TABLE TENNIS NEWS Published on the 1st of each month, October to May inclusive. Postal 8th European Championships subscriptions £1 for eight issues post free. Only in his quarter-final meeting Advertisements: Derek R. Tremayne, BENGTSSON YET AGAIN with Stanislav Gomozkov did the General Secretary, E.T.T.A., 26-29 F'alkenberg left-hander meet with any Park Crescent, London. W1 N 4HA. real resistance when the Soviet No. 1 'Phone 01-580 6312 by GEORGE R. YATES obtained 19 points in the first game and won the second. F'rom then on, Circulation: North - David R. however, the Russian tumbled down Wolstencroft, 11 Aireworth Street, tne slippery slope to defeat. Wingates, Westhoughton, Lanes. 'Phone: Westhoughton "'iO'21 It was a slope which, seemingly, obsessed the mind of Yugoslavia's South - Ron Smith, Greenacres, Anton Stipancic whose semi-final Pinchington Lane, Newbury, Berks. meeting with Bengtsson was the 'Phone: Newbury 3488 biggest (non-event' of the champion­ Distribution: Mrs. E. D. Yates, 43 ships. The longer this one-sided set Knowsley Road, Smithills, Bolton, went, the fewer the spectators left to Lanes. BL1 6JH 'Phone: Bolton witness Stipandc's abject perfor­ mance. I have seldom witnessed a 42223. towel thrown in at such an early Editorial: George R. Yates, 43 stage. Knowsley Road, Smithills, Bolton, First shock result of the event was Lanes. BL1 6JH 'Phone Bolton the victory of Jean P'aul Weber 42223 (h) 061-228 2141 Ext: 2698 (France) over eighth seed Milivoj (b). Karakasevic, the Yugoslav pen-holder in Round 1 (-12, 13, 17, 22). But, in the very next round, the Frenchman went under to Poland's Witold Restoration Woznica. Ingemar Vikstrom also indulged in The nealr milracul,ous outco'me of a spot of giant killing when, also at our European League me,eting with the first flight of hurdles, the young Hungary alt Sourthend on Aprill 24 Swede disposed of the experienced should, in no way, be interpreted Rozsas. a,s a ca,se of when it cOrme:s to the Sixth seed, Dragutin Surbek, a 'crunch' we are equall to the task. former champion, took his leave when beaten by Federal Germany's Wilfried Without wishing to detrarct fro,m Champion Stellan Bengtsson still looks grimly determined as he Leick. Otherwise it was the seeds who the 'Performancels of Denis Neale and quits the ar!ena aIte'r beating Istvan Jonyer in the final of the men's singles. dominated to their allotted positions Jnl Halmmlers,lelY in pa1rti:cular, the fact in Round 4 (last sixteen). that Hung,a'ry had nothing to plaly Again it was Hungary in the Commendable indeed was the never­ It was in this round that for could weU ha:ve belen a, con~ women's doubles event when the fast say-die spirit of Sweden's I8-years-old Vandewalle's defence finally crumbled, tributory facto'r to the surprise result rising Henriette Lotall:eir and Judit Stellla1l BengtsiSon which enabled hinl when put to the test by Bengtsson; obta!ined. Magos crashed their way past the to cement the jewel of the European Vikstrom's gallop was stopped by J iri men's singles title to his World crown Anglo-Hungarian pairing of Jill France, it wiU, be recaU,ed, beat us Turai: England's Denis Neale beat when, in Rotterdam's Energiehal on Hammersley and Miss Kishazi. Leick, and Istvan Korpa knocked out 6-1 in Troyes and yet it i,s the'y April 22, he shrugged off the indignity And, for the third successive time, and not us who take the plunge! the second favourite, Sweden's Kjell of being 1-2 down to Istvan Jonyer in the mixed, the Soviet Union's Johansson, another former champion. to beat the fair-complexioned Hun­ Stanisll.av Gomozkov and Miss Halving thus esca1ped relegati,on by garian 3-2. Rudnova captured the title when But what of the happe11lings in ,the the sl!endere.st of ma;rgins, it now finally opposed by Sweden's Bengtsson previous round when J ohanssolll Russia's Zoya Rudnova retained her ~efused beho'ves us to a1tte1mpt the relstora­ women's singles title-last won in her and Lena Andersson. to play with ball after ball tion of our own house with al view and was eventually scratched from native Moscow-when she put down M,EN'S SINGLES to el'iminalting a I:ike situation the challenge of Hungary's Beatrix the event by German refe:ree Hans developing next season. In reaching the final, Bengtsson Giesecke? Kishazi in majestic fashion. had swept aside, in straight games, Jonyer made up for his singles loss No less than 33 balls were rejected Undelr considelratiion is the ra­ such comparative minnows as Marcel as unsuitable by the Swedish ace when, in partnership with Petetr introducti'on of an el:ite squad, but