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' } UTTERA\ <7, '9 3 4 VOLUME 12 NUMBER 82 * Í/AHTED ^ Washington, Friday, April 2 5 ,1 947 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT authority vested in me by the aforesaid CONTENTS act of September 25,1941, do declare and PROCLAMATION 2729 proclaim : THE PRESIDENT That with respect to (1) works of citi­ Copyright E x t e n s io n : N e w Zealand zens of New Zealand which were first Executive Orders Page BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES produced or published outside the United Litigation arising under wartime OF AMERICA States of America on or after September legislation, conduct_________ 2646 3, 1939 and subject to copyright under Office of Temporary Controls, ter­ A PROCLAMATION the laws of the United States of Amer­ mination_________________ 2645 WHEREAS by the act of Congress ap­ ica, including works subject to ad interim Proclamation proved September 25,1941 (55 Stat. 732) copyright and (2) works of citizens of New Zealand, copyright extension. 2643 the President is authorized, on the con­ New Zealand subject to renewal of copy­ ditions prescribed in that act, to grant right under the laws of the United States EXECUTIVE AGENCIES an extension of time for the fulfilment of America on or after September 3,1939, of the conditions and formalities pre­ there has existed during several years of Agriculture Department scribed by the copyright laws of the the time since September 3, 1939 such Proposed rule making: United States of America with respect to disruption or suspension of facilities es­ Milk handling in Topeka, Kans., works first produced or published out­ sential to compliance with the conditions area_____________________ 2654 side the United States of America and and formalities prescribed with respect to Rules and regulations: subject to copyright or to renewal of such works by the copyright laws of the Office of Temporary Controls, copyright under the laws of the United United States of America as to bring such transfer of functions_______ 2647 States of America, including works sub­ works within the terms of the aforesaid Sugar, restriction on exports._ 2647 ject to ad interim copyright, by nationals act of September 25, 1941; and that ac­ Alien Property, Office of of countries which accord substantially cordingly the time within which compli­ Notices: equal treatment to citizens of the United ance with such conditions and formali­ Vesting orders, etc.: States of America; and ties may take place is hereby extended Emberger, Element_______ 2673 WHEREAS the Governor-General of with respect to such works until the day Exportkreditbank A. G_____ 2673 New Zealand has issued an Order in on which the President of the United Frey, Maria et al.__________ 2674 Council, effective from this day, by the States of America shall, in accordance Göhde, Anna_____________ 2677 terms of which treatment substantially with that act, terminate or suspend the Kalle & Co. Aktiengesell­ equal to that authorized by the afore­ present declaration and proclamation. schaft__________ 2673 said act of September 25,1941 is accorded It shall be understood that the term Kurtz, Emilie_________ 2675 in New Zealand to literary and artistic of copyright in any case is not and cannot Mayer, Herbert___________ 2673 works first produced or published in the be altered or affected by this proclama­ Miller, Fannie____________ 2677 United States of America; and tion, and that, as provided by the afore­ Monks, Jane Boynton____ 2677 WHEREAS the aforesaid Order in said act of September 25,1941, no liability Muller, Henry___________ 2675 Council is annexed to and is part of an shall attach under the Copyright Act for Muto, ShogO'_____________ 2675 agreement embodied in notes exchanged lawful uses made or acts done prior to Niemeyer, George W_______ 2675 this day between the Government of the the effective date of this proclamation in Riester, Katherine.._______ 2676 United States of America and the Gov­ Senger, Emil Max________ 2677 ernment of New Zealand; and connection with the above-described Yoshimura Sunao_________ 2676 WHEREAS by virtue of a proclama­ works, or in respect to the continuance for one year subsequent to such date Civil Service Commission tion by the President of the United States Rules and regulations: of America dated April 9, 1910 (36 Stat, of any business undertaking or enter­ 2685) citizenS'Trf New Zealand s, e, and prise lawfully undertaken prior to such Removals and reductions; re­ since July 1, 1909 have been, entitled to date involving expenditure or contractual tention preference for use in the benefits of the act of Congress ap­ obligation in connection with the ex­ reductions in force_______ 2646 proved March 4, 1909 (35 Stat. 1075) re­ ploitation, production, reproduction, cir­ Civilian Production Administra­ lating to copyright, other than the bene­ culation, or performance of any such tion