F.No. 7-72019-IS-4 Government oflndia Ministry of Humatr Resource Development Department ofSchool Education & Literacy IS-4 Section Dated the 19th July, 2019 Subject- Samagra Shiksha - Meetitrg of the Proiect Approval Board (PAB) hekl on 12th June,2019 to consider the Annual Work Plan and Budget (A!VP&B) for the year 2019-20 for the State ofJammu & Kashmir - Circulrtion of Minutes' The meeting of the Project Approval Board of Samgra Shiksha Abhiyan was held on l2th June, 2019 ;der the Chaima.ship of Senetary (SE&L), MERD in New Delhi to consider the Annual wolk Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2019-20 for the State of Jammu & Kashmir. 2. A copy ofrhe PAB mirutes duly approved by the Secretary (SE&L) for the State of Jammu & Kashmir is enclosed. (Rajesh K u ) Under Secretary to the Govemment of a Tel No- 011-23384501 Email-rajmaurya2003 @Tediffmail.com To I Shri Rabindra Panwar, Secretary, Miifstry of w & C.D 2 Shri Heeralal Samariy4 Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment 3 Ms. Nilam Sawhney, Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowernent. 4 Shri Deepak Klnndekar Secretary, Ministry ofTdbal Affairs 5 Shri Paxameswaran Iyer, i""*".y, VU."y- oi orinting Water & Sanitation, 4d' Floor, Paryavaran Bhavaq CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003' 6 Shri Sailesh Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs, t 1th Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-l10003 7 Ms. Shakuntala D. Gamlin, Secretary, Department of Empowerment of Persons With Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 8 Dr. Punam Srivastava" Dy. Adviser (Education), NITI Aayog 9 Prof. Hrushikesh SenaPatY Director, NCERT 10 Prof. N.V. Varghese, Vice Chancellor, NIEPA 1l Ms. Anita Karwal, Chai4erson, NCTE, Hans Bhawan, Wing II, I Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 1 1 0002 12. Prof. Nageshwar Rao, Vice Chancellor, IGNOU, Maidan Gafii, New Delhi l3 Ms. Geeta Narayan, Member secretary, NCPCR, 5th Floor, Chanderlok Building' Janpath. New Delhi 14. Sh. Maneesh Garg, JS(SS-[), MHRD 15. Shri Sanjay Kumar, Joint Secretary (SE-II Bueau), MHIID 16. Sh. Ramchandra Meena, JS(MDM), MHRD 1',7. Shri Rajib Kumar Sen, JS & EA, MHRI) 18. Ms. Darshana M Dabral, JS & FA, MHRD 19. Shri Sachin Sinh, Joint Secretary (AE & Coord), MHITD 20. Ms. R. Savittui, DDG ( Stats.), SE&L, MHRD 2t The Secretary (Education), Govemement ofJ&K, Civil Sesetarait, Srinagar' The State Project Director, Samagra Shikshe' Govemement of J&Il Srinagar Copy to l. All Director/Ds in SS-I & SS-ll Bureau 2. ShIi G. Vijay Bhaskar, Director (MDM). 3. All Under Secretaries in SSI & SSII Bureau' 4. NIC(for request to upload the PAB Minutes on Shagun Portal) 5. TSG Consultants Copy for infomation to:- 1. PPS to Secy (SE&L) 2. PPS to JS (SE.l) (R.jesh ) U[der Secietary to the Govemment of India Tel No- 011-23384501 Email-mj mauryr003 @rediffmail.com Government oflndia Ministry of lluman Resource DeveloPment DepartEetrt of School Education and Literacy 2019 to Mitrutes of the meeting of the Project Approval Board held on 12th Jutre consider the Annual Work Platr & Budget (AWP&B) 2019-20 of Samagra Shiksha for the State ofJammu & Kashmir l. Introduction Work Plan and The meeting of the Project Appoval Board for considering the Annual & Kashmir Budget (AWP&B) 2019-20 for SAMAGRA SHIKSHA for the State ofJammu at **"h"ta on l2tb June 2019- The list of participants who attended the m€eting is attached Ainexure-L 2. Itritiatives ofthe State presentation on school Ms. Rina Ray, Secretary (SE&L) invited Jammu & Kashmir to give a (JAMMU KASHMIR)' gavc a cducation in the State. Smt. Sarita Chauhan, S€crctary & presentation which included the following major points: ].seasonalcentres:Accesstoschoolingfacilitiesforthenomadicpopulationhas ."-uin"a priority of the state Siasonal Cenhes have b€en provided for the ,f*ura green p"prl",li'l arring its migration from one place to another.in search of ""riir" the yea; 2016-18, a total no' of 29274 ch^ildren belonging to ,"r*r"t-'or.irg centres ft""r"ai" p"prir1", .iGujjar & Bakerwals was covered underl376 seasonal the year 2018-19" Ly lrgugiig'rssz s"u*naiEducation volunteers for E-Leartring Trainitrgs: E-Leaming tmining was designed for ll. "m""rrii"gil-"." lll-,tl:challenge '"u"h"o was of " *r," aie not very famlliar with-computers The major of technolory' Srate provided training to i.""r.ir*ir," iigiai v .fteacheri towards use almost 34000 teachers in the year 2016-17' III'JammuatrdKashmirkllowledgenetwork(JKKN):JKKN(ww*jkkn'co.in)beganworld of ia"" schoils ofJammu and Kashmir with the outside *irf, -utilized and ", jfiN"il*"*ting has existing ICT infiasrructure in the schools tr"*i"ig" conferencing tools' than 200 schools with eich other' using Video ;;;;;;;'J.";" schools include various CAL centres approved undet ssA' and.lcT 11'.;;"i*i; from ,ra". nf,aSa 500+ schools connected for 2-way interactive lectures with focus on "or-r"i though JK Knowledge Nelwork (wwwikkn co in) uil"r, ift" *oda to Sp""il. topici, career motivarionat speakers and e\posure iruj""t "oun"iting' outside world. was credited directly in the with Special Needs (CWSN): Rs- 72 50 lakh IV. Children for girls' account ofescor/ reader allowance and stipend "'"*r"i*icwsiq ". 