ACADNIE DES SCIENCES SOCIALES ETPOLITIQUES INSTITUT D'tTUDES SUD-EST EUROPtENNES TOME XIX-19811 144° 2 (Aivril- juln) Problèmes de l'historiographie contemporaine Textes et documents EDITURA ACADEMIEI REPUBLICII SOCIALISTE ROMANIA www.dacoromanica.ro Comité de rédaction Réclacteur en chef:M. BERZA I Redacteur en chef adjoint: ALEXANDRU DUTU Membres du comité : EMIL CON DURACHI, AL. ELIAN, VALEN- TIN GEORGESCU,H. MIHAESCU, COSTIN MURGESCU, D. M. PIPPIDI, MIHAI POP, AL. ROSETTI, EUG EN STANESCU, Secrétaire du comité: LIDIA SIMION La REVUE DES ÈTUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES paralt 4 fois par an.Toute com- mande de l'étranger (fascicules ou abonnement) sera adressée A ILEXIM, Departa- mentul Export-Import Presa, P.O. Box 136-137, télex 11226, str.13 Decembrie n° 3, R-79517 Bucure0, Romania, ou A ses représentants a l'étranger. Le prix d'un abonnement est de $ 50 par an. La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues, etc.) envoyés pour comptes rendus seront adressés a L'INSTITUT D'ÈTUDES SUD-EST EUROPÉ- ENNES, 71119 Bucure0, sectorul 1, str. I.C. Frimu, 9, téIéphone 50 75 25, pour la REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPÉENNES Les articles seront remis dactylographiés en deux exemplaires. Les collaborateurs sont priés de ne pas dépasser les limites de 25-30 pages dactylographiées pour les articles et 5-6 pages pour les comptes rendus EDITURA ACADEMIEI REPUBLIC!! SOCIALISTE ROMANIA Calea Victoriein°125, téléphone 50 76 80, 79717 BucuretiRomania www.dacoromanica.ro lin 11BETUDES 11110PBB1111E'i TOME XIX 1981 avril juin n° 2 SOMMAIRE Problèmes de l'h,istoriographie contemporaine MIRCEA MU$AT, 60 Years since the Formation of the Romanian Communist Party 213 EUGEN STANESCU, Der Beitrag des Instituts Mr Sd.dosteuropäische Studien zur Ent- wicklung der Erforschung des europkischen Siidostens in Rumänien 219 NICOLAE FOTINO und ALEXANDRU CERNATONI, Der rumänische Beitrag zur Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit im Fla/linen des interna- tionalen Verbands fdr sildosteuropäische Studien 225 HERMANN GROSS (Mlinchen), Ziele und Aufgaben der Stidosteuropa-Gesellschaft in der Siidosteuropa-Forschung 231 VALENTIN AL. GEORGESCU, Der Beitrag der ruminischen Geschichtsschreibung zum Studium der Städteentwicklung, der Verstädterung und der Urbanisierung im Salosten Europas 239 WERNER GUMPEL (MUnchen), Gemeinsame Interessen der Bundesrepublik Deutsch- land und Rumäniens im Bereich der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung 249 MIRCEA N. POPA, Rumknische Forschungen betreffend das W Irtschaftsleben des europkischen Siidostens 257 HANS HARTL (MUnchen), Das Siidost-Institut 263 LIVIU MARCU, Rumänische Forschungen stidosteuropäischer ländlicher Soziologie 267 E. TURCZYNSKI (Bochum), Forschungen zur Geschichte Rumkniens an deutschen UniversItnten 273 CARL GOLLNER, Der Beitrag rumgnischer turkologischer Forschungen zur besseren Kenntnis des Osmanischen Reiches 283 STELIAN BREZEANU und TUDOR TEOTEOI, Byzantinische Studien in Rurninien 289 * ALEXANDRU ZUB, Histolre et anthropologic: la contribution de Mircea Eliade .. 301 CONSTANTIN IORDAN-SIMA, La Turquie kérnaliste et l'idée du pacte balkanique dans les armies 1925 1926 . 311 Textes et documents PAUL CERNOVODEANU, Le j ournal des travaux du Congrès de Karlowitz (1698 1699) 325 DORU MIHkESCU, La plus ancienne synthese roumaine des chronographes néo-grecs vénitiensdu XV 11°slide, III 355 REV. ETUDES SUD-EST EUROP., XIX. 2, P. 211-422, BUCAREST. 19B1 www.dacoromanica.ro 212 CATALINA VELCULESCU, Slavonic and Romanian Versions of the Collection of Texts entitled "Prologue" 369 EMANUELA POPESCU-MIHUT, Encore une preuve de la diffusion du Manuel de Lois rédigé par Michel Photeinopoulos en 1766 379 Comptes r end us G. IVANESCU, Istoria limbil romAne (H. Mildiescu) ; GEORGE G. MURNU, Rumä- nische Lehnwörter im Neugriechischen(Nicolae Saramandu); ALEXANDER XHUVANI, Vepra (Cd(eilinaWit4escu) 391 Europäische Volksliteratur. Festschrift fiir Felix Karlinger (Cdtillina Velculescu); TAH- SIN GEMIL, Tärile r om Ane in contextul politic international, 1621 1672 (Cristina Fenefan); SALO VITTMAYER BARON, A Social and Religious History of the Jews,XVII (Andrei Pippidi). 