Newsletter of Chapter 75 Quad-Cities of Illinois and Iowa, USA www.eaa75.com April 2011 T H E E X P E R I M E N T A L A I R C R A F T A S S O C I A T I O N gether. Our Secretary George Bedeian and Newsletter Editor Marty Santic were at a Chapter leader‘s conference in Oshkosh last month during our regular meeting. (Continued on page 6) Last Month’s Program - Marv Hoppenworth - EAA and the Repair Barn in the Early Days - the 1960s From The Desk of the President Spring has finally arrived and I had the privilege of going around the patch before it arrived on a nice sunny day. We had a great program last month with our good Marv came from Chapter 33 in Cedar Rapids to speak friends Marvin and Kathy Hoppenworth from Chapter about the early days of the EAA annual fly-in and 33 in Cedar Rapids. Marvin showed slides of the convention. He along with several members of Chap- homebuilts of the 60‘s. Thanks Marvin. ter 75 started the Repair Barn in a tent that was pro- vided by Paul Poberezny due to needs at the early This month, the program has been arranged by Rich- Rockford fly-ins. ard Morrow. Dale Hendricks will inform us of his experiences in the navy as a pilot. Bio., elsewhere in He had a carousel of slides of aircraft from the 1950's this newsletter. & 1960's and spoke knowledgably about each of them and their builder/pilots. Many of the aircraft of the May 21 EAA & International Learn to fly day era were one-off creations, some not too successful (Take someone flying that day). Chapter 75 is also and others, including early Tailwinds and T-18s much conducting a (Young Eagle) event that day at Daven- more so. A few of the photos featured some current port Municipal DVN. Dwight Bender is pulling the chapter members, most nearly unrecognizable due to details together copious amounts of dark colored hair on their heads. Marv is a retired A & P and an active member of the Quad City Aviators Association is also conducting a Cedar Rapids chapter and he extended a warm invita- (WannaBe) event that day at Davenport Municipal tion for all to attend the upcoming Chapter 33 50th DVN. Diane Beauchamp is pulling the details to- anniversary party. Next Meeting - April 9th - 7PM - Dale Hendricks - Naval Aviator Deere Wiman Carriage House — 817 11th Avenue Moline, Illinois (click for a Map) April 2011 Page 1 The Landings April 9th Chapter Meeting Married to Alison McCrary, US Naval Academy graduate, currently a Captain in the Naval Re- serves – she served five years on active duty as a The April Chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, Surface Warfare Officer on both the West and April 9th at 7PM. It will be held at the Deere- East Coasts. Currently she is the Commanding Wiman Carriage House, located at 817 11th Avenue Officer of a NAVEUR reserve unit it Pittsburgh, in Moline, IL. OH providing support to AFRICOM. This month‗s meeting will feature a presentation by My definition of who I am, ―…an 18 year old farm Dale Hendricks. This should be a very good presen- kid from southeast Iowa who has done more than he tation. Take a look at Dale‘s very impressive resume. ever thought he would, not as much as he would like He will have a PowerPoint presentation and WILL to and has had more fun doing it than he thought pos- wear his uniform. sible‖. RESUME OF DALE HENDRICKS Member or non-member, EVERYONE is invited!! Born and raised on a dairy farm in Southeast Iowa, graduate of Bloomfield High School March 12th Board Meeting Minutes Graduated US Naval Academy in 1968, BS Engi- neering Entered flight training September 1968 CALL TO ORDER: The board of directors meeting Designated Naval Aviator February 1970 was called to order by chapter president Jim Smith at Jet Basic Flight Instructor – Meridian, MS – 1970 6:00 P.M -72 Transferred to A-7E attack aircraft training Jack- MEMBERS PRESENT: Members present were Jim sonville, FL Smith, Larry McFarland, Dave Jacobsen, and Ed Joined VA-66 and made two cruises to the Medi- Leahy,. terranean aboard USS Independence, CV-62, from 1972-75 with Air Wing 7. Flew in support OTHERS PRESENT: Steve Beert. of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war and the Greek – Turk confrontation over Cyprus in 74 – 75. BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Mike Nass, Assigned to Recruiting District in Des Moines; George Bedeian (was at the Leader‘s Academy). responsible for all Navy Officer programs for Iowa from 1975-78. Flew a Navy T-34B as part TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurers Report was of recruiting assignments for three years from a read by Ed Leahy. A motion to