J. KENNETH AABERGE Born: March 15,1925 - Died: Aprit ' 6, 2001 Liberty County Times April 11, 2001 Ken moved his family to Libby, J. Kenneth Aaberge Montana where he enjoyed his J. Kenneth Aaberge, 76, lost his retirement, hunting, fishing, and battle with cancer on April 6, 2001. knife making. He was proud to say Kenneth was born March 15, 1925 that he had knives in Norway, Africa, and in most of the states in the U.S. to Ludwig and Anna Aaberg~, Nor­ Ken was an avid hunter and fisher­ wegian immigrants who home­ man spending much of his time steaded South east of Shelby, enjoying the great out of doors: He Montana, in 1909. He was the was a member of the American youngest of seven brothers and Legion in and was a member sisters. Li~by, of the Montana Bow Hunters As- . Ken entered the 'U.S. Army June 23, 1945, justa month after marry­ sociation for many years. ing Ethel Stratton from Whitlash, Ken is survived by his wife Ethel, Montana on May 24, 1945. When his sons Claude, Jay, and daughters Ken was Honorably Discharged from Helen Cady her husband Darrell and the Army, he returned to the old Wanda. Ken has eight grandchildren homestead to farm with his two and four great grandchildren. brothers Lewis and Oliver Aaberge. Services will be held at St. Olaf They bought an old 0-4 Army Lutheran Church, Ledger, Montana Surplus Caterpillar which they ran 24 on Thursday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. hours a day breaking up the Tl:le arrangements will be handled grassland for farming. He left the by Whitted Funeral Home of Shelby, farm in 1966 to pursue other Montana. There will be a reception interests. Ken managed the Laas lunch at ~he church following the Bar in Chester for two years and service. then became an Operating Engineer working heavy construcation for such companies as Peter Keiwit Construction. He retired in 1986. JOHN NICHOLAS ALEX Born: July 27, 1912 - Died: February ' 18, 2001 Liberty County Times February 28, 2001 -----._-------- -- JQhnAlex anyparty.lfealsol laa-an"affinlti,-,or - - . ; befriending the younger generation. John Nicnolas Alex 88, of John was preceded in death by his Hingham, Montana, died in Mesa, parents and four brothers, Eddy, Arizona on Sunday, February 18, 'Harty, Anthony and Glenn. after an extended illness. Services were1reld Frida¥~ Febru­ John was bom in Kensal; North ary2~. at 11 :00 a.m., at the SiXtfY­ Dakota to Anthony Joseph and Avenue Christian Church in Havre Nettie (Greb) Alex on 'July 27,1912. with the Hev. Rowlie Hutton and the The family moved to Hingham that Rev. Tim Hauge officiating. Ray December. Peck was the eulogist. Vocalists Alex graduated from Hingnam Dana Darko, ' Le,ata Hansen, and High School in 1933, and married Doral Anderson sang "Danny Boy", PhOebe Dolph in Havre on May 27, and "On Eagle's Wings·. Dana 1939. He was a standout on the Darko sang "The Lord's Prayer". school's basketball team, and Marj Holt wasjhe accompanist. continued to be involved in Burial was in Highland Cemetery. il)9ependent basketball and baseball He is survived by his wife, Phoebe after he graduated. He was an avid ,'sports fan throughout his life. ' ' D. Alex of Hingham, sons, J.R. of Havre and Mesa, Nick of Hingham John spent his entire life in farm­ ing and'ranching s,outh of Hingham and Gene of Missoula' until declining health and eyesight ~ gt.andchildren, Jolee Alex Nicol~ prevented his continuing in his Alex, Daniel "Duke" Ale;; Dawn favorite pastime. He ran several Martin, Scott Martin, and Josh Alex; bands of sheep during the 1940's sisters, Myrtle Ditmar of Rudyard, and '50's. Eleanor Rathbun of Havre and He saw farming go from teams of Mildred Sedivy of Havre; num~rous horses to machinery with modern nieces and nephews. comforts in his time. He had little Donations may be made to ,formal musical training, but could donor's choice. play several instruments and his Arrangements by Holland and , ' n:!any friends knew him as'the life of Bonine Funeral Home. VERN OLAF ANDERSON Born: June 11.1927 - Died: November 30, 2001 ____~ _ _ ~~ __ ~ -VerfFwcnn;l genlle man who Liberty County Times loved to visit. 'He-was a good li~­ tener who always looked for POSI­ December 12, 2001 tive things)npeople and situa- in 197 4. Thismarriage-also' e~ea ­ tions. ' in divorce. Vern continued farm­ His survivors include three ing until 1983. He moved to Helen sons: se.QH: A'nderson, wife in 1984 where he worked in main­ Wendy . ~ 'i;Ci( :, ,children Shannon tenance at several youth homes and Seari1of,riAukilteo, Washing­ under the "Green Thumb" pro- ton, Terty -~H~er~on, wife Susan, and child@h)~e.nee and Shelby ~tg, r.am. He was~~!!