Ancestry.co.uk- UK, SoldienDied in theGreat Wor, 1914-1919 Page1 of I ,sf ftnff,s$try.i:*.l.ai,; UK SoldiersDied in the GreatWar, rgL4*LgLg Name: WilliamWaite DeathDate: t Nov LgL4 Enlistment Newbury Location: Rank: Private Regiment: ColdstreamGuards Number: 6z96 Typeof Casualty: Killed in action r-) i \_r Theatre of War: Western European Theatre Source Informntionl Military-Genealog.y.com,comp. UK, Soldiers Die.dinthe Great Wary 1974-1919fdataba.se on-line]. Provei,UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2oo8. Original data: Briffshland lrtsh Military Dctabase-s.The Naval and Milita4.. Pre^ssLtd. Descriptionr This databasecontains information extracted frorn 8r volumes of soldiers that died in World \{ar I. It ineludes over Tog,ooo individuals. Inftrrmation listed about mayinclude: n&m€ of soldier, birthplace, enlisturent place, r'esidence, number, decoraton, rank, rcgiment, hattaliorr, $'pe of casual$', death date, death place. and theater of war sened in. @ zor4, Ancestry.com http:/lsearch,ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bir/sse.dll?ranlFl&new:1&MSAV:0&msT'=1&gss...14105/2014 t ?a*. Soldiersof fnkpenulho fell in World War l. WilliemJohn Waite 1887-1914 t WllliamJohn Waite was born 19thJune 1887 in LowerGreen, lnkpen to Alfr€d Waite, an agriculturallabourer and ElizabethWaite {neeSpreadbury}, He is recordedin the 18!11and lqll Census'aslivlnt in lnkpenwlth his famlly. The 1911Census shows that he hasjoined the 2d BattalionColdstream Guards stationedIn Aldershot, SadlyPrivate no 6236William Waite was killed in actionon 1* November1914 in the WesternEuropean Theatre of War at Ypres,Befglum, aged 27" He is fistedwith the fallen of the ColdstreamGuards on the Menin GateMemoriaf. 0,^ ,;!l t, It 'ftonour sog The K$$[ sf -'Cnpt, Yernm ra* B nnmg ilagular offeern *nd n trcrn t*srdqr of swL .bssk lrt tr{INS(}sf,llL$lf,&Fgffi& Frln:*Gr.-lft ff" ],#ffS, ]ttl l]sttur. }fidrltuwx B+Xi.; _-- lction,eud ia rpct, rad FF lqq litt bp_ u31eh felt b"r all e}esbes," *nd 5ilagm sfts"$ld ryith tha Sxp*ditfun*rg S'oree in $'ran*r; *illed in *criein ffi tkpt;, l$fSJ m" Bu6' fdtuCrat tt& B,$fst InnlsH||tng Furitiers: "" (!*pt, Y*rnon e+st ms &e VINS$!*-.,.I(!IIN o errrlae me onld b*sr; brar.e to a fault, and ebcclutelf R- Pr{rate" !io. it,trEEE, {*.h Bettn. ltiddlrucx BcSL ; s{rnrsd ,cmpaal(to For6iblf' lritk ttu: Frrrc; lptlrh8, he h an o#eer *So oolilld k'ast be x5ur*ff tn the lraf.tatian."' a-:"l$:$. S.fWlttionerp di*d nt Srnnrn tt. Iree l.$tr{, o{ brod&}il$o, mu- trs€rd xEhtle on sdt$y+. $Er"d€ll; rrc. \elrtcr lho rru*c: :'q$. T*rnw wss tnr C-ompany-strier OlEcer rlght ftenr tbr I mtt e€f' ln \!oe to S ltlEv. 