Komunitas 7 (2) (2015): 271-282. DOI:10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.4836 KOMUNITAS International Journal of Indonesian Society And Culture http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/komunitas The Information Needs and Media of Small Islands Society Ambar Yoganingrum 1, Wahyoe S Hantoro 1Centre for Documentation and Scientific Information - Indonesian Institute of Sciences 2Geotechnology Research Center. Indonesian Institute of Sciences Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.4836 Received : August 2015; Accepted: September 2015; Published: September 2015 Abstract The purpose of the study is to identify the needs and appropriate media for information services regarding the management of freshwater and sanitation of small island community in North Lombok. The data was collected using a questionnaire with the households as respondents. The study then compared two samples i.e. the community in the district of Lombok north and Kepulauan Seribu using Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique. The community in both districts has similarities and differences in the aspect of demographic, understanding, behaviors as well as the information needs and the preferred media. The study concludes that the community in Lombok Utara needs information about global warming and its effect to the damage of freshwater and sanitation. The media information such as film animation is necessary to be considered due to fact that people of the two districts have a longer time on the land. Keywords: information needs; information media; fresh water management; small islands INTRODUCTION tion has caused the community unable to Coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests and have the capability of disaster mitigation rock cliffs are natural protectors against the and adaptability to the impacts of global dangers of extreme events due to climate warming (Gentle and Maraseni, 2012; Brya- dynamics, e.g. strong waves (Hantoro et al., na et al, 2009). Therefore, the concepts and 2013, Hantoro et al., 2014). However, society models related to information services need is driven by the needs of building materials to be proposed to improve disaster mitigati- so they make them as economic resources, on capabilities and adaptability. Indonesia’s causing the damage to the natural protec- information services for people in the vulne- tors. The damage to the natural protective rable regions to climate dynamics have not layer will cause the destruction of fresh wa- been developed in an organized way. There- ter in that area. The condition is worsened fore, this study aims to identify the demo- by the negative behavior, such as allowing graphic data, understanding, behavior, and the flow of fresh water into the sea, there- media information selected by the small fore reducing the balance of freshwater in islands community in Gili Indah village, coastal area or small island and building lat- North Lombok regency. This study is also rines and disposing the waste into any place to test the equality of two samples which on the coastal areas and waters, resulting in are communities in North Lombok district pollution for ground water and coastal envi- and Kepulauan Seribu district with the as- ronments (Hantoro et al. 2008a, Hantoro et sumption that people in the two districts al., 2008b). have similarities in demographic aspect, Limitation in accessing the informa- understanding of global warming, behavior Corresponding author : © 2015 Semarang State University. All rights reserved Address: Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 10 Jakarta 12710 p-ISSN 2086 - 5465 | e-ISSN 2460-7320 Email : [email protected] UNNES JOURNALS Komunitas 7 (2) (2015): 271-282 272 and selected information media. Hence, it wise, Baldwin et al (2012) uses a visualizati- is expected to obtain a more complete pictu- on tool as well as a participatory approach re of the development model of freshwater to the interpretation and communication of management information services in order scientific knowledge to help understanding to improve the adaptation of small island the groundwater hydrology for communi- communities in Indonesia. ties and local government. This collabora- Information services to coastal com- tive and participatory ways as well as visual munities and small islands are carried out method are able to increase the understan- with the aim to increase the mitigation ca- ding of the issue of natural resource mana- pabilities and adaptability of community gement. Such a tool could help addressing groups. Socialization of climate change on the security threats of land due to climate farmers and fishermen in five districts of dynamics and pressures due to the use of Indramayu, North Jakarta, Batu, Serdang continuous agriculture and mining activi- Bedagai, and Bau-Bau districts are done ties. using radio media (Abdurrahin, 2012). Based Small islands in Indonesia are formed on research of Hidayati (2012), socialization by various geological processes, creating the in five