Scheibel (Luxembourg), Bert Onnes before Kollarovits was given a walk­ Roz,sas - substituted for the absent with much stiffer qualificati,ons for (Netherlands), former England junior, over, a decision that precipitated pan­ Tibor Klampar-the Hungarian pair continued me,mbership than hithe,rto. Paul Guttormsen-now Norway's No. demonium. Likewise it should aillso, entaill some just got the better of Bengtsson and 1 and Norbert Vandewalle rewards. Kjell Johansson of Sweden in the (Belgiurn), surprise conqueror of the Pressmen from all corners of the men's doubles. Czech, Milan Orlowski. hall converged on Christer Johansson, Dedi;cartilon and se:lf-di1scipline will Sweden's non-playing captain, whose be two of the attribute1s cal,led for, decision to withdraw all his players from the championships and return, together with an apparent awarene'ss ROLL OF HONOUR -so much la'eking of I'a,te-of the there and then, back home ! need to put one,'s country be,fo,re Men's Singles Women's Singles REINSTATED self. But, a subsequent get-together of STELLAN BENGTSSON ZOVA RUDNOVA E:r.T.U. officials brought about a (Sweden,) (U.S.S.R.) reinstatement of Johansson and, after ENGLISH TABLE TENNIS a lapse of two hours, the set finally ASSOCIATION Men's Doubles Wo,men's Doubles got under way when it became the turn of Kollarovits to quit the scene, Patron: Her Majesty the Queen ISTVAN JONVER HENRIETTE LOTALLER irrevocably in his case. President: A. K. Vint, O.B.E. PETER ROZSAS JUDIT MAGOS En.gland's main standard beare!r in (Hungary) (Hungary) this evenrt was Neiale who, following Life--Vice-Presid ent: early victories over Jim O.OOS Hon. Ivor Montagu Mixe!d Doubles (Luxembourg) and Pavel Ovcarik (Czecho) then got down to real Chairman: C. M. Wyles STANISLAV GOMOZKOV and ZOVA RUDNOVA business in disposlin.g of Bo Persson Deputy Chairman: G. R. Yates (U.S.S.R.) and Leick. Hon. Treasurer: T. Blunn Against J onyer, however, in the Men's Team quarters, the Yorkshireman had no Management Committee: Women's Team answer to the sweeping top spin drives I. R. Crickmer, M. Goldstein, SWEDEN HUNGARY which were faultlessly executed by the L. Hoffman and K. Watts super-charged Hungarian. Page 2 Worthy of mention were the per­ MIXED formances of Petra Stephan (DDR) Nicky Jarvis and Linda Howard in beating Carmen Crisan, and formed the only English pairing to Henriette Lotaller's victory over reach Round 3, losing to P'ersson and Agnes Simon. Also creditable was the Radberg, whereas in Round 2 Nealej win of Asta Gedraitite over Lena Mathews lost to StipancicjAlexandru, Andersson. and Hydes/Hammersley went out to Champion Zoya Rudnova was never O'r10wskijVostova. Miss Hession was extended beating, in straight games, denied a run in this event when her Dolores l]ribe (Spain), Eva J eler partner, Gasthy Oth, failed to make (\:"7' ugoslavia) , Stephan, Grofova, the trip from Luxembourg. Alexandru and Kishazi. CO,NSOLATIO'NS Miss Kishazi too had 3-garne successes over Ellen v. d. HeInl England had three runners in the (Holland), Danuta Calinska (Poland), consolation men's event with Alderson Edit Wetzel (Fed. Germany) and the most successful in reaching Round Federova before dropping her' first 3. After beating Bert v. d. Helm game to Vostova in the semis. (Holland) and Nicholas Kostopoulos (Greece), the Ormesby youngster fell, MEN'S DOUB,L,ES in straight games, to Austria's Rudolf I-I yde~8 and J arv'is had a trerneindous Weinmann. Witl in Round 3 of the men's doubl,e:s Nicky Jarvis fell in the second when they ,eliminated the Yugoslavs" round to the ultimate winner, Ovcarik Advice that wasn't heeded is give'n by Hungary's non-playinig captain Zoltan B,erczik to his charge J on,ye'r. Bolh Trevor Taylor and Alan Hydes Jill had earlier accounted {or reached Round 3, 1he former falling Poland's Czeslawa Noworyta and 10 Gonl0zkov and the latter, also Federal (~ermany's Wiebke Hendrik­ playing second fiddle, seen off by sen, having been in receipt of a first Korpa. round bye. Nicky ] arvis had the rnisfort une to Karenza Mathews, similarly not encounter Zlatko Cordas in Hound 2 engaged at the outset, began with a after the Yugoslav No. 5 had good win over Jitka Karlikova but seemingly breakfasled on a diel of was then overpowered by Svellana nil roglycerine and iron filings! Snod­ Federova. ing his way down eilher wing, and hitting the ball with the velocity of This pattern was repeated by Linda a flame thrower, Cordas really burnt Howard as she opened her account off the challenge of Ormesby's pride by beating Denmark's Susanne and joy.
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