www.apgnews.apg.army.mil Published in the interest of the people of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland November 1, 2012 Vol. 56, No. 44 APG fares well during Sandy Story and photo by ADRIANE FOSS Garrison Public Affairs As Hurricane Sandy pum- meled its way toward Harford County Monday evening, Aber- deen Proving Ground leader- ship and emergency essential personnel manned the APG emergency operations center, ensuring the installation’s safe and continued operation. “During any emergency sit- uation, but especially during a potentially catastrophic storm like Sandy, we are working 24 hours a day to ensure proce- dures are in place that address every situation from power fail- ure and storm damage to swift water rescue,” said Rick de Oliveira of the EOC’s Plans and Operations Division. “We want to make sure that, first and foremost, everyone is safe, and that residents and personnel are informed and know what to do as this storm wreaks its havoc.” “It’s been a challenging few days, but I’m incredibly proud of the way Team APG—Sol- diers, civilians and Families along with our local communi- ties, all came together through DPW crews worked around the clock to clean up storm debris and large tree limbs, like the ones that littered the area next to the garrison headquarters building. APG damages were mild and power outages short in relation to Hurricane Sandy’s impact up and See TEAM APG, page 11 down the East Coast. APG observes National Disability APG Tech Expo Employment Awareness Month Story and photo by displays cutting RACHEL PONDER APG News Team APG hosted the annu- edge in IT al National Disability Employ- ment Awareness Month Story and photo by cal Center/Corporate Informa- program Oct. 25 in the APG YVONNE JOHNSON tion Office and Federal Direct North (Aberdeen) recreation APG News Access Expositions, technology center. expos are held twice annually Hundreds of visitors viewed State’s Attorney for Harf- and typically draw large crowds the latest in Information Tech- ord County and Purple Heart interested in viewing the latest nology products and servic- recipient Joseph Cassilly was innovations. es during the Fall Technology the guest speaker for the event. The expo consisted of more Expo at the APG North (Aber- Cassilly is disabled and uses a than 70 vendors and by lunch- deen) recreation center Oct. 24. wheelchair as a result of inju- Hosted by the U.S. Army ries he received while serving Edgewood Chemical Biologi- See TECH, page 10 in Vietnam. He is an advocate on issues for the disabled, and has served on design teams for Baltimore sports stadiums and other large projects. In 2007, Cassilly was given a Legacy of (From left) State’s Attorney for Harford County Joseph Cassilly Excellence in Litigation from chats with HHC’s 1st Sgt. Paula Adams after the annual National Disability Employment Awareness Month program See HARFORD, page 10 held in the APG North (Aberdeen) recreation center Oct. 25. Karaoke, trivia contests LOL 2012 and more offered at Comedy Tour the Bowling Center coming to APG By YVONNE JOHNSON By RACHEL PONDER for all singing levels, gives APG News APG News you performing experience.” One of the highlights of The APG Bowling Center Beginning in November, APG’s Veterans Apprecia- is offering new activities and the Bowling Center will host tion Month activities will be specials this fall. an APG Karaoke Contest on the Laugh Out Every Saturday night, from Saturday nights. Singers who Loud 2012 7 to 11 p.m., free karaoke will wish to participate will need Comedy Tour be featured. APG Bowling to sign up at the Bowling planned Nov. Center Manager Lora Owens Center’s front desk during the 10 at the APG said that karaoke is a great night of the competition. The North (Aber- way to relax with Family and competition will be ongoing, deen) recre- (From right) Renee Alonso of AbilityOne Base Supply Center Blue friends after a long week. lasting several months. ation center. shows a brochure about privacy screens and other security prod- “It is a chance for people ucts to Carlton Daniel of ATEC during the 2012 Fall Technology “Singing is a stress reliev- Guests should prepare them- Expo. AbilityOne was formerly known as Office Eagle. er,” she said. “Karaoke is fun See BOWLING, page 11 See COMEDY, page 11 WEATHER INDEX ONLINE Pg 2 ...................... Opinion www.apg.army.mil apgnews.apg. Thurs. Pg 4 .......... At your service army.mil Pg 8 .. Mark Your Calendar apg.armylive. dodlive.mil/ facebook.com/ APGMd ICE system http://ice.disa.mil/ twitter.com/ USAGAPG Facebook, http:// on.fb.me/HzQIow flickr.com/photos/ 54° 41° usagapg/ MORE INSIDE Civilian Workforce Transforamtion PAGE 3 Continuing service to Army Professional Campaign implementation Military Super Suit Wounded Warriors beginning soon PAGE 6 page 5 page 7 2 APG News • November 1, 2012 OPINION Family Panel addresses exceptional issues ecently I had the opportunity important when planning and making travel; and Family support. much, but