For all your Timber Engineering Solutions ACROSS ENGLAND & WALES TRUSSES SPANDREL PANELS METAL WEB POSI-JOISTS TIMBER FRAME ROOF PANEL SYSTEMS ROOFING & FLOORING METALWORK FEATURE TRUSSES I-JOIST SIPS PANELS FLOOR CASSETTES “...better by design” Roof Panel Systems Trusses Crendon Timber Spandrel Panels Gable Panels Engineering Feature Trusses Roof Cassettes Timber Frame Porches For 50 years we’ve been at the forefront in the design and manufacture of engineered timber ROOF & FLOOR Gable Panels products. We are constantly working with our customers to create new levels of on-site CASSETTES Crendon has an enviable track record in the detailing, efficiency, exceptional service and innovative thinking, meaning our products help builders and off-site manufacture, supply and installation (when developers deliver better new homes. required) of Gable Panels. These factory-produced pre- We offer a comprehensive design and manufacturing service through our team of “in house” fabricated panels are an alternative to traditional brick and block gable ends. professional designers. Our manufacturing facilities are all quality controlled and CE certified. Designed to meet UK Building Regulations as well as the profile of the roof, panels are installed alongside the trusses to form a dividing wall. By eliminating the need for scaffolding and simplifying the sequencing of other trades in the roof, panels can assist in the reduction of on- Attic Trusses Trusses site costs whilst significantly improving Health and Safety Designed to include a lower member which acts as a floor Timber Roof Trusses are the most cost-effective way Eaves to Ridge Roof Panel Cassette System with Glulam procedures. platform, offering more flexibility in the building’s layout to build a roof – a flexible, practical, easy-to-erect or Box Truss Ridge Beams. Modular, interlocking panels, – and making it easy to add an extra bedroom, en-suite engineered solution which saves time on-site and can use mean construction on site is simple. The result is a totally Feature Trusses or walk-in wardrobe. Attic Trusses are quicker and easier up to 40% less timber than traditional options. open, light and airy space. Forward-thinking designers are turning to feature trusses to install than traditional steel beams or loose timbers. Crendon roof trusses have up to 16m clear span and are to create open, light, loft style rooms. Crendon have many Options for the ‘floor joist’ include strong, lightweight Spandrel Panels years experience designing and manufacturing feature metal web joists which also allow services to be easily manufactured from TR26 graded timber either 35mm or A cost effective alternative to blockwork party walls trusses in a wide range of styles, from the simplicity installed. 47mm thick. Our gable ladders and valley frames, where required, come pre-assembled to save time on site. affording major Health and Safety benefits whilst offering of industrial plated, to the boldness of glulaminated considerable build time savings. softwood and stainless steel. “trusses with up to 16 metre spans” All trusses are purpose-designed and the Supplied as fire and sound rated timber frame panels, We can combine our engineering expertise with package can include: made to the profile of the roof, they remove the need to traditional carpentry skills to produce custom made, build up masonry party walls into the roof space, saving heavy section, feature trusses. Hand made in Softwood • Structural timbers to complete the roof, including time on build programmes. With built-in lifting straps or Hardwood, we create styles and detailing that will suit wind bracing, loose rafters, ceiling joists, hip boards they are installed alongside the trusses to form a fully your specific environment. and any other infill compliant dividing wall. • The complete structural package for the project can include manufactured gable ladders, valley frames, spandrel panels and gable panels • Metal fixings for timber to timber and timber to masonry connections • Wallplates, wallplate straps, restraint straps • Non-structural timbers – tank platforms, fascia, soffit, etc • PVCU or timber fascia and soffit “...better by design” “...better by design” NOTES NOTES All timbers softwood.All timbers Oak softwood.option +40% Oak option +40% NOTES Porches to be suppliedPorches tounfinished be supplied for painting unfinished on forsite painting on site • All timbers joinery grade softwoodAll timbers or an softwood. oak option. Oak option +40% Tops pre-fabriactedTops withpre-fabriacted posts & beams with posts or Gallows & beams supplied or Gallows loose supplied loose Porches to be supplied unfinishedPorches for topainting be supplied unfinishedon site. for painting on site • Tops pre-fabriactedFixings, Felt, with Battens, Fixings,posts &Tiles Felt,beams or Battens, Finishing or Gallows Tiles not supplied or supplied Finishing loose not supplied Gable to Gable • Tops pre-fabricated with posts &Fixings, beams Felt, orBattens, gallows Tiles or suppliedFinishing not suppliedloose. PORCHESNOTES NOTES NOTES Fixings, Felt, Battens, Tiles