Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office To place an order, please complete the ORDER FORM and email to [email protected] We endeavour to process your order within 10 working days; you will be informed if there are any issues or delays. There may be a turnaround time of up to three months if you order something not in stock. The Banding Office prefers not to process urgent orders during June or December. Numbered Metal Bands – metal and colour bands will only be issued to certified Level 3 banders. (Contact the Banding Office for the price and availability of BLANK metal bands for powder-coating or training) Internal Height Price per 100 Price per 100 Prefix Metal Comment diameter (mm) (mm) (excl. GST) (incl. GST) AA/AE 2.0 5 Aluminium C-shaped $16.00 $18.40 AP 2.3 5.5 Alum Alloy C-shaped $16.00 $18.40 A 2.5 5.5 Aluminium C-shaped $19.00 $21.85 BP 3.0 5.5 Alum Alloy C-shaped $20.00 $23.00 B 3.0 5 Stainless Steel C-shaped $24.00 $27.60 CP 3.3 5.5 Incoloy V-shaped $26.00 $29.90 C 3.5 5 Stainless Steel C-shaped $25.00 $28.75 CX 4.0 5.5 Incoloy V-shaped $25.00 $28.75 D 4.5 7 Stainless Steel C-shaped $29.00 $33.35 DP 4.5 5.5 Incoloy V-shaped $27.00 $31.05 Y 5.5 7 Stainless Steel C-shaped $30.00 $34.50 YP 5.5 7 Incoloy V-shaped $28.00 $32.20 E 6.5 10 Stainless Steel C-shaped $34.00 $39.10 H 7.5 10 Stainless Steel C-shaped $36.00 $40.25 T 8.0 9 Incoloy V-shaped $33.00 $37.95 K 9.0 10 Stainless Steel C-shaped $36.00 $40.25 S 10 10 Stainless Steel C-shaped $39.00 $44.85 SN 10 7 Stainless Steel C-shaped $39.00 $44.85 L 11 12 Stainless Steel C-shaped $60.00 $69.00 LN 11 7 Stainless Steel C-shaped $50.00 $57.50 LNc 11 5 Stainless Steel C-shaped, blank $50.00 $57.50 V 12 7 Stainless Steel oval $61.00 $70.15 W 13 7 Stainless Steel C-shaped $61.00 $70.15 M 14 12 Stainless Steel C-shaped $65.00 $74.75 O 16 12 Stainless Steel C-shaped $65.00 $74.75 R 19 12 Stainless Steel 1 mm thick $70.00 $80.50 R 19 12 Stainless Steel 1.25 mm thick $70.00 $80.50 RA 22 12 Stainless Steel 1 mm thick $80.00 $92.00 RA 22 12 Stainless Steel 1.25 mm thick $80.00 $92.00 X 8.0x3.5 7 Stainless Steel oval $26.00 $29.90 Z 11.0x7.5 10 Stainless Steel oval $40.00 $46.00 J Stainless Steel Flipper band $150.00 $172.50 P Stainless Steel Flipper band $130.00 $149.50 13 14 12 Stainless Steel old address $51.00 $58.65 19 19 12 Stainless Steel old address $55.00 $63.25 27 12 10 Stainless Steel C-shaped $50.00 $57.50 ABat 2.9 4 Metal Alloy Bat bands $62.00 $71.30 New Zealand National Bird Banding Scheme (NZNBBS) | PO Box 108 | Wellington 6140 | email: [email protected] P a g e | 1 Darvic/Celluloid Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office Coloured Split (Butt) Bands Internal Price per Price per 100 Material diameter 100 (excl. (incl. GST) (mm) GST) Darvic/Celluloid 2.3 $50.00 $57.50 Darvic/Celluloid 2.8 $50.00 $57.50 Darvic/Celluloid 3.1 $50.00 $57.50 Darvic/Celluloid 4.0 $50.00 $57.50 Darvic/Celluloid 4.5 $50.00 $57.50 Colour Material Darvic / Celluloid Use these colour codes when Code Internal Diameter (mm) 2.3 2.8 3.1 4 4.5 submitting banding data K Black ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Gr Grey ✓ ✓ We will be making DOC weldable colour bands of 3.1 and 3.75 mm ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ W White available once manufactured. R Red ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O Orange ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NOTE: Y Yellow ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ When ordering colour bands, please provide the following ✓ ✓ ✓ PP Pale Pink additional information: P Pink • Registered Project name NP Neon/Fluoro/Hot Pink L L • Species CP Crimson/dark pink ✓ ✓ • Locality of intended use • Colour banding schema: LPu Light Purple / Mauve ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ o number of colours used Pu Purple o cohort marking (e.g., birds of LB Light Blue ✓ ✓ ✓ particular year all have red over metal on left leg) PB Pale Blue ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ o number of colours on tibia, B Medium Blue ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ tarsus, left / right leg DB Dark Blue ✓ ✓ o used and proposed colour NG Neon/Fluoro Green combinations PG Pale Green ✓ ✓ ✓ L ✓ The Banding Office coordinates LG Light Green ✓ ✓ colour banding – you may be restricted from using certain colour G Medium Green ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ combinations if these have been used by another project on the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DG Dark Green same species within a given Br Brown ✓ timeframe or region that may Striped (2 colours) overlap with your proposed colour S ✓ combinations. several colour combos ✓ Have stock, can order more Limited stock, cannot order more L ✓ Have stock, cannot order more New Zealand National Bird Banding Scheme (NZNBBS) | PO Box 108 | Wellington 6140 | email: [email protected] P a g e | 2 Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office Material for wrap-around bands Cost per 10 bands for MATERIAL ONLY Band Thickness Height Price Price Salbex Darvic Material sold in bulk size * (mm) (mm) (excl. GST) (incl. GST) C $0.70 0.5 5 300mm strip (Salbex) $1.00 $1.15 D $1.00 0.5 7 Salbex sheet (~310 x 330 mm) $30.00 $34.50 Y $1.20 0.5 7 Darvic* 1200 mm strip $5.00 $5.75 E $2.00 0.75# 10 * While stocks last H $3.33 0.75# 10 # NOTE: You will need to make your own arrangement for K $3.57 0.75 10 # having wrap-around colour bands made by an approved S $3.85 0.75 10 "band maker". L $4.55 0.75# 12 M $5.56 1.0 12 Please contact the Banding Office if you need to be put in contact with a band maker. R $7.14 1.0 12 #Not all colours available Colours available in Darvic (while stocks last; contact the Banding Office for details) Red, White, Yellow, Green, Light Green, Grey Colours available in Salbex All Weather Notebooks Price Price Item (excl. GST) (incl. GST) Memo Pocket Field-Flex book 56 leaf/112 pages $15.00 $17.25 89mm x 127mm; no 374-M Hip Pocket Spiral 50 leaf/100 page $14.00 $16.10 105mm x 152mm; no. 146 Shirt Pocket Spiral 50 leaf/100 page $12.00 $13.80 76mm x 127mm; no. 135 Bird bags / bird weighing cones note: Price Price (incl. Size (mm) bags will shrink in wash! (excl. GST) GST) Calico Bird bag (small) 200x300 $0.80 $0.92 Calico Bird bag (med) 250x350 $0.90 $1.04 Calico Bird bag (large) 300x375 $1.00 $1.15 Plastic Weighing cone Small $10.00 $11.50 New Zealand National Bird Banding Scheme (NZNBBS) | PO Box 108 | Wellington 6140 | email: [email protected] P a g e | 3 Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office Pesola scales Price Price Weight (excl. (incl. GST) GST) 5g (limited stock) $50.00 $57.50 10g $105.00 $120.75 30g $96.00 $110.40 60g $96.00 $110.40 100g $96.00 $110.40 300g $115.00 $132.25 600g $115.00 $132.25 1000g $115.00 $132.25 5kg 2.5kg $117.00 $13.55 5kg (case: 39x 3.5x 3.5cm) $230.00 $264.50 10kg 10kg (case: 39x 3.5x 3.5cm) $233.00 $267.95 20kg 20kg (case: 39x 3.5x 3.5cm) $240.00 $276.00 Pliers Price (excl. Price (incl. Size GST) GST) Banding Pliers Small $54.00 $62.10 Banding Pliers Large $65.00 $74.75 Circlip Pliers Small $54.00 $62.10 Wing rules (made in NZ) Price (excl. Price (incl. Size GST) GST) 150mm $12.00 $13.80 300mm $20.00 $23.00 Dial Plastic Calipers Price (excl. Price (incl. Size GST) GST) 150mm $78.00 $89.70 New Zealand National Bird Banding Scheme (NZNBBS) | PO Box 108 | Wellington 6140 | email: [email protected] P a g e | 4 Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office Mist-nets Please note that mist-nets will only be sold to NZNBBS Level 3 certified mist-netters If the mist-net you need is not listed then please contact the Banding Office with your requirements as we may be able to place a special order with our supplier. Product Mesh Height Width Price (excl. Price (incl. Material Denier /Ply Shelves # size (m) (m) GST) GST) US Nets TQ06 30mm polyester 75/2 4 2.6 6 $170.00 $195.50 TQ09 30mm polyester 75/2 4 2.6 9 $210.00 $241.50 TQ12 30mm polyester 75/2 4 2.6 12 $270.00 $310.50 TH06 38mm polyester 75/2 4 2.6 6 $165.00 $189.75 TH12 38mm polyester 75/2 4 2.6 12 $245.00 $281.75 Japanese Nets JTX 30mm Nylon 75/2 4 2.6 6 $150.00 $172.50 HTX 30mm Nylon 75/2 4 2.6 12 $190.00 $218.50 GTX 24mm Nylon 70/2 4 2.6 6 $155.00 $178.25 Specialty Nets – limited stock THX12 38mm Polyester 75/2 2 1 12 $83.00 $95.45 RT06 60mm nylon 110/2 4 2.6 6 $104.00 $119.60 RT09 60mm nylon 110/2 4 2.6 9 $140.00 $161.00 CT12 60mm nylon 210/2 4 2.6 12 $168.00 $193.20 HF06 100mm nylon 210/2 4 2.6 6 $106.00 $121.90 HF09 100mm nylon 210/2 4 2.6 9 $142.00 $163.30 HF12 100mm nylon 210/2 4 2.6 12 $157.00 $180.55 DF506 100mm nylon 210/4 5 3 6 $127.00 $146.05 DF509 100mm nylon 210/4 5 3 9 $155.00 $178.25 DF518 100mm nylon 210/4 5 3 18 $244.00 $280.60 DV06 127mm nylon 210/4 4 2.6 6 $111.00 $127.65 DV09 127mm nylon 210/4 4 2.6 9 $136.00 $156.40 DV12 127mm nylon 210/4 4 2.6 12 $168.00 $193.20 CH18 38mm Nylon 50/2 4 2.6 18 $312.00 $358.80 HI12 25mm Nylon 50/2 4 2.6 12 $208.00 $239.20 Mesh 24 Mesh 30 12 x 12 15 x 15 Mesh 38 mm mm 19 x 19 mm Mesh 60 30 x 30 mm Mesh 100 50 x 50 mm New Zealand National Bird Banding Scheme (NZNBBS) | PO Box 108 | Wellington 6140 | email: [email protected] P a g e | 5 Price List Sept 2021: National Banding Office Bird Bander’s Manual This Best Practice Guideline is being revised.
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