398 Notices bibliographiqu es 409 www.dacoromanica.ro Problèmes de l'historiographie contemporaine 60 YEARS SINCE THE FORMATION OF THE ROMANIAN COMMUNIST PARTY MIRCEA MUMT On the8thof May 1921, the participants to the Congress of the Socialist Party decided to form the Romanian Communist Party. The new party became thus the continuator of the Romanians' struggle for social and national freedom and of the revolutionary fights of the workers' movement. This movement, born directly from the social and political Romanian realities, was deeply rooted in the millenary history of the country and was inspired by the devotion to the vital interests of the Romanian people. As an organisation, it expressed the need felt by the working class and by the democratic and progressive forces at the end of the19thcentury to have a political force which could lead them in their fight for freedom and democratical rights, for better living standards, for ensurine national unity, sovereignty and independence. It is a well-known. fact that compared to other countries in Central and Western Europe, where the capitalist relations had expanded ever- since the end of the17thand the beginning of the18thcenturies, in the Romanian Countries the capitalist economic and socio-political develop- ment was for a long time hindered by several internal and external facts. The difficulties and adversities were cau.sed by the foreign domination and by the destruction or the transfer of inumerable material and spiri- tual goods which belonged to this people. But despite all hindrances, the objective necessities of the socio-economic and political development determined the emergence of production relations of a capitalist type and along with these of the wage-earning workers. The process started in the mid18thcentury and continued ever more conspicuously at the beginning of the 19 tu century with the creation of the manufactures and the first factories. The formation of the capitalist mode of production and of its two characteristic social classes the middle-class and the proletariate was speeded up by a series of important events and social changes such as the revolution. of 1821, the bourgeois democratic revolution of 1848 1849, the Union of the Romanian Principalities and the formation of the Romanian modern national state (1859), the state independence of 1877. The RomInian proletariat° came into being and was formed in that period and from the very beginning was in the forefront of the s ocial- political movement for modernisation and progress of the country.ocial and national freedom were looked upon as organically connected ideals. REV. gTUDES SUD-EST EUROP., XIX, 2,P. 213-218, BUCAREST, 1981 41 www.dacoromanica.ro 214 MIRCEA MU$AT 2 Starting with the first labour on which shed light the documents of the late 18th and earlyconflicts'uth centuries and continuing with those which took place in mines and salt mines, the workers adopted in the second half of the 19e' century organized forms of struggle. The spirit of fight which had inspired the first spontaneousmanifestations lead, as it continuously grew, to various attempts to organize the working class. The Association of printers was founded in 1843 in Brasov and was followed in the coming decades by working associations in Bucharest, Timisoara, Jassy, Cluj, Galati, Braila, etc. In 1872 already, there were 51 professional associations of the workers. This smoothed the way for the creation in October 1872 of the General Association of All the Workers in Romania, one of the oldest working organization in the world. The socialist movement appeased and developed in Romania at the same time with the process of professional organization and of growth of the strike movement. The process of interpenetration of the socialist movement with the workers' movement was the beginning of a new qualitative leap in the fight between capital and labour and supported a great deal the capacity to rally the proletarian forces. The socialist ideas found audience in Romania even since their uto- pical forms and manifested themselves in such original forms as the crea- tion in 1835 by the innitiative of Teodor Diamant of the Scaieni Prahova phalanstery. The ideas of scientific socialism and the marxist ideas found a propicious soil in this country, where the revolutionary movement took over the ideas of some Romanian progressive thinkers such as Nicolae Balcescu, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Simion Barnutiu, Cezar Bolliac and many others who were inspired by the revolutionary traditions of the Romanian people. The Romanian revolutionary movement also developed in close connection with the international revolutionary movement. It is under these conditions that in 1868 1870 the first socialist organizations were set up. Their activity was parallel to that of the professional workers' associations. Thus, for instance, four years only after the creation by Marx and Engels of the First Internationale, the General Workers' Asso- ciation was founded in Timisoara. It was an organization of a definite political profile and it was affiliated to the First Internationale. Starting with the eighth decade of the last century in Bucharest and Jassy, and afterwards in other towns of Romania, the first socialist clubs were set up. They carried on an active organization and propaganda life. They issued several publications of which the most penetrating were "Socialistul"
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