as an Air Force Family on to serve on a Defense Depart- a permanent change of station move. Ultimately, the outcome is to consol- an Army installation; such cohesion is Rment advisory panel deal- Some Families need support before idate these processes and make it eas- important and reflects a readiness issue ing with special needs issues across the the move to determine if services are ier for Families to maintain support for the military community at large. military. available for their particular special from location to location. Simple things Perhaps the hardest part of participat- The panel’s meeting last month in needs. Some find that they need Fam- like common forms, databases talking ing in these panels has been the expec- Alexandria, Va., was the third of its ily support assistance to navigate the to each other, more user-friendly web- tations of Families after it ends. It’s kind conducted by DOD’s Office of system when they arrive at a new duty sites to help Families as they transition hard to tell Families that their concerns Community Support for Military Fam- station. Contacts must be made with from one location to another, accessibil- were presented, but won’t be fixed right ilies with Special Needs, or OSN, in new school staff, to locate medical ity of information to understand how to now. As I’ve learned, the complexity of the past year to address the Exceptional providers and work with a variety of obtain care and support from available coordination and needed approvals at Family Member Program’s Family sup- offices to support providers on or off resources were all presented. the department or service level means port priorities. the installation. A TRICARE representative spoke change typically gets accomplished at The panel was comprised of Fam- During previous panels, we present- about the health care management one speed: glacial. ily representatives from all servic- ed Families’ frustrations with accessing activity’s efforts to improve communi- Despite more work to be done, mil- es, including active duty and reserves, information and services and confusion cation with Families and collaboration itary Families like mine with special and addressed communication issues about policy since each service imple- with OSN, such as simplifying online needs should see some direct bene- and concerns from military Families. ments a slightly different program. navigation. The representative discussed fits from the recommendations brought The event was chaired by Acting Dep- Lack of standardization and consisten- TRICARE’s Patient Centered Medi- forth through this panel, indicating the uty Assistant Secretary of Defense for cy at different installations were top cal Home, which the services are imple- importance DOD is putting on listening Military Community and Family Policy priorities. The panel listed as its three menting and eventually will address to Families’ concerns and working to Charles E. Milam. key areas for improvement consistency many of the panel’s issues related to act on their issues. As the father of three boys, one with of support, communication and health lack of consistency of medical provid- There are still going to be challeng- autism, I took my role in the process care. ers and timely access to specialty care. es with support and services in the short very seriously. In reaching out for input What I found is that much of the It places emphasis on personal relation- term, but the ball is rolling on lasting from Families through networking, work our panel initially identified and ships, team delivery of holistic care, improvements to make things better for meet-ups and even an unofficial online advocated for a year ago was taken to coordination across medical special- all our Families. survey, I found myself not only serv- heart by leadership and we are seeing ties and settings, and increases access to Air Force Maj. ing as the Air Force representative, but results. OSN recently completed the affordable care. also as a joint representative to all our first phase of an analysis aimed at stan- EFMP representatives from each ser- Nicholas Sabula Families. dardizing service support for special vice’s headquarters shared their efforts Defense Media Activity EFMP impacts a lot of Families, needs Families across DOD. The anal- to improve communication and out- Guest blogger Air Force Maj. Nicholas with enrollment mandatory for active ysis used a series of site visits to instal- reach, as well as awareness on adult-age Sabula is a communication plans offi- duty Families with a special need. lation-level, headquarters-level and any children or spouses with special needs, cer at the Defense Media Activity. He As of December, total EFMP service centralized locations dealing with per- respite care and other EFMP initiatives was selected to a 10-member panel member enrollment was projected at sonnel, Family support and assignment such as joint base support.
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