'Bye, Clouds Deer_ing cloudineu ThurllllY .l1li cooler east. Highs in tht mid 40 •. F.lr • Thursday night with low. Igaln in the upper 201 nerth to low.r 3.. lOUthtast. rs Incr... ing cloudiness Iglin Frldly with oil a chance of rain we.t. High, in mlcl Serving the University of Iowa and the People 01 Iowa City the ~~: \J to upper .os. spack. l.t.bU.h... I. 1868 low. City, low. S2240-'.ur.... y, Nov. 12, 197. e•• t •• Cop, pted for I. ~a rd via ,"ounce· to U :cepted. ['Seattle Seven/ Auto Negotiators s , Trial Scheduled' Agree on Pact TACOMA, Wash . 1m - Seven young filed agains~ Marshall, Dowd, Kelly and people go on trial here Monday on feder· Abeles. DETROIT (All - The United Auto tng was adjourned UIlttJ ' :311 a. m. Thursday to give union officials al conspiracy charges stemming from Lerner came to Seattle from Berkeley, Workers and General Motors reached a more vandalism at a U.S. building in Seattle CatiL , and spent a year as a visiting pro· tentative agreement Wednesday on a time to write up an explanation 01 the estmenl last winter. The defendants and the gov­ fessor of philosophy at the University of new three-year labor contract which olIer. could set the strike-crippled auto giant ' rappin~ ernment already are arguing the case's Washington . His contract was not renew­ Bargaining table sourc~, however, lre safe significance. ed. Marshall , a political science gradu­ towards full prodUction by the end of said the pact Included these Items: The defendants, who call themselves ate of Cornell University, KeUy , Ms. the month. • A return to an unlimlted cost-of-J]v. istically the Seattle Seven, and their attorneys Stern and Abeles, formerly were memo Ratification of the national contract tng allowance - COLA - which moves claim the trial is the nation 's second rna· bers of Students for a Democratic Soc­ by 394,000 GM workers and the settle· wages up or down with quarterly chang· ;ure.the fullIn. (' jor conspiracy trial, the legal battle of iety. Lippman, a former student at Port· ment of ou.standing U. S. local con· es in the Consumer Price Index. The for tht the Chicago Seven being the [jrst. land's Reed College, and Dowd have tracts still stand in the way of a full re­ union agreed to a ceiling on COLA In nothing "Plain rubbish," says U.S. Attorn.y been associated with leftist groups in sumption of car and truck out·put by the the 1967 Big Three contracts and made Stan Pitkin. His oHice dr.w up the con· Seattle. world's largest automaker. a return to the unlimited formula a top se, Coen spiracy indictments after S.. ttle'. f.d· Marshall says Seattle hal b"n "lin· Earl R. Bramblett, GM's vice presi· demand in this year's bargaining. stamps eral courthouse was defaced during I gled out as a target area for repression dent for personnel and top bargainer, • A flnt.year Wlge Incr.... rlnglnt post of· demonstration last Feb. 17, the dlY after by the national administration." He says said the new contract was inflationary from 49 to 61 cents an hour depending the Chicago Seven verdicts wert handed although there were about 30 demonstra· by the standard definition of the word, on the worker'. pay 'Clle. The unlen down . had sought I boost .tartlng It 61.5 ctIItt Use ZIP tionl throughout the country Feb. 17, Charles de Gaulle II, left, grandson but added that this was the pattern to­ ently on "Conspiracy Is quite often an included "there was only one federal·level indict· day in labor contracts. and thl company" Iut offfi' started I' P Code count in any criminal case," Pitkin says. mtnt coming out of these demonstrltion. of the late French leader, Secretlry Detail. of the contrlC! wert withheld 31 cents. Th. currant avtragl hourly delivery "It could be conspiracy to commit bank and that was in Seattle." of State William Rogers, center, anti until it I, prestnted to the union's 350· wage in the jndUl1rf I. $.4.02. Autemlk· robbery, distribute heroin or participate .rs e.tlm... they pay In Iddltionll $1.75 Marshall asserts Seattle was chosen Mourners President Rlch.rd Nixon .,rlv. It m.mber GM council, which mUlt okly in a civil disorder." the pact IItfora It II pa.sed on tile In hour I" wages .nd fringe benefits. ; Chris:. because of its "isloation" and because Orly Field in Paris Wed",lIIay to It· to lmarizes Charged with conspiracy to damage membership for ratification. • Retirement for workers with 30 the federal courthouse, which was spray· the defendants are not as well known na· tend I memorial service for ... rly and tionally as were the Chicago Seven. The council met at 1 p. m. Wednesday