1 Hindi Movie "Dang.l" (Kano Dekhi) was arranged for visually impaired children with the key objective to prcvide a recreational opportunity for Visually Challenged children and to promote the benefits of scheme zunong the masses. Training on Sign Language conducted for Special Educalors for dealing with CWSN in resource Rooms. Special Career Coaching: Super 50 concept was started in Kashmir Division for providing coaching classes for various professional enhance examinations for students with intake capacity of 100 students per centre (Medical 50 and Non-Medical 50). VI Virtual Field Support (Raabta): It was established in Jammu Division while as the same is under process for Kashmir Division with the aim to support the School Education Department in Resource Sharing and problem solving viz a viz school children. vll Student Exchange Progmmme: Under Studenr Exchange Programme, 2173 stud€nts visited different parts ofthe country. v t. Pre Primary Education (Kitrdergartetr) classes shned in some of the govemment schools during 2018-19. IX. Distribution of Itrnovative School Bagsischool Bags with Educational Desks provided to students of classes I st & 2nd acmss the state. 3. Review ofCommi and ExDecled Outcomes & Action durins 2018-19 The progress made in implementing the commitments and exp€cted outcomes given by the State in 2018-19 was reviewed and the status in resp€ct ofpending items is as under: sr. ConmltE.rt ard Exp€cr€d OutcoD6 PAB 2019-20 The state will ratioDa,ize r€acher As lar as po*;ble, tl",e Stale ensured that tu.ther efforts are d€ploymenr so that there is ro single rationaliztion of the teacher b€ins made so fiat no school t leache. school and the scbools have deployment has b€e. made io tunctioning with sinSle leacher- The I .omfonable PTR slale also committed for s comforlable PTR both at p.imary and Upper there's no single teacher school Primary level- Subjecl-wise PTR :s Stale will complele all the pend;ns civil The p€ndins civil works are u.der Almosl all the p€nding civil works works in 2018- 19. completion on a fast track 2 and shall hav€ been put to execution and are be hedei over !o the concem€d €xp€cted 10 ger completed by March, shortly. 2020. Effons will b€ nad€ fo. completion of The Aadhar enrollment of all th€ The Aadhaa. enmlmenr of leftove. Aadlarr enrolmert of all students and studenh ed t€achers is in tull sludents shall be completed by swing. 410 new Aadhar Etuolment January,2020. 3 Kits are being procu.ed to be iDstalled two in each CD Block 1o spedily covs lhe l€fl over Slale would ensure the implenenration PFMS is already bcins Inslructions have been conveyed 10 all of Public Financ€ Monitoring Syslem implemenred by th€ stare 4 and shall the DDOr+lOIs working at the fietd (PFMS) up ro the last destimtio. i.e., b€ p€rcolated lo the school level. lelel for implem€nlarion ofPFMS by November,20l9. 2 4. Review of Performance durire 2018-19 lndex (PGI) and was placed in State has secured a score of 644 in Pedormance Grading levels of 850 and above which form Crade V (actually Category VIll as no States are in the the first three levels) The Domain-wise Gaps are shown tclow: I Category 2 Totat 4 Domaitr I All Domains Dom.in 1 Domain 2 Dodain 3 Domain (360) r80 1 t92 356 48 2'1 62 27 domain and take measures to iEprove State was requested to examiDe its score in each its overall PGI. Achievement Surv-ey (NAS) a) Learning outcomes & Quality (C-1, D-l): As per National Outcomes ofclasses 3' 5 and 8' score, th;re is need to lay more focus on Leaning provide interveDtions to improYe Stat€ was requesled to atralyse NAS results and lea ing outcomes ofthe stude[ts' maximum grade in Transition but b) Access Outcomes (C-1, D-2): The State has achieved I0070 lransition has nol been achieved' transition rate' State was requested to take steps to etrsure 1009/0 ro c) IDfrastructure & Facilities (C-1, D-J)i State needs -' ":".t: ?11',:]::,t-':"t*"'facilities in Secondary ot* i""-a* (CAL) facilities in lJpper Primary Schools Lab a month of the start of the J"fr""f. *a p--riaing t"" text books to students wirhin academic session. Lab facilities in upper-primary Stut" r", oarir"a to set-up CAL facilities atrd ScieDce delivery of text books before the uoi ,""oooo.y ,"tools respectiYely an'l etrsure timely start of academic session' on provision of Ramps for Children d) Equity Outcomes (C-1, D-2): State needs to focus -' and provision *ii-ip""i"f N""a, (CWSN), Functional CWSN friendly toilets in schools ofAids and aPPliances for CWSN' for CWSN in all schools' Slate was requested to focus on accessibility more focus are: Percentage of el covernsnce Process (C-2, D_l) lndicators requi ng schools " il;i";.;";;-,;;i'noottiz tzt Percentase orPrimarv and upper primary meetingheadteachelnormsasperRTE(2.1.9).Percentageofupperprimaryschools (2 l.
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