~,~1dm ,9}~Y: n.l~~ ,','" d "Mr Ffx;Ite.'b" hr,,':ftlellCls of Carnp~IW¢,~lj!()~ni(l ~ and .Col,lin :,~ f.lf!IJ1e .:- . """"'1"'4. -~~::.~1t.~.- 1";:- ','-and coworkers at fhehOml3s:Vern Andefs6h ,l,-of~'eJ'H~ago,lIhnOls; continued to make Helena his three $teIi9~1,f~ 'f~i1"::TornBloch and lesidence following his retirement wife- ConnieI' of,'WHliston', North in 1992. In 1997 he moved to the Dakota, StENe '$lot'fit,6f.Seattle, Columbia Falls Veterans Home Washington, :'a~(:k'd~an , Flynn of for 1-1!2 years then went back to Berkeley, CalJtc5iilia;six step­ Helena. irandchildr~p; two siste:s: Vern Anderson Vern recently became ill and Victoria Staudacher and LIlly 'Vern Olaf Anderson was born was admitted to the Fort Harrison Oraw, both ~ot{C~" ter; and five on the family homestead north of Veterans Hospital. He was trans­ nephew5k N.t;", " ~nd Lee Lothair, Montana ,on June 11, ferred to the VA Hospital in Salt , Staudacher; ;ao "~" c ~lyin, Steve 1927. He was the only son o~ Lake City, UT where he died on and RO'd o~~w.; '>-':f( , three children born to Algot and Friday afternoon November 3D , Vern WC'iSi.lJ.( , ,'.. ,- :(n death by Hulda (Norling) Anderson. Vern 2001. He was 74 years old, his parents>( 'b~lf-brother grew up on the farm and attended Vern was baptized and con­ Herb Anders' , the Eagle Creek Countr.y Sch091. firmed at Trinity Lutheran Church • Memorial s: , He graduated from Chester high north of Lothair and was a lifelong ducted at 11,;0 \Wednesday School in 1944 at age 16, then member. Trinity Church is near December 5,2~ ; i'C' ,' y'Pastor Pe­ attended Northern Montana Col­ the Anderson homestead, in fact, ter Erickson :at:-Our Savior's lege in Havre. Vern's parents donated the land LuthiHCln chU ,~W ' in Chester. Karen Stack se/;Ved as organist In 1946 Vern enlisted in the US where the church sanctuary sits, jF ;',,: " • Army. He served , during World Vern was also a member of the and the cong,regatlon sang War II as a Private in the 6th Army, Galata American Legion Post "Amazing Grace,"-and "Precious aSSigned to the' US Army Engi-' #69, His hobbies were many. He Lord, Take My Hand." Wayne neers. He was honorably dis­ collected rocks and arrowheads, Wardell sang two family favorites charged in 1947 and returned to prospected for gold throughout "Mansion Over the Hilltop" and the family farm. the West, listened to Country "Peace in the Valley." Scripture As a bachelor during his early music, and enjoyed fishing, An readings were by Calvin and farming years, Vern traveled to avid reader and history buff, Vern steve Oraw. Special thoughts and Arizona and California in the win.: was especially fond of world War remembrances were shared by ter months to work on vegetable! II literature and current events. He Leonard Matteson. Ushers were fruit farms. He married patsy also enjoyed small engine repair Ed Staudacher and Rod Oraw. (Jackson) Bloch on December 11, and working on antique farm Pallbearers were friends Arnold 1958 at Galata, Montana. They equipment. and Harris Jeppesen, Roy and made their home in the Chester Early in his life he had aspira­ Richard Wickum, Paul Jot}nson, community where they raised tions of becoming an engineer; in Leonard Matteson, Clifford Blair, and Claude ' Hawks. Honorary Pat's thre,e children and three later life he had a continued sense sons of their own. Vern farmed. of wonder about modern technol­ bearers were listed ?-s· "e-II of and worked part-time as a ogy. Vern maint~iried a 10ve for Vern's many friends_" A IUFlcheon field man for the Federal Crop in­ learning, so he was an avid fan followed at the church. surance Corporation for 10 years. of CNN, history, and educational Graveside services were'1 :30 The Andersons divorced in 1970'. television. pm ' Wednesda), at Trinity During his many years in the Hi­ A highlight of his retirement Lutheran Church yeme!erYJlorth Line community, Vern worked on years was a trip to Alaska in 1992, :@fLdib~ir. _ Friends from,tha-Galata various survey and power line when he traveled with good friend 'A~&~rica~ Legion provided military construction crews. He marrie9 Leonard Matteson, on the 50th rites. his second wife, Marjorie Heggen, anniversary of the AI-Can High- Memorials will be given to the way, Trinity Lutheran Chili'ch, Trinity Church Cemetery, or donor's choice. DOROTHY A. BAILEY Born: November 6, 1916 - Died: April 25, 2001 Liberty County Times May 2, 2001 Dorothy A. Bailey Dorothy A. Bailey, 84 years of age, (a homemaker), a resident of rural Kremlin, Montana, died Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at a Havre Care Center of natural causes.
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