districts/cities are not optimal due to islands with diverse landscapes and rocks the limited number of fishermen and far- (Hantoro, 2010). Landscape and geology of mers who listen to the radio broadcast as islands create coastal regions in the form of well as the broadcasting content. Problems sloping plains or steep cliffs, wide or narrow encountered by fishermen and farmers in with the types of plants that also vary accor- each district/city are diverse and complex, ding to the growing abilities. Gili Trawan- requiring precision in the selection of the gan, Gili Meno and Gili Air in North Lombok information broadcast content. regency are islands which are actually parts According to Zach and McKnight of the outcrop alluvium volcano forming the (2010), information professionals are less mainland. In the northern part of Gili Tra- improvised in meeting the information wangan, it is covered by alluvium. In the co- needs of the victims of disasters caused by astal part of the island is covered by limes- natural or man-made. They should be able tone of shell reef building organisms. This to create new, more effective services to material is believed to be the remaining of meet the diverse information needs, during limestone reefs from the Holocene age at an and immediately after the disaster. Zach and altitude of up to 1 m above sea level, which is McKnight (2010) propose the use of edu- commonly found in the small island beach. cational modules that contain examples of Gili Meno and Gili Air which are in the form best practices in information services. Infor- of sloping land, have no outcrop of volca- mation professionals are expected to deve- nic rocks as in Gili Trawangan. The surface lop strategies to respond to the information of the island is in the form of deposition of needs of users who often change with refe- alluvium and rocks tuffs and fragments of rence to the module. limestone reefs materials. Shepard and Shaw (2007) use three- Rainwater in the three Gili/islands is dimensional visualization tools which desc- largely permeated by the alluvial layer and ribe the conditions that will occur. The tool partly restrained by the top of the calcareo- is used to raise awareness and encourage us tufa rock. This infiltration forms a layer community involvement related to environ- which is saturated with the water in the mental issues. Conceptually, the tool is able shallow aquifer. In the hills with outcrops of to integrate the impact, adaptation, and mi- calcareous tufa, water is seeped to a depth tigation in a holistic plausible scenario and of more than 15 m. In the building area, the examine the social impact or obstacles in water flows as surface flow, through chan- the implementation of the new policy. The- nels and is finally thrown into the sea. refore, it will speed up the completion of the The area of Kepulauan Seribu in Jakar- problems related to climate dynamics. Like- ta consists of ramps and small islands, an UNNES JOURNALS 273 Ambar Yoganingrum and Wahyoe SH, The Information Needs and Media of Small Islands Society island reef with a height of not more than 2 respondents, because most of them cannot m above sea level. As an island of coral reefs, read. A number of respondents who could the islands’ cover layer materials are sand read requested the questionnaires to be read and carbonate crusts material fragments of because they did not have the confidence coral reefs. The cover layer thickness ranges to fill in. The survey results were analyzed from a few centimeters up to approximate- using simple statistics that measured the ly 2 m. Most coastal mangrove island has a percentage. Besides, the observation in the cover with a thickness from a few meters to environment of the island was conducted as more than 50 m (Hantoro, 2010). well. Freshwater found in Kepulauan Seribu The study also examined the similari- region only comes from rain water. Water is ty of two samples, namely small island com- absorbed and stored in weathering layers munities in North Lombok district and the of carbonate material. Under the saturated Kepulauan Seribu by using the techniques fresh water layer, there is a layer of coarse se- of Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The hypothesis in diment which is filled with salty sea water. this test was the demographic data, as well Excessive intake of fresh water causes sedi- as the understanding of the public informa- ment pore void is then filled by saltwater tion media selection was the same in both from the below. The charging through the districts. If the probability value was greater seepage of rain water runs into trouble be- than 0.05 (H0> 0.05) then the hypothesis cause the larger type of salt water from the was accepted, if it was smaller than 0.05 (H0 rain. Charging back can only be done with <0.05) then it was rejected. Data from the the injection of fresh water through pipes Kepulauan Seribu district used research re- connected from the fresh water reservoir at sults of Yoganingrum et al (2012).
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