1$14. ^ . " IIe vas n disdirltindrisn- but we vrol"fli, sRAh$&T{i, Frlurf.to I{o. {iix?ffi, ttr.h ltnttn. -R*lal iBl sdorsd s"rsilimR: ssrvr.d Hs" snd wo{dd hrve dsft* anfthirw fe hirn. Cs$&: Ctmrlcy'l:ers€rl *itlr the F"xpeilitimnrp Fsrr:n irr Frssce; klllrd ful afikrD $ ho.r. ttfl$" rte s trntH *rd e [m soldlsr, r${ hls c{d eowgr*nf' (rshrt in l{.ft af ie} d'itt uevr'r lorglt lrim.'" Tlror,e *rrr rnru.r' lett+l* ef tlx *cm!e islE too n(rnirtst*$ t* rn*ntictc- Yl*,qC, JAhilE$. ?tlrrate" Ns. t)541, lio1.*l S**t Surrrf Scgt.l rerred rl{iir Crpt, Tsroof,fl" ult&orqh scrm'ly woumdd- *ntr {crt fr*m rudcr f€nrs tfi ytlsffi* ths Sxgx-.dithmary F*n*.; kilk*t in ac,tks S ,!*s. f$f$. hlr serranti nnd uqrg- llllt.d iu thr' st{.+npt. (l*Si" Yrt*errr uas nrenf,lolrrd i," IFIR'fUE, WIULIA"Ifi EIIWARI}, Ilrit*rr", Ss- l$jgtll.4. lX*pntclue Grarttc, i Mey, fSlS] t4' t]onrt*l lTr.$nEton lufrntrr flffidm -li,r, $ir lelr lt*lniltea, f+r $*rie- ]fcw Zealnud Pslxldttiouarg Ftrr*.*rrl +. ni |rrtxl+rj*k rsllagt and dl*t'lrgulsh{d irrtrlice ln tlre $cld. lrs$ a. *il-ro$$d \Yillisg, Utct'ttd. *ood spilt*. !f,ll*tsr Talltun by his lrifr. K&tbrrilry. rlnu- $f th{} lat* rsis ; ebrmplon bosa *t E r.lliug?sn erd $oslwirlr E Lcaq footlmliri lidwnrd E'illlarnn; 0. ; ard Bdlrttrur h, 4 1*Q; t'due W.urs*,nd{r -Prrh Prih}ir llofird S*hs6l wi* erit.katet md e soll-krlown s&{,t+r rsnd troetrg at ltlu*e':r {h:b *qtre. -Jqa" ; cr }d$fr* I I'atlor; sr-rxrd in the Ychahlre f+.rritocialc fm thrr'e ]"r.eys; rres.t tal .*rrirtrnl:s VtBI{eXr llffi.$Bffi DOftGtA$i lJsrd., $rd Sattn. #ressdl{r &uurdu la wfurr* fs gnd ^;Yclt'. ltll.*, sotulr tium }xr wsx amsriutwl-wi$h tip Arntr*I}*n Fig" c. af John Hsrtr{rt I'erncs" {d S&Sbaar .gallr,m; prtn*rvled f.rl Hsr 9ra*nnEl in $'r'b. ltlt4 ; ri*l*rifr*'rtr:l f*r Innpt*iiil Sr"rr!{.9:, *rrd joi*r.d the 3Tc$iqqtorr llr$nrt4r lrar.t*. itr l{*rv. l$l{ I r$$ni.rl ir. rc f,ffikffiti rx-ffi1'*,&t;i$ffii ggF?t; nho *ith the .Exlieditim*r;* Pmm in G*llipt{i trs/rn I Jun+. 10iir. nud s:ffi'ti#dT;*f iffi;"it$#t+ilfi6A':f-ffiiil: ssq k*llrxi in *c*.ton rt llur'trn llntr S r{,ng. {dlssirrg. H+ q.c-q u wrll"hnown s{ Sh**trlck lrark- r,s. (]bsstlg. ftart. : S'. nwlmsu.r snd croas*-eculttr$ ruEirr"r" ead. wlril{r irr Il*dctrrxs$drt {Yarks} anEl lYat+docl' nenr LiverFotrl, 4 Jsrr. lSFl*; rid*s ,h.dol*Idr,, tl{ritttr} Arlnfftlia, a'osr rucnS' lrize* ; iil?tin, Hc*$"R lfflLrt, Pnrkgcte, l&Ot-?; fttayrrr. \ry$*.*$tr grul hfi*{., lCf0?