years service at ..,00 a month at age 58 ed with paint and had some windows Gaull •. (See rellted story. Pagt '.) to look at the contract, but the meet· in the first year o[ the contract, age 56 broken , are Michael Lerner, 27, Charles Pitkin disagrees, saying "it's a local in the second year and age 55 in the C. Marshall III, 25, Jeffrey Dowd, 20, case." third year. The union bad originally Joseph Kelly, 24 , Michael Abeles, 19, "There's no national significance," sought retirement at $500 a month after r Roger Lippman, 22, and Susan Stern, the U.S. attorney adds. Hawkeye Book Store May Close 30 years, regardles of age. Under the 27. An eighth defendant, 19·year-old Mi­ "There are cases pending involving current contract a 55-year-old worker t chael Justesen, is sun sought. violent civil disorders throughout the with 30 years of service could retire at la Lerner also has been charged with country." a maximum of $104.22 monthly. using interstate telephone lines to in· He says those cases "run the gamut Pending Appeal on Rezoning Denial • Four weeks vacation for workers n up. cite to riot. Additional charges of cross· from damaging government property to with 20 years of service. ing state lines to incite to riot have been interstate travel to incite riots." r milt! By DEBBtE BAYER Charles Barker, attorney for Hawkeye status quo downtown while waiting for The fin. I d.t.1I1 of the contract wera Dally Iowan Reporter Bookstore, said that urban renewal had urban renewai," Barker said. "I[ they put tog.ther in two long ....Ion., • 17. !M, lid hour on. that beg.n Monday morning Hawkeye Book Store, 30 S. Clinton, no definite timetable and might take five don 't keep the e people captive, they 0111 the will probably close unless the city allows and a final one which beg.n Tt.esday or ten years to get started. He said are afraid tiey won 't be able to sell the re hit b, [ State Selective Service it to move to a new site on the corner land downtown when urban renewal fin· morning and ended early Wednesday. Monday of Market and Clinton St., according to that there had been virtually no grow· ally gets started. But you can't main· Bargaining hed been st.pped up slnc. nellt de· a spokesman for the company that owns th in downtown Iowa City for several taln a status quo in business. Hawkeye Oet. 30. {ompong the store. years because of businessmen's inse· has been trying to find a new site for GM had said earlier it needed a set­ : shelled I Will Allow Withdrawal "The company finds it economically curity about urban renewal. five years. They are punishing the book­ tlement by Wednesday if it was to get 'erllll1ent impossible to operate a competitive "The city is trying to maintain the store by telling them to wail." back in production by Dec. 1. A recent Selective Service directive status and to enter a lower priority se­ bookstore in the present location," said Bramblett said each plant had its own aHows men with a high Random Se­ lection group on January 1 of the sue· plan for getting back In operation. As reports Gilbert Schuppan, vice'president of l. quence Number which will not be reach· ceeding year, the statement said. The Missouri Store Co. soon as local agreements are ratified. spokes· ed this year the right to request with· only deferments which may be relin­ The Iowa City Planning and Zoning EDITORIAL he added, maintenance personnel will ~tnamese drawal of their deferments, Iowa State quished are student, occupational, agri· be called back to ready the plant mao ed. Selective Service Director Glenn R. Commlttee voted unanimously Tuesday cultural, paternity and hardship defer· to deny Hawkeye's request to rezone chinery for startup. The remaining Bowles said in a statement released last ments. workers will be called back as soon as week. the lot, which is in a re idential aree. The highest number to be reached in for commercial use. The committee's Money Matters they can be u ed, he said. Such action would permit men to 1970 by a local board in Iowa is esti· decision will be considered by the 'City UAW President Leonard Woodcock leave their lottery year in an available mated to be 190, the statement said. Council. A good deal of misinformation has beeD bandied about recent! concerning emphasized that Wednesday's agreement The directive would allow men with Hawkeye Bookstore, Schuppan said, the financial status of the Daily Iowan both b the media and by lndi iduals. covers only national issues M1 th Unit. higher numbers to drop their defer· d tates.
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