or FinishingAll timbers Allnot softwood. timbers supplied. softwood. OakAll option timbers Oak +40% softwood.option +40% Oak option +40% • Porches toPorches be supplied to be unfinishedsuppliedPorchesStandard tounfinished for be painting supplied for on painting Standardunfinished site on forsite painting on site Wide Wide A gable to gable Smartroof plot is a roof that • Lead time - 4 weeks. Tops pre-fabriactedTops pre-fabriacted withStandard Topsposts withpre-fabriacted & beams posts or& beamsGallows with posts or supplied Gallows & beams loosesupplied or WideGallows loose supplied loose Fixings, Felt,Fixings, Battens, Felt, Tiles Battens,Fixings, or Finishing Tiles Felt, or Battens, notFinishing supplied Tiles not or supplied Finishing not supplied TRUSSES MAY NOT BE NOTCHED, DRILLEDTRUSSES OR MAY NOT BE NOTCHED, DRILLED OR spans approximately 5.6m in width. CUT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OVERHANGS,CUT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OVERHANGS, 40° 40° WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OFWITHOUT THE THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE TRUSSES MAY NOT BE NOTCHED, DRILLEDROOF TRUSS OR MANUFACTURE. ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURE. 866 866 866 866 CUT WITH866 THE EXCEPTION OF OVERHANGS, 866 40° STANDARD WIDE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSIONALL OF 22X100mm THE WIND BRACING MUST BE INSTALLEDALL 22X100mm WIND BRACING MUST BE INSTALLED ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURE. AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND AS SHOWNAS SHOWN ON ON THIS DRAWING AND AS SHOWN ON 866 866 WideWide Wide866 THE RELEVANT TRUSS THE RELEVANT TRUSS StandardStandardStandard ALL 22X100mm WIND BRACING MUST BE INSTALLED PROFILE. ALL WEB LONGITUDINAL BRACES,PROFILE. WEB ALL WEB LONGITUDINAL BRACES, WEB Due to this relatively short span, our roof panels span and − Due to the panels being supported by the two gable AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND ASCHEVRON SHOWN ONBRACES AND WEB DIAGONAL BRACESCHEVRON BRACES AND WEB DIAGONAL BRACES THE RELEVANT TRUSS MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PROFILEMUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PROFILE PROFILE. ALL WEB LONGITUDINAL BRACES,DRAWINGS. WEB ANY QUERIES, PLEASE ASK. DRAWINGS. ANY QUERIES, PLEASE ASK. Arden CHEVRON BRACES AND WEB DIAGONAL BRACES MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PROFILE ArdenArden 3016 3016 are installed ‘gable to gable’ this ultimately means that ends, there is no requirement for internal support DRAWINGS. ANY QUERIES, PLEASE DATEASK. REV. DESCRIPTION DATE REV. DESCRIPTION 2224 2224 3105 3105 Arden 3016 TRUSSES MAY NOT BE NOTCHED,TRUSSES DRILLED MAY NOT OR BE NOTCHED, DRILLEDTRUSSES OR MAY NOT BE NOTCHED, DRILLED OR DATE REV. DESCRIPTION CUT WITH THE EXCEPTIONCUT OF WITH OVERHANGS, THE EXCEPTION OF OVERHANGS,CUT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF OVERHANGS, 2150 31052150 2150 2150 40° 40° 40° 2224 WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSIONWITHOUT THE OF EXPRESS THE PERMISSION OFWITHOUT THE THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE the roof panels land horizontally, and are supported by (glulams/steels/box girders). ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURE.ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURE. ROOF TRUSS MANUFACTURE. 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 2150 2150 ALL 22X100mm WIND BRACINGALL 22X100mmMUST BE INSTALLED WIND BRACING MUST BE INSTALLEDALL 22X100mm WIND BRACING MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWINGAS SHOWN AND AS ON SHOWN THIS DRAWINGON AND AS SHOWNAS SHOWN ON ON THIS DRAWING AND AS SHOWN ON THE RELEVANT TRUSS THE RELEVANT TRUSS THE RELEVANT TRUSS the two gable spandrel panels. PROFILE. ALL WEB LONGITUDINALPROFILE. BRACES, ALL WEB WEB LONGITUDINAL BRACES,PROFILE. WEB ALL WEB LONGITUDINAL BRACES, WEB CHEVRON BRACES AND WEBCHEVRON DIAGONAL BRACES BRACES AND WEB DIAGONAL BRACESCHEVRON BRACES AND WEB DIAGONAL BRACES MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWNMUST ONBE INSTALLEDPROFILE AS SHOWN ON PROFILEMUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON PROFILE − The process of installation is safe - the panels are DRAWINGS. ANY QUERIES, DRAWINGS.PLEASE ASK. ANY QUERIES, PLEASE ASK. DRAWINGS. ANY QUERIES, PLEASE ASK. 3016 3016 ArdenArdenArden3016 DATE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE REV. DESCRIPTION Smartroof utilises a unique patented design and installed at the eaves first which braces the structure 2224 2224 2224 3105 3105 3105 2150 2150 2150 2150 £1050.00£1050.00 +vat2150 +vat£1125.00£1125.00 +vat +vat2150 engineering system that facilitates this installation after the first panels are landed. £1050.00 +vat £1125.00 +vat process which has many selling points: − Typically there would be 3 panels per side of the roof, £1050.00£1050.00 +vat£1050.00 +vat £1125.00 +vat£1125.00 +vat£1125.00 +vat +vat − Spanning gable to gable provides
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