*}!, *nd Se*daXoa {:611rf,fl, -.lf^{s'*.Y *tL., llr{rat*. .hlxr" 8ir4$" i}ettn, R*p*al $nt*xex }try$. ; $Ef*rS" sit'h l9l&*1+: $ga. e m**rtx* sf tlp fher{.a*ws: **rtcd ttrr lJx3:r,*lltionery $"**e; httlr"tl iri **tis* at ) pfu"g + Htrv. l$I,i, ffrrS foc*fttll t+*ru, end f*s 'fhr. S*tn*d " .Flu* " qp__Eqq$,- ffHrySY {!MB$,Irrivirt*., !S*" 1${9S, Ittith ttntttr ti*x'x ltrgt, as c l,"ftsh-4n ut. Oxfcd, Fiarine-^tt-'thnltffi" f,coin{* i'f-}"-i. Srrd *. ef J*tmr l'rrxlrri*k t'eiRtr., d f S8, $rri\'{. {;n.rrr li,flarc,l. l.r'3't{rnst+n*, {:ilntrtd8e iB lSlS and. tt}l.i. F*rul+vs* $uttc{" try hix wifr" liSith lffp*g*r*ttn" dan, cf Jlrh* I{arlpiu b. l"i'i't{in- (Ft{:tErt ; Itous lr* wrs eho n lrrrmb+r rd tiir" *tixr** cs. 8!q,ir*x, ? lh'c- lfSl ; edrr*. #ilodhall .trlsnd *nrl $es*ort lt*ru] li*.lxull* joia<xl Sacffid _Sl.; s! Gxford th+ $.t"d-; ttv"v'$: $18s*uhuxrctrrtr'*tl3'*ppn'ciirxrg cr$ * Ilsflas ?ursirc anrl-Tllh-tr**gx: tr{,akEr: Fsrftt(d lsd L&.u*. ?th {T.$.i t}srtiu" ?h+ ftlnnd the IL*+t'x Tt"rritgials l* Jur*, l$L*; r'ot*ntr+rssl ttr f*r.lgr sl'rvirt, c* Hfq'e {}Jrrrpoo{ Xnfit"} tl }9er"" l{t}{; f"hs #$thteah of wsr isi .${iS. }S1{ .c{'rvr{t wlt}r (Irrsarlfur ; tltr" ffr.tlNhsrnneen **podlft*:rar.v tr*nsftrrrd ts tls. tiwrd* in 1013; Farrl- *t tht ll*r$aru*ltx frcm fl to 1S -da*" t916, on rrhleh iaft<.r diri* ht' r.s$ :S Frffid,sd l.i*Dt. Jen. t9!S; wrlrt t{l kill*Et irq gd.lon, lx'lutg shu{.tuy n sniysry csl*ki nstifitl. lturir"rl .rt tlrr rrur lr{ tlnr F}l$c$ sith the ;lxt Bsdtn. Jruly, t$t6. lr*I trq.srlirs at .{:rafart* i{lrrrri. ,\q" t lSl : ilHffi. sf,rr.sd ai t&r, fro*6 cs*tlnqcu-qll' uetlt l*s llcrtcf Il. llema, pg.I'Ef, . "t &'nih: *s* ftrpr*rit a* th*: sttsa,t sd tlw lldpe- VtlXn tsrivatr." ]io. ??{}S, *trd {!attn- lic.1"al *r,+it* b'uretlirrx; *.n'*d (}*&" - rollrrn S*doaf& thn ll*tile qf Loffh rnd *S*o wt*tr {hr }lxprtitionnry Frrree; tllc.{i in Tcrk }filit*rl' Il{s}itlil ft! iS3{, $f st LaroctiieLayooue $ffI,ond- Tprre,r"Ilrrsh ast|asfl &lrethe l]et*IsSet*ls oded t*t$t*r* trbmm*;ttsmrff; hiusdhiurd lsts sr*mte,ti#n-is is tbtb; wEcr*dn r*rtivr.ql lrr a*tioa; vs. Gurr{s' ohsrga }r*te*u l,tr* .ltfi?$nc,in ttnr 3nfftr: er tbr, 'kir'*f*" .{ -fiImhy tnd $o*rme, Y$Yfl8, IiAROLD &SlfAnX'" 1[o" *i$t]n lxt Satt"n" {ldd*rsas 'rr{ S€Ft.&F:-l$!d., 1SlS" Jt*t thstha-tlq+ tlme {tfof hisbis dsathd*st& rlr"ss$ rsr.inErar.ing wlth ftr**h* VC**r*,*pd-tfae}rirc {turi Gtr..rr*b; sr.rvtd reitil tb* Sxpr$i$ieraly **c€rr. kttlrd in *.**io*r d tha !d ; at tliv*aelry" Y. Gusnls lHgadc; srtnc. $tr .Ilr;*^ 1$I.i ; rx,. v1iEFy44Dr- tAtt-euflfp$ sAfflr llrtsa{e" .No" p!{, A Coy., I j{th irsun, 8tntotrth trlgH*ndem r. Aucffiss l'sm*rd, {,* ItrAFDIhI(}TOft' BE!{ C$WPBB' Friv*tr', Xo" 58i*, Srd lluttn. f,.lfr&tlemo tT.}'.), of s: tfii{tleri{tArird. l*c-to,n" 6us$r*q; ${{"fircd wilh t}xr Sxptc}ttkm+r6 S'6f,rc; i* *t $hip's tlarpemler on Trnupmt, by l*r wifc, {*+ ded: odJ.
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