fits of section 1 (e) of that act; and work. Rules and regulations: WHEREAS by virtue of a proclama­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Office of Temporary Controls, tion by the President of the United States unto set my hand and caused the Seal termination and transfer of of America dated February 9, 1917 (39 functions________________ ’ 2653 Stat, 1815) the citizens of New Zealand of the United States of America to be are, and since December 1, 1916 have affixed. Coast Guard been, entitled to the benefits of section DONE at the City of Washington this Notices: 1 (e) of the aforesaid act of March 4, twenty-fourth day of April, in the year Approval of equipment______ 2660 1909; of our Lord nineteen hundred Commerce Department NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. [ seal] and forty-seven, and of the In­ See also Foreign and Domestic TRUMAN, President of the United States dependence of the United S ta te s Commerce Bureau; Interna­ of America, under and by virtue of the (Continued on p. 2645) tional Trade, Office of. 2643 2644 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Foreign and Domestic Com- Pa&e Treasury Department Pa8e FEDERA^REGISTER merce Bureau See also Coast Guard; Internal Rules and regulations: Revenue Bureau. Office of International Trade, Rules and regulations: organization, functions and Customhouse brokers; revoca­ procedures; restrictions on tion or suspension of li­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, exports of sugar__________ 2648 censes __________________ 2651 and days following official Federal holidays, Surety companies acceptable on by the Division of the Federal Register, the Housing Expediter, Office of Federal bonds; Insurance Co. National Archives, pursuant to the authority Notices: of North America_________ 2653 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Consent orders: War Department proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Giangiobbe, James D_______ 2672 amended; 44 U. S. O., ch. 8B), under regula­ Grassgreen, William_______ 2672 Rules and regulations: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Rules and regulations: Drawbridges a c r o s s Turner mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Creek, Tybee (Bull) River tion is made only by the Superintendent of . Office of Temporary Controls, and Lazaretto Creek, Geor­ D ocum ents, G overnm ent P rinting Office, transfer of functions_______ 2648 gia______________________ 2654 W ashington 25, D. C. Suspension orders: The regulatory material appearing herein is Chilton, Ralph T., and Stone­ keyed to ..the Code of Federal Regulations, wall J. Webster________ 2648 CODIFICATION GUIDE which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Detroit Construction Co____ 2649 A numerical list of the parts of the Code to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Kurtz-Hodge Implement Co., of Federal Regulations affected by documents am ended June 19, 1937. Inc____________________ 2648 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as T he F ederal R egister will be furnished by opposed to final actions, are identified as such mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Wood, John H____________ 2649 in parentheses. per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Internal Revenue Bureau vance. The charge for Individual copies Rules and regulations: Title 3— The President PaSe (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Chapter I—Proclamations : Tax, excess profits______ 2649 size of the issue. Remit check or money ’2729_________ 2643 order, made payable to the Superintendent Taxable years beginning a’fter Dec. 31, 1941___________ 2649 Chapter II—Executive Orders: of Documents, directly to the Government 9705 1_________ 2645 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. International Trade, Office of There are no restrictions on the republica­ 9762 1_____________________ 2645 tion of material appearing in the Federal Rules and regulations: . 98091________________ 2645 Register. Sugar, restrictions on exports— 2653 i,9841 ________ 2645 Interstate Commerce Commis­ 49842__________________ 2646 sion Title 5— Administrative Person­ CONTENTS— Continued Notices : nel Potatoes at St. Louis, Mo.; re­ Chapter I—Civil Service Commis- Commerce Department— Con. Page^ consignment______ _______ 2672 ] sion: Rules and regulations: Mines Bureau J Part 12—Removals and reduc­ Office of Temporary Controls, Rules and regulations: tions ___ _________________ 2646 transfer of functions---------- 2648 Blasting units, multiple-shot 2650 Title 7— Agriculture Copyright Office Price Administration, Office of * Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary Rules and regulations: of Agriculture--i------------------ 2647 Rules and regulations: 4 Chapter VIII—Production and New Zealand, Proclamation Office of Temporary Controls,
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