accept by Dave civilian fixed base operation. Jacobsen and seconded by Larry McFarland and was Transferred to the Naval Reserves and began em- approved by the board. ployment with John Deere in the Quad Cities June 1978 OLD BUSINESS: Minutes were approved from the Retired from the Navy in 1998 at the Naval Acad- previous meeting. Was recognized that George Be- emy after 30 total years of Naval service with the deian and Marty Santic are attending the Chapter rank of Captain. Retiring officer was the Chief of Leaders Academy in Oshkosh tonight. Naval Operations. NEW BUSINESS: Perhaps we should consider hav- 2400 + hours of flight time th 260 + carrier landings ing a Chapter 75 50 Anniversary party, would be 28+ years with John Deere retiring from Deere two years late. December 2006. Loaned executive to the Figge Art Museum Feb- The QC Aviators, Chapter 75 and the B-17 program ruary 2004 working with the Marketing Commit- will share the same date of Saturday, July 9, 2011. tee to bring the Figge online and the public. Will have to determine if this is a problem and if we Currently a commissioner on the Davenport Air- should consider eliminating the party that Saturday. port Commission Secretary of the Quad Cities Astronomical Soci- We are looking for a means to reach more 16 and 17 ety (Continued on page 3) April 2011 Page 2 The Landings brake fluid is mistakenly used as a metal cleaner prior March 12th Board Meeting Minutes to welding. When the trace amounts of brake fluid is (cont.) heated during welding, phosgene gas is given off. This must be taken seriously. Only 4 parts per mil- (Continued from page 2) lion will kill you quickly. year olds in our Young Eagles program. It is sug- gested more attention to getting these people in the Terry Crouch made a comment that people are not air, even by appointment with designated pilots of our using flight advisors to transition between plane chapter. Another idea might be to provide them and types. their parent(s) special invitation to Chapter 75 events, meetings, picnics, Oshkosh etc. We lost a T-18 at Davenport Airport today, possibly due to a milk house heater and a leaking fuel system. Chapter 75 should be a group that‘s willing to help The fuselage was totaled in the hangar, leaving only them decide if aviation will be their future, hobby, the wings and prop on the floor. vocation or life experience and provide whatever as- sist and contacts possible. Jim Smith told the group that Jerry Coussen‘s aircraft damaged its landing gear when it left its trailer during We received $500 from Father Murray for Repair transport to Davenport Airport. One gear leg was bro- Barn activities. It was considered a good idea to pass ken another bent. the funds along to send 13 year old Bryce Campbell (who is fighting cancer) to the Air Academy. FLIGHT ADVISOR REPORT: Nothing to report. The board also voted to send $100 to EAA to match REPAIR BARN: Cy Galley reported that this year‘s funds for the Pete Burger Chapter Development Fund. registration for chairman and vice chairman‘s of the emergency aircraft repair barn has been sent in to A motion was made to end the board meeting; the Oshkosh. motion was seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. TOOL LIBRARY: Steve Beert said it‘s time to look at tools again. We have $4000 for those considera- These minutes respectfully submitted by Larry tions. Weight and balance scales need to be updated McFarland, Board Member EAA Chapter 75. again. March 12th General Meeting YOUNG EAGLES: Nothing to report. Minutes OLD BUSINESS: Nothing to report. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to or- NEW BUSINESS: Ron Ehrecke is recovering from der by Chapter president Jim Smith at 7:10 P.M. surgery in Chicago this week. There were approximately 42 members present. The chapter is considering what might be done TREASURERS REPORT: Ed Leahy read the (special) for chapter veterans, like a free flight in the treasurer‘s report to the membership. The report was B-17, paid by Chapter funds if necessary. Example approved at the board meeting. cited: Vern Long, B-25 and C-47 helicopter pilot and founding chapter member. VISITORS AND NEW MEMBERS: Bob Johnson, Jr., Bob Johnson, Sr. and Matt Bancow. New mem- We received $500 from Father Murray for Repair ber, Tim Delf from Blue Grass, IL. Tim obtained the Barn activities. It was considered a good idea to pass Airworthiness Certificate for his Zenith CH-701 with the funds along to Bryce Campbell. Father fly‘s a an 0-200 engine and flew it for a first flight this week.
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