michelynn McKnight, your tIme and efforts have been invaluable to my success. The completIon of thIs project could not have come to pass had It not been for the assIstance of my peers here at LouIsIana State UnIversIty. To Gregory H. Vogler, your InsIghts and guIdance have made thIs project a realIty. I am forever grateful for your frIendshIp and support. To my “edItorIal board,” KevIn McMann, BrIan Dunbar-Kastella, CassIe Gen-chak, and Sam SchreIber, thank you for beIng my eyes throughout the editorial process. I would also like to thank the University of Southern Mississippi libraries, the Louisiana State University libraries, Dr. Lois Kuyper-Rushing, Dr. Carol Barry, and Jennifer Blackwell, editor of The Saxophone Symposium, for the InformatIon and resources that were made avaIlable to me durIng my research. FInally, I would lIke to express my deepest gratItude to all of the prevIous editors of The Saxophone Symposium: Walker Smith, Ronald Caravan, Thomas LIley, BrIan Ayscue, Brad Foley, James Dawson, Allyn ReIlly, Thomas Smialek, Stacy Maugans, and Jennifer Turpen. It is only because of the efforts of these people that thIs Important journal has been made possIble. III TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………....III ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...v INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 HOW TO USE THE INDEX……………………………………………………………………………………..4 PART I: ANNOTATED AUTHOR INDEX………………………………………………………………….8 PART II: SUBJECT INDEX…………………………………………………………………………………....68 PART III: INDEX OF REVIEWS…………………………………………………………………………...175 Publication Reviews……………………………………………………………………………....175 Recording Reviews………………………………………………....……………………………..201 Performance RevIews………....…………………………………………………………………208 APPENDIX 1: LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS...............................................................................211 APPENDIX 2: CHRONOLOGICAL LISTING OF VOLUMES……………………………………..216 VITA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..217 iv ABSTRACT The Saxophone Symposium Is the journal of the North AmerIcan Saxophone AllIance and Is a peer-revIewed academic publIcatIon. SInce 1976, its readership has enjoyed articles on a variety of saxophone related topics as well as reviews of contemporary recordIngs and publIcatIons. AsIde from these academic applIcatIons, The Saxophone Symposium Is an hIstorIcal account of some of the saxophone culture In North AmerIca and beyond. Academic journals such as thIs are invaluable to both students and educators, and the abIlIty to access the InformatIon wIthIn them Is vItal. PrIor to the dIgItal age, the majorIty of serIous academic journals have been archIved wIthIn bound collectIons, whIch are sometImes accompanIed by an Index of the materIals In each collection. It Is now becoming more common to fInd these materIals avaIlable through online databases such as The Music Index, WorldCat, RILM, and JSTOR. Unfortunately, The Saxophone Symposium is rarely available as a bound collection and is not fully archIved through digital databases. The accessibility of this Important journal Is dependent upon Its IndIvIdual prInt avaIlabIlIty, and there is no complete index of its content in existence. Saxophone as an academic study has not enjoyed the same long, rIch hIstory as other areas of the musIc dIscIplIne, but the output of wrItIngs, repertoIre and research materIals produced In our fIeld Is ImpressIve gIven the constraInts of hIstory. I belIeve It ImperatIve that the communIty of saxophonIsts should enjoy access to everything that The Saxophone Symposium has to offer. This project will provide that access. v INTRODUCTION The Saxophone Symposium is the journal of the North AmerIcan Saxophone AllIance and is a peer-revIewed academic publIcatIon. SInce 1976, its readership has enjoyed artIcles on a varIety of saxophone related topIcs as well as revIews of contemporary recordIngs and publIcatIons. AsIde from these academic applIcatIons, The Saxophone Symposium Is an hIstorIcal account of some of the saxophone culture In North AmerIca and beyond. Academic journals such as thIs are Invaluable to both students and educators, and the abIlIty to access the InformatIon wIthIn them Is vItal. PrIor to the dIgItal age, the majorIty of serIous academic journals have been archIved withIn bound collections, whIch are sometImes accompanIed by an Index of the materIals In each collectIon. It Is now becoming more common to fInd these materIals avaIlable through onlIne databases such as The Music Index, WorldCat, RILM, and JSTOR. Unfortunately, The Saxophone Symposium is rarely available as a bound collection and Is not fully archIved through dIgital databases. The accessIbIlIty of thIs Important journal Is dependent upon Its IndIvIdual prInt availability, and there is no complete index of its content in existence. The purpose of this project has been to catalogue the writings within The Saxophone Symposium in order to create an index of its contents. This process has consisted of spendIng tIme wIth each IndIvIdual Issue to determine whIch Items warrant IndexIng and then organIzIng those Items In a meanIngful way. It has not been my Intent to place value on the writings within the journal. The topic of exclusion will be discussed in section labeled, “How to Use The Index.” 1 The Saxophone Symposium has served multIple purposes throughout Its hIstory. In Its earlIest stages, the North AmerIcan Saxophone AllIance, or NASA, was conceIved as an extension of the World Saxophone Congress and The Saxophone Symposium an extensIon of The World Saxophone Congress Newsletter. The journal provIded news, announcements, and adminIstratIve correspondence between NASA and Its members In addItIon to scholarly writings and reviews. ThIs format was the standard for the fIrst 20 volumes of the journal. Prior to 1996, The Saxophone Symposium was published quarterly. All subsequent volumes have been published on an annual or bIennial basIs. The researcher should note that there are InconsIstencIes In the publIcatIon frequency and number of Issues wIthIn some of the volumes. AppendIx 2 provIdes a lIstIng of all years wIth theIr correspondIng volume and Issue numbers. Once the journal transItIoned Into an annual publIcatIon, the overall format of The Saxophone Symposium changed drastically. The earlier functions of the journal as a newsletter were completely phased out and the contents were restrIcted to scholarly wrItings, revIews and advertIsements. In addItIon to thIs major dIfference, the physIcal aspects of the journal were changed. As stated earlIer, The Saxophone Symposium has not been indexed or archived in its entirety. The data collection phase of this project revealed the existence of an indexing project. The InItIal Idea of creatIng volume IndIces of The Saxophone Symposium was started by BrIan Ayscue and Barbara A. ChrIstopher. Each volume Index was to be publIshed In the followIng volume. ThIs practIce covered the fIrst 16 volumes of the journal and was contInued by Allyn ReIlly through volume 20. Note that the exceptIon Is volume 18, whIch 2 was not Indexed. WhIle these IndIces are well done and InformatIve, the lImited avaIlabIlIty of The Saxophone Symposium has prevented them from fulfIllIng theIr purpose. Saxophone as an academic study has not enjoyed the same long, rich history as other areas of the musIc dIscIplIne, but the output of wrItIngs, repertoIre, and research materIals produced In our fIeld Is ImpressIve gIven the constraInts of hIstory. I belIeve It ImperatIve that the communIty of saxophonIsts should enjoy access to everything that The Saxophone Symposium has to offer. This project will provide that access. 3 HOW TO USE THE INDEX ThIs document In Its entIrety wIll be referred to as The Index. It is divided into three parts: an Annotated Author Index, a Subject Index, and an Index of Reviews. The Index should be vIewed as a fIndIng